And are trains fun?

Chibisai Kong wrote:Honey I think you mean "scary"...
Phyreburnz wrote:Holes in jeans were not allowed in my high school, but most of the teachers don't care... Except one: Mr. Reignton. He ALWAYS sends kids to the office for having holes in their jeans... because apparently it's a "distraction in school"... What a load of crap, eh? Anyway, my boyfriend, Eugene wore what he called his "grungy jeans" that had pretty gaping holes in the knees. He always came to school about a half an hour before the bell rang (he walked most of the time and liked to be their early). Mr. Reignton saw Eugene and kept asking if he was going to attend class that day. Eugene finally said yes and Reignton said that he could either go to the office now or fix his holes.
Eugene came into the art room and was taping the holes with masking tape. I came in and gave him safety pins. The holes were completely covered, so he thought he was okay.... Until the bell rang. Immediately, he was called to the office. Mrs. Dubich (assistant principal or something) said it was okay, but she needed another opinion. Mrs. Perry (the principal) said it wasn't okay. Eugene tried to say that Reignton saw him BEFORE school even started, but Perry kept cutting him off saying he'd already seen him. Eugene got an in-school suspension. So, rather than attending class, he got to sit in a F---ING room by himself ALL day. How retarded is that?
The next week, Eugene decided he'd wear the most ridiculous things he could find to prove that the dress code was retarded. He wore a bee suit one day, my sister's skirt the next, and a really long shirt with shorts that just cut it (at or below fingertips). He also had a sign on his chest saying "Freedom is not just a single pant, it is a pair of pants." (Mr. Reignton had "freedom cupcake day" where students made cupcakes. On freedom cupcake day, he said "Freedom is not just a singe cupcake, it is a sea of cupcakes.")
Here's a picture of Eugene in the Bee suit:
Chibisai Kong wrote:D'awww, Markster, that's so cute! ^_^
Phyreburnz wrote:I probably would. I ♥ long hair on guys!
Chibisai Kong wrote:Wow, FalsePower, you are ULTIMATELY attractive!
Markster wrote:I am a long haired person myself.
Chibisai Kong wrote:Wow, FalsePower, you are ULTIMATELY attractive!
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