Jungle Groove music mod

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Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 23rd, 2022, 2:57 pm


Just a simple / slight mod to the Jungle Groove song in Donkey Kong Country.
Be sure to listen to its entirety. It’s not a huge difference but I thought it was neat.

I recently figured out how to mod the music.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 23rd, 2022, 3:11 pm

Interesting! Like you said it wasn’t big but I noticed it. I don’t think I like it better but it’s exciting to be able to change the music, did you alter jungle groove itself or did you replace it? I would like to know how to add stuff like maybe Lockjaw’s Saga to Poison Pond. :parry:
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 23rd, 2022, 3:21 pm

Thanks for your comment.
I altered it
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 23rd, 2022, 3:23 pm

Cool! Do you know how to add custom music to the rom? :parry:
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 23rd, 2022, 9:23 pm

Neat! You changed some instruments around! Careful though! Music can be complex! What sounds good in a stage when you test may not always sound good. Aram can change. So say if instrument 0x1d was a sound you really liked, instrument 0x1d may not always be that sound. Mattrizzle? Care to elaborate?
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 23rd, 2022, 10:22 pm

I'm not sure I understand what your saying.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 23rd, 2022, 11:06 pm

Cyclone wrote:I'm not sure I understand what your saying.

Because instruments are loaded and rewritten, what sounds good when you first try may not sound good later. Like if you used the tire sound in funky, it might sound good. But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else, like water, that sound will be ruined in funky until you reload the tire sound.

In other words, some things, like funky, have no need to load certain sounds. If you go in 1-1 first, tire sounds are loaded. In 1-4, tire sounds are overwritten. If you go from 1-1 to funky, tire sounds fine. If you go from 1-4 to funky, tire sound is wrong.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 24th, 2022, 12:07 am

I vaguely understand what you are saying. :scratch:

"But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else,"
can you elaborate on this?

How does one test to make sure it sounds correct. Like my hack of Jungle Groove. How do I test to make sure it sounds correct later on?


Below is the Waveform list I'm using.

00 Voice-uh_A
01 Strings
02 Kick
03 Xylophone_A
04 Harp
05 Bells_A
06 Simple Waveform_A
07 Piano
08 Voice-uh_B
09 Tom_A
0A Marimba
0B Snare
0C Water Sound
0D Metal Sound
0E Simple Waveform_B
0F Simple Waveform_C
10 Trumpet 13 FC 12 F6
11 Goo
12 Bell_B
13 Simple Waveform_D
14 Simple Waveform_E
15 Conga
16 Hi-Hat
17 Simple Waveform_F
18 Simple Waveform_G
19 Simple Waveform_H
1A Whistle_A
1B Acoustic Bass
1C Simple Waveform_I
1D Trolley Running Sound
1E Simple Waveform_J
1F Birdsong
20 Whoo-hoo
21 Tal cannon, balloons, etc.
22 Simple Waveform_K
23 Cymbal?
24 Ho-A
25 Hot_B
26 Huh
27 Gee
28 Uh-oh
29 Crasher
2A Uh-oh.
2B Oooh
2C Simple_L
2D Simple Waveform_M
2E Simple Waveform_N
2F Simple Waveform_O
30 Simple Waveform_P
31 Glocken
32 ? Voice
33 Ending guitar
34 E.Guitar_A
35 Bottole_Blow
36 Neckie
37 Tree
38 Simple Waveform_Q
39 Simple Waveform_R
3A Fau
3B E.Kick?
3C Aa.Ya?
3D OrchestraHit
3E Pizzicato
3F Timpani
40 Noise? Cymbals?
41 Simple Waveform_S
42 Xylophone_B
43 Tom_B
44 Hot_C
45 E.Guitar_B
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 24th, 2022, 12:30 am

Where did you get that waveform??

Cyclone wrote:"But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else,"
can you elaborate on this?

I cannot. I don't fully comprehend what's going on. I just know what's happened to me. Idk the inner workings well enough to elaborate. Personally, I think this should not be your main focus if you want to learn. It's not even mine, and I learn things all the time! Keep in mind, I'm learning as I go, I'm not an expert.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 24th, 2022, 2:01 am

Cyclone wrote:"But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else,"
can you elaborate on this?

Let me try this. Those waveforms might be different. I believe some are static and always available (like snare) but some are variable. Don't point to variable.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 24th, 2022, 10:02 am

rainbowsprinklez wrote:
Cyclone wrote:"But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else,"
can you elaborate on this?

Let me try this. Those waveforms might be different. I believe some are static and always available (like snare) but some are variable. Don't point to variable.

I got the waveforms here on the Atlas. I replaced one of the instruments in Jungle Groove with 0X2A (Uh-oh sound).

So you mean that if The Uh-oh sound was loaded into Aram at xx location in one level such as Jungle Hijiynx another level can overwrite that location with a different waveform?

Personally, I think this should not be your main focus if you want to learn. It's not even mine, and I learn things all the time! Keep in mind, I'm learning as I go, I'm not an expert.

Got any ideas then to learn Assembly / Rom Hacking?

Thanks for your patience Rainbowsprinkles!
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 24th, 2022, 10:11 am

This may be off-topic but I was wondering what you thought of Misty Menace in the DKC1 Soundtrack. I recently read something saying that Mine Cart Madness and Misty Menace were terrible for DKC1. I agree that I don't like Misty Menace and Mine Cart Madness is not Dave Wise's best work. Misty Menace seems to be a brilliant work in the way of its haunting melodies and eerie background noises. I haven't heard something so creepy come out of the SNES, ever! Shouldn't that be commended in itself? I hate playing through levels with Misty Menace because of the music, but when you analyze the music itself it seems like a good job by Dave Wise. Also, I disagree with including Misty Menace in an evaluation of the DKC1 soundtrack because it wasn't designed for the same reasons all the other music was. It's designed to creep you out.
What do you think Cyclone and Rainbow Sprinklez? :parry:
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 24th, 2022, 12:07 pm

I like and think all of the music in DKC is good. Each track is good in its own way.
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 24th, 2022, 2:20 pm

Cyclone wrote:
rainbowsprinklez wrote:
Cyclone wrote:"But once you go to a stage that uses the tire instrument for something else,"
can you elaborate on this?

Let me try this. Those waveforms might be different. I believe some are static and always available (like snare) but some are variable. Don't point to variable.

I got the waveforms here on the Atlas. I replaced one of the instruments in Jungle Groove with 0X2A (Uh-oh sound).

So you mean that if The Uh-oh sound was loaded into Aram at xx location in one level such as Jungle Hijiynx another level can overwrite that location with a different waveform?

Exactly. Waveforms and the contents of ARAM can change depending on what you do (load stage, load Funky, etc)

Also, I apologize :oops: my lingo is not the best because I learn in a vacuum, away from others and name and understand things my own way.

Cyclone wrote:
Personally, I think this should not be your main focus if you want to learn. It's not even mine, and I learn things all the time! Keep in mind, I'm learning as I go, I'm not an expert.

Got any ideas then to learn Assembly / Rom Hacking?

Thanks for your patience Rainbowsprinkles!

Hey! It's no problem! 65816 is the name of the CPU the SNES uses. However, it is derived from the 6502 processor (for the NES).
65816 - 65xxx because it was from the 6500 group of processors, and xx816 because it supports both 8 and 16-bit.

Here is a decent resource https://codeburst.io/an-introduction-to ... 66e31c599e
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 24th, 2022, 2:29 pm

Does that have something to do with why the tires in oil drum alley made really weird sounds when you bounced on them in the ROM hack I created? :parry:
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby Cyclone » October 24th, 2022, 2:54 pm

^ yes I’m assuming so. I have encountered that too
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 24th, 2022, 2:56 pm

Do you know how to fix it? There are already tires in Oil Drum Alley so why did it make the weird noise? Was it the quantity I put in? :parry:
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Re: Jungle Groove music mod

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 24th, 2022, 3:05 pm

Thanks anyway! I made a video of the Castle Crush soft lock glitch and of every possibility in it which I’m going to publish soon. What the glitched Kong turns into is determined by where you spawn the Rambi barrel and what level you visited before hand and many other factors. I performed the crashing glitch hundreds of times with random everything until I could find every single sprite that the Kong could turn into possible.
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