Phyreburnz wrote:I like these ideas a lot. What did you do to make these sprites? I'm wondering about the possibility of making multiple frames and having them animated.
The only one that I think would need some work is the native American one. I had a hard time understanding what it was supposed to be until I read the description. I would like to suggest trying to make it more minimal. I feel like there's too much going on to make it easily recognizable right away.
For Kwang I used the Kritter/Klomp/Kobbles, the conical hat and the clothes come from Raiden from Mortal Kombat 2 and the spear comes from Yaridovich from Super Mario RPG
For Kutomahawk I used obviously Kutlass, Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat 3 and Chief Thunder from Killer Instinct
For Weeniewolf, his normal wolf form I used a 3d prerendered sprite of a wolf for a head, added the eyes of Kutlass and the body from Klampon, for his huge werewolf form I used Rockrock, Kruncha, and Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct
Games like Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct (Which was also made by Rareware) and Super Mario RPG have prerendered sprites which works fine for making DKC custom sprites (Yoshi Topsy-Turvy and Mario Pinball Land might work too)

is a vampire Kremling that attacks you by shooting bats named

, then he transforms into one flying around, to kill him you just jump above him twice, as at the first time he turns into a Fangs. Or to kill him directly, you throw a barrel, if you try to roll at him, you get bitten.
Sound effects: GBA Kloak's Laugh (Shooting Fangses), DKC2/3 Kremling Defeat Roar (Defeated)

is a huge hybrid Kremling that you can't defeat him easily with a simple jump, and attacks summoning a lightning like a rod thanks to his Tesla coil behind him, so you must throw any object at him to stun him, then jump at him.
Sound effects: Doom 1993 Zombies Sight (Trying to Stomp Him), Lightning Stroke (Lightning Zapping Coil), Doom 1993 Cyberdemon Sight (Defeated)

is just a Kritter covered in wrappings that come from egyptian sarcophaguses, you must destroy the sarcophagus near to defeat him, or else you will get bored trying to stomp or roll him manytimes without any outcome.
Sound effects: Doom 1993 Hell Knight Sight (Trying to Stomp Him), Doom 1993 Archvile Roaming (Spawn from Sarcophagus), Doom 1993 Pain Elemental Hurt (Defeated)

is a Kobbles that developed water gills and swims around, his pattern is similar to the Lab Assistants found in the Prehistoric Swamps from Crash 3, you can't attack them by rolling. Just jump at him to defeat him.
Sound effects: Doom 1993 Cacodemon Sight (Rising from the Water), GBA Kremling Defeated (Defeated)