A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

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A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » November 6th, 2014, 8:45 am

Hello all!

As adviced by Leonardo (from the DKC4 team), I open a topic here to talk a little bit about the game I'm going to release next month, a project I've been working on for the last several years, A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country!


Watch the trailer here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHVGvjGRoXY

The game website : http://www.atributetodkc.com

The aim was to try to do a Donkey Kong game in high definition, trying to keep as much as possible the look and feel of the original Donkey Kong Country game for Super Nintendo. At the time of its release, just 20 years ago, the game was really beautiful and had incredible graphics. Rareware, the original developer, used renders (pictures) of their 3D models of their characters and backgrounds as 2D elements so that the Super Nintendo could display them.

I thought that now, with the power we have on modern computers, I could create a game with 3D models as detailed as what they used in the original game, but displaying them this time in real time 3D.


So I went on modeling in 3D the most famous characters of the DKC series, animating them, and creating brand new levels in the Unreal Development Kit.


You can see more renders http://atributetodkc.com/?p=80.

I finally created a full remix of the original game, and I will release on December 1st the first world of the game, that will include 8 new levels!


This game is a tribute to the Rareware and Nintendo folks who created an incredible game 20 years ago.

I created pretty much everything that is in the game, except the music made by brilliant artists from ocremix.org!

I'm not a game developper! I worked on this after my day job, and during the weekends.

I hope you'll check the website again on December 1st for the release, and like the game!

Last but not least, thanks for the great reference this website is, and congrats on the job done!

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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Phyreburnz » November 6th, 2014, 8:56 am

This looks incredible! I can't wait to play! Thank you so much for sharing here!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby spaceman2028 » November 6th, 2014, 10:53 am


:banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » November 6th, 2014, 11:14 am

:thumbs: Commendable Effort!! :thumbs:

I already give this about 7/10 just looking at the video, the remaining 3 points (give or take a few) reserved to describe gameplay and things that can't quite be gleaned from the video.

My thinking is, you are extremely close to being on par with DKC Returns, or possibly even beyond that quality if 3D graphics were better. Still no information on gameplay.

All by one person too!! :P

I really need to consider a 3D engine for later on after I've finished and perfected DELTA (which is 2D by design).
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Qyzbud » November 6th, 2014, 11:21 am

I love what I've seen so far, Igor! Thanks for sharing your amazing solo efforts here. :)

I've shared your announcement trailer and website link on Facebook to help spread the word. :D

Best of luck with your project's release — it's sure to be a hit! :thumbs:

Addendum: I haven't heard anyone mention it, but I personally think some reshaping of DK's throat area is in order; it looks a bit like a frog's vocal sac at the moment. I'm all for bringing back Winky in some shape or form, but preferably not like this. :P
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Gaz » November 6th, 2014, 1:47 pm

I think Rareware's magic might just be coming in this guy... Splendid job! Will there ever be 5-7 worlds in this game? The supposed update could appropriately be around November 2015, DKC2:DKQ's 20th birthday.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Phyreburnz » November 6th, 2014, 2:09 pm

I have a few questions for you, Igor. I've had some time for your work to sink in, so now I can ask you some stuff! :lol:

How long have you been working on this?

I'm also wondering what your normal job is, since you've said that you aren't a game designer. I'm just so fascinated with the fact that you've been able to do all of this and it isn't your normal job.

You may just be the most dedicated DKC fan I've ever seen! ;)

Once again, absolutely beautiful job. Keep up the amazing work!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby leo_core » November 6th, 2014, 3:03 pm

Welcome to the forum Igor. Here you will find people really enthusiasts of DKC franchise.
The staff here has helped a lot with our DKC4 project and several other people have great projects in the works, if you want your project to be tested by fire and sword this is the place!

Impresses me a lot that you alone be doing everything in your project, from modeling, animation and programming.It is truly remarkable!

I wonder if you have plans to make animal friends, and if so, what would be.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » November 7th, 2014, 3:55 am

Phyreburnz wrote:I have a few questions for you, Igor. I've had some time for your work to sink in, so now I can ask you some stuff! :lol:

How long have you been working on this?

I'm also wondering what your normal job is, since you've said that you aren't a game designer. I'm just so fascinated with the fact that you've been able to do all of this and it isn't your normal job.

You may just be the most dedicated DKC fan I've ever seen! ;)

Once again, absolutely beautiful job. Keep up the amazing work!

Thanks a lot, to answer your questions, I've been working on this on my spare time over the last 3-4years, but not everyday of course,mostly weekends and holidays.
I don't want to talk much about my real work but it's not game maker at all, and yes it's a real full time job...
Thanks again and see you on December 1st!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » November 7th, 2014, 3:59 am

leo_core wrote:Welcome to the forum Igor. Here you will find people really enthusiasts of DKC franchise.
The staff here has helped a lot with our DKC4 project and several other people have great projects in the works, if you want your project to be tested by fire and sword this is the place!

Impresses me a lot that you alone be doing everything in your project, from modeling, animation and programming.It is truly remarkable!

I wonder if you have plans to make animal friends, and if so, what would be.

Well maybe I could share an early version with a few of you, let me think about it and see if I have the time to do it.

Good question indeed about the animals, your question will be answered if you finish the game up to 100% ! ;)

Thanks a lot for the kind words everybody!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby BlueTronic » November 7th, 2014, 4:07 am

Holy hell, this is amazing. I came here expecting it to be a cheapo DKC clone, but you seem to have captured the essence of the original Donkey Kong Country really well. If all goes well, this will fulfill my dream of Donkey Kong Country in HD. I'm excited for this

Now I will prepare for the big disappointment: Will this be available for Mac?
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » November 7th, 2014, 5:17 am

BlueTronic wrote:Holy hell, this is amazing. I came here expecting it to be a cheapo DKC clone, but you seem to have captured the essence of the original Donkey Kong Country really well. If all goes well, this will fulfill my dream of Donkey Kong Country in HD. I'm excited for this

Now I will prepare for the big disappointment: Will this be available for Mac?

Well I might be able to package a Mac version, but I don't have a Mac to test the game...
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby MatiZ » November 7th, 2014, 5:25 am

I am very impressed. This is truly awesome! I would play it.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby BlueTronic » November 7th, 2014, 9:22 am

IgorF wrote:
BlueTronic wrote:Holy hell, this is amazing. I came here expecting it to be a cheapo DKC clone, but you seem to have captured the essence of the original Donkey Kong Country really well. If all goes well, this will fulfill my dream of Donkey Kong Country in HD. I'm excited for this

Now I will prepare for the big disappointment: Will this be available for Mac?

Well I might be able to package a Mac version, but I don't have a Mac to test the game...

Any way I can test it? Message me if so
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » November 7th, 2014, 11:58 am

I have quite a bit of experience in DKC fangame testing; I'd be welcome to an early test run if you desire. :)
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » November 9th, 2014, 7:49 am

Ahah, OK! It's noted guys, I'll come back to you!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby leo_core » November 10th, 2014, 3:55 am

The graphics are really cute, what is the minimum configuration required to run the game well? I think my laptop will not get :oops:
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » November 10th, 2014, 8:52 am

3D is typically much more accelerated than 2D with any kind of non-onboard graphics card, so with some luck, you might just have a better time of it.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Erockbrox » November 10th, 2014, 9:50 pm

this looks awesome.

i would also think it would be super awesome if they remade the original levels only with these high def graphics. so i would enjoy seeing a complete duplicate of the original but only upgraded.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Super Luigi! » November 21st, 2014, 1:24 pm

I'm just seeing this now, but let me just say IgorF, you've done an excellent job. :banana: Honestly, your trailer should be for an official DKC. :rant: You've made the original trilogy proud, and I wish you good luck in the future! :thumbs:
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 25th, 2014, 2:00 pm

This is just beyond gorgeous; like the Sonic Generations of DKC, except wonderfully merging classic with modern rather than contrasting them. I adore that giant Necky stage! :dixiehappy:
I'd buy this in a heartbeat were it a real product. I can't wait for December!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Qyzbud » December 1st, 2014, 1:56 pm

Those who have been looking forward to the release of this impressive-looking solo fangame effort will be glad to know that world 1 is now available!

A Tribute to DKC — World 1 (729 MB, Windows executable file)
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Phyreburnz » December 1st, 2014, 3:53 pm

I downloaded the first world and I have to say that I'm really confused on the button configurations... I would love to play, I just have no idea about the controls. I don't get why there appears to only be four buttons, but each seems to have like three different buttons you could hit... this is really confusing...

Also, after I installed it, I couldn't find the game again. I went into the folder where the game installed and there is a maze of folders... I figured maybe it would be relatively easy to find, but there are so many folders within folders. I can't figure it out. I actually am in the middle of re installing it to pop up the thing to play it again.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Qyzbud » December 1st, 2014, 5:38 pm

Yeah, I'm with you on the buttons/controls, Phyreburnz. Thankfully they're pretty easy to remap to buttons/keys of your choice (click an action, press a button/key), but I'm not so keen on roll and duck being mapped to the same input.

As for reinstalling just to play again; that seems extreme. I just typed "a tribute" into the start menu search box, and it popped up. Here's where it was for me:


I suppose IgorF might want to address these matters, to make the game more accessible. :)
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Phyreburnz » December 2nd, 2014, 2:00 am

It actually was faster to reinstall it... my computer was taking almost an hour to search for it... :? Thanks for the file location.

So are these the action buttons then? When I opened the program, I was expecting more of an emulator style of control scheme where you input ALL of the buttons, not just the action ones. Is it already using the d-pad to move the character? I still don't get why some of the buttons have three different options (or at least it appears that way). That was the big confusing part... For some reason, the first thing to jump into my head is that maybe these are controls for the d-pad AND the action buttons, rather than thinking they were just the action buttons. It would be nice if the buttons told you what they were. Are the ones at the bottom start and select or are they the shoulder buttons?

Man, I really feel like a whiny bastard after that paragraph.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby leo_core » December 2nd, 2014, 4:51 am

Unfortunately in my notebook run on 6 FPS, impractical to play.

What are your impressions of the game? Graphically it is beautiful, is not in the same graphic style of the SNES DKC (format of mountains and rocks, etc) but is beautiful. Bananas Tree are very well modeled, greatly appreciated textures.

I think you need some adjustments to the DK model (the throat is strange, like a frog (sorry the comparison but is what it seems)) and the walk animation (needs to be more natural, more balance).
But what about the gameplay? What you guys have to say?
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » December 2nd, 2014, 8:54 am

Thanks all for your feedback!
Yes I read your comments on the jaw, so the model is now really different from what is in the renderings or the old pictures (even the loading screen!).

I understand the remarks about the key mapping, but it's a nightmare to code correctly with Flash/Scaleform embedded in UDK... I did my best!

Oh yeah, and the installer is the one I have to use with UDK, and I have no control of what's it's doing... But it should add a link to "A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country" in your windows startscreen if you're on Windows 8, or in your "programs" start menu in older windows.
Thanks Qyzbud for posting the full path to the exe ;)
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 2nd, 2014, 9:58 am

So incredibly slow. Cannot play. :(

It's even slow in 640x480 - it felt like I was trying to emulate a PS3 or something. Less than 2FPS.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Qyzbud » December 2nd, 2014, 10:06 am

Runs beautifully in 1080p on my 5-year-old old system, and I love the opening story sequence.


I'm still trying to get used to the physics — specifically the "air control" — and I find it quite difficult to jump and land precisely.

I feel as though the baddies (Kritters in particular) change directions too quickly; perhaps give them a slight pause as they turn around, rather than it being such a sudden change.

The multi-track minecart gameplay is fantastic!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby vege » December 2nd, 2014, 1:23 pm

Hey Simion, try my lower quality settings-> better FPS. Go to C:\UDK\A Tribute To DKC\Engine\Config Backup the file "baseEngine.ini", then, replace it with this: http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/58234425/file.html
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby vege » December 2nd, 2014, 1:24 pm

friends, you can use Xpadder software for play it with joystick.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby sonosublime » December 2nd, 2014, 1:45 pm

I cannot wait to try this amazing-looking game.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 2nd, 2014, 3:40 pm

I would like to offer my two cents. First of all I LOVE THIS GAME! You have done an amazing job on this. I didn't have any issues getting it to run and the controls were set up automatically for my wireless Logitech controller. Your abilities in Unreal Development Kit are very apparent. There are some critical points I would like to make, The character animations for DK and Diddy are kind of clunky. I think with a little work you can fix those. Also I too have an issue with the collision and movement. DK seems to move weird when running and hitting the kritters on the head is difficult. On the sunset level when you get to the part where you are navigating on top of the giant necky through the group of Zingers, the sunset effect makes it very hard on the eyes to concentrate on where the Zingers are on screen. Now I actually love that visual effect, it's only in that particular area it bothers my eyes. Was that intentional to make it more difficult or is this just me? Otherwise, this is probably the best fan game I've ever seen. Good job, and keep up the good work!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 3rd, 2014, 2:49 pm

vege wrote:Hey Simion, try my lower quality settings-> better FPS.

Still didn't do much of anything. Only a bit faster (3FPS-ish). GPU too slow, or there's some kind of buffer effect lagging. Likely to be the GPU not being powerful enough. :roll:
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby vege » December 4th, 2014, 1:43 am

First off, thanks Igor for this great game, i like play it with joystick / TV (via HDMI), the second stage is my favorite. :)

@Simion, I think the engine is not optimized for some video cards, but i did performance testing, the occlusion and lights are the main problem. So i desactivated some fx and i changed many values. Try my new settings:


i increased +30 fps with this config for Nvidia Cards (tested on my 540gt card).

What is your video card?
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby leo_core » December 4th, 2014, 7:41 am

I think I was a bit rude to compare the model's neck Donkey Kong to a frog, I meant no offense (maybe you have been offended), that's what came to my head right at that time. The model is very good, Diddy is perfect! I believe that a small adjustment solves that. If are you going to want to do that.

I could not even play (need a better computer) but saw a gameplay in HD on YouTube. It is very impressive in terms of graphics, lighting effects, shadow and texture are absurdly cute! It seems a pre-rendered animation!

Well, I need to highlight some points. The walking animation of Donkey Kong really needs adjustments, look:
The Diddy animation is not equal to the DKC SNES but is natural, I liked it.

From what I could see in the video the jump is a little slow, I think you need a little more force on gravity. I do not mean jump height, I mean the time it takes the start of the jump until he return to touch the ground. The time it takes to turning the character needs to be a little smaller, just a little.

Collisions need to be more precise, I saw the guy who was playing die when jumped on the head of a Kremling (maybe if you slightly increase the collision box scale, not sure how this works in Unreal engine).

You think about implementing a kong partner system to follow the main player and the possibility of switch between kongs?
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 4th, 2014, 11:03 am

Success! Even runs in full resolution now. Playing now. :thumbs:

Thanks Vege. B/
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 4th, 2014, 12:13 pm

The controls and physics could do with some improvements, but some of the level concepts are fantastic! The last one in particular has a verrrrrry DKCR feel.

I enjoyed the minecart level, which was very well thought out. Outstanding 3D level design!

Full Rating: 8.88/10
Evaluated using JoyToKey and an "SNES" controller.

I was never able to get a roll move to work reliably, and there were a few banana trails in stage 2 that I could not grab (too high to jump into).

I'm not able to move fast enough with either DK or Diddy to outrun the boulder in stage 3.

Could not figure out how to defeat the boss, but the ending credits played anyway after I game over'd. :P
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby IgorF » December 5th, 2014, 6:59 pm

First, great job Vege with finding new settings that improves the framerate, it doubled it on my computer!
Of course it's really not looking as good as before but I guess it's a good solution for those who don't have a powerful graphic card! Thanks! Can I feature it on the website?

To answer your questions :
-to get some bananas sometimes you need to do a rebound on an enemy (press jump at the moment you're hitting it) you get a double jump
-To outrun the boulder, roll ;)
-to defeat the boss, avoid his series of attacks and then jump on his head (rebound on the web or jump from the sides)
-yeah indeed there's a bug if you game over there, I've corrected it on my computer but I'll reupload a 1.1 version of the game with other corrections

-no worries about the model, it's not like the screenshots or the first trailer anymore, i really improved the jaw in the release you were right!
-I'm not very good with animations and you can feel I made Diddy one year after making DK :)
-the physics engine with the UDK is a nightmare, it was already really hard to get a good feeling but I'll keep looking into that
-And the collisions withe enemies are with cylinders, also a nightmare, it doesn't always match the animation... but i get what you mean!
-About switching, well maybe but I don't know yet I'll have to think about it, it changes a lot of things!

To everyone here, thanks a lot for your feedback and your kind words, it means a lot to me!
See you soon!
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby vege » December 8th, 2014, 10:27 am

Of course, you can feature it :krool: . You can know the changed lines vs the original file at this page: https://www.diffchecker.com/diff
I would love a Menu In-Game to change some graphical options, especially these "True" and "False" options:


False for better performance, True for better look.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Cyclone » December 8th, 2014, 6:33 pm

I can't install this. Says something like bad directory/or not enough space... How much space is required. and do I need 2 gigs free on drive c?
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 9th, 2014, 2:00 am

You'll need 1GB for the installed game and another 800MB for the download sitting on your HDD.

You may also want Joy2Key for using gamepads.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Cyclone » December 9th, 2014, 3:03 am

Do I have to install it on my system drive c:? I don't have enough space on that drive. and can't free up anymore. Windows update eats up space. I do have enough on my other drive though but it still won't install.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Simion32 » December 9th, 2014, 7:20 am

Nope. I've installed onto an external, though it's possible it needs to install some other things onto C:\

You should really get Piriform CCleaner or something, and run that on your widows partition. Still yet, do a disk defragment to free up contiguous space for files.

I still have Windows stuffed within a 20GB partition, and haven't hit the ceiling yet. Even with plenty of applications.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Cyclone » December 9th, 2014, 3:11 pm

Still no result. It would be nice if there error message was more descriptive.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby CountryFan » December 14th, 2014, 9:57 am

I also had the credits play after losing all my Kongs to Arich! Also, DK kept ducking when he shouldn't have, due to control issues. I am also using wireless Logitech.

A few other things:

1. Not being able to switch between DK and Diddy at will? Diddy riding on DK's back? I thought this was supposed to be A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, not A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country Returns!

2. Occasional crashing upon loading an area.

3. I died as Diddy, yet restarted as DK.

4. There is no run button!

5. There is a section early on in "Dusk Till Dawn", just past the first Necky, where DK (and Diddy) can fall through a bridge and become stuck in the mountain.
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Re: A Tribute To Donkey Kong Country, a free fan-made game

Postby Cyclone » January 6th, 2015, 12:19 pm

bump. no help from the author? :scratch: I really want to try this.
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