Sockpuppet, you got all of my WIP's? I sent 3 of them and 1 Email with a name change for the song ^^.
Not sure if your inbox was full or anything so yeah.

Anyway, would it be possible, to name my Remix: Cranky's Beachparty?
Sockpuppet wrote:Actually, you know what CoolStyleE? I think we should just ignore the whole CDC thing and just give you the song. That's one problem solved, hooray!![]()
So if you still want to do it you may still be able to, depending on whether CoolStyleE actually wants it or not.
Speaking of which...SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Hmmm, drop out Cave Dweller Concert, and let`s give Slappy (Watch my crappy spelling) Simian Segue. He could easily whip that out in 30 minutes.
Sorry Smudge, but you are REALLY starting to confuse me. Has CSE/Slappy actually said he wants to do it, or are you choosing his songs for him? I'll need him to confirm whatever is going on.
Lampje4life wrote:I'm gonna finish the song this week. Then I might do another song if you allow me to![]()
CoolStyleE wrote:Oh, I don`t care, I`ll remix any song. I know there`s only a few left, and Fruitcake (Smudge, if I`m Slappy, he`s fruitcake) IS indeed choosing my songs, but I trust him, so I 100% called CDC and SS, 2 remixes. Actually, would it be cool if me and Smudge teamed up to do CDC? We make a killer pair, us two.
CoolStyleE wrote:... maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients)
Sockpuppet wrote:CoolStyleE wrote:... maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients)
Sorry Slappy, it's a too late to invite anyone else, unless you want to collab with them on Simian Segue or do a 3 mixer collab on Cave Dweller Concert.
Lampje4life wrote:Sorry if it sounds weak, but I will not take Gangplank Galleon![]()
I'll probably only can make it Dance with happyness, and that's not really what you'd expect from it XD
So I guess someone with a live gutiar should do much better on that one.
cfh wrote:Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version.
cfh wrote:Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version.
Lampje4life wrote:Anyway, I found a WIP on Newgrounds from Crave01, who is doing the Forest Frenzy song.
Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?
Else I'd love to show you what I mean by Happy Dance, cfh!
cfh wrote:How are you recording your drum set?
Lampje4life wrote:Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?
Qyzbud wrote:[1]I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises.
[2]Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix.
Qyzbud wrote:Lampje4life wrote:Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?
I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises.
Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix.
Lampje4life wrote:Sockpuppet, you received Demo4 + Email?
Hope you like it, if you do, my track is finished
SmudgeKWOOD wrote:You`re done already? I`ll rate it, on Friday, though... My CPU`s in the shop, I got my DSi, so, yup
SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Cheers,
P.S. Don`t take this the wrong way, Qyz knows, but Qyz is a fish. Check DKC4 Fan ideas to see why
Qyzbud wrote:SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Don`t take this the wrong way, Qyz knows, but Qyz is a fish. Check DKC4 Fan ideas to see why
Please... Stop being an ass.
CoolStyleE wrote:. . . my CDC remix is gonna be a rap/techno song with some *cough* illegal *cough* ... *cough* maybe *cough* samples of cool beats. . .
Lampje4life wrote:I know this is not the way to lead the project, but perhaps we should get a date where you must have atleast a WIP ready.
Even if it's just a basic WIP, it's ok.
Just think it's good to have a date because now it feels like this project won't ever be complete.
Not saying you all don't care / don't work on it, because I know 'life' is more important.
But perhaps we can get a better view of this project that way.
Sockpuppet wrote:Sounds good CSE! But...CoolStyleE wrote:. . . my CDC remix is gonna be a rap/techno song with some *cough* illegal *cough* ... *cough* maybe *cough* samples of cool beats. . .
Uh... I hope that was a joke. I don't want anything illegal on the project.
Qyzbud wrote:I've been a bit distracted by other matters in the last few days, but I'd say we'll have some definite deadlines in place by the end of the weekend. I'm inclined to go with Sockpuppet's suggestions (which were pretty much your suggestions anyway, Lampje...), as he's the lead project coordinator. Basically, so long as nobody feels too rushed, and the project progresses fairly steadily, all should be sweet.
CoolStyleE wrote:...I still don`t have all the instruments I want...
CoolStyleE wrote:Oh, and please keep low treble, David Wise was all treble no bass. (I don`t mean bass guitar)
I see that the rest of you are doing things quickly; you`re not using at least 30 different instruments. Oh, but I`m sure they`ll all be fine. Even if it`s just bass.
Kong-Fu wrote:I could have a look at it, but if there's one thing I can't do on this project, it's figure out the notes without a midi. If Lamp figured out the notes already and has a way of getting them to me, I'll have a try.
Qyzbud wrote:(1) I'm not sure what you mean by that. David's compositions pay a lot of attention to bass. Besides, treble is very important for clarity and the dynamic range of sound in a mix...
(2) Why on Earth would you tell people to "Keep low treble"...
(3) I hope you're not trying to sound high and mighty here...
(4) What's your issue with bass, anyway?
(5) We don't use signatures here.
Kong-Fu wrote:I'll take a maybe claim until you make the midi.
As for collabing, that would depend on whether or not we both use FLStudio. I'll also need to hear something of yours (such as your Cranky's Cabin remix) so I can get an idea of your style.
Lampje4life wrote:It won't be the best you will see, but it might do the trick.
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