Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

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Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby A7Penn » May 3rd, 2010, 8:38 am


- iight here's the dealeo... -

For the last year or two I have been working on a Donkey Kong fangame which has been coming along nicely and I have been doing what I can to keep it in style to DK: King of Swing. Now my problem is some of the images that I am using now are not fitting in with the rest and I don't specialize in spriting. So I need people who want to help contribute to the cause by helping make some sprites.

Here is the link for the game...

To Do List:
    -Make the last level of the game (complete)
    -Make the last bonus world level (complete)
    -Make the final boss (complete)
    -Make the bonus world boss (complete)
    -Go back and finalize levels (complete)
    -Make menu and save system (complete)
    -Test for bugs (complete)
    -Post online for everyone to play! (complete)

This is the list of levels completed in the game so far besides the bonus world levels (Those are a surprise).

World 1 - Kong Island
    -Jungle Rumble
    -Bouncy Botany
    -Treetop Thunder
    -Coral Capers
    -Canopy Cannons
    :twisted: Very Gnawty's Lair
World 2 - Sandy Bar
    -Stormy Sands
    -Perilous Pyramid
    -Krocodile Kliffs
    -Ninja Nights
    :twisted: Master Necky's Perch
World 3 - Creepy Castle
    -Torchlight Terror
    -Tidal Trouble
    -Cloudy Crypt
    -Weightless Wheels
    -Ghastly Garden
    :twisted: Kreepy Kong Klamber
World 4 - Icicle Island
    -Ice Barrel Barrage
    -Collapsing Crevices
    -Frigid Floodwater
    -Wobbly Wood
    -Snow Barrel Blast
    :twisted: Frost Wasp's Wasteland
World 5 - Krem Kaverns
    -Volatile Villains
    -Fallout Factory
    -Rhino Rampage
    -Treacherous Track
    -Gravity Gully
    :twisted: Master Necky's Revenge
World 6 - K. Rool Kruizer
    -Shipdeck Showdown
    -Barge Barrel Byway
    -K Rool's Klimax

So for anyone who would like to help if you could please just post here or pm me that would be great.

All sprites need to be DK: King of Swing styled and proportional to other sprites. (ex. I can't use a klaptrap that is bigger then Donkey Kong)

The enemies that I need help with right now are...

    -Army the Armadillo (completed by Aperson98)
    -Spiny the Porcupine (completed by Aperson98)
    -Pufferfish (completed by Aperson98)
    -Mankey Kong (completed by Aperson98)
    -Klump (completed by Aperson98)
    -Klaptrap (completed by Aperson98)
    -Kackle (completed by Aperson98)
    -Krusha (completed by Aperson98)

If you want to submit something that is not on the list but you think looks better then what I using go ahead and post it and I may insert it anyways

So please help me out with graphics or at least give me some feedback on the game, it helps a lot.

EDIT: The game is done. Contributions for improvement are still welcome. Feel free to leave feedback!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Scraps69 » May 3rd, 2010, 3:13 pm

Hmmm. Your game already has pretty good klaptraps, krusha, and porcupines.

This is pretty fantastic stuff :)

I gave the first world a play. You nailed the DK feel and the canopy cannons stage was quite difficult. The gnawty stage felt just like the original DKC but cartoony of course.

I found that the 'z' being cartwheel and run and that 'x' being jump felt a bit awkward. I'm not sure but I think 'a' being jump and 'x' being run would be more comfortable for players with 'jumping off animal and tagging as 'z' or 's'. Maybe you can have alternative control schemes in place? Right 'Shift' would also be a great way to use 'tag' instead of 'a'.

Asides, it was pretty good and challenging. Though where was candy kong in the first world???? Is there a save option?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » May 4th, 2010, 9:44 am

Scraps69 wrote:Hmmm. Your game already has pretty good klaptraps, krusha, and porcupines.

This is pretty fantastic stuff :)

I gave the first world a play. You nailed the DK feel and the canopy cannons stage was quite difficult. The gnawty stage felt just like the original DKC but cartoony of course.

I found that the 'z' being cartwheel and run and that 'x' being jump felt a bit awkward. I'm not sure but I think 'a' being jump and 'x' being run would be more comfortable for players with 'jumping off animal and tagging as 'z' or 's'. Maybe you can have alternative control schemes in place? Right 'Shift' would also be a great way to use 'tag' instead of 'a'.

Asides, it was pretty good and challenging. Though where was candy kong in the first world???? Is there a save option?

Thanks for the feedback. It helps a lot.

The sprites you mentioned are the ones I was less worried about but its good to know that other people don't think they stand out too much. As for the controls, it would be a mission for me to change them because I would have to go through a lot of coding. I was hoping that people when playing the game would use Joy2Key or some other key emulator when playing.

As for the saving, there is none, yet. There is no menu system at all yet because I am saving that for last after I complete the game and other stuff. And Candy won't be the person saving the game, its going to be cranky and you can see him on the map of the demo version from what I remember. He should be after the 4th level.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby K.Rool the Krool » May 12th, 2010, 11:11 am

Hey there, I'd be happy to help with any sprites you might need. I'm fairly knowledgable in the subject and have some free time this summer, so just give me a shout if you'd like me to help out!


K.Rool The Krool (Mike)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » May 13th, 2010, 8:42 am

Hey great game demo it was a blast to play it felt just like the old DKC games but with cartoon graphics.
I saw you needed help with some sprites I hope this Klump edit I made will be a good start.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » May 15th, 2010, 3:29 am

K.Rool the Krool wrote:Hey there, I'd be happy to help with any sprites you might need. I'm fairly knowledgable in the subject and have some free time this summer, so just give me a shout if you'd like me to help out!


K.Rool The Krool (Mike)

Hey ya thanks for volunteering, out of the list of the sprites I left I'm pretty sure that the ones that I would need the most would be a pufferfish (like puftup from DKC2), Mankey Kong (He throws barrels just like the original), and Army the Armadillo. Theres no rush so you can take your time cuz I probably wont be done the game until the end of the summer.

aperson98 wrote:Hey great game demo it was a blast to play it felt just like the old DKC games but with cartoon graphics.
I saw you needed help with some sprites I hope this Klump edit I made will be a good start.

That klump that you made looks amazing and is a huge upgrade from what I was using before. I hope you dont mind but I made a minor change. When I put him in the game I noticed the helmet looked a little funny so I changed the way the helmet sits on his head.
It looks great in the game though and I really liked the sprite you made for when diddy jumps on his head, he looks so much better now, thanks.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » May 16th, 2010, 7:07 am

Hello again I made some Mankey Kong sprites this time it's not perfect but I hope they will help you a ton.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » May 19th, 2010, 8:22 am

aperson98 wrote:Hello again I made some Mankey Kong sprites this time it's not perfect but I hope they will help you a ton.

Its still a lot better then what I was using. After fiddling around a little bit trying to get the sprites you made to work with the game I ended up with this as the end product. I basically just added a barrel and added more hair on his head.


Making Mankey kong was a big help, thanks a lot. :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » May 20th, 2010, 8:41 am

I am glad you like it guess what I got a Klaptrap sheet made here it is.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Lanky Kong » May 25th, 2010, 4:42 am

So, i can join in it...

but im only with ideas...

The World 4 boss can be...

Ice Man from Mega Man or a Jeti Kong...

thats all, sorry i isn't got any ideas...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » May 27th, 2010, 5:48 am

aperson98 wrote:I am glad you like it guess what I got a Klaptrap sheet made here it is.

Im sorry to say that I tried these ones out and the one which I was using looked better. I was nervous with the ones I was using because I just edited the one from the original, but now Im realizing that they dont look half bad. Thanks for the other sprites but I dont think that Im gonna change the ones im using unless I see something that is obviously better then what I have.

Lanky Kong wrote:So, i can join in it...

but im only with ideas...

The World 4 boss can be...

Ice Man from Mega Man or a Jeti Kong...

thats all, sorry i isn't got any ideas...

Its true that Im looking for what the world 4 boss should be but Im definitely not doing Iceman from Megaman because this is a DK game. I dont know what a Jeti Kong is but it sounds like a possibility. What I really wanted to do though is Dumb Drum from the first game or something like him. I looked at Belcha sprites on spriters resource and I was thinking of using those as a substitute. Just I wanna keep it in line with the way other DK bosses are, which tend to be big versions of normal enemies. I also might do another gnawty boss like in the first game but I dont want to be redundant so its still a work in progress...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » May 27th, 2010, 1:56 pm

@A7penn I think I realize why the Klaptrap sprites did not look so good it's because his eyes were off and his walk was poorly animated my bad. Not to fear though I fixed all that now Klaptrap should walk better now.
I also made two different death sprites for you to choose from enjoy.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » May 28th, 2010, 6:49 am

aperson98 wrote:@A7penn I think I realize why the Klaptrap sprites did not look so good it's because his eyes were off and his walk was poorly animated my bad. Not to fear though I fixed all that now Klaptrap should walk better now.
I also made two different death sprites for you to choose from enjoy.

Actually when I saw the sprites in the game what I thought looked weird was the size of the head. Klaptrap's head is bigger then the rest of his body in the DKC game. The new ones do look a lot better and I thought they would work in the game. But when I inserted them they still looked funny and I think its because of the head. I do like the death sprites you made though. You cant see it in the demo that I posted on yoyogames but in the game most of the enemies have animated deaths now, so I just flipped one of the death sprites and used both and it looked great. Its up to you whether or not you want to try fixing the klaptrap again but its not crucial. So if you dont want to, dont worry about it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » May 29th, 2010, 1:54 pm

Well I did some work on his head this time. Do you think it looks any better now A7penn?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 2nd, 2010, 6:15 am

aperson98 wrote:Well I did some work on his head this time. Do you think it looks any better now A7penn?

Yep I added him in. I might go back and slightly change it later but for now it looks really good. Thanks a lot for the help :mrgreen:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 7th, 2010, 3:40 am

aperson98 wrote:Well I did some work on his head this time. Do you think it looks any better now A7penn?


Alright heres what I got. the bottom line is the death animation for both the blue and brown klaptraps and the top is the walking animation. It looks really good in the game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 18th, 2010, 5:39 am

All right UPDATE

I just saw the trailer for DKC Returns so I am planning to release my game hopefully by late august/early september. I'm gonna be working like mad now so that I get the upcoming hype for the new game. I wanna release it before it comes out so that people actually play my game. So if anyone still wants to help out lemme know when you got time cuz I'm gonna need you. :shock:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » June 22nd, 2010, 1:46 pm

Hey A7Penn,
how can I help you? I'm programmer and I can make sprites to!

By the way, which program (or lenguage) are you doing this game?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Simion32 » June 22nd, 2010, 1:48 pm

Welcome to DKC Atlas, NecroToad. Hope you have a great time here. :)

Please work on your grammar, though ;) ... (are you ESL?)
Last edited by Qyzbud on December 1st, 2012, 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » June 22nd, 2010, 2:01 pm

Yeah, my first language is portuguese (Brasil =D)
and thanks for your attention
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 25th, 2010, 8:12 am

NecroToad wrote:Hey A7Penn,
how can I help you? I'm programmer and I can make sprites to!

By the way, which program (or lenguage) are you doing this game?

Hey NecroToad glad to hear your willing to help. I'm using Game Maker 7 for this project and as far as programming goes, its pretty much all done. I'm just finishing things up right now. I spent today making the menu and the saving loading system which is functional now. I only have 3 more levels and 2 more bosses to make. What I need right now the most would be a title screen such as...


I need one that is 320x240 pixels and styled like DK: King of Swing. The title of the game is Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay. As far as enemies go, there is a list on my first post of which enemies need new sprites. The most important ones are Puftup and Kackle.

Any help you can give is appreciated and please congratulate me as I finished high school this week and I'm off to university next year.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » June 27th, 2010, 2:14 am


I'm here tho show you my title screen idea. I'm still working on it, to looks, a little more, like cartoon style. I understand that your sprites are in cartoon, and DKC have the sprites in pre-render style, but have a title screen more complex can pass a little more the DKC atmosphere. So i'm thinking in create a title screen that mix the cartoon style with the realistic style. You can see my idea in my beta title screen.


As you can see, i'm still have to put Diddy and some enemies into it, but basically, that's what i'm planning create.
Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 29th, 2010, 4:05 am

NecroToad wrote:Hi,

I'm here tho show you my title screen idea. I'm still working on it, to looks, a little more, like cartoon style. I understand that your sprites are in cartoon, and DKC have the sprites in pre-render style, but have a title screen more complex can pass a little more the DKC atmosphere. So i'm thinking in create a title screen that mix the cartoon style with the realistic style. You can see my idea in my beta title screen.


As you can see, i'm still have to put Diddy and some enemies into it, but basically, that's what i'm planning create.
Sorry for my bad english


That looks really good, Better than I would have expected even. Don't worry about the bad English, I have hispanic family so I'm used to hearing it all the time.
Can't wait to see what the final product is. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » June 29th, 2010, 1:00 pm

Thansk A7Penn.

I worked a little more in thw title screen, what do you think of that:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » June 30th, 2010, 1:45 am

Hey A7penn sorry I that have been inactive on this topic for a bit. Anyway I made some Krumple sprites I hope you will like them it's not Krusha but I hope his DKC3 counterpart will do I will make more sprites for him if you wish.


EDIT: I made this Kackle sheet as well hope you like it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » June 30th, 2010, 2:44 pm

NecroToad wrote:Thansk A7Penn.

I worked a little more in thw title screen, what do you think of that:

That looks great. Much better then I would have expected but exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much NecroToad :D

aperson98 wrote:Hey A7penn sorry I that have been inactive on this topic for a bit. Anyway I made some Krumple sprites I hope you will like them it's not Krusha but I hope his DKC3 counterpart will do I will make more sprites for him if you wish.


EDIT: I made this Kackle sheet as well hope you like it.

Dont worry if the sprites are not Krusha exactly. All I really needed was a bigger kremling anyways and the krumple sprites look really good. I'm planning on using them in the game and just calling them Krushas anyways. The Kackles look really good and is just what I needed.

One thing on the Krumple sprites though, I think I told you about the death animations that I was using now in my game, I was just wondering if you could make the rest of the death animation for him and some of the other ones you've made for me just so that they look complete. Its not necessary so don't stress but it definitely makes it more complete.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » July 1st, 2010, 1:44 am

Hello A7Penn,
I consider my title screens finished. Choose the style you prefer, the first is based on DKC1 and the second on 2 and 3. If you have something you'd like me to change, please let me know.
by the way, do you have a forecast of when the game will be released?
if you need a help with anything else, let me know. I played your game and I really enjoyed it! The level design in some stages is fantastic!



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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » July 1st, 2010, 1:57 am

@ A7penn - Yeah I forgot about the death animations sorry I'll fix that as well as I can in the meantime enjoy these Pufferfish sprites I made.

@ NecroToad - Wow great job it looks wonderful I don't think the title screen you made would need any further changes really but I guess that would be up to A7penn.

EDIT: I got the death animtions finished although some of the animations may need some work yet and I got sprites of Krumple getting mad in this one because I forgot last time.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 3rd, 2010, 4:49 am

NecroToad wrote:Hello A7Penn,
I consider my title screens finished. Choose the style you prefer, the first is based on DKC1 and the second on 2 and 3. If you have something you'd like me to change, please let me know.
by the way, do you have a forecast of when the game will be released?
if you need a help with anything else, let me know. I played your game and I really enjoyed it! The level design in some stages is fantastic!



Download Link: ... creen.html

Looks great, I'm probably going to use the DKC1 styled screen just because I think I like the wooden style letters. I'm hoping to release the game by the end of the summer. (Late August/Early September) No later then December because I want to release mine before DKC Returns comes out.

aperson98 wrote:@ A7penn - Yeah I forgot about the death animations sorry I'll fix that as well as I can in the meantime enjoy these Pufferfish sprites I made.

@ NecroToad - Wow great job it looks wonderful I don't think the title screen you made would need any further changes really but I guess that would be up to A7penn.

EDIT: I got the death animtions finished although some of the animations may need some work yet and I got sprites of Krumple getting mad in this one because I forgot last time.

I got the death animations in and they look good, especially the Mankey Kong ones. Don't worry about them anymore unless you really want to because what I'm using right now looks good. The puftup sprites definately look a lot better then what I was using before and they fit in now with the rest of the game. Thanks again...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » July 4th, 2010, 1:47 pm

I am glad you liked the sprites no further work on them needed I guess. I played the demo again and I am getting excited to play the final release I hope you do not mind but I made some extra Diddy sprites of him dashing I noticed that while DK's running and walking look fine on the same animation Diddy's looked odd so I made this sheet you do not have to use it but I thought it might look better if Diddy had different animations walking and running.


Oh by the way A7penn would you mind PMing me the Army and Porcupine sprites you did I think I can make them look good with a little editing.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 5th, 2010, 4:48 am

aperson98 wrote:I am glad you liked the sprites no further work on them needed I guess. I played the demo again and I am getting excited to play the final release I hope you do not mind but I made some extra Diddy sprites of him dashing I noticed that while DK's running and walking look fine on the same animation Diddy's looked odd so I made this sheet you do not have to use it but I thought it might look better if Diddy had different animations walking and running.


Oh by the way A7penn would you mind PMing me the Army and Porcupine sprites you did I think I can make them look good with a little editing.

You literally read my mind, I was thinking of trying my hand at making some. This is what I ended up with and it looks good in the game, I basically took yours and added animation to the tail and hat for the most part.


If you can think of any other upgrades feel free to make them because most of the sprites I'm using are pretty makeshift.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » July 5th, 2010, 9:42 am

I'm glad you like them I think you will also like these as well it's the tag animation and crouch for both DK and Diddy enjoy.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 6th, 2010, 7:16 am

Hey... are you looking for backgrounds, or anything? I've got a few pictures of some very scenic locales lying around. Some are quite DKC-esque.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 6th, 2010, 2:09 pm

aperson98 wrote:I'm glad you like them I think you will also like these as well it's the tag animation and crouch for both DK and Diddy enjoy.

Wasn't expecting that one! Its in the game now and it looks a lot better. I wasnt even thinking of changing the way the characters changed at all until I saw what you posted. DK's right arm looks kind of funny in the crouching pose though but the diddy pose looks good.

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Hey... are you looking for backgrounds, or anything? I've got a few pictures of some very scenic locales lying around. Some are quite DKC-esque.

I wasn't looking for backgrounds directly but if you post the pictures or send me a link I may end up replacing something that I'm using currently. There is always room for upgrade...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » July 7th, 2010, 1:50 am

I knew you would like the tag animation I thought it would help the game add a bit more polish. Anyway I just finished editing the Army and Porcupine sprites I hope they are to you're liking if not I will just keep working on them.


I also have this.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 7th, 2010, 4:31 am

aperson98 wrote:I knew you would like the tag animation I thought it would help the game add a bit more polish. Anyway I just finished editing the Army and Porcupine sprites I hope they are to you're liking if not I will just keep working on them.


I also have this.

Amazing upgrade for both the spiny and especially the army sprites. I really like the size that you changed the armadillo to as well. The only thing that I changed was the rolling sprite to be more like the original. I'm actually really surprised how much better it looks in the game now. :mrgreen: Here's the rolling sprite I edited from what you made.


The K Rool stuff I haven't gotten a chance to put into use yet because I have yet to start the boss but it is always good to have extra sprites to get idea's for what I can do for the last battle. I want to try using the gun and jumping sprites but it all depends on how it plays out. Thanks again :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Tayo » July 10th, 2010, 6:13 am

I can't seem to play the demo. The quick play normally works for me, but I click the button for this and nothing happens. Is there a problem with it? Or is it just me? Fantastic looking sprites by the way. I really want to see the demo.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 11th, 2010, 5:51 am

Tayo wrote:I can't seem to play the demo. The quick play normally works for me, but I click the button for this and nothing happens. Is there a problem with it? Or is it just me? Fantastic looking sprites by the way. I really want to see the demo.

I actually haven't been able to use quick play in a long time, if its not working for you then you should probably check to see if there is an update or something like that. If all else fails there is a download game option on the page so that you can just run it off your computer. Good luck and I hope you like the demo even though the sprites on this page aren't in the demo because I posted it quite a while ago.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby aperson98 » July 11th, 2010, 9:51 am

Hmm, funny I can load up the demo just fine maybe it's because I loaded it on the Internet a long time ago. I hope you do not mind A7penn but could you please post more screens of the game preferably some world 4 and 6 pictures thanks.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 14th, 2010, 6:43 am

aperson98 wrote:Hmm, funny I can load up the demo just fine maybe it's because I loaded it on the Internet a long time ago. I hope you do not mind A7penn but could you please post more screens of the game preferably some world 4 and 6 pictures thanks.

World 4
Image Image

World 6
Image Image
Image Image

As requested here are some screenshots. If there was any level in specific that you wanted to see just let me know and I can post more.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 17th, 2010, 2:55 am

I was just wondering if anyone could help me by making the bonus game intro screens and game over screen similar to the way the title screen was made by necrotoad, 320x240. This is what I mean by the bonus game intro screens...


I would need ones that say, Find the Coin, Bash the Baddies, Get the Cherries, and Light the Torches.
The only thing that I could really stress is that the bonus game intro screens would be similar in appearance. So just let me know if you're interested in taking this on.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Jermboy27 » July 17th, 2010, 6:58 am

Could you add a sprite called a TNT Barrel Kong A7Jenn?

Like Mankey Kong,It Throws TNT Barrel's At You Instead.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 17th, 2010, 9:24 am

Jermboy27 wrote:Could you add a sprite called a TNT Barrel Kong A7Jenn?

Like Mankey Kong,It Throws TNT Barrel's At You Instead.

First the name is A7Penn, not that hard but keep trying. Yes it would be cool to see a Mankey Kong throw TNT barrels but as far as gameplay goes it doesn't change anything so there isn't really a point for me to include it. Also as far as enemies go, the game is pretty much done and I don't plan on making any new enemies from this point on as I would just be adding them to pre-existing levels. Nice try though...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » July 17th, 2010, 10:29 am


I'll try to make the bonus picture for you, if I have some time.
what types of bonus are on your game? just to make the pictures correctly...
Do you need a Geme Over's screen too?

by the way, nice screen shots of the game! i'm really anxious for the release of this game
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 19th, 2010, 3:16 am

NecroToad wrote:A7Penn,

I'll try to make the bonus picture for you, if I have some time.
what types of bonus are on your game? just to make the pictures correctly...
Do you need a Geme Over's screen too?

by the way, nice screen shots of the game! i'm really anxious for the release of this game

Find the Coin, Bash the Baddies, Get the Cherries, and Light the Torches are the bonus games that I'm using in the game. And yes I also need a game over screen if you are willing to help out with that
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » July 19th, 2010, 10:37 am


Here is some images that I have creted. I don't plase any text because it'll be better if you put yourself, with own font.

Find the Coin:

Bash the Baddies:

Get the Cherries:

Example (Bonus Screen + Text):

by the way, I'll start the "Game Over" and "Light the Torches" screens soon as possible

Download link:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 20th, 2010, 5:33 am

NecroToad wrote:A7Penn,

Here is some images that I have creted. I don't plase any text because it'll be better if you put yourself, with own font.

Find the Coin:

Bash the Baddies:

They look perfect. For Bash the Baddies do you think you could put a different enemy in the picture? It is fine if you cannot but since there are no Neeks in the game it might seem a little strange. I don't know how hard it was for you to make the image so if it is too much work to do forget about it. Good idea with the text too. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » July 20th, 2010, 4:14 pm

No problem A7Penn!
I have changed the Neek for Gnawty.
I'm posting the Game Over Screen too. I made this in Donkey Kong Country 1 style



Download link:

I can't imagine how "Light the Torches" works, do you think you could explain this to me, or upload some video about this? I can't make the bonus image until i understand how it works...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 21st, 2010, 3:31 am

NecroToad wrote:No problem A7Penn!
I have changed the Neek for Gnawty.
I'm posting the Game Over Screen too. I made this in Donkey Kong Country 1 style



Download link:

I can't imagine how "Light the Torches" works, do you think you could explain this to me, or upload some video about this? I can't make the bonus image until i understand how it works...

Looks great. Here is the link for the video of the Light the Torches. Sorry for the quality but it should give you the basic idea.

To be honest "Light the Torches" is only used once throughout the whole game. It had to do specifically with the design of the first level of the castle world. I just decided to throw it in to be unique.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » July 21st, 2010, 5:10 am

Here is "Light the Torches"'s image.


Download Link:

Any problem with any image let me know
A7Penn, I would ask that you give me credit for the images

good luck in game development, I'm waiting for the release!
Posts: 21
Joined: 2010


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