My current phone
(Nokia N-Gage) has been randomly misbehaving lately, so I've finally convinced myself to take the plunge and upgrade. When it comes to technology, I tend to save up until I can get something perfect for my needs... and as you know, internet access can be hard for me to get at times, so I've decided to get a phone that will
(hopefully!) let me view and post forum messages, as well as edit and update the DKC Atlas site and forum anywhere, anytime. Should be a big step up from the taco-shaped N-Gage
(as seen spoilered below), anyway...
Here's what I'm getting:
The version of the E71 released in Australia
(E71-1) is
not compatible
(!?) with our country's best wireless network, so in an attempt to get a good internet connection - even in my little mountain town - I've ordered an overseas model
(the E71-2), which seems to support the correct radio frequency. As a plus, it means that I'll also be able to get wireless internet access in the States.
I just checked the shipping status, and apparently my new E71 has made it to Australia, and just cleared the customs check! Awesome! I'm pretty excited about finally getting a new phone. Waiting on delivery over the weekend is going to kill me...
(I dare not hope that it will get to me tomorrow!)