I have started a K. Rool for Smash DLC movement at http://kremlingkampaign.wordpress.com; the site features what I hope are compelling reasons K. Rool should become a DLC character (not that DKC Atlas members need much convincing), as well as ways to reach out to Nintendo and let your desire for this to happen to be known. Feel free to start trying these out early, although I am planning to organize more calculated pushes over the next few weeks and months as well. In addition, there is a 'Supporter Comments' tab where I am compiling fans' praise or personal stories about the character. If you'd like to be featured there, leave a comment on the site (or in this thread, even).
I understand that this is a preemptive push, since the final roster is currently unknown, but the way I see it, there's no downside to getting the ball rolling early. If K. Rool's in the game, the two minutes or so it took to Tweet at or email Nintendo will pale in comparison to the excitement of his reveal. If K. Rool's not in the game, the movement will have already hopefully have some traction, whereas, if it waited until a time when everyone and their mother is crying about their favorites' exclusion, it would get drowned out. I think, by starting early, the chances of this actually working increase a tiny bit, and even if nothing happens, we still raise attention that we want the character back, right before the potential planning for a third Retro DKC begins (it began for Tropical Freeze roughly a year after Returns' release).
Any and all support given is greatly appreciated.
Long live the King!