Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

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Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Mad » February 15th, 2016, 7:12 am

Hi everyone,

As a small project I'm developing a Re-imagined version of Donkey Kong 64. Using UE4 and C4D.
I'll be posting regular updates on my progress. If you're interested in helping me out with Textures and Materials then please hit me up, I'm not the best and haven't really got the time.

Hope you all enjoy :)

Day1: 14/2/2016
Approximate Hours: 4



Added more of a mound to the terrain.


So then I imported all into the game engine to give me a taste of how it all scales up!



A little too big as you can tell... Those walls are way too taxing by having an obsurd amount of extra polys than what's needed, I'll fix that when I start optimising after I've built a fairly solid base for this section of the map.

Next step is to cut out all that useless open space, create a couple more tree samples, add foliage, rocks, vines, work on the layout (I intend to add minor new areas) and work on the entrance leading to the tunnel.

Have a ncie day.
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Qyzbud » February 15th, 2016, 2:01 pm

Ah, nice idea! :)

I think DK64 had a lot of promise, but it failed to impress me in a great many ways. I'd love to play a reimagined version of it that gets a lot more things right, so I'm hopeful that this project will deliver a better gaming experience.

What are you hoping to improve/reimagine in particular? I'm sure a graphical leap is on the cards, but gameplay (character handling/physics) could also certainly be improved, and environment/level design would be another significant candidate.

I like what I've seen and read so far, and I'd love to hear more of your intentions for this project. I might even be able to help with textures/materials/models.

Best of luck!
Atlas Author
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby VideoViking » February 15th, 2016, 5:18 pm

I see that you are using a human object for your demos. Have you done any human characters in 3D before?
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Mad » February 15th, 2016, 11:42 pm

Qyzbud wrote:Ah, nice idea! :)

I think DK64 had a lot of promise, but it failed to impress me in a great many ways. I'd love to play a reimagined version of it that gets a lot more things right, so I'm hopeful that this project will deliver a better gaming experience.

What are you hoping to improve/reimagine in particular? I'm sure a graphical leap is on the cards, but gameplay (character handling/physics) could also certainly be improved, and environment/level design would be another significant candidate.

I like what I've seen and read so far, and I'd love to hear more of your intentions for this project. I might even be able to help with textures/materials/models.

Best of luck!

Thank you and if you ever do decide helping it would be super appreciated :thumbs: DK64 is one of my treasured childhood memories, along with DKC1/2, and pretty much what you said is what I aim to set out out and achieve.

Over time I intend to improve on several elements:
-Visuals; I'm not aiming for something that needs top end hardware, or using high poly 4k Material boulders just because they're high end as it wouldn't suit the game, instead something that is bursting with colour, Textures/ Materials that compliment the world and the entire 3D environment needs to meld together creating a natural 'flow' throughout the world.

-World and Layout; I want to restructure certain areas to help the player traverse the world and to add a greater sense of exploration/ challenge, whilst at the same time eliminating some of that baron open space. Downsize some areas to then expand on the world via means of new routes, areas and challenges.

-Items/ Weapons/ Attacks;
-Either improve on animations or a completely new attack/ defense moveset.
-Designing new weapons is extremely interesting to me! A new item could allow the player to reach new areas impossible without it. Then if we want to go way out of the realm of DK we could allow the player to carry multiple items at once similar to the LoZ series.

VideoViking wrote:I see that you are using a human object for your demos. Have you done any human characters in 3D before?

The Human model is what comes with UE4 Third Person template. I myself have not done any Human modelling before, or even character modelling, I focus in building levels and all entailing assets. Just to note I am able to create a characters Skeleton and basic animation with skin weight.
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Phyreburnz » February 16th, 2016, 8:38 am

This is looking really awesome so far!I'm curious to know what characters you plan on having in your game :)
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Mad » February 17th, 2016, 1:29 am

Phyreburnz wrote:This is looking really awesome so far!I'm curious to know what characters you plan on having in your game :)

Thank you :) I'll be adding DK and Diddy then possibly introduce a newly designed Kong or two.

Quick Update:

Re-built the outer walls (yet to be sculpted), re-positioned trees to match original layout (with one additional tree), worked on some basic assets (grass and rock) and finally threw together the World Portal (door).

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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Mad » February 22nd, 2016, 1:12 am

Sculpted the cave route and started the main area of the map. The rendered version has a surprisingly nice style to it.

As a side note I'll probably withold all future updates to myself until I have fully finished the project. I don't want a freidnly Nintendo cease and desist in my indbox, though that would not stop me developing it in the slightest anyway, it would only stop me from distributing it. So I guess when finished I'll release it for a single day then recline the DL link.

There will be a shortcut through the middle of the cave.

This was the original design I had going for the main area of JJ, but I wasn't so keen on the landscaping as it was 'sculpted' by moving Vertices rather than real sculpting.
Also.... Can anyone in the world explain to me what exactly is this texture supposed to be? It makes zero logical sense as it seems to be dry desert cracked floor with purples/ reds added to it, which is not the texture for boulders, rocks or cliffs...
Reference images below mine to explain what I mean.


Reference: Original JJ cliff texture ... 0818171402

Cracked desert flooring: ... 287176.jpg

Quick Update: Added more trees
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Re: Donkey Kong 64 Re-Imagined

Postby Qyzbud » March 19th, 2016, 10:35 am

*Topic stowed at the OP's request*
Atlas Author
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