From what I've seen, and what I know, AMD is usually cheaper, and won't run as quickly or efficiently as Intel processors. Typically if you're building a gaming computer you're probably going to want to lean more towards Intel. Otherwise, either will do the job good enough. From what I also have hea...
Somewhat of an odd question, but I was curious if anyone here has played through DKC2's hard mode. I just started a run with it on, and it's not too bad. Already at Krem Quay, and only lost about 3 lives (two deaths due to Glimmer's Galleon oddly enough).
Nice work with Taz. I wouldn't have the patience to make a character. Anyways, nice to see people are still into MUGEN. I have a few videos up, but nothing special.
If I recall, my SNES was given to me by my dad when I was a bit older. It was originally his, but he couldn't get the time to play it often. So he had given it to me, along with some other consoles, and one of the games with the SNES was DKC. The rest is history. I just fell in love with the game, a...
Where to start... 1 Atari 2600 2 Nes' 1 SNES 3 Gameboys 1 Game Boy Color (Blue) 1 Gamecube (Purple) 1 Game Boy Advance (White) 2 Game Boy Advance Sps (Red and NES edition) 1 Nintendo DS (Launch Model) 1 Wii 1 PSX 1 PS2 Fat 1 PS3 80gb Fat 1 Fat PSP 1 Sega Genesis (Launch) 2 Sega Dreamcasts 1 Xbox 1 X...