Some environments and items will be destructible using a banana/coconut shooter, the Kong family and enemies will be roaming the world, everything will have real life physics and every inch of the map will be fully modeled to resemble the game map as close as possible, for example the castle and ships will have fully modeled interiors so it can be explored inside and outside, and every tree, grass, fire, water or any other item will behave with real physics as it collides with the player or wind. It will also have night/day/rain/snow/etc .
My goal is to finish this before 2017, it will be more of an experience rather than a game, but maybe I spend more time with it and make it so that there are some fun missions. Most of what the screens show will be much different in the final version, I just rushed a lot of parts to have something to share with all of you, Video coming soon.

EDIT: This is a list for anyone that wants to help get this project done a few years earlier

I will update it as I go.
I need:
From all 3 games, all animal buddies crates.
*Dumb Drum
*Galleon, if possible a full version and a cut in half version, to be used in Gangplank Galleon, Cocodrile Cauldron and Krem Quay.
*Biplane barrel
*Bear cabin, needs interior modeled too, the same house will be used wherever there is a bear cabin in all the maps.
*Funky vehicles, I have the hovercraft, need the gyrocopter and the motorboat, I don't remember if there's more vehicles.
*Boss KAOS