DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 22nd, 2009, 5:54 pm

Yay, first post has been updated! :D

Sockpuppet, you got all of my WIP's? I sent 3 of them and 1 Email with a name change for the song ^^.
Not sure if your inbox was full or anything so yeah. :oops:

Anyway, would it be possible, to name my Remix: Cranky's Beachparty?
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 22nd, 2009, 6:05 pm

Hm, I didn't get the name change one... (EDIT: Nevermind, I found it) I got all the mp3s though, and I've sent you my comments on it. Good job! :D
I'll edit the post again with the name change too. I find it funny that both your remix and the one on the OCR DKC2 album have a party theme when Cranky is one of the last DKC character you'd expect to throw a party. :lol:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 22nd, 2009, 7:40 pm

Thanks for your reply Sockpuppet, on my mail :D Very nice to hear what you think!

I'm gonna finish the song this week. Then I might do another song if you allow me to ;)
But yeah, I'd rather have only one excellent remix, than 2 decent ones.

To make sure you get me right, I'd take one if there's one left. Don't want to steal anything from anyone ofcourse!
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » June 23rd, 2009, 4:15 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:Actually, you know what CoolStyleE? I think we should just ignore the whole CDC thing and just give you the song. That's one problem solved, hooray! :D
So if you still want to do it you may still be able to, depending on whether CoolStyleE actually wants it or not.
Speaking of which...

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Hmmm, drop out Cave Dweller Concert, and let`s give Slappy (Watch my crappy spelling) Simian Segue. He could easily whip that out in 30 minutes.

Sorry Smudge, but you are REALLY starting to confuse me. Has CSE/Slappy actually said he wants to do it, or are you choosing his songs for him? I'll need him to confirm whatever is going on.

Oh, I don`t care, I`ll remix any song. I know there`s only a few left, and Fruitcake (Smudge, if I`m Slappy, he`s fruitcake) IS indeed choosing my songs, but I trust him, so I 100% called CDC and SS, 2 remixes. Actually, would it be cool if me and Smudge teamed up to do CDC? We make a killer pair, us two.
I`ll start SS on Wednesday, then Fruitcake and I will do CDC on Friday, maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients)
Also, if Smudge chooses my songs, why don`t I choose the lyrics for Candy`s Last Regrets? JUST KIDDING, I`m not THAT harsh. Smudge ain`t gonna be on `til 7 Pacific time tommarow, or maybe tonight, I`ll let him put the lyrics.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 23rd, 2009, 5:04 pm

Lampje4life wrote:I'm gonna finish the song this week. Then I might do another song if you allow me to ;)

You can have Gangplank Galleon if you like. ;) Everything else is taken at the moment.

CoolStyleE wrote:Oh, I don`t care, I`ll remix any song. I know there`s only a few left, and Fruitcake (Smudge, if I`m Slappy, he`s fruitcake) IS indeed choosing my songs, but I trust him, so I 100% called CDC and SS, 2 remixes. Actually, would it be cool if me and Smudge teamed up to do CDC? We make a killer pair, us two.

Great, I'll give you both your new tracks! ;)

CoolStyleE wrote:... maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients)

Sorry Slappy, it's a too late to invite anyone else, unless you want to collab with them on Simian Segue or do a 3 mixer collab on Cave Dweller Concert.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 23rd, 2009, 5:28 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:
CoolStyleE wrote:... maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients)

Sorry Slappy, it's a too late to invite anyone else, unless you want to collab with them on Simian Segue or do a 3 mixer collab on Cave Dweller Concert.

Slappy, please, keep our clients out of this, seriously
Now for the lyrics Erik`s been saying: Chorus and Verse one only for a preview
(Chorus) *Candy*
My tea`s gone cold I wonder why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can`t see at all
And even if I could it`d all be gray
But your picture on the wall
It makes the rain look
As if it`s not so bad
If it`s not so bad

Verse 1: *Candy*
Dear pal,
I tryed calling calling you on a hotel phone
But it was code I haven`t seen before
Is that your cell or are just trying to dis me?
If you`re dissing me you`d be better off kissing me
But, I`m wondering where you are right this minute
I can tell your pal Diddy misses you, Kiddy thinks you`re staying in a homeless hut
So, where are you? Are you out some other chick? Cause if so
As soon as you get home I`ll make you leave, I make you go
I`m not forcing anything on you but still
But hurry home, please, take an energy pill
I really hope you aren`t screwing my mind
Or planning an ambush from right behind
But I am worried, I hope you`re still on Earth, you were handy
Make sure to right back, I leave my best reguards
Sincerly, Candy
(Short part of verse 2) *DK*
Dear miss I hate husband then love him the next,

You get the idea of whats gonna unfold? Obviously, DK`s mad at Candy. Why? Find out when my remix comes out!
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 23rd, 2009, 5:56 pm

Sorry if it sounds weak, but I will not take Gangplank Galleon :(

I'll probably only can make it Dance with happyness, and that's not really what you'd expect from it XD
So I guess someone with a live Guitar should do much better on that one.

I actually have a friend from the USA who is ok with Guitars. Should no one take Gangplank, is there any wildcard?

*Continues working on Cranky*
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 23rd, 2009, 8:41 pm

Lampje4life wrote:Sorry if it sounds weak, but I will not take Gangplank Galleon :(

I'll probably only can make it Dance with happyness, and that's not really what you'd expect from it XD
So I guess someone with a live gutiar should do much better on that one.

I have a dirty guitar sound saved onto my computer, I`ll PM you it. It sounds pretty realistic, only it`s a tad bad quality, only a tad. I use it alot.
Or, I`ll take Gangplank Galleon. :roll:
It`s what the peeps want. It`s all about the peeps. :lol:
Cheers to all you mini slappy`s,
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » June 23rd, 2009, 8:46 pm

Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 23rd, 2009, 8:52 pm

cfh wrote:Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version.

I did think that Lampje saying that a gutiar was needed was eye opening. Not a :shock:, but, you know.
What would I do? Some serious John Askew type techno with that song
And a heads up: All drumming in my songs are my actual drumming
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » June 23rd, 2009, 8:58 pm

How are you recording your drum set?
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 23rd, 2009, 10:18 pm

I could make a happy Dance version of it just for you, cfh ♥ :oops:

When you hear my Cranky Remix, you know what I mean by Happy Dance..
Only got comments from real life friends like: omg that is just too frikkin happy! /run
So yeah :lol:

Anyway, I found a WIP on Newgrounds from Crave01, who is doing the Forest Frenzy song.
Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?
Else I'd love to show you what I mean by Happy Dance, cfh! :D

(Are you a Crankyfan by the way? *looks at your avatar*.. Pretty funny I didn't like / dislike Cranky from the start, but since I'm working on his theme, I started to like him!)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 24th, 2009, 4:31 pm

cfh wrote:Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version.

I actually second this. :D It would be very interesting, to say the least. You can claim and dance-ify it if you want, Lampje. ;)

Lampje4life wrote:Anyway, I found a WIP on Newgrounds from Crave01, who is doing the Forest Frenzy song.
Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?
Else I'd love to show you what I mean by Happy Dance, cfh! :D

Well, I'd rather you didn't, but I can't really stop you.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 24th, 2009, 4:45 pm

cfh wrote:How are you recording your drum set?

2 USB Cable mics, put on the left and right in a wide space, (Of course I use USB extension cords) And a sound reconition program where the computer puts the sounds together. (Ex. I hit the snare, program says 505-Snare) Of course not everything is acurate, so it has a song sequencer to find off sounds and put them in the right spot.
Then, I mix it with the song and it`s done. :D
There you go.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » June 24th, 2009, 4:47 pm

Lampje4life wrote:Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?

I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises.

Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 24th, 2009, 4:53 pm

Qyzbud wrote:[1]I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises.

[2]Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix.

[1] Maybe we just post the album when it`s ready, only songs needed to be posted are you own non-DKC songs, for people to get to know what they`re gonna expect
[2] I get to keep my guitar sound... :P
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 24th, 2009, 5:06 pm

Qyzbud wrote:
Lampje4life wrote:Are we allowed to put our WIP's public?

I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises.

Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix.

Allright, I won't spoil around then ;)

Sockpuppet, you received Demo4 + Email?
Hope you like it, if you do, my track is finished :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 24th, 2009, 5:11 pm

You`re done already? I`ll rate it, on Friday, though... My CPU`s in the shop, I got my DSi, so, yup
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 24th, 2009, 5:57 pm

Lampje4life wrote:Sockpuppet, you received Demo4 + Email?
Hope you like it, if you do, my track is finished :)

Yep, I like it a lot! :D Congrats, you're the first to finish a ReMix! And you only joined really recently too. :shock:
Don't forget to PM it to Qyzbud as well.

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:You`re done already? I`ll rate it, on Friday, though... My CPU`s in the shop, I got my DSi, so, yup

I think you might be a bit confused. Nothing is getting released before the album is finished. It will all be released at once.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 24th, 2009, 7:56 pm

I'll PM it to Qyz later this day :)

Glad you liked it and yay for first finished song!
Hope many others will follow soon, can't wait to see this project finished ^^.

I might try Gangplank later this week, but I won't take the claim until I came up with a decent WIP if you don't mind!

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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 25th, 2009, 3:01 pm

Never mind the half-@*$`d comment about rating above
Anywho, Erik and I were talking, and have come up with a catchy title for the CDC remix:
"By the Time I Get To Crystal Caverns"
Also, Erik ain`t gonna be on for a while, so I`ll post the name for the SS title:
"Map Browser" (It`s the map music, hello :roll: :lol: )
Anywho, the CDC remix is leaning towards a slow techno hip-hop beat, while Slappy said the SS remix is gonna be a Breakbeat Dance type thing.
Maybe I`ll post computer-animated versions of ourselves so you can see our styles easier.
P.S. Don`t take this the wrong way, Qyz knows, but Qyz is a fish. Check DKC4 Fan ideas to see why
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » June 25th, 2009, 4:48 pm

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Cheers,
P.S. Don`t take this the wrong way, Qyz knows, but Qyz is a fish. Check DKC4 Fan ideas to see why

Please... Stop being an ass.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » June 25th, 2009, 5:46 pm

Before I update...
Qyzbud wrote:
SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Don`t take this the wrong way, Qyz knows, but Qyz is a fish. Check DKC4 Fan ideas to see why

Please... Stop being an ass.

I second, you have been one for the past month. NOBODY should do that kind of stuff. Smudge, it`s about time you leave like you`ve been saying.
Yeah, sorry.
Smudge quit the CDC remix with me, so that`s another self song. :l But, I am sort of happy nobody`s gonna screw my style up. Then again, it`s gonna be slower, but eh, I am a music loner, and it`s fun. :D
Oh, and yes the titles are correct for my remixes. Also, Smudge might give me his remix if he just puts too much time into SimSynth.
Oh yeah, don`t call me Slappy anymore. Just call me CSE.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 29th, 2009, 8:14 pm

Any new updates or WIP's out yet? :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 29th, 2009, 8:53 pm

Just 2nd WIPs of Funky's Flights and Fear Factory. Everything's gone quiet again.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » June 30th, 2009, 3:23 pm

Very quiet here... so quiet, I gotta wear shades. :cool:
To make this louder, my CDC remix is gonna be a rap/techno song with some *cough* illegal *cough* ... *cough* maybe *cough* samples of cool beats and some of Smudge drum samples I`ve been "illegally" saving... Oh, go eat a Kobble, Smudge. :lol: So, am I a beat stealer or what?
And, SS, I`ve decided, is gonna be an 80`s pop & modern rock remix with some crazy drumming my cousin`s gonna do for me.
Oh, I get to remix 4 of July weekend (And send WIP`s... say WOOOT, Sockpuppet) at Smudge`s 4th of July party. His cousins are up (And mine) too, which equals ultimate remix ideas... (And some other postin` elsewhere)
Yup. Oh, and Smudge quit the DKCA Collab, I vote Dixie gets CLS

♪On the sand♪
♪Bring your♪
♪You forgot♪
♪I hope you♪
♪Burn mean♪
♪Burn like toast now♪
{Oh oh}
♪Burn like toast now♪
{Woh oh}
(Sorry, that`s my end signature til July 5th)

Qyz says: please let's cut down on this inane banter and pointless rambling... :roll:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 30th, 2009, 4:27 pm

Sounds good CSE! But...
CoolStyleE wrote:. . . my CDC remix is gonna be a rap/techno song with some *cough* illegal *cough* ... *cough* maybe *cough* samples of cool beats. . .

Uh... I hope that was a joke. I don't want anything illegal on the project.

I fixed the first post as well. Candy's Love Song and Gangplank Galleon are both open. Lampje might be claiming GG soon and cfh has expressed interest in CLS.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 30th, 2009, 7:14 pm

Sorry, I'm not yet claiming GG. Just because I know I'll get stuck on it. :(

I know this is not the way to lead the project, but perhaps we should get a date where you must have atleast a WIP ready.
Even if it's just a basic WIP, it's ok.
Just think it's good to have a date because now it feels like this project won't ever be complete.
Not saying you all don't care / don't work on it, because I know 'life' is more important.
But perhaps we can get a better view of this project that way.

Just my 2cts. Don't take it the personal way please! Just love to see this project get on / finish sometime :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » June 30th, 2009, 7:25 pm

Double post!

Me and Dixie would like to claim Gangplank Galleon. He won't reply here probably atm though, because he's gone for the day.

But you can write us down for the claim. We won't let you down :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 30th, 2009, 8:08 pm

Lampje4life wrote:I know this is not the way to lead the project, but perhaps we should get a date where you must have atleast a WIP ready.
Even if it's just a basic WIP, it's ok.
Just think it's good to have a date because now it feels like this project won't ever be complete.
Not saying you all don't care / don't work on it, because I know 'life' is more important.
But perhaps we can get a better view of this project that way.

Yeah, I think this may be a good idea. Hopefully it will get the project moving, although a few people have some problems stopping them from getting things done for now. I'll discuss with Qyzbud and we'll get a date sorted out. (cRAVE and nackhe are most likely excused).

I've added the collab claim to the list too. :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » July 1st, 2009, 4:37 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:Sounds good CSE! But...
CoolStyleE wrote:. . . my CDC remix is gonna be a rap/techno song with some *cough* illegal *cough* ... *cough* maybe *cough* samples of cool beats. . .

Uh... I hope that was a joke. I don't want anything illegal on the project.

Copyright, but not illegal... I don`t think. Just enjoy the mix.
Oh, and a good WIP duedate would be, uh, ummmm........ I`m stuck. Give people time, though.

On the sand
Bring your
We know where this is going, just read my last post for the signature
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 1st, 2009, 7:06 pm

What if we say, people that are still in have to contact either Sockpuppet or Qyzbud before 10th July.
Even if it's just a message like: "I'm still here".

Then we could set the first Duedate to 1 August.
If you don't have a WIP ready by then, your claim will be removed.
So others could look into the track aswell and the project can be finished.

If there is any reason you cannot make a duedate (vacation, or so) then contact Sock or Qyz and with a valid reason you will be given more time.

Something like this? :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » July 1st, 2009, 7:23 pm

Yep, I like that idea! I've sent a PM to Qyzbud. If he agrees, I'll set the dates. :D
And this will, of course, apply to us too. Heh, I'm so lazy sometimes... :lol:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » July 3rd, 2009, 10:04 pm

I've been a bit distracted by other matters in the last few days, but I'd say we'll have some definite deadlines in place by the end of the weekend. I'm inclined to go with Sockpuppet's suggestions (which were pretty much your suggestions anyway, Lampje... :P), as he's the lead project coordinator. Basically, so long as nobody feels too rushed, and the project progresses fairly steadily, all should be sweet. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Cosmicman » July 4th, 2009, 2:24 am

I know I have not posted lately but I'm almost done with one of my tracks the Credits Concerto, I would say about 80% done, now about the bonus track, I would say I'm about 20% done. I will provide a Wip very soon.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 4th, 2009, 3:02 am

Qyzbud wrote:I've been a bit distracted by other matters in the last few days, but I'd say we'll have some definite deadlines in place by the end of the weekend. I'm inclined to go with Sockpuppet's suggestions (which were pretty much your suggestions anyway, Lampje...), as he's the lead project coordinator. Basically, so long as nobody feels too rushed, and the project progresses fairly steadily, all should be sweet. :)

Very good to read that!

Sorry if I sounded a bit pushy, just hope it won't take as long as other projects I know (like the OCRemix one, took for 2 years or so I think).
Take your time and if I'm too offencive, let me know and I'll put a step back :oops:

Cosmicman. I'm not a projectleader. But I have to say your post made me smile :)
Very nice to hear 2 more tracks are being worked on!

As long as you know things are getting done, the waiting doesn't matter.

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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » July 4th, 2009, 3:58 pm

Progress for me is... amazingly slow, I still don`t have all the instruments I want. And besides, I am a busy guy, you have no idea how hard it is to be a music producer, producing at least 8 different groups, I can`t think straight. Bleh.
But I see that the rest of you are doing things quickly; you`re not using at least 30 different instruments. Oh, but I`m sure they`ll all be fine. Even if it`s just bass.
Oh, and please keep low treble, David Wise was all treble no bass. (I don`t mean bass guitar)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » July 4th, 2009, 4:18 pm

CoolStyleE wrote:...I still don`t have all the instruments I want...

Puh, join the club. :roll:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » July 6th, 2009, 2:19 pm

CoolStyleE wrote:Oh, and please keep low treble, David Wise was all treble no bass. (I don`t mean bass guitar)

I'm not sure what you mean by that. David's compositions pay a lot of attention to bass. Besides, treble is very important for clarity and the dynamic range of sound in a mix... why on Earth would you tell people to 'keep low treble'... :?:

I see that the rest of you are doing things quickly; you`re not using at least 30 different instruments. Oh, but I`m sure they`ll all be fine. Even if it`s just bass.

I hope you're not trying to sound high and mighty here... What's your issue with bass, anyway? :P


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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » July 6th, 2009, 5:43 pm


The DKC Atlas ReMix Project has been going pretty slowly so far, so we've decided to set the first deadline.

I need everyone to tell me by the 15th of July whether you're still in or not.

The first deadline will be the 1st of August. You do not have to finish the tracks by this time, but we need to hear at least a WIP/demo. If you can't get a demo to me and Qyzbud by this, tell us your reason and we can give you an extension.

The FINAL due date is not decided yet, but it will be within the next few months.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 6th, 2009, 5:47 pm


What will happen with the songs that have no WIP/Demo yet on the 1st August?
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » July 6th, 2009, 5:55 pm

They will become free again and anyone can take them. The person who used to have it can't reclaim it unless they have a WIP.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » July 7th, 2009, 2:08 am

I could have a look at it, but if there's one thing I can't do on this project, it's figure out the notes without a midi. If Lamp figured out the notes already and has a way of getting them to me, I'll have a try.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 7th, 2009, 3:38 am

Kong-Fu wrote:I could have a look at it, but if there's one thing I can't do on this project, it's figure out the notes without a midi. If Lamp figured out the notes already and has a way of getting them to me, I'll have a try.

Let's put it this way:

If you take the claim, I'll figure out the notes and put them in a Midi for you.

I'd even Collab with you on the song, if you want. :)
However, I'll leave the most to you then probably.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » July 7th, 2009, 6:42 am

I'll take a maybe claim until you make the midi.

As for collabing, that would depend on whether or not we both use FLStudio. ;) I'll also need to hear something of yours (such as your Cranky's Cabin remix) so I can get an idea of your style.
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby CoolStyleE » July 7th, 2009, 4:06 pm

Qyzbud wrote:(1) I'm not sure what you mean by that. David's compositions pay a lot of attention to bass. Besides, treble is very important for clarity and the dynamic range of sound in a mix...
(2) Why on Earth would you tell people to "Keep low treble"...
(3) I hope you're not trying to sound high and mighty here...
(4) What's your issue with bass, anyway?
(5) We don't use signatures here.

(1) At that time, I didn`t realise my bass was turn all the way down to 0. And yes, treble does help a song with quality...
[tip] Never put bass on 0 and treble on 10 at the same time. The song might sound a little more odd than normal. (If you have set of 3 surround sound speakers, (2 treble 1 bass) of course. :P Sorry if that sounded bad.
(2) I take that back.
(3) Sorry, I meant 30 items. I`m literally using only 4 instruments, but do have other things not considered an instrument.
(4) I really don`t know. :lol:
(5) Sorry yet again. It was just something fun for July 4th. (For America, of course) We can`t have fun here? KIDDING! I was born a natural smart arse. It`s just me.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 7th, 2009, 5:52 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:I'll take a maybe claim until you make the midi.

As for collabing, that would depend on whether or not we both use FLStudio. I'll also need to hear something of yours (such as your Cranky's Cabin remix) so I can get an idea of your style.

Sounds good!

I'll try to finish the Midi today and send it to you. It won't be the best you will see, but it might do the trick. :D
And I'll PM you about things.

Sorry if I sounded direct earlier.
I'm sure we can deliver a nice mix together.

Oh and yeah, Fruity Loops here aswell :)
Trainee Trekker
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » July 7th, 2009, 6:07 pm

Great :D
Lampje4life wrote:It won't be the best you will see, but it might do the trick. :D

As long as the notes are right, I can care less how it sounds. :)
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Cosmicman » July 9th, 2009, 9:49 am

I'm ready to post my 2 demos and I want to put up a video in youtube so I want to record off my screen as the music plays, what screen grabber are you guys using?
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