Well, I just recently remembered this board, so I decided to come back on here. What's changed since I was last on here, back when DKCR came out? And if none of you recognize me, then this will be even more awkward. So yeah.
So, I haven't posted in this topic in quite a while. It's almost December, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Bad news is, I can only get a single game if I want a new, non-crashing laptop this Christmas. :( It sucks being older and not believing in Santa Claus anymore. On the bright side,...
Donkey Kong doesn't have animation frames for a horizontal rope climb, mainly because he was not playabale on 2 and 3. Actually, in Donkey Kong Land, DK has climbing sprites, although, they may have been custom-made for that game, but since Kopter's "defeated" sprite was used in Donkey Ko...
Wow, so I'm not the only one that has their N64 restart after a few minutes of gameplay. Oh, and the other day, I installed Mozilla Firefox, and it's already working better than IE.
Which, Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? The first. Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) is a video game series first released in the USA in 2001, and has spawned three sequels, and two "interquels." The first three games star a defense attorney named Phoenix Wright, as he solves cas...
Oh, and I'm probably the only person in my grade who plays Ace Attorney. It's a shame Capcom's probably not releasing Investigations 2 (Actually it's Gyakuten Kenji 2 but whatever).
Damn, I haven't been on here in a while. My summer vacation's been great so far. I went to Disney World for a week, I got Ace Attorney Investigations, I beat Ace Attorney Investigations, and I got Super Smash Bros Melee. The only bad thing is that I'm going to middle school this school year, which s...
YES. A YELLOW BOX. AND CAPITAL LETTERS. Anyway, this game looks and sounds pretty cool. But... NO KREMLINGS!? WHAT!? Sure, the new enemies are still OK, but NO KREMLINGS AT ALL!? Phew, sorry about that, folks. But if this game's so "Retro," then why are there no Kremlings? The company maki...
Welcome Shadowjosh85! Hope you have a safe, no-being-banned time here! (Something I've managed to do on every site I'm on, surprisingly :P) Also... Hey Everybody! So, I'm glad to be here. You guys have a promising site. I had been looking for a DKC related site for awhile, especcially one that focus...
You know, I think that the ''Necky Feather'' sprite and Diddy's unused sprites in his victory pose were used in the GBA version of DKC. I'm not sure though.
So, I'm about to play on my ZSNES, when suddenly, I realise, ''How the heck can I play a game on here?'' So, what I'm trying to say is, I need help with loading a game.
Here goes: DKC: Kongo Jungle: Jungle Hijinx/Reptile Rumble/Coral Capers/Ropey Rampage/Barrel Cannon Canyon Monkey Mines: Winky's Walkway/Milstone Mayhem/Bouncy Bonanza/Stop and Go Station/Minecart Carnage Vine Valley: Tie between Orang-utan Gang and Treetop Town/Tie between Vulture Culture and Fores...
DK4Ever wrote:I honestly thing Bush will be gone long before Obama, just a hunch of mine.
So I'm NOT the only one that thinks that. Anyway, how many celebrities are going to die? Farrah Faucett... Michael Jackson... Billy Mays... Who's next?
Because Diddy was really throwing invisible chemicals at the wall, the chemicals bounced off the wall and hit Diddy, who mutated into a blue Klubba look-a-like.
Why does DK like to ride on a gray version of himself?
That site is only hardcore Mario fans ranting on and on. The ironic thing is that they make fun of Mario, the character most of them kind of worship. I mean, stupider then Wario? *Sigh*
Bulbapedia and Bulbagarden Fourms Super Mario Wiki Seribii.net Fourms The Fungi Fourms (The fourms of TMK) Global Pokedex Plus and Global Trade Station Plus
Well, I didn't mind Generation III that much, mostly because Sapphire was my first Pokemon game, and one of my first video games too. Anyway, I'm also getting Pokemon Yellow, Stadium, and FireRed off eBay.
Well, I think Mr.X was the Lost World boss. Or the boss of K.Rool's Keep due to every level there having at least one Krook, exept for Arctic Abyss. (As Mr.X has hooks on his hands too.)
EDIT: No Krooks appear in Clapper's Cavren either.