Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.


Postby Scraps69 » June 21st, 2010, 1:21 am

*shrugs* yeah, I can understand why you're sad K. Rool isn't coming back for this iteration. Over time he has become more familiar with people and even acted as something of a comic relief for DK (I'd say this was when K. Rool was eaten by sharks in DKC2, and the ending in DKC3 with 'meddling kids', and the wierd boxing match in dk64, as well as all the DK cartoons)...

Appariently someone in gamefaqs called retro and asked why kremlins wern't included (I got this from DKvine and the link is ... s/55272692) and how kremlins or K. Rool may have an appearance in this iteration of the series.

I also noticed Tiki's are probably alot more of a flexible character to use and implement. Although the tiki's dont have human-esque body shapes (limbs and all), it seems like they can come in many different shapes and sizes and can walk on the ground as well as in the air and perhaps water levels (if there actually are any water levels - anyone know?). Though rare was intelligent when implementing kremlins for air or other purposes (e.g. the kremlins that spun around like helicopters). But essentially we have enemies that probably work the same except that they look different.

I was also scrolling through Dkvine and they pointed out the gameplay element of two hearts and there is some argument there though I still don't quite understand it.

Here's my understanding:
In single player mode, DK can be playing by himself and he will have two hearts. If he loses both hearts then he will lose a life.

I get confused when (single player) both kongs are involved:

If DK rescues Diddy from a barrel: do both Donkey and Diddy Kong have two hearts each? What happens if Donkey dies but diddy still has his hearts?
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Postby shadowjosh85 » June 21st, 2010, 3:02 am

Good letter.

Yeah, I'd like to see K.Rool. Anyone would. He belongs in the game. Normally, I'd be talking about how he might show up in the game anyways. I'd mention that the guys in the interviews explicitly said they want to give away game details, but they want the player to be surprised when he plays the game. I'd say that their nonspecific awnsers could mean anything. But...what's the point of that? It gets your hopes up, needlessly.

I'd prefer to be pleasantly surprised if I see him in the game.If he's behind the scenes, it works much better than if it's explicit anyway.

At the same time...This isn't K.Rool Kountry, it's Donkey Kong Country. And yet, we had two games without the titular star. I think the franchise could live without the main villian for a game. He's been in more games than any other character in the series. Storyline wise, he could be rebuilding his empire so that he strikes back harder in DKCR2. He could show up in the ending, having taken over DK Island while DK and Diddy were fighting the Tiki's. It's way too early to know much of anything. The age of the internet has really increased fan angst, hasn't it?

By the way, I am sympathetic to Tiptup's concern. I just think we should let the game develop without too much overanalysis.
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Postby old_buzzard » June 21st, 2010, 4:53 am

Wow. Based on that response, it looks like we won't be seeing the Kremlings at all (as long as Retro has the franchise).
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Postby DK4Ever » June 21st, 2010, 6:42 am

If that WAS a real phone call, it would appear we ALL have to let them know how much we want K. Rool to be a part of this.

Since they haven't responded to my letter (Although, if they are, they at the very least won't respond until the week starts) I have my doubts about that call being legitimate.

But you never know..
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Postby Jomingo » June 21st, 2010, 9:15 am

I would put this word of advice out to any forum goer here: Do not pester Retro beyond perhaps a friendly email. Do not give them the impression that we don't like this game in anyway, because if I hear anyone complaining to them about the Kremlings after we've only seen four levels I will be disappointed. Especially to go to the lengths of trying to contact them by phone. We don't want to come across as whiny, and we definitely don't want them to think we don't absolutely love this game.

Hold your judgement, we've seen the game for 6 days.

Lastly, Scraps: When you are in single player you only have 2 hearts. When you acquire Diddy, he just adds 2 more hearts to DK's health, as well as his jetpack and popgun abilities. When you are in multiplayer, Diddy and DK have 2 hearts each.
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Postby Scraps69 » June 21st, 2010, 10:11 am

Lastly, Scraps: When you are in single player you only have 2 hearts. When you acquire Diddy, he just adds 2 more hearts to DK's health, as well as his jetpack and popgun abilities. When you are in multiplayer, Diddy and DK have 2 hearts each.

wow, 4 hearts??? That's alot of life!!! Except for falling into bottomless pits, will the game really be that hard? Though from what I'm told, the wii motion is a fraction from being precise control so maybe more hearts makes up for it. Though I'm sure Retro are going to put alot of cheap death mechanics to make up for it. I'm not a fan of cheap death mechanics until later on in the game.

For the sake of all the angry fans, I hope Retro puts K. Rool in the background for a brief moment. For some reason I think a cameo appearance would be enough for everyone that is angry with the game and the reviewers can even joke that 'K. Rool is indeed in the game' ha! It will be a confirmation that he's not being killed off and K. Rool might even do something really random and humerous.

EDIT: also, do you know how much speculation would occur? And people playing the game might think they're leading up to a K. Rool battle! And then find out that they're not fighting K. Rool :lol:
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Postby Jomingo » June 21st, 2010, 10:23 am

I believe that they have claimed in an interview that they have made the game harder to compensate for the extra health.
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Postby Scraps69 » June 21st, 2010, 12:37 pm

ok fair enough.

I believe that they have claimed in an interview that they have made the game harder to compensate for the extra health.

I'd like to see a 'hard' difficulty mode where DK and Diddy only get one heart.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 21st, 2010, 1:25 pm

. . . This game should totally have a banana-yellow box. :P
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Postby DK4Ever » June 21st, 2010, 2:44 pm

Oh hells yes.

NSMBW got a red box, so for the sake of tradition, like DK64 got, DKCR DEFINITELY needs a yellow box. That'd be AWESOME. CAPITAL LETTERS.
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Postby KremKrawl » June 22nd, 2010, 11:06 am

YES. A YELLOW BOX. AND CAPITAL LETTERS. Anyway, this game looks and sounds pretty cool. But... NO KREMLINGS!? WHAT!? Sure, the new enemies are still OK, but NO KREMLINGS AT ALL!?

Phew, sorry about that, folks. But if this game's so "Retro," then why are there no Kremlings? The company making this is even called RETRO studios! Alright, end of rant. I just think Kremlings are awesome. Hence the name, "KremKrawl." Looks like I'll have to rename myself "TikiCrawl." ... ... Nah. I don't really feel like it.
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Postby old_buzzard » June 23rd, 2010, 8:17 am

Same here. But I'm sure the Kremlings will return somewhere down the line, they're just too charismatic. I've gotten over the fact that they won't be in DKCR though. Anyway, yes, a banana-yellow box would be perfect for the occasion.

On a completely different note, I just watched the teaser for the 60th time, and I noticed something at 1:25. That level looks a bit like Treetop Town. I wonder if Treetop Rock is one of the remixed songs that were mentioned in the Retro interviews?
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Postby JadeRoseofChaos » June 23rd, 2010, 9:46 am

I'm absolutely ECSTATIC about this game! I literally jumped up and down for three minutes straight after I first saw the trailer. Then a tear of joy came to my eye...

Anyway, I can sort of deal with the lack of kremlings. It's a little dissappointing, but I can deal with it. :| Besides, I half expect them to be disguised as the tikis or something. I also half expect K. Rool to show up at the end. Regardless, the game looks spectacular! :lol:

-The gameplay looks like a lot of fun.
As fun as a barrel of monkeys! Sorry, bad pun.
The enemies look interesting (giant inflating frogs!).

-The graphics look wonderful. They're totally different from the SNES graphics, but still have that DKC feel.

-So far, the levels look intriguing. I'm particularly intrigued by the one with the giant octapus.

Anyway, I trust Retro, and sincerely hope they have a good attitude towards the game and the fans, rather than just treating the whole thing as "fanboy/girl service." If they truly put effort into this game, they will make a remarkable successor to Rare.

By the way, that was a remarkable letter, DK4Ever. :)
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Postby Cosmicman » June 24th, 2010, 12:08 am

Yes, I was very excited about this game, the game looks good, good backgrounds, the gameplay looks nice, the graphics look really good, but the no kremlings news is sooooooo disappointing I'm going to be honest and say it just breaks the game for me, I'm sure 100% the Donkey Kong community would rather see an old enemy from the series than an enemy they just created, or at least they could mix it up a little bit, even the creators said this game is aimed for the fans... where the hell are the kremlings then? That's what the community wants, how could they miss that? Specially with a company called Retro, do they even know what retro means ?!? :evil:
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Postby Scraps69 » June 24th, 2010, 5:25 pm

where the hell are the kremlings then? That's what the community wants, how could they miss that?

Shrugs, if people wanted Kremlings then they would have bought 'king of swing' and that Barrel racing game. They both sold pretty poorly... so I don't think it's extremely important. Just wait and see what these Tiki lads are like.
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Postby DK4Ever » June 25th, 2010, 4:57 am

The Kremlings may not be the MAJOR selling point of the games, obviously the gameplay and all that is more important and what sells games. (Hopefully), which explains why Barrel Blast and the Peg Swingers didn't sell well, but since we all remember and love the Kremlings, they certainly made an impact on us in the Rare Trilogy, especially DKC2, which featured Crocodile Isle and some of the most memorable enemies and locations in the series, if not the most memorable.

It just sort of goes back to my point in my letter that all these things, gameplay, kongs, game elements and kremlings need to be present to make it feel like a DKC game.

Paon couldn't do it because, well, they didn't have the first thing straight. We'll have to see about Retro, but I've got faith in them still.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 25th, 2010, 5:02 am

Regardless of the actual quality of their games, Paon cared about this series with a passion. At least they were there to keep the characters alive. Without them, we would have had a decade of nothing, DKC-wise, and this game might not even exist.

But yeah, I'm over the whole K. Rool thing, but EVERYONE, everywhere, is asking about him and the Kremlings. Going through the comments on any DKCR video on YouTube, you're bound to find at least one "No Kremlings?" comment. It makes me feel weird.
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Postby Kiddy14 » June 25th, 2010, 6:19 am

I'm still expecting some sort of cameo...

But actual Kremlings? I don't think so =[
Perhaps Nintendo doesn't like K. Rool because it looks like a crocodile Bowser?
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 25th, 2010, 11:21 am

Meh, wouldn't really explain why they put him in Super Sluggers... yes, the model was there, but they could've just as easily inserted a Jungle Beat boss.

Speaking of which: Why on Earth did K. Rool get that redesign anyway? It seems rather bizarre now that we know it'll never be used.

I'm still expecting some sort of cameo...

And I actually have a theory that just might allow that to happen. In the adventure mode of Mario Super Sluggers, K. Rool is in a deep slumber behind some giant waterfall, and the Kritters all have to use a spell to wake him up or something (if my memory serves me correctly). I'd like to see this idea of Kremling hibernation used to explain K. Rool's absence throughout DKCR. Maybe at the end the tikis could wake him for a final boss fight, or if not, at least the sequel. :P
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Postby Shed_a_Ninja » June 25th, 2010, 8:34 pm

How will you guys feel about no Animal Buddies? I believe Diddy will be considered our only Animal Buddy. I mean, if Retro can go ahead and say "Do we really need King K. Rool/Kremlings?" they can do the same for Animal Buddies.

"Do we really need Animal Buddies?" (laughs)
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Postby Scraps69 » June 25th, 2010, 8:43 pm

God. We rejected you at DKU and now you come here. Just piss off troll.
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Postby old_buzzard » June 26th, 2010, 4:20 am

Oh bloody hell. You again!?

Kindly shut up, and leave.
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Postby Sockpuppet » June 26th, 2010, 9:13 am

I read somewhere that they're not including any water levels in this game either.They said the water levels in the original games were 'too slow' or something. I can't remember where I found it though.
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Postby old_buzzard » June 26th, 2010, 9:30 am

Is this the source?

I was never a big fan of the underwater levels anyway. Save for DKC3's, I love those water levels. Also, in that same article, they (unintentionally) hint at the presence of animal buddies and helper kongs.
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Postby Gnawzooka » June 26th, 2010, 10:54 am

"Initially we were thinking storyline, storyline," Kelbaugh said by way of example. "We would constantly re-focus the designers and say, 'Hey, this isn't Metroid Prime. This isn't a long, detailed lore-based historical story.' This is as simple as 'Somebody is stealing bananas and I have to get them back.'"

"We shifted gears from making a very gritty, sci-fi edgy type of environment to such a whimsical character." Walker said. "We constantly have to revisit [questions like] 'Why would Donkey Kong do this?' or 'Why would this environment be like this?' And then we start thinking: 'We're making a game about a gorilla wearing a tie.'"

They're getting the hang of it. :lol:
Judging by that interview I think animal buddies and helper kongs will most likely be appearing. Notice that when something is not appearing they give a definite no; "NO crocodiles, NO underwater levels" but on things like those they just give a vague and unhelpful "Oh you'll see...".
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Postby Scraps69 » June 26th, 2010, 2:16 pm


Well, even though DK wears a tie, DKC1 and DKC2 were very serious games that took out of place or unusual elements (like DK being unable to breath underwater, orangutangs throwing barrels, and swinging in the icy mountains) and made them feel very serious. I hope Retro doesn't forget that.
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Postby DK4Ever » June 26th, 2010, 3:11 pm

Hmm.. I gotta say these new DKCR avatars are snazzy. Quick thing though, I'm wondering if no underwater levels means no "Aquatic Ambiance", but somehow I think that'll still be alright, since there was so much fuss (And rightyfully so) to keep the soundtrack alive.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 26th, 2010, 3:22 pm

Scraps69 wrote:God. We rejected you at DKU and now you come here. Just piss off troll.

old_buzzard wrote:Oh bloody hell. You again!?

Kindly shut up, and leave.

Hey, what that guy did at the DKU is completely irrelevant here. He made one post that was completely on-topic. Just leave him alone if you've nothing nice to say.
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Postby DK4Ever » June 26th, 2010, 3:37 pm

I suppose it was on-topic, but y'know..

It smells of troll to me, that's all I'm sayin' right now. In the event that I'm wrong, I apologize, good sir, and humbly welcome you to DKC-Atlas. Hi!
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 26th, 2010, 4:02 pm

Meh, he probably is a troll, but for politeness's sake. Just saying.

Now then, DKCR was recently featured on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. What did we get besides seeing the first level of the E3 demo for the billionth time? Confirmation that the 3DS is coming out next year! I HAVE NO effing FRIENDS!!!1111 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby Kiddy14 » June 26th, 2010, 4:07 pm

I'm really disappointed of the underwater levels =[
They could have clearly made a new dynamic to make the levels more appealing! I mean... they took out Kremlings, why can't they change that too?

By the way, is Diddy really not playable? I heard he only 'works' when playing with a friend, and in certain situations; otherwise he's just there to add hearts to DK's health.
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Postby Scraps69 » June 26th, 2010, 6:53 pm

Shed_a_ninja's been in a few forums and caused trouble.

You're absolutely right Kiddy14. Though I would want Diddy to be alive so I could use his jet pack constantly.

The underwater stages will probably be a 'to be continued in a sequel' thing when they figure out how to make under water levels fast. Like being chased by underwater lava or something and using auto-barrels to blast your way out of there. I'm sure Miyamoto-san will badger the hell out of Retro to include it.
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Postby DK4Ever » June 27th, 2010, 6:54 am

I think they might surprise us and make Diddy more usable in single-player.

I forsee a situation where DK becomes unusable, if only for a level or two, and you need to play as Diddy.

But my crystal ball has been malfunctioning lately, so that may not be right, but who knows.
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Postby Scraps69 » June 27th, 2010, 10:28 am

That would be interesting. DK gets bogged down in soft soil so Diddy has to continue!
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 27th, 2010, 11:52 am

You know... in the first DKC, Diddy and DK did have different abilities and traits, but they didn`t work as a team. There was nothing that required use of both Kongs at the same time. DKC2 mixes this up a bit, with the team throw, and then in DKC3 different things happen depending on which Kong throws whom (who, I dunno).

The way I see it, DKCR takes the next logical step forward and just eliminates the unnecessary-ness of controlling one Kong with the other tagging behind, with both Kongs just being blended into one controllable character... at the expense of playable Diddy. Think Banjo-Kazooie, or Super Mario Sunshine to a lesser extent.

Now I am quite upset about the lack of underwater levels... JUNGLE BEAT had `em. Seriously. But Enguarde could still be in- we already know falling in water kills you, right? So maybe Enguarde could show up and safely take you across large segments of water. Just a thought.
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Postby Jomingo » June 28th, 2010, 12:42 pm

The idea of Diddy controlling like Kazooie is something I'm not sure I'll warm up to. I mean, even though they are clearly 2 characters, when you control both with one controller it won't feel like 2 characters. I'm probably going to play co-op the entire way through because that will feel much more natural, and it will look more natural for two players to be controlled instead of just one.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 29th, 2010, 2:21 am

Yeah... I'll probably warm up to 1-player mode. In co-op I think there's still some stuff where you have to use Diddy's Rocketbarrel on DK's back, for instance. And if anyone hasn't seen it, there's this hilarious/sad comic from DKU's Frogstar: *luv*

EDIT: Plus, Jungle Climber's already used the Diddy-on-DK mechanic, and it wasn't that bad. Just a thought.
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Postby Shed_a_Ninja » June 29th, 2010, 10:58 am

I finally got myself some prepaid minutes, and I'm going to be calling Retro (1-512-493-4600) sometime this week. I will record my conversation and post it on YouTube for proof, unlike all of those other users floating around GameFAQs/NeoGAF.

I am going to politely ask them what was behind their decision to remove the signature enemy characters from the series and what it would take for the fans to get some kind of reference to them (ala NiGHTS fans getting NiGHTS in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing). You guys are welcome to join in on this. If one fanbase can get it done, I don't see why another should not be allowed to.
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Postby Jomingo » June 29th, 2010, 12:07 pm

We are not nor will we ever be the Sonic fanbase. We are more organised, more intelligent, more polite, and downright more tolerable than most Sonic fans, and people like you Shed_a_Ninja are the exceptions to that. The trolling, unappeasable, and downright annoying fans like you are much more vocal than the major organised fanbase. For every one person who bitches about something they drown out a dozen people who are ok with it or like it and aren't vocal. Retro must be getting a nasty impression of who the fans are, and I hope they don't get discouraged and get the impression that the fans are uneasy to please or are ungrateful for what they are trying to do.

Their is nothing wrong with anything Retro has done so far with DKCR. Every single nook and cranny of it should be taken as a blessing, and it is going to be the best DK game since DKC3. I understand being disappointed about the lack of Kremlings or Underwater stages, but that's no reason to pester Retro in the fashion that many are doing. They practically confirmed returning Kongs and Animal Buddies, and we've seen almost nothing from the game yet. They started work on the last level of the game the week they unveiled it; it's too far along to change anything like Kremlings or water levels, unless of course you want the game to be delayed. If this game is delayed to spring it will ruin everything, and it won't sell nearly as well as it's set up to right now. So stop trying to get them to change things. What we get may still be better than what you expect, and if you were a real fan you would recognize a good DKC game when you see it rather than just focus on whats not included.

Any self respecting DKC fan will not participate in the pestering of Retro. If Retro didn't give out that phone number than they don't want anyone to call them(assuming that numbers real anyway), so I'm going to remove it from the forum. If you want to hand out the number in a PM that's your choice but I won't let this forum enable the destruction of our fan bases image.
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Postby old_buzzard » June 29th, 2010, 12:12 pm

I was going to say something similar to that.

Very well put, Jomingo.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 29th, 2010, 2:47 pm

Yeah, I`m gonna go ahead and disagree with Jomingo. Allow me to explain.

First of all, what we`ve seen of DKCR (which admittedly is not much) is NOT manna from heaven. Just because they slapped the Donkey Kong Country name on a sidescroller with Diddy, doesn`t mean we should worship this game, or Retro. And not complaining for the sake of leaving a good impression is ludicrous.

What we need to do is, kindly, all band together and remind Retro and Nintendo what makes a DKC game: great gameplay AND the characters/enemies/settings. I think NiGHTS fans were rather screwed over in Sonic Racing, actually: that sumbitch should`ve been playable. But he wasn`t because he has largely bitchy and stupid fans. We are better than that, but that doesn`t mean we can`t disagree with what Retro`s doing.
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Postby Shed_a_Ninja » June 29th, 2010, 4:16 pm

Another thing that Jomingo seems to be horribly wrong about was confusing the Sonic fanbase with the NiGHTS fanbase. Tell me how the two are one in the same, because they aren't. And you don't know what DiGi Valentine and TRiPPY had to go through in order to warrant at least a pleasable appearance for their beloved character. Visit their forums to find out more (btw- they never caused a delay). Just because the game has "Sonic" in the title, does not make it a Sonic game. It was very much like the Smash Bros. series but to SEGA fans, who I will say have had it worse than us. So please do the research before going on another one of your "must defend everything Retro does" rampages. We have every right to complain, at least where I live. And if the complaining can at least give us a King K. Rool cameo, I will be perfectly happy with that. I, like many other users here as well as the fans scattered throughout the internet, just don't want the character to be phased out in favor of generic Tikis or whatever else Nintendo of Japan has up their sleeves to remove any and all references of the Rare of old.
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Postby DK4Ever » June 29th, 2010, 5:40 pm

I'd be careful, sir. Careful.

However, since you've proven that you aren't so much a troll, I suppose I'll respond by agreeing with Jomingo and saying that we aren't the Sonic fanbase. Also, the difference between NiGHTS and K.Rool is, well, NiGHTS isn't actually a Sonic character, but a character from a different series entirely that also happened to be made by Sega. NiGHTS appeared in a cameo game, and the fans liked this, so when NiGHTS didn't, as I understand, they got upset.

This one thing makes us entirely different because we are a tad bit bothered that our series' main antagonist is "most likely" not making an appearance. The other difference is, NiGHTS game was going to be a spinoff game, whereas ours is a continuation of a series that hasn't had a game in 11 years.

Retro's track record should I say, better than Segas. I'd certainly put my faith in Retro for something like this, despite my previous discomforts. I think it doesn't make sense to freak out and inevitably pester them into something that we may not need to pester them about. Friendly or not, in repetition, these things can be kinda trying. "Aw ****, not another letter from the DKC-Atlas nut-jobs!" isn't really the impression I'd like.

Another thing is, well, how much of the game have we actually seen? One full level, thanks to that Jimmy Kimmel? late-night bit, and other random footage. In a game that's likely to have 40-60 levels, I don't think thats even close to enouh to worry yet. We've had positive hints about Animal Buddies and Kongs and music and everything, as well as some negative hints about Kremlings and somewhat strong "No's" about water levels. Have we seen ANYTHING besides Diddy, DK, Barrels, 2-D platforming and Octopi? No, but we haven't seen enough of the game to be worried.

Now before anyone who doesn't like my arguments questions me about the letter I wrote after saying all this, I'm going to say this: That letter was a letter of mixed praise and concern to Retro, thanking them for reviving DKC, and asking somewhat curiously if the hints that the Kremlings may not be in the game are actually true. I, obviously, haven't received a response ad don't think I ever will, because they've got better things to do.

We also don't know what Retro's actual thoughts are because we can't be in their heads at all times. They've never said "We hate the Kremlings and don't want them in any of our games", so we don't know if they might use them in successive games (Metroid Prime was a trilogy, why not DKCR?) That was another thing I was hoping to get across in my letter. By telling Retro how much we all loved the Kremlings, it might, if they hadn't decided already, convince them to add them in other games, not convince them to push the game back.

I know you guys are upset, but c'mon, let's just wait and see. I find Retro's hints about the Kremlings suspicious anyway.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 29th, 2010, 5:52 pm

Indeed. It`s just odd that Nintendo, of all entities, decided to keep the Kremlings and various DKC characters alive through Mario games, and now that we`re getting a full-fledged Donkey Kong game, those characters are partly being shunned. Just an observation.

And also- the "Do we need to" line about K. Rool has become somewhat of a meme in my family. Example:

Me: Does Brendon Fraser come back in George of the Jungle 2?
My brother: Does he need to?

Jolly good times. :D
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Postby Shed_a_Ninja » June 29th, 2010, 6:45 pm

I find it odd that, despite the Kongas and KoS/JC having mediocre gameplay at best, at least Namco and PAON didn't crap all over the Donkey Kong Country mythos. However, whenever Nintendo gets their cruddy paws on the franchise, out comes steaming turds like Jungle Beat which lacked both in the gameplay department and respect for the series. Donkey Kong Country Returns has been releasing disappointment after disappointment with each tiny reveal. It's as if everything Rare established for the series has now become either "Do we really need it?" or "We felt it was too slow". Is that what a true fan wants? Everything you originally liked about the series is now being described as useless and will be removed. For crying out loud, who in their right mind would defend that?
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Postby Scraps69 » June 29th, 2010, 9:49 pm

Retro picking out the best of everything in a DKC series isn't a bad thing. And when I say that, I mean 'perceived' best of everything as anyone can make potential mistakes (which I am not saying in this post). Underwater levels being removed is understandable due to slow down though I believe there are some good ideas for future installments. Kremlings being removed as they wanted something new is also understandable. Tiki's provide a few things, a fresh enemy to sink your teeth into. A new villain to expand on the Donkey Kong universe. Keeping the game fresh (as there will be voodoo/Tiki type levels). Tiki's also have the potential to be alot more darker then the Kremlings and alot more of a mysterious and darker nemisis compared to the Kremlings. Does K Rool seem as fearsome and threatening as he used to be since DKC3, DK64 (where he provided comic relief), barrel blast and mario baseball?

If the Tiki's play the same role or even enhance the gameplay value compared to the Kremlings then we all stand to benefit (for example, an enemy that the kongs can't easily jump on such as Krusha. An enemy which you can't roll into such as the klap trap (which is the red crab in DKCR and potentially more). A zinger type enemy (I'm assuming it's going to be a flying burning Tiki). A jumping enemy probably a frog in later levels etc etc. So it seems that Retro is doing a good job replacing them.)

Of course, they're going to be adding enemies to improve the game and if there were enemies that wern't so cool then they are getting cut.

And you seem to be focusing on some of the elements that are missing that don't make it a 'true' DKC game. Well, let's focus on everything else. If you're a true DKC fan, arn't you pissed that the background interacts with the foregrounds? Arn't you pissed that you can play with two players? Arn't you pissed that they arn't using pre-rendered graphics? Arn't you pissed that the tracks are moving while you're on a mine cart? Arn't you pissed that Donkey Kong makes a different sound while beating his chest and yelling? Arn't you pissed that Diddy Kong has a jet pack and can shoot peanuts? Arn't you pissed that they are using old DKC music instead of making new DKC music (I say this because DKC2 and DKC3 made their own music for each game and didn't really recycle the older game(s)) ? I could go on and on and on. All that stuff never happened before in the original DKC series so DKCR must therefore be a crap game. Never mind that these elements make DKCR a better game. According to you in regards to the way you've made your argument, all these changes are so untrue to the series it might as well be called 'Donkey Kong crap'.

Which brings me to my main point. That is, games are constantly evolving. Games must move forward otherwise they will be left behind and forgotten. Bringing DKC up to date is what Retro is doing.

As always, wait and see and you will be pleasantly surprised Shed_a_ninja, though in your case it will be bittersweet as you would get proven wrong and banned from the DKU forums.

It's interesting to see that you are generally changing tact/approach in trolling DKCR now as well.

Oh, and have fun posting a recording of the Retro answering machine. Or getting someone else to pretend they're a Retro employee. No one's going to buy it.

EDIT: oh, and don't forget you have a history of relying on false phone calls to Retro Studios in the GameFaqs forum and proven wrong (and they may well have been posted by you under a different use name so that you can stir more crap). For example, appariently Retro stated in one of these magical phone calls that Diddy was the only animal buddy. Then we get an interview that has inferred that animal buddies are in the game. That further slashes your credibility amongst DKU and DKC-Atlas.

Do you really think that a Retro PR/secretary is going to listen or tell you or even know about anything? They're just the gate-keepers so to speak.
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Postby Simion32 » June 30th, 2010, 7:17 am

Shed_a_Ninja wrote:I find it odd that (...) who in their right mind would defend that?
Carefully constructed troll statement detected. This statement seems to be appealing to whatever is left of my ego-self, and therefore I gladly reject it.

I DO agree on that we should kindly let Retro know we're worried about K. Rool (and his cronies), so that possibly he can be in the next game.

We shouldn't really be asking for more than that, as we're now guaranteed that there will AT LEAST be another DKC game. No it won't be "perfect", because everything in existence has its flaws - else there would be stagnation and everything would the same old thing over and over. That's what, I believe, Retro is trying to avoid - Mario games have had Bowser so many times it doesn't even matter anymore, but Retro wants to keep DKC fresh, to keep it from getting overly repetitive - just like the 3 games of the original trilogy had done.

I DO NOT think that we should try to make a scene and pester the crap out of Retro. As Jomingo has stated, I don't want the image of the DKC fanbase ruined either, whether through the means of this site by trolls, or anywhere else or any other way else. Raising up a b****fest is not going to solve our problems, and I know how that plays out all too well.
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Postby Jomingo » June 30th, 2010, 11:08 am

Perhaps the worst thing about you Shed_a_Ninja is that you are almost certainly straight up lying about contacting Retro in any way. You are just stirring crap for the sake of it.

Next, Nintendo does not equal Nintendo Tokyo. Yes, Nintendo Tokyo tried to erase Rare's DK with Jungle Beat, but that doesn't mean Nintendo as a whole hates Rare's work. Miyamoto himself worked closely on DKC, and is the one who asked them to make a new DKC and to put old music in it.

Third, the comparison to Sonic and Sega all-stars racing is way off, because this is not an easy fix to add in Kremlings. For all we know the game could have a very fleshed out storyline about the tikis and there is no easy way to stick Kremlings in it. Also, the Wii has no mechanism for distributing downloadable updates or content, and we already know that DKCR is almost finished. That means there is almost no way they could add a major element to the game without delaying it.

K. Rool is in no danger of being phased out anytime soon. He still has a prominent presence in the gaming world and will remain in new games as long as new games are being made. Just because he sits one or two out doesn't mean he'll never be back. This isn't some insane plot by Nintendo to remove Rare's presence, in fact this entire game is attempting to emulate Rare's games. Also, anything that happens here is Retro's doing, not Nintendo's.

The Paon games (sans perhaps Barrel Blast) did not have mediocre gameplay. Different does not equal mediocre just because it takes a new spin on the gameplay of the DKC's. In fact, if the gameplay was that important to you then DKCR should be right up your sleeve.

Lastly, you are operating under the very false assumption that complaining gets you anything ever. It worked for Nights, it won't work here. Just because you can come up with very questionable justifications for hating this game and think it's a good idea to pester the hell out of Retro studios does not mean it is. If you hate the game to the degree you seem to then there is nothing minor that can fix that. You've made your point painfully obvious across multiple forums even though you are almost certainly and unequivocally wrong in almost every possible regard; so much so that I'm lead to believe you are either completely joking about everything you've said or that you are just outright stupid. Now, we can sit here and argue about a game we know almost nothing about even though neither of us is changing our minds, or we can calmly wait for more info on the game in question.

But know this: I have already encountered you on more than one forum and seen how much of a jackass you can be. If you give me any reason whatsoever, I will have no remorse in preemptively banning you to prevent some scenarios from panning out like they did on other forums. Do not test me.

Now, who wants to discuss Donkey Kong in a civilized manner!
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Postby Kiddy14 » June 30th, 2010, 3:07 pm

So Nintendo has just released the iWii, the new generation console.
They're releasing the newest Mario game that's not a [spiritual] remake.
From what we saw at E3, they decided to start new. Moai things are hypnotizing everybody in the Mushroom Kingdom, and their leader has ordered the hypnotized Toads to kidnap Peach for him. They want to start fresh, and when asked about Bowser they're all "he's been in so many games, who needs him anymore?" The point is to have Mario and Peach.



I'm not saying I'm hating the game, I'm highly anticipating it; I just don't get their "who needs crocodiles?" attitude. I'd feel less annoyed if they had given real reasons of to taking out Kremlings (assuming they intend to, this might be a trap).
But I wouldn't make assumptions either, we don't know what might happen to characters at the moment (Tiny, Chunky, Kiddy... are a few unpredictable examples), specially coming from a what would be 'main series' game.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 30th, 2010, 3:38 pm

EDIT: You know what, no. There is legitimately no reason to complain about this game, outside of "NO KREMLINGS/WATER LEVELS WTFFF". I have literally been praying for this game my entire life, and it's effing HERE. Plus, look at this screenshot-


Now haters, shut the f--- up.
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