Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

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Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby Cosmicman » January 10th, 2018, 1:48 pm

I am very surprised this has not been shown on the forums... I would sell my soul if I had one to play a full game like this. *o*

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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby Simion32 » January 10th, 2018, 3:41 pm

For this to be "only an animation"? My gut feeling is that he did more than just animate.

The graphics are spot-on!
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby OneOf99 » January 10th, 2018, 5:17 pm

That looks so cool! Although the kong movement is a tad bit klunky, those enemy sprites are really good!

Minus points however because the beetles take two hits to kill, not one :P
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby Qyzbud » January 11th, 2018, 10:55 am

Y'know, I totally dropped the ball on this one; I saw it, was blown away by it, went down a rabbit-hole investigating whether it was a WIP fan game or just an exquisite gameplay-style animation... and in the end totally forgot to post it. :oops:

But yes, it's totally gorgeous. I especially like the ambient particle effects, the movement of the bramble leaves, and of course the high resolution and smoothness of the framerate.

Also worth looking at is the creator's latest video — a tribute to Rambi!

Oh, and it does only take one hit to defeat Click-Clacks via Y attack, so no marks ought to be deducted for that. :geek:
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby OneOf99 » January 11th, 2018, 3:18 pm

Qyzbud wrote:Oh, and it does only take one hit to defeat Click-Clacks via Y attack, so no marks ought to be deducted for that. :geek:

Man I need to play DKC 2 again haha :facepalm: And here I thought I was being the snarky expert!
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby MatiZ » January 12th, 2018, 5:31 am

Seems like he is going to make Jungle Hijinx level. I recommend subscribing him on YT and Twitter. He recently made Jinjo :D
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby Super Luigi! » January 15th, 2018, 8:49 am

Rambi shaking the trees every time he lands is a nice touch. It seems this person really knows what he's doing.
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Re: Bramble Blast 3D HD Remake

Postby Cosmicman » May 1st, 2019, 11:54 am

Another level : Bramble Scramble

I tried offering him all my 3D models to speed up a full remake but he didn't answer, maybe overwhelmed by thousands of messages or not interested to avoid Nintendo getting involved, anyways this is beautiful, If I could I would do a full remake like this myself, who knows maybe someday I'll have the skills. :kiddysad:
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