Please Help Those in Need This Season (and any time)

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Please Help Those in Need This Season (and any time)

Postby ShaneM » December 25th, 2013, 4:00 am

Around this time of the year, we hear things like peace to men on Earth and what not. I cannot have inner peace knowing that there are children around the world dying of starvation and lack of clean water. If you have the resources, I urge you to give a dollar or 2 to the Salvation Army and help those in need with what you could. If you can, maybe donate some bread or food to you local shelter to help starving people.

While you are comfortably on your PC, think about those who don't share that luxury and only concern is staying warm and figuring out where their next meal will be. (I especially feel bad for those poor orphans who don't even have that much in this world. Who never get adopted and grow up to be homeless at 18. Never getting a fair chance.)

My purpose is not to advertise, it is to get you to think about donating something to those less fortunate, while we enjoy ourselves. Whether clothes, money, food, etc. Thank you. :)
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Re: Please Help Those in Need This Season (and any time)

Postby Gaz » December 25th, 2013, 4:03 am

Shane actually wanted me to make this topic, but I was nervous that everyone here would bully me about it and tell me, "This is not relevant!" or "We don't care!" I actually did do this a few weeks ago, and I gave ten dollars to the Salvation Army this Xmas season. I even got rid of useless stuff I had last month and requested it be given to poor people.

I'm still nervous about this topic being sent to the Post Mortuary.
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Re: Please Help Those in Need This Season (and any time)

Postby ShaneM » December 25th, 2013, 4:08 am

Gaz wrote:Shane actually wanted me to make this topic, but I was nervous that everyone here would bully me about it and tell me, "This is not relevant!" or "We don't care!"

I actually don't care for the approval of what others may think. I know in my heart that I have inner peace knowing that I'm trying to help those poor people. This is my joy. :) (That is the reason for the season, after all.)
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Re: Please Help Those in Need This Season (and any time)

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 25th, 2013, 5:57 am

I don't see how this would be considered irrelevant, you are posting it in "Unrelated Discussion" after all.

This is a nice topic. It's good to be charitable, especially during this time of the year. However, remember not to do your good deeds just so that they'll be noticed by others, or else you'll spoil the true reward.
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