It was entirely made with SDK3 Editor, Platinum and Frontend from Kingizor (thank you for that tool) ! Those tools are really complicated to deal with, especially when you don’t want to have glitches and bugs in the game, so that was really a hard task : sometimes you imagine gameplay phases, which you cannot implement in the game because it does not work, or it lags or glitches etc… In consequence, it took me around one year of hard work to achieve this result, so please be kind and say thanks if you play the game and like it !
All the levels have been entirely modified, with new level design, enemies, objects and bonus placement ! Boss and map are the same as the original.
This game’s overall difficulty is the same as the original. A big part of the interest of this hack resides in finding all bonuses and DK coins. The number of bonus levels in each level is the same as the original. Will you be able to reach 103 % ??
Good luck, and enjoy !!!

UPDATE - Patch updated to v1.1, featuring :
- layering of Bananas in the Waterfall levels are now OK
- changed tiles on the docks at the beginning of Kreeping Klasps
- corrected glitches in Kreeping Klasps
- tried to correct the glitch on Tracker Barrel Trek by the barrel for Koin (I wasn't able to cancel the glitch, hope it won't be too visible...)
- changed the position of some Koindozers in Koindozer Clamber in order to make them stay on their platforms
- changed tiles in Swoopy Salvo
Link :