Welcome to the Donkey Kong Country: Kremling Chaos fan game thread. This project started over a year ago as a fan game based on the nintendo Game Boy games series Donkey Kong Land. It's concept tittle was Donkey Kong Land Returns. It has in recent months evolved into something bigger and better. My goal for this fan game is to create a unique Donkey Kong Country experience that rivals the classic DKC games but offers a visual style similar to the newer DKCR and DKCTF games by retro studios. The biggest factor in this game will be the return of the Kremlings, many fans want this but it doesn't seem to be happening in the new series. When I say there will be Kremlings I mean there will be a ton of Kremlings! Old favorites as well as completely new species of Kremlings such as Krawler an overweight Kremling that can no longer walk upright due to it's massive size will sit waiting for the Kongs and then crawl at the speed of a Krimp making for a very large fast moving obstacle! It has two cousins who are colored differently (in the style of the old DKC baddies) Klimber who climbs up and down walls presenting a vertical version of this huge baddie and Kaput who will just remain Idle but in very challenging spots throughout the levels making for a kong sized headache when trying to navigate through the levels players will need to figure out how to get around this big oof. This is just one example of the new breed of Kremlings and there will be many more! Also there will be returning animal BADDIES that were rarely seen in the previous DKC games such as Manky Kong, Cat O' 9 Tails and Screech. These guys will be rendered from all new 3D models! Another example of new baddies will include the new Kremlings created by Paon, Kludge, Kip, Kass and Kalypso will all make apearances as baddies in the game. Kalypso will fall from the sky hurting the Kongs from above as she floats in on a 1-UP balloon. If players can successfully take her out before she floats off screen they will be rewarded with her 1-UP! please stay tuned to this topic for any updates on the project. It's release date will be November 2013 (I hope) Thanks to all in advance for any input/advice