I've gotten past the majority of all the busy "real life" stuff (I hope!!) and work on DELTA has resumed.
I've gotten most of the Blending Mode stuff (you might call these "Layer Shaders") done, and now I have the power to render individual items onto bitmap buffers with any of the existing blenders.
The new setup involves having two separate ASM code files that #include on the same data layout but does different things when the function is called, giving me the ability to use blenders on any bitmap, not just having it restricted to the rendering engine.
After that I began work on a restructure of the way that DELTA uses loaded files. This initially broke what little of the Audio sub-engine that I had working, so I had to go back to working on the Audio stuff for a while. That work is still in progress, but I did manage to reach the point where I can play back music files again.
All of the crazy stuff involving plugin-based music still needs coded, and all of the playback control is still missing.
Besides all of that stuff, I have begun work on the systems needed for the DELTA sprite/animation editor, which will be seeing its debut immediately after I finish working on the Audio code. There is an editor for at least each file type in DELTA, so there's a lot left to do.
This is going to be a lot of work, so wish me luck.