A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details inside)

A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details inside)

Postby KRool4Smash4 » July 6th, 2014, 8:35 am


I have started a K. Rool for Smash DLC movement at http://kremlingkampaign.wordpress.com; the site features what I hope are compelling reasons K. Rool should become a DLC character (not that DKC Atlas members need much convincing), as well as ways to reach out to Nintendo and let your desire for this to happen to be known. Feel free to start trying these out early, although I am planning to organize more calculated pushes over the next few weeks and months as well. In addition, there is a 'Supporter Comments' tab where I am compiling fans' praise or personal stories about the character. If you'd like to be featured there, leave a comment on the site (or in this thread, even).

I understand that this is a preemptive push, since the final roster is currently unknown, but the way I see it, there's no downside to getting the ball rolling early. If K. Rool's in the game, the two minutes or so it took to Tweet at or email Nintendo will pale in comparison to the excitement of his reveal. If K. Rool's not in the game, the movement will have already hopefully have some traction, whereas, if it waited until a time when everyone and their mother is crying about their favorites' exclusion, it would get drowned out. I think, by starting early, the chances of this actually working increase a tiny bit, and even if nothing happens, we still raise attention that we want the character back, right before the potential planning for a third Retro DKC begins (it began for Tropical Freeze roughly a year after Returns' release).

Any and all support given is greatly appreciated.

Long live the King! :krool:
Last edited by Qyzbud on July 6th, 2014, 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed link, changed title from "> A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (Details Inside", moved to relevant board
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Qyzbud » July 6th, 2014, 2:14 pm

I approve of this initiative!

Nice job on the site; hopefully you'll get plenty of attention from both fans and those in charge. Although K. Rool's relevance has been diminished somewhat in recent years (*cough* Retro), he is still the iconic villain from one of the most important series' in Nintendo's history — and it's about time this was recognised by way of inclusion in everyone's favourite multi-franchise freeforall.

I've shifted this topic to the relevant board, and will sticky it here to help it get some attention.

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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Geno » July 14th, 2014, 11:25 pm

I'm really REALLY thinking that K. Rool WILL be in SSB. :krool:

After all, Kritters are enemies in the 3DS version's Smash Run. (both green walking ones AND blue jumping ones!)

But if K. Rool does end up being DLC, I'll be really pissed because my Wii U refuses to connect to the internet (unless it's doing so for a system update)
So I wouldn't be able to obtain one of my top 5 most wanted Smash Bros characters, and that's worse if he wasn't in at all, because OTHERS would be able to unlock him.

(The other four are Mega Man, Rosalina, Pac-Man, and Dixie Kong :dixiehappy: . As you can tell, the first three are already confirmed!)

Of course, all my K. Rool-mania could be just a side-effect of me re-playing DK64 in these K. Rool-less times, but who knows.
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Geno » August 26th, 2014, 11:38 am


Dunno if you fellas heard about this, although I'm pretty sure you did because it's concerning DIXIE KONG and K. ROOL.

There were a ton of SSB4 leaks, that appear to be VERY real.

Basically, DIXIE IS IN :dixiehappy:

King K. Rool is NOT

And there will apparently be NO DLC

R.I.P. K. Rool
i guess he never did find that crystal coconut
i'm sure the wish he would have wished had he gotten his claws on it would be for nintendo to remember him

By the way, the other newcomers? Bowser JR., Dark Pit, this "Shulk" fellow, and...... the dog from Duck Hunt.
Never would have guessed that the Duck Hunt Dog would be more important and relevant to Nintendo now than King K. Rool.

It's a sad day for fans of the Kremling King..... unless something unexpected happens.
The leakers themselves DID say that not even they had all the characters...
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Qyzbud » August 26th, 2014, 1:23 pm

I did catch sight of some leaked video last night, but I didn't spot Dixie (or K. Rool, obviously)... do you have any videos/screenshots/links handy?

It would be great if Dixie's in it, but I'd like to see something solid before getting excited.

Importantly, it doesn't seem as though K. Rool has actually been Rooled out, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Super Luigi! » August 26th, 2014, 1:34 pm

I shall never give up supporting Lip, Dixie, Kiddy, and K. Rool until Sakurai himself says they're not in the game! Never, I tell you! As we all know, video or not, the months before a Super Smash Bros. release are always filled with rumors. The young un's just like to pull your chain! :rant:

There's still hope for these four worthy candidates!

Lip for Super Smash Bros 4!
76vub.png (284.86 KiB) Viewed 79379 times
:dixiehappy: :kiddycool: :krool:
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Geno » August 26th, 2014, 1:59 pm

Dixie was listed in a "leaked" list of characters that will apparently be in SSB4.

With the exception of her, and one or two others, the list matched the characters that were shown in those screenshots and videos.

(And I still want to be optimistic that K. Rool will be in! Of course, the quality of these leaks is sort of making it hard)
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Phyreburnz » August 26th, 2014, 2:01 pm

Geno, do you have a link or picture or something? I'd really like to look into that.
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Super Luigi! » August 26th, 2014, 2:06 pm

I think someone's just used a Brawl texture model and custom voices to make the video. After all, the leak has been out for a week now. Like I said, I personally am waiting to see what happens and aren't going to jump to conclusions.
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Phyreburnz » August 27th, 2014, 5:17 am

I do think that it may be likely to see Dixie. I've been looking it up and it appears that Dixie was supposed to tag team with Dixie for the last Super Smash bros game... maybe since it seems to be a running thing to add previously scrapped characters, we will see her in the next game?
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Super Luigi! » August 27th, 2014, 8:54 am

I think we'll see Dixie in this coming game, and yes, you're right about her planned inclusion in Brawl. By the way, shouldn't we be discussing SSB4 in its topic instead of K. Rool's Kremling Kampaign?
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Super Luigi! » August 9th, 2018, 1:22 am

:krool: Four years later, KRool4Smash4, the dream has come true! :krool:

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The Kremlings Are A Registered Trademark Of Nintendo

Postby VideoViking » August 9th, 2018, 6:28 am

There was speculation that the Kremlings would never see an appearance on the Donkey Kong series ever again when Rare left Nintendo around 2000 to become partners with Microsoft. Because they were created by Rare, the Kremlings and their non-reptilian accomplices were rumored to be the property of Rare.

By featuring King K. Rool as an active combatant for Super Smash Bros., Nintendo has proven, once and for all, that they, not Rare, have proprietary rights to DK's arch nemesis and faithful followers.

There is renewed hope that if a new DKC comes out, the Kremlings will return.
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Re: A Kremling Kampaign: K. Rool for Smash DLC (details insi

Postby Super Luigi! » August 9th, 2018, 8:41 am

As they should! We've waited an entire decade just to see his face again! This is one of the best events to ever happen in history! :rant:

I wonder what Tiptup Jr. thinks about this? I haven't seen him in almost half a decade. :huh:
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