Unused Content found in DKC Trilogy!

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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Gnawzooka » October 3rd, 2008, 6:06 pm

Oh well, at least you had them before everyone else. ;) Your new avvy's cool by the way. :)
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby DKCplayer » October 4th, 2008, 8:10 am

Thanks Gnawzooka.
Also, here's a sprite sheet I put together:
Gold Letters.PNG
Gold Letters.PNG (5.55 KiB) Viewed 227470 times

I was bored. :P
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Simion32 » October 5th, 2008, 6:34 pm

It turns out that the panel thing I mentioned earlier is actually used in the intro, it's just hard to notice that it's there unless you're looking for it. There are no unused boom-box frames either; the suspect sprites are used when it falls onto the steel girder.

I did notice one unused Croctopus sprite and a lightning sprite, both of which I've never seen in-game (without PAR codes, of course).
TwoMoreUnusedSprites.PNG (1.56 KiB) Viewed 227421 times

As a side note, there are seven "corrupted" sprites mixed in with King K. Rool's sprites. Their relative pointer offsets are 1618, 161C, 1620, 1624, 1628, 162C, and 1630. Perhaps these seven pointers were left over from one of those unused animations Mattrizzle found.

Regarding all sprites:
Anything below sprite pointer 0x008C is most likely either junk or corrupted. 0x2AF0 seems to be the last sprite in the pointer table, which is at the end of the Zinger's death animation. Taking into account all the sprites in the range I mentioned (minus those 7 weird pointers), it adds up to 2691 individual sprites. So that leaves about 58 unexplored/corrupt sprites to sift through. If anyone knows of any non-junk sprites which are below 0x008C or above 0x2AF0, please post their digits!

Also, note that there are some used sprites that are NOT in the pointer table, two examples are the Small Animal Tokens used in animal bonus rooms and the sparkle effect used on Golden Letters.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Gnawzooka » October 5th, 2008, 6:36 pm

I didn't understand much of that.....but the Croctopus sprite is very cool.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Gabriel » October 6th, 2008, 2:29 am

The lightning sprites can be used in the game without PAR codes. If you put in 08 FD99 as an object into ropey rampage, lightning will appear in the background.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Simion32 » October 6th, 2008, 5:03 am

OK, but that would still be hacking! :P

That's why they're beta - those sprites were left in the game but were never used in the final product. Which is why some things can be hacked or PAR-coded back into the game.
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Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 18th, 2009, 6:07 am

First, turn the codes 7E007F02 and 7E007E4D on and go to Swanky's Sideshow as Dixie ONLY. Next, you will see almost all of the sprites in the entire game. Wait a while until you see Nid's sprites, then shortly after you will see the Kopter sprites. You will see them in this order:

Taking Off (unused)
Dying (unused)
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Re: Unused Kopter Sprites!

Postby Raccoon Sam » January 18th, 2009, 10:23 am

This is quite an outstanding discovery!
I'm sure there are other hidden gems there somewhere..!
Seriously, this stuff is amazing..!
EDIT: Oh yes, the running TNT Knocka is there, too! There was some speculation of its existence in the game, and there we have it.
DOUBLE EDIT: What kind of a code is this..?! It seems as if it's a debug mode of sorts.. Entering an ordinary level turns me into a barrel and I can roam freely.
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Re: Unused Kopter Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 18th, 2009, 11:54 am

I missed the TNT Knocka's probably because every sprite is in Dixie's palette. I'll check that out right now. Oh, and about the code, I was experimenting with the animal codes because I was wondering what would happen if you changed the 7E007E?? code. Apparently, a lot! Also, if you use 7E007E44 with 7E007F02 in Swanky's Sideshow, you will be Baron K. Roolenstein flapping his arms! :D
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Re: Unused Kopter Sprites!

Postby PotoGamer » January 18th, 2009, 12:04 pm

Wow, this is an awesome code! The only drawback to it is that the sprites appear in Dixie's color palette, so it can be hard to see what sprite it is. It's almost like a debug mode with other levels, and I ended up transforming into Squitter in Blazing Bazukas when I pressed start. I'd love to see what else can be done with this code, it reminds me of the debug cheat in Sonic.

EDIT: I tried the Baron K. Roolenstein code and disabled both of the previous codes and I turned into Kiddy while being Dixie!
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Re: Unused Kopter Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 19th, 2009, 5:25 am

Seeing how Raccoon Sam pointed out the TNT Knocka's, I think I need to rename this topic.
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Kiddy14 » January 19th, 2009, 10:53 am

Could somebody post some pictures? =]
This sounds pretty interesting.
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 19th, 2009, 11:21 am

Here are some pictures:
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00001.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00001.png (44.95 KiB) Viewed 227182 times
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00000.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00000.png (45.17 KiB) Viewed 227182 times
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Re: Unused Kopter Sprites!

Postby BlueTronic » January 19th, 2009, 12:36 pm

It's some type of character modifier (same as the animal buddy modifier, but with different values).

I remeber messing with the animal buddy modifier and using different values, and when I went to Buzzer Barrage, I started turning into different sprites with Ellie's color palette. I managed to get a video of it:
Changing Sprites.zip
(1.8 MiB) Downloaded 2832 times
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Mattrizzle » January 20th, 2009, 2:55 am

Time to dust off this thread...

Updated the first post with a new sheet of the DKC3 Kopter sprites Krow111 found.

I've also used a new method that should greatly help those who want to animate the sprites.
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Mattrizzle » January 20th, 2009, 3:00 am

For those of you who want a sheet of these sprites, I just posted it in my old thread: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

EDIT: It turns out there is an unused Kopter object that uses these animations! Its id is 0720. When the Kopter first appears on the screen, it does the "taking off animation," and then spins in a diagonal motion to the ground. After spinning for a while, it gradually comes to a stop, which would have given you the chance to stomp on it. Unfortunately its collision behavior is dummied out, so it cannot hurt you, nor can it be defeated.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby PotoGamer » January 20th, 2009, 3:14 am

Awesome! :D And in their original palette too! The idle sprites look strange, since it doesn't really seem like he's moving at all. I wonder how he was meant to be defeated, maybe there's some more secrets hidden in the game.

But now that all of the DKC sprites have been found and (probably) all of DKC3's sprites can be seen with Krow111's code, it won't take too long to find DKC2's hidden sprites (and that mysterious Mr. X...)!
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 20th, 2009, 3:56 am

Thanks for the sprite sheet, Mattrizzle! Here are some pictures of the TNT Knocka:

Maybe Mattrizzle could make a TNT Knocka sprite sheet?
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00001.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00001.png (45.04 KiB) Viewed 227085 times
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00000.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00000.png (45.07 KiB) Viewed 227085 times
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby gamer_boy997 » January 20th, 2009, 6:45 am

I wish I could try this, but I can't find my SNES. I looked around the house to see if my SNES was anywhere, but I couldn't find it, something tells me it's lost forever :cry: .
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Blaziken257 » January 21st, 2009, 7:37 am

It's hard to tell what it looks like from those screenshots because the weird color palette blends into the background. Does it look anything like the Kopter death sprite in DKL3?
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Re: Unused Kopter and TNT Knocka Sprites!

Postby Krow111 » January 21st, 2009, 10:19 am

That's probably what they were based off of!
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Mattrizzle » January 21st, 2009, 1:32 pm

PotoGamer wrote:The idle sprites look strange, since it doesn't really seem like he's moving at all.
If you look very closely, you can tell the sprites do have minute differences (knees bending, mouth opening, et cetera).

it won't take too long to find DKC2's hidden sprites (and that mysterious Mr. X...)!
Aside from the Rambi sprites that were unused in DKC, I haven't found many unused sprites in DKC2. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough...

TNT Knocka has now been added to my ever-growing list of sprite sheets.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Simion32 » January 21st, 2009, 1:49 pm

Mattrizzle wrote:Maybe I'm not looking hard enough...
If any unused sprites exist, there's always the chance that they could be compressed. You mentioned that some of DKC3's were compressed... perhaps some of DKC2's sprites are compressed as well.

As for Mr. X, a leftover of any related data would be quite an amazing find. :ugeek:
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Mattrizzle » January 23rd, 2009, 2:36 pm

There's one unused sprite I found in DKC2 that I've put off ripping until now, and it's a very strange one of Diddy. See for yourself here.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Kiddy14 » January 23rd, 2009, 2:56 pm

Pretty interesting find, Mattrizzle! :D
But it looks more like, taking off his hat in respect of somebody who is dead... No left-over info on where or how it was going to be triggered?
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Cosmicman » January 23rd, 2009, 5:26 pm

Finds like these make my day. If i knew how to look for that stuff I wouldn't leave my computer, I'm sure is an amazing feeling finding stuff like this.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Qyzbud » January 25th, 2009, 10:50 am

This is very exciting stuff, thanks for documenting and sharing these discoveries. It's fascinating to see all these ideas Rare were playing with during the development process... it's a bit of a shame they never saw the light of day, but projects like the DKC Level Builder can change that! I particularly liked checking out the alternate animations for Kopter, my favourite DKC3 baddie. With these idle and taking off animations, Kopters would be far more interesting and versatile. It's also cool to see that there was originally going to be a way to defeat them. I'd imagine TNT would be the go.

Excellent work finding and ripping these Kopter sprites, Krow111 and Mattrizzle. 8-)

kopter_idle_beta.gif (3.16 KiB) Viewed 226883 times

Those sequences from DKC2 with Diddy holding his hat are a bit unsettling... I think Kiddy14's right about "taking off his hat in respect of somebody who is dead". Maybe the game's storyline was at some point going to include the death of a Kong. :cry:

diddy_hold_hat_walk_beta.gif (5.07 KiB) Viewed 226888 times
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 25th, 2009, 11:33 am

Oh... my goodness. Diddy does look sad, there. I wonder if Rare had planned Wrinkly's death in DKC2, but had figured that it was too early and waited for DK64? That's all I can think of.

Standing Kopter is cool though! And he's in BARREL BLAST!!! :o :D
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby BlueTronic » January 25th, 2009, 11:51 am

I think it looks more like he's trying to sneak past something. Maybe a Klobber? :| Or maybe it's a losing-a-bonus animation.

If only Rare had more than 4 megabytes to use for the game. :(
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Mattrizzle » January 27th, 2009, 1:25 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:I wonder if Rare had planned Wrinkly's death in DKC2, but had figured that it was too early and waited for DK64? That's all I can think of.

Introducing a new character only to kill her off in the same game? Don't you think that's a little pointless? Then again, they did the same with King Jingaling in Banjo-Tooie, so anything's possible...

Oh, and these recently-discovered Dixie sprites seem to support Kiddy14's theory.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Kiddy14 » January 27th, 2009, 1:59 pm

Now, this is some amazing stuff!
But, with Dixie's sprites, Kong-Fu's idea seems a little off, she looks too sad for just losing a bonus; but maybe it is a precursor of Dixie's crying animation.
Or the idea of losing a Kong's life might have been part of its storyline for a while; and then Rareware could have decided that it was just too dark even for the game's mood.
This is a job for... The Rareware Scribes Mail List! :lol: But I doubt they'll tell anything...
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 27th, 2009, 2:10 pm

Guys... I dunno, but I swear I've seen that animation of Dixie crying before. Just wish I could place it. :x

Still, though, it's epic!

EDIT: Nevermind, I was actually thinking of Banjo-Pilot; when you highlight a Grand Prix you've already beaten it shows the boss doing that same crying motion. So, the mystery remains! :D I think that during DKC2's development Rare already knew they would need a dead character for DK64, but they decided to be nice and give Wrinkly a few years before givin' her the axe. Gave people a chance to actually feel sorry for the character, instead of saying "WTF?!" when she died.

Or-- could it have been Cranky? He doesn't have that big of a role in DKC3, you know...
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby BlueTronic » February 1st, 2009, 9:46 am

The Spriters Rescource got updated, and Tonberry2k added the unused sprites to the DKC section as well as backgrounds, and other things

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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Rodent » February 1st, 2009, 8:42 pm

About the mourning sprites: Maybe if you lost a bonus or something, they'd walk off the screen with those sprites. I think the death of a character midway through the story is a little too complex/mature for DKC.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Gnawzooka » February 2nd, 2009, 5:08 pm

Maybe DK was going to die!!! :o
Or possibly just a part where somebody was thought to be dead?
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Tonberry2k » February 12th, 2009, 9:12 am

The only stages that aren't on tSR are those with problems in the compression such as the water stages and Slipslide Ride. Did anyone notice that in the viewer, the stage labeled as "Enguarde Bonus" definitely isn't his bonus? That's what that's not up either.

Simion32 Edit: Sorry guys, I accidentally edited Tonberry's post instead of Replying with quote :x . I'll PM him to see if he could repost what's missing.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Simion32 » February 13th, 2009, 9:45 am

The only stages that aren't on tSR are those with problems in the compression such as the water stages and Slipslide Ride. Did anyone notice that in the viewer, the stage labeled as "Enguarde Bonus" definitely isn't his bonus? That's what that's not up either.
If I remember correctly, that was caused because the DKC ROM data has strange dimensions for 'tall' levels - Slipslide Ride is set as 2048 x 512 in the ROM data :? . The next version of DKCRE (and later DELTA) will be fixed to extract those levels properly via enforcing correct dimensions.
For anyone that's wondering the ETA of DKCRE v0.0.5.0, it will most likely this upcoming weekend. Sorry, but I've been swamped with homework for the last two weeks (which is unusual, as I normally don't have much to do). Plus a bit of time wasted after school watching CNN... :roll:
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Tonberry2k » February 13th, 2009, 3:02 pm

I don't really remember the rest of that. I guess it wasn't that important. The main point is still there. I think I mentioned finishing a Diddy Kong sheet after the next release.

Anyway, can't wait!
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Kobble » May 3rd, 2009, 8:47 am

So Kopter was, at one point, intended to be defeated? It's impossible to defeat him in-game, isn't it?
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby gamer_boy997 » May 3rd, 2009, 8:51 am

Qyzbud wrote: I particularly liked checking out the alternate animations for Kopter, my favourite DKC3 baddie. With these idle and taking off animations, Kopters would be far more interesting and versatile. It's also cool to see that there was originally going to be a way to defeat them. I'd imagine TNT would be the go.

Excellent work finding and ripping these Kopter sprites, Krow111 and Mattrizzle. 8-)


You know, I could have sworn I've seen that in the game before...

Maybe I'm just thinking of what I saw in the manual.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby cfh » May 15th, 2009, 9:23 am

Maybe the mourning sprites were used in a game over sequence in which Donkey Kong died because you failed to save him.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 21st, 2009, 1:15 pm

cfh wrote:Maybe the mourning sprites were used in a game over sequence in which Donkey Kong died because you failed to save him.

Jeez man! :shock:

They really could be a fake death thingy where DK faints and then comes back up.
Or as said previously Bonus Game failure poses.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby FefeRawft » August 4th, 2009, 3:25 am

Who would have ever guessed puftup was from DKC....
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Gnawzooka » August 4th, 2009, 7:36 pm

Was it really worth bumping for that?
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby KremKrawl » August 7th, 2009, 2:25 am

You know, I think that the ''Necky Feather'' sprite and Diddy's unused sprites in his victory pose were used in the GBA version of DKC. I'm not sure though.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Lanky Kong » December 29th, 2009, 8:30 am

i know...

Maybe Diddy and Dixie have this unused sprite is:

In the Secret ending the Krocodile Isle is going down to the sea, and K. Rool gone, but Diddy and Dixie Frogets Klubba and he dies drown, so, maybe a unused/BETA secret ending?...
and for Purftup was to be an early BETA enemy for DKC, but was scrapped, and put in to DKC2 but instead of his blue tail, has a grey/white tail and added attacks (The spike Ballon form and exploding launching 4 spikes in horizont and vertical or diagonal)

look at the comparation:

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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby Mattrizzle » June 24th, 2010, 2:20 am

After a long hiatus, I stumbled upon yet another unused sprite in the first DKC!

cranky_walk.gif (9.33 KiB) Viewed 225864 times

It's Cranky's walking animation, as seen in the GBA version. But now we can finally see it in its proper size!

As always, check the first post for a sheet.
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Re: Unused Sprites found in DKC Trilogy!

Postby aperson98 » June 24th, 2010, 3:08 am

Hehe I knew it Rare did not make a new sprite for Cranky they just grabbed an unused sprite and used it in the port. I wonder what that unused animation could have been used for maybe Cranky came out and had a little talk with you after you beat a boss just like in the GBA port. Hmm methinks that Dixie's ledge animation from the DKC2 port may be a unused animation in the snes game as well.
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