I. HATE. GLIMMER'S GALLEON!!!!! It took me FOR-EVER to beat it! I got close one time and wound up hitting the stupid porcupine-thing as I tried to hit it with Dixie! Problem is that I didn't have Diddy! Oh, I also hate Rattle Battle and Kerozene!
One moment between the Kongs that help you would have to be when Cranky was saying that you always go to visit him when you actually want tips from him, Now, I usually laugh at his comments because he's so senile and he gives the weirdest insults (that last one sounds like me!) but the thing I hate about it is that he insulte dhis wife by calling her ugly! Sure, Wrinkly's not very young and such so that makes a little sense but it's still not nice! I thought he loved her! Why did he marry her if he didn't?! Maybe he was a real nice guy back when he was younger but I am really surprised that Wrinkly put up with it for that long. Woulda divorced the guy after the first harsh insult unless it was directed at the Kremlings! HOW'S HER DEATH DEALING WITH YA, OLD MAN?!?!?!?!?!?!
...Yeah, so don't go and ask why I just ranted. I do that alot. Now the first time I read him saying this I laughed. But I gradually became to like her, even have her become a fave character of mine, and now every time he says that I hit the power switch on the GBA off and put in King Of Swing or another game where he's not insulting someone.
Yay me ranting!