Here we can post any useful and interesting PAR (Pro Action Replay) codes for DKC, DKC2 and DKC3. We can decide how to define 'useful and interesting' as we go, but making the graphics look garbled, or making the game crash are NOT very useful or interesting, so we'll give those ones a miss, eh?
Donkey Kong Country
Kong Abilities:
7E16D502 Ghost Mode: DK (can't be hit) 7E16D702 Ghost Mode: Diddy 7E0EF360 SuperJump: DK 7E0EF560 SuperJump: Diddy 7E0EF400 Hover: DK (hold vertical pos.) 7E0EF600 Hover: Diddy 7E12A710 Inf. jumps in mid-air + press Y to glide from ledges: DK 7E12A910 Inf. jumps in mid-air + press Y to glide from ledges: Diddy
Note: the two previous codes have some side effects (eg. you can't defeat baddies or open animal crates with jump attacks)
Camera Control:
7E1A4Cxx* Camera Position (vertical) 7E1A62xx* Camera Position (horizontal) 7E1A4D01 Camera Scroll (vertical) 7E1A6300 Camera Flyby (horizontal)
* Replace each x with a hexadecimal digit of your choice: * Low values elevate camera, high values lower camera.
Keep Animal Buddies in next level 80839460 (part 1) B883CB65 (part 2)
Note: You must complete a level with the animal buddy in order to take it to another level - Start/Select will not work.
Weather Effects:(Jungle Levels)
7E1DF300 Daytime 7E1DF301 Sunshowers 7E1DF302 Night 7E1DF303 Rainy Night 7E1DF304 Lightning 7E1DF307 Rain & Lightning
7E0ADBxx* Camera Position (vertical) 7E0AD7xx* Camera Position (horizontal)
* Replace each x with a hexadecimal digit of your choice: * Low values elevate camera, high values lower camera.
Donkey Kong Country 3
Kong Abilities:
7E00CA77 Invincibility (!) 7E051000 SWIM ANYWHERE (actually a level property modifier; see below) 7E149602 Ghost Mode: Dixie (can't be hit) 7E14E802 Ghost Mode: Kiddy 7E08A699 SuperJump: Dixie 7E091499 SuperJump: Kiddy
Camera Control:
7E0497xx* Camera Position (vertical) 7E0493xx* Camera Position (horizontal)
* Replace each # with a hexadecimal digit of your choice: * Low values elevate camera, high values lower camera.
Level Access:
7E1C4904 Access Gyrocopter 7E00C0xx Level Modifier List of Modifier digits (thanks to Giangurgolo for these)
Level Properties: 7E0510xx Water Depth
* Replace each # with a hexadecimal digit of your choice: 00 = Water all the way to the top 01 = 128 pixels lower 02 = 128 pixels lower again...
7E197410 Remove Objects (has many interesting uses!) BBA649F8 OBJ Map Modifier 1 (tells the game to read from 7E00F8 instead of 7E00C0 - do not modify) 7E00F8xx OBJ Map Modifier 2 (xx = Level Object Map to Use) List of Modifier digits
7E05CBxx Bonus Coins 7E05CFxx DK Coins
I believe these will work in all regions/revisions (US, EUR, Jap/1.0, 1.1 etc...), but if there are any errors/unworking codes, please let me know.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I wanted to start this thread to encourage myself (and the rest of the DKC gaming community) to share any codes we find which may be of interest and use to others. I'll update this post when worthwhile codes are posted. Let's make this the definitive DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection!
How to submit a code: Just post a message below including the code and a good description of what it does. You can also suggest a tag/label, or 'brief description' (18 char's max, including spaces) for the code, which is of use when entering it into the device/emulator itself, so you can recognise the code in your code list. Often, the last two digits of a code can be adjusted to modify the effect of the code. If this is the case, please mention a few (or all, if practical) of these 'modifiers', and what effect they cause.
Note: Any codes accepted into this first post will be also put up on DKC Atlas.
Last edited by Qyzbud on August 25th, 2008, 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason:DKC3 codes added for Bonus coins & DK coins
Remember the 7E051000 code which lets you swim anywhere in DKC3. Its tag can be "swimming". Also, you can add the pallete modifier from DKC2 (which is at a DKC2 thread). It can be tagged as "pallete modifier".
Anyway, just so you notice, the DKC and DKC3 spoilers are messed up =P
Here's a rather advanced code, with two parts. It can be used to modify which set of objects the game uses for the current level. The digits are the same as the Level Modifier digits. I found this while hacking an object modifier (which I'm still working on).
OBJ Map Modifier (For DKC3) BBA649F8 (Overwrites code so that the object map is derived from 7E00F8 instead of 7E00C0 - don't modify this!) 7E00F8xx (Use this code to select the object map, where xx = Level Object Map to Use)
I might add a few more, for modifying DKC3's coinage counts. If only this could be done in real life... oh wait, it can- and it's called bank fraud.
Kiddy14: The swim anywhere code is great, I'll add that one for sure. It's worth noting that you can modify the last digit(s) to 'lower' the water level. This lets you walk in the underwater areas. Handy little code that. I might put 7E051000 as a SWIM ANYWHERE code, and have 7E0510## as a WATER DEPTH modifier code, with a few notes on its use.
I'll check out the DKC2 palette mod code, too. Thanks for the suggestions!
...I can't see a problem with the spoilers; what's wrong with them at your end?
Simion32: Cheers for the 2-part level object modifier, I'll go ahead and assume that's for DKC3... Trust you to bring such an advanced code to the table with your first post.
Qyzbud wrote:I'll go ahead and assume that's for DKC3... Trust you to bring such an advanced code to the table with your first post.
Yes, it's for DKC3. Odd that I forgot to say what game it's for. *Edits previous post*
The reason the modifier has two parts is so that this PAR code doesn't interfere with the actual level being loaded, as 7E00C0 is used for most things that are level-specific. This keeps them separate allowing you to cross-mix levels with different object maps.
DKC2 Infinite midair cartwheels - 7E16D766 (if Diddy cartwheel into the air, he'll keep cartwheel through the air at the same speed and won't fall down)
For me, if I use the DKC or DKC2 super jump codes, instead of jumping as high as you want, it makes you jump only half as high! (And I don't know what version I have) But I found 2 other super jump codes for DKC that work on mine: DK - 7E0EF380 Diddy - 7E0EF580 (All they are are Qyzbud's super jump codes with an 8 instead of a 6) the DKC jump codes work fine, though. Maybe I have the right version of DKC3?
Mhhh, with SNES9X I have problems with PAR codes at the moment. Somehow they aren't stored correctly, so the 8-bit code transforms into a similar non-working 7-bit code after closing the cheat codes window.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but if any effect that has a seperate code for the first and second player, take the 3rd-to-last of the digit 1st player character's code and add 2 to it to get the second player's code. Example:
DKC - Keep Animal Buddys Between Levels: 80839460 and B883CB65 If you beat a level with any animal buddy (except squawks) you can take that animal buddy to the next level and still have it. You can also take it to bonuses. If you beat that level with the animal buddy you can go to the next, and the next, and so forth. You have to enter both codes.
Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!]_00000.png (38.59 KiB) Viewed 198222 times
DKC2 - Exit Any Level: 808ADB00 Exit any level by pressing start and select even if you didn't beat it. DKC2 - Fight Krow: 7E00D309 If you enter it before you go to a level, you'll be at Krow's nest when you go to any level. If you enter it while you're in a level, Krow will be there. DKC2 - Fight K.Rool: 7E00D361 If you enter it before you go to a level, you'll be at KRool Duel when you go to any level. If you enter it while you're in a level, KRool will be there.
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00002 (2).png (47.2 KiB) Viewed 197533 times
DKC2 - Always Swim: BA051713 Self Explanitory. You have enter it before you go to a level. DKC - Fight Necky: 7E003EE4 Go to a level, enter the code, and after the camera moves off screen a bit, turn it off.
Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!]_00001.png (39.11 KiB) Viewed 197516 times
DKC2 - ????: 7E00D343 I don't know what it does. Every time I go to a level with it on, ZSNES crashes. But when I turn it off, it's fine.
Note: If you pass a No-Animal sign with this code on, your animal buddy will keep spawning items, regardless of which animal buddy is pictured on the sign.
Donkey Kong Country 3 (U)(V1.0).smc 7E007Eyy Character Modifier 7E007Fxx
Note: A similar side effect to the DKC2 character modifier code can happen here, but only if the animal buddy you're playing as matches the one pictured on the sign.
Note 2: There is no value for Purple Squawks because he seems to be level-dependent. If you use the Squawks value in a level that normally has Purple Squawks, he will be purple. Otherwise, he'll be green.
These codes have the same effect as entering an Animal Barrel. You become the animal buddy and can withstand two hits if you have both Kongs.
I found the character modifier code by using ZSNES's comparative cheat search. Each time the character switched, I searched for new values not equal to(!=) the old value.
I have reach one of my dreams: beat Rattle battle without Rattly I have used the animal buddies codes and i found funny the strange color palettes of the characters... I tried to defeat K rool in another level but i can't catch the cannon ball
In DKC1 i have used the animal buddies code but it isn't work Funny codes...i haven't played DKC3 for ages...i am going to play it now for using codes
Not only does Ghost Mode let you walk through enemies without touching them, it also makes you fall through Squitter's platform webs, and not be able to get on animal buddies. The 'Half Ghost Mode' still let's you get on animal buddies and stand on Squitter's webs. They're just Ghost Mode with a value of FF.
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U)(V1.1).smc F883E72C Allows the K. Rool death music to be played This is technically a ROM address, but it is interesting...
Donkey Kong Country 3 (U)(V1.0).smc 7E077710 Makes every Squawks purple Use this with the character modifier I posted earlier to play as purple Squawks in any level.
Ahhh... this has this same effect as the object map modifier code for DKC3, only it's a ton more glitched. Would you like me to hack a non-glitched DKC object map modifier?
This is what can happen when cross-combining elements from different levels.
I noticed that you were able to walk on the mine cart tracks... it must be that some special code is activated to keep you form colliding with the rails. But without the specialized stuff there, you can stand on the rails. Really interesting!
I took a look at it, and it turns out Very Gnawty being in Mine Cart Carnage is what what made me walk on the tracks: It also works with any boss (K.Rool included). If you put K.Rool in Mine Cart Carnage the background gets glitched and the ground will be invisible.
Admin's note: Several of this thread's previous posts have been merged in from another thread. Further details can be read in the spoiler below;
Topic: Jungle Hijinx Object Map in Other Levels. by Kong-Fu on Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:10 am This video will explain how to do it, and all the details.
This really doesn't need its own topic. It's not a glitch; it is just the result of a PAR code. It irks me when people call a PAR hack a 'glitch'. The video uploader is guilty of this, and by posting this on the DKC glitches board (rather than the ongoing DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection thread), so are you, Kong-Fu.
Glitches are possible to be done using just the cartridge and a standard SNES setup, with no additional hardware/software.
It's also important to include information in the first post of a topic; not just a link to YouTube.
This isn't a PAR Code, but people were talking about it in the thread Qyzbud merged: I know what makes you walk on the tracks.
The tracks are actually just walkways that look different. How 'bout that? When you reach a certain point in mine cart levels (when you go from the ground to the tracks) all ground beyond that point is tracks. Bosses don't have whatever it is that does that, so when you put Very Gnawty in Mine Cart Carnage, you walk on the tracks! I found it out when I was editing Mine Cart Madness, and couldn't get the mine cart to appear.
i have found a DKC2 PAR Code...i haven't heard about it before, so it may be new for DKC Atlas(I don't know if someone have posted it before, but i think not) Enter BBBE0B80 and BEC51780
Actually, it makes enemies only killable by barrels, or something stronger. Also, if you jump on an enemy while right up against a hidden bonus wall, you'll be stuck and starbursts will be all over you!
Maybe there's a code that makes all enemies weak. I'll look for it.
I realised the first 6 digits of these were the same, so I figured maybe if I tried some of the digits in between i'd get other bosses. It hasn't gone as planned exactly, but 7E00D310 will make you go into haunted hall. EDIT: 21 is kleever, but trying to make him appear in some levels makes things happen that just kill you. MORE EDIT: You can probably guess that using different codes takes you to different levels. But if you use it, you can't leave it unless you die or use start-select. What I mean is, If you get into the room in Rattle Battle in which the morph barrel is located, exiting the room which cause you to just walk back in to the same room again. Likewise, if you go into a bonus barrel, you just go to the start of the level.
It hasn't gone as planned exactly, but 7E00D310 will make you go into haunted hall.
That's because it's the level modifier, not a boss modifier.
If you enter the level code to a boss while you are going from the map screen to a level (like about when the map music stops) the boss will be in that level.
Yeah I know, but I was trying to find codes for other bosses, and instead I found Haunted Hall, and lots of other levels. But eventually I found Kleever was 7E00D321.
Can anyone tell me the boss modifier codes for: Kudgel King Zing Krow's Ghost Kaptain K. Rool (2nd Fight) Get as many as possible please! EDIT:Never mind.
Kong-Fu wrote:DKC - Keep Animal Buddys Between Levels: 80839460 and B883CB65 If you beat a level with any animal buddy (except squawks) you can take that animal buddy to the next level and still have it. You can also take it to bonuses. If you beat that level with the animal buddy you can go to the next, and the next, and so forth. You have to enter both codes.