Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

The Delta 2D Platforming Suite is a forthcoming powerful game creation tool. Its expansive scope and professional game engine will allow creation of almost any 2D platforming game – and best of all, it's free!

Do you think DELTA should have a 3D Level Mode sometime in the future?

Total votes : 11

Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Simion32 » May 13th, 2012, 6:58 pm

I just had an awesome dream a few minutes ago, and I cannot sleep anymore, so I'm posting this topic about it. I dreamed I was playing as Tiny Kong in a 3D level. There was music I never heard before, with many recognizable sound effects from various games. The point of this was a demo "mini"-level (though quite large anyway) and you had to collect a whole bunch of stuff. Losing too many lives resulted in loss of all the "star" items (think DKC3 bonus level kind of star but with a red outline on them, in front-facing 2D mode). There were also, among other things, a Triforce to be found in this level, Bear Coins, Golden Bear Coins, and bananas of course (there may have been other items, who knows).

This gave me a radical idea: What if, at some point, I were to apply 3D to the DELTA game physics rules and create an extension called "3D Level Mode" that could be called up instead of the usual 2D engine mode? I've had this idea beforehand, and its codename was previously known to me only as [NAME REDACTED], still being an idea for an entirely separate future engine experiment. But I just realized - what if I were to take this idea and make it part of the Delta Project?

Although; some preliminary thought suggests that this would be more complicated than it sounds - about 10 times more complex, at the very least. A few big hurdles such as how to integrate this into the already existing engine, how to edit levels easily, and how to prevent objects from going into walls in the physics, are a few of the worst issues with this idea. The same rules that are in DELTA's 2D physics can be applied to any arbitrary plane in a 3D space, but it would only consider point-line collisions, not the actual 3-dimensional hitbox (hit-spheres, collision-mesh, or other such things).

So, what do you guys think? *votes under the Maybe category*
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Markster » May 14th, 2012, 1:07 am

That would be cool.
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Super Luigi! » May 14th, 2012, 11:28 am

Well, I don't think you should HAVE to implement 3-D into the Level Builder, but I think your idea is excellent. I would like to see how that would work out, but if you decide not to, I won't be heartbroken. *votes under Maybe category*
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Phyreburnz » May 14th, 2012, 12:06 pm

I'm not sure I fully understand the concept. So, are you talking about being able to put in 3D levels in 2D games or being able to edit 3D games, like DK64?
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Simion32 » May 14th, 2012, 12:17 pm

I'm referring to 3D as in DK64, but as an add-on mode that can be activated for individual levels/maps/screens/etc.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Cosmicman » May 14th, 2012, 2:21 pm

I think you should concentrate on the level builder for now, then work on a 3d builder when you're completely done with this current project.
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Markster » May 15th, 2012, 4:27 pm

3D in DELTA would be great, but good luck at coding.
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby HellFire » May 17th, 2012, 1:08 am

Cosmicman wrote:I think you should concentrate on the level builder for now, then work on a 3d builder when you're completely done with this current project.

My words exactly. It would be an welcome addition, but in my opinion you should focus on the LB for now. I voted No.
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Simion32 » May 17th, 2012, 8:48 am

I meant this to be strictly YEARS in the future, not something to happen within just a few; I mean when DKCLB is nearing 99-100%.

I wouldn't cut out and start doing random stuff, that would trash the entire plan anyway... :lol:
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Future Ideas Poll: 3D for DELTA?

Postby Morzeka » May 18th, 2012, 11:16 am

I agree with the suggestion to complete the 2D level editor as a priority. But I would also find the 3D expansion to be a great additional feature for new level concepts and bonus rounds. Absolutely. Not to mention, with 3D, you would be able to admire the beauty of my hive in a much easier perception. I voted, "yes."
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