Notice how in this image:

...the loading image is in %/media/gfx/but-prev.png? Well, it's the little arrows that take you to the previous page in the chronological order.
And according to Microsoft Forums: ... &SiteID=30
That has something to do with a DOM javascript Qyz gave the little arrow (you know, if you see the actual image is the faded arrow next to the normal one, something I remember Qyz talked about). From what I understand, the browser is trying to do something with the image (in this case, replacing the left part with the right part, giving the feeling of being shiny), but since some things in the code aren't loaded or processed by the browser at the time (most likely because it's in the process of being loaded), IE takes it as faulty code and stops the page's progress. The solution is supposedly to force the javascript to take action until the page is done downloading.
Of course, I know nothing about javascript, so the final statement would be from either Qyzbud or someone who also knows about it.
EDIT: Well... after trying to see if Windows Vista's Protected IE Mode had something to do (I don't know if gamer_boy or Joe have Vista), I went to my XP and the error appeared. It's really annoying to see the site with IE, specially with XP's fatal error sound.