Tensei-San, OC ReMix Forum (link) wrote:Actually, Haunted Chase would happen to be a pretty blatant rip-off/arrangement of Modest Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain
(The fast rising note passages at the start and the ominous brass are almost verbatim)
Qyzbud wrote:So Kowz, you actually don't think the Kashmir similarity is very strong?
I know the instrumentals I'm talking about aren't too complex, so it's possible that it's a coincidence, but it sounds to me as though the instrument, tone, rhythm and 'vibe' are pretty close to identical. Just for the intro of the two songs, I mean...
I'm not surprised Grant finds Danny Elfman's music inspiring... So do I.
Qyzbud wrote:Kong-Fu, get a bit of commonsense. Derailing topics isn't as fun for others as it is for you.
Kong-Fu wrote:DK64 definitely borrowed from Glover, and not the other way around. DK64 was made in 1999, and Glover was made in 1998 (But Glover actually borrowed from Adams Family, Star Trek, and 007). I can see why DK64 did that, too. The music is awesome! (Speaking of course for the PS1 version, not the eerie N64 version). You can't find any Youtube videos of the PS1 version, but it definitely has great music. Simion knows what I'm talking about.
qyzbud wrote:Woah, Kong-Fu, take it easy. You seem to always like blowing things way out of proportion.
cfh wrote:I didn't actually mention Banjo-Kazooie
Kong-Fu wrote:this thing sounds like DK Isle, too
Kong-Fu wrote:To add to the popularity, check out 1:11 in Airships Make Me Happy.
Kong-Fu wrote:Do you know him personally? Just because he doesn't do it often, doesn't mean the world would stop spinning if he does it once. If someone liked a piece of music enough, they could take it from a crappy piece of elevator music if they felt like it (That's a metaphor, of course. Not to say anyone would)
In other words, you've never spoke with him, met him, or even talked to anyone that knows him personally. Yet you are certain he'd never inspire any of his music from another game. That's like getting information from a complete stranger and saying "This has to be right. That guy would never lie to me!"
Qyzbud wrote:try to tell me where in DKC3 you've heard that tune.
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