DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Post in here to discuss any glitches you have discovered for Donkey Kong Country...
Please create a new topic for each unique glitch, and explain how it is performed (if known).

DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » April 26th, 2008, 6:36 pm

This is the topic for discussing the minor bugs and glitches of Donkey Kong Country.

Sometimes you might notice strange things that happen during gameplay which aren't quite glitchy enough to be given their own topic, but are still worth mentioning and discussing... so here is the place for just such discussions!

Q. Should I start a new glitch topic for my glitch, or should I post here?
A. Whether a bug/glitch is minor or not is certainly a matter of opinion in most cases. If you aren't sure whether to start a new topic or not, don't worry too much; just use your best judgement based on the types of glitches which have their own topic so far, and which ones are a part of this topic. We can always shift a bug/glitch report after it has been posted (it's a simple matter to split off any post here into a new glitch topic, or to merge a new topic into this one), so don't worry too much about choosing the 'wrong' glitch/bug reporting method.
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Reverse-Rolling an Army

Postby Qyzbud » April 27th, 2008, 11:00 am

I'll get the ball rolling here...

If you roll attack away from an Army, and he bumps into you during the roll, your Kong and the Army will bounce 'through' each other, rather than each being knocked back. This can be used rather humorously... just lure an Army to the edge of a platform, and do a roll attack to 'bump him off' (literally, that is!) as he attacks you.

I think this 'inverse bump' occurs because the game doesn't check the positions or speeds of the two objects (the Kong and the Army) when producing the 'bump' effect, only their attack style (a roll, in this case) and direction they are facing. As a result, the game 'assumes' DK/Diddy rolled into the Army from behind, rather than vice versa.
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Sturdy Animal Crate

Postby Cody » April 27th, 2008, 1:44 pm

If you roll onto an animal buddy crate, such as the one in Oil Drum Alley, your character will not break it, but perhaps land on it. You can then stand on the animal buddy crate and walk around.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Stone » May 12th, 2008, 8:10 pm

I don't know happened there, I just found this pic in my screenshot folder after taking some shots for the screenshot competition.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » May 13th, 2008, 5:24 am

Ah, I believe that was a result of the screenshot being snapped at the very moment of mounting Enguarde. I understand that upon mounting an animal buddy, a Kong is 'recreated' as a new object, and so needs to be reassigned a colour palette. My guess is that the animal buddy's palette is in the forefront of palette memory, and is therefore applied to the new Kong sprite on load, before the correct palette is assigned, a single frame later.

You can get a proper glimpse at this effect during gameplay if you pause the game at the exact 'mounting frame'.

Looks cool, eh? ;)
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » May 13th, 2008, 6:22 am

I've noticed that too. Don't you think is one of the reasons why the Rusty Rhino glitch occurs? I mean, the game changed the color pallete from Diddy with Rambi's before giving it the correct color palette, but when it got hit, the game changed Rambi's color palette with Diddy's original. :?
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » May 13th, 2008, 6:49 am

Quite likely; I mean, they both occur when 'saddling up', so it stands to reason. I do wonder why nothing of the sort happens upon dismounting... I presume that the Kong becomes a new object again, in order to return to the original animation/control/physics of a swimming Kong, so I wonder why the palette is correct immediately.

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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Stone » June 8th, 2008, 1:00 am

Something new, maybe:
After getting a game over, you can use the DIDDY code to get some lives in the animal bonuses and then press Start and then Select to get back to where you lost you last life.
But Rare hasn't thought that you might go back without collecting any lives. If you do this you don't have any number on your life counter.
Of course, if you die now you get the next game over.

In this video you can see the life counter and also that the game overs sum up:
After getting the 3-up ballon, I still don't have enough to get a 0 :)

Somehow the video quality went crap on youtube. Compared to the original and my Blackout Basement upload on youtube, this looks really ugly.

Edit: Image
DIDDY-code, man! :mrgreen:
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2008, 4:16 am

I found a new glitch! (I started a thread, but I forgot about this board, and the glitch is minor, sorry :oops:). Anyways, I started doing the "invisible keg" glitch in Jungle Hijinxs, I was going to do the one where you get lives, but instead of the klump, I thought it said to do it with a kritter, so I was next to/"on top" of the first bonus level, then I turned around, facing away from the kritter, and facing the edge of the platform (the second platform of what I decided to call "stairs", you know, the platform that has the bonus level as the "edge"). When I realeased the "thin air", what happened is the bonus level entrance cracked open, but the strange thing is was if I had the real keg, it would of rolled past the bonus level and in the pit near the "stairs", I started a new thread, and again, I'm sorry, I forgot about this board. I'm new here and I'm still learning, hope you give me a second chance!
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » August 21st, 2008, 2:35 pm

If you carry a barrel in any of the slippery levels (Snow Barrel Blast, Slipslide Ride and Ice Age Alley), and jump; the kong's speed will be the same as if they were in the snow/ice.
I'll explain; normally if you jump while moving down in an slippery hill the kong would jump and stay in place; but while carrying something, the speed from where you jumped is maintained. If you were slippering to the right and jump to the right, the kong's speed will be really fast, as if you were slippering from the hill (even though you are jumping); the same, if you were slippering to the right and jump to the left, you will move slowly, as if you were going up (again, even though you are jumping).
Kind of hard to explain ^^" Sorry =P
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » August 21st, 2008, 3:38 pm

You did a pretty good job of explaining that, actually. The Barrel Boost trick is directly related to this, I believe. It's funny how many things change when you're holding a barrel - lots of it doesn't make much sense, like this one.
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Floating camera in Poison Pond

Postby Qyzbud » September 17th, 2008, 12:00 pm

This is something quite strange I noticed a while ago, and is one of the reasons I started to design a site called 'DKC Mysteries'... (which has expanded to become DKC Atlas, of course)

In Poison Pond, there is a mincer just after the midway barrel which guards a bunch of bananas in a deepish pit. If you swim to the bottom of that pit, and keep to the left hand side, the camera/view will slowly float up... and then back down again... over and over.

dkc_poison-pond-camera-bug.png (27.67 KiB) Viewed 118318 times

I can't think of any reason why this would happen. Any clues, guys?
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Simion32 » September 17th, 2008, 12:45 pm

The game is most likely having a conflict between two different camera co-ordinates.

The game takes the time to focus on one point... as soon as it is focused on that point, it looks for any other points to focus on (since DK/Diddy is obviously moving when you play a level, it should keep track of where the camera should be).

After you hit the Continue Barrel, it finds another nearby point, in this case the one for when you go down the hole. But when you are far left enough, the game still catches whatever camera point is upwards near the save barrel. It then tries to focus on that one instead...

So the screen essentially floats up and down in an endless search for a definite focus point, but never stops because the points are overlapping. :roll:
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » September 17th, 2008, 2:29 pm

That's a really stupid level design :roll: It should have been easily fixed (of course, for the designers of the controls). Maybe moving the banana bunch to the right a little?
Of course Poison Pond is the last water level in the game. (it is right? =P)
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 9th, 2008, 9:45 am

Okay, I found a pretty wierd glitch, remember that 'thin air' glitch in Jungle Hijinx? Well, it's back, this time in Orang-utan Gang! You need to take the steel keg to either the star barrel, OR, you can also do the floating DK barrel. Yes, some strange things start happening like the one Jungle Hijinx. One time, Manky sat there and stoped throwing barrels, another time, the klaptrap near the star barrel starting acting like there were two walls right next to it on each side, so it kept turning around. Another time, some of the blue kremlings stoped hopping and acted like green kremlings!!
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby PotoGamer » November 19th, 2008, 4:31 pm

I found this glitch months ago, but I still don't understand how it works.

First, do the DK barrel & Start+Select glitch in Reptile Rumble (Use the barrel near the halfway point, and get hit by the Zinger above the pit.) Throw the barrel with Diddy, and when you finish that part, go to Ice Age Alley, break the DK barrel, and mount Expresso with DK only, and make Diddy fall into the pit. Now, go to the treetop level in Gorilla Glacier (I forgot its name :oops: ) and fall to a pit. Now, go to Reptile Rumble, break the DK barrel, and go through the small tunnel a bit behind the checkpoint and get hit by the Slippa going out of the tunnel.

If you had luck, you might turn into an animal buddy or you might go over the wall! I'm not exactly sure if this works petfectly, since it only works for me SOMETIMES.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Donkey King » December 2nd, 2008, 1:53 pm


In Trick Track Trek, close to the end of the second conveyor ride, if you kept that blue, tough kremling (I forgot his name :? ) in the middle, when the conveyor goes down the first time, the blue kremling stands in the air. But after 6 seconds, or if he's off-screen, he falls off.

This never happened to me before, or all of you, so I guess it's minor.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby BigDonkey101 » May 4th, 2009, 5:23 pm

Sorry for bumping this, but I found a weird glitch in DKC.

I started a new file, and when the map screen appeared Funky's jet barrel appeared on the map, and the Funky's Flights music was playing, even though I had not yet beating the first level.

Once I had beaten the first level DK then appeared on the map screen like nothing had ever happened.

I have never been able to recreate this glitch, but it was the 1.0 verison of the game that it happened in.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby FefeRawft » May 5th, 2009, 8:19 am

In the level "Poison Pond" if you have Enguarde, occasionally some of the tires will be missing. I don't know why or what the cause is.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » June 4th, 2009, 2:42 pm

What a weird glitch with the Jumbo Barrel =S, but it's kind of similar to The Kirby's Rocket Rush Warp Glitch in that it's random, and can't replicate it.

Anyway I found out in V 1.0, if you switch while the inactive kong's overlapping with a baddie (they're "touching"), it will get hit. Like the Switch Glitch with the barrels; the game focuses on the kong before they swap.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Tompa » July 31st, 2009, 4:51 am

Yeah, it's known. At least to me. There are more of those warps in the game, but all others requires you to start rolling at the perfect frame to suicide. Quite funny warp, too bad it isn't useful :/.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Stone » July 31st, 2009, 6:47 am

Interesting, I accidently triggered this glitch a few days ago, too :)
But I thought I've already heard about this glitch, so I wasn't in a rush to post it here.

A few minutes later, while replaying the video (I played on emulator) I had recorded with version 1.0, I switched to the german DKC2 ROM without stopping the movie.
The only picture I've got was the Game Over screen, just without the actual Game Over text, but a note that this version doesn't work with my Super Nintendo / Super Famicom :?

I will post it tommorow, I don't have access to my PC at the moment.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby FefeRawft » July 31st, 2009, 8:32 am

The Guy wrote:

I'm not sure if anyone here knows about it...

Been there, done that, got pissed off after when I was in the first level.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Stone » July 31st, 2009, 5:40 pm

Something funny about the Temple Tempest to Jungle Hijinx glitch:
If you go back to TT, you may notice that you cannot enter the Bonus room again and I think the DK barrel used to open the room was missing, too.

Edit: Here's the picture of the note that this won't work on my Nintendo, I wasn't able to do that with the rest of the trilogy
DKC to DKC2.png
DKC to DKC2.png (9.58 KiB) Viewed 117916 times
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Tompa » August 1st, 2009, 6:15 am

FefeRawft wrote:Been there, done that, got pissed off after when I was in the first level.

If you have finished Temple Tempest already, you are able to press Start and Select and you'll be back at the level.
Also, if you have collected some of the letters in TT before you warped, they'll still be obtained in Jungle Hijinx.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby HavocReaper48 » December 13th, 2010, 11:13 am

This one time I was playing DKC, I was in Orang-utan Gang, playing as Diddy, riding Expresso towards the end of the level. I'm very unsure of how this happened, but, I bounced up the tire with Expresso, and I was above the camera, on the mountain thing near the end. When I come down, I fall to see Diddy has received a re-coloring... that is, a white & pinkish recolor! And Expresso was all faded-ish. It was very weird, and Diddy looked JUST like the Pokemon Mew! I would of called this the "Mew glitch", but, when I tried to bounce up high above the camera onto the mountain-thing again, I got a brown recoloring...

Sorry for that, I really couldn't help but call him that.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby DKCplayer » March 14th, 2011, 7:14 pm

Here's a few I found!

To Bonus or Not to Bonus: This is more of a trick than a glitch, but in Barrel Cannon Canyon, go to the barrel cannon that blasts you to the entrance of the bonus just before the check point barrel. Wait for the blast barrel that goes up and down. About a second after it starts to go down, press B. If done correctly, the Kongs will break open the bonus entrance, but then get sucked into the blast barrel instead of going into the bonus!

Glitched Yellow Gnawty: Go to Temple Tempest, and get Expresso from the bonus. Just before the check point barrel, there are three Gnawties walking. Break the check point barrel, and quickly turn back. The third Gnawty should be yellow and glitched!

Low-Rider: In Tree Top Town, go past the check point barrel, and go to the area where you enter a bonus by shooting at that one lonely banana. Go past it, and onto the platform above. Now, go backwards and take a leap of faith between the last two barrels. You should land into the bonus barrel. After finishing the bonus, you'll land on that same platform. Go back, and jump into the last barrel. This time, aim for the banana. You'll then go into that first blast barrel that shoots you to the bonus barrel. However, the bonus barrel has disappeared after you used it...
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DK Floats after the barrel

Postby OneOf99 » December 21st, 2015, 3:34 am

So in barrel cannon canyon, there is an interesting (albeit useless) glitch right at the first "barrel puzzle". If you are playing as Diddy, run really fast and low jump into the first barrel. Since it immediately starts moving to the right, DK will be stuck in the jump position and will slowly float right until the barrel slows down.
The red is where Diddy is during the "happening"
DK Float.png
DK Float.png (46.1 KiB) Viewed 113968 times
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby OneOf99 » December 22nd, 2015, 9:45 am

Double Post?

In Vulture Culture, I found something very interesting. If you take Diddy and just walk into a Mini-Necky, you won't get hurt. However, you have to place your hitbox right in the middle or the nuts hit you. If you do this with DK, he won't get hurt until the nuts are launched because he is too big.

Jumping up won't hurt you either, you'll just fall back down onto the Mini-Neckys and kill them. If you roll from that position, they both die. I think this might be because the programmers never intended for you to actually touch Mini-Neckys, since you usually jump over them when they shoot their nuts. I still find it weird, though.

This seems to happen with all Mini-Neckys, none have killed me without their nuts this way so far.
Mini-Necky Glitch.png
DK is thumping his chest, so you can see I have been standing there for a while...
Mini-Necky Glitch.png (47.38 KiB) Viewed 113911 times
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Tompa » December 25th, 2015, 6:06 am

That's the same with all Mini Neckies in the game, for the earlier revisions. None of them can actually kill you, except for their nuts.

This is also true for the regular Neckies as well, except those who are flying.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby OneOf99 » December 29th, 2015, 9:50 am

Well I have been unusally active on this topic... :?

If you can't tell, this is slipslide ride...

I don't know if this has been noticed but in the part after the :n: , but right before you go up the next rope with the orange zinger, if you fall here you land on an invisible platform. There is also another platform to the left (a bit higher) and I once even found a barrel when I fell there, but it shot me right back out. Does anyone know what is going on? :huh:

Edit: Might have something to do with the barrel at x:32 y:29 (Coordinates on the maps)

Ice Cave Platform.png
Ice Cave Platform.png (44.36 KiB) Viewed 113744 times
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Tompa » December 29th, 2015, 10:43 pm

The barrel there is the exit barrel for the warp at the beginning of the stage.

There are multiple places, both in this level and others, where the are a few pixels where you are able to stand on like that. Basically unused terrain, more or less, I would presume =).
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » December 30th, 2015, 8:55 am

As you can see on the map, there are walls either side of the Bonus Barrel you referenced. The Kongs are able to stand on top of these walls, as they feature very thin physical surfaces.

A fun side effect of this level's somewhat jumbled construction. :)
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby VideoViking » December 30th, 2015, 3:49 pm

But wait... There's more.

The black holes that are imprinted in the wall decorations are also surface points. You can stand on them just like if they were a regular platform.

The above glitch is a design layout oversight from the programmers. I'll need to get technical to explain this.

In the first DKC game, all horizontal levels have a vertical limit of 512 pixels. The first pixel, or the bottom part of the level, is the designated death line. When the Kongs drop beyond that line, the game calls a script to end play, deduct a life, then return you to the world map (or to the Game Over screen if the 0 digit pops to nothing).

Vertical levels - stages which don't follow the 512 limitation - are free from the designated death line. In fact, there are no death lines to speak of because the level is closed in top to bottom. Only one archetype follows this rule: the water levels.

Slipslide Ride is a special case. It's the only vertical level in the game that has death lines, but the death lines don't appear until the second floor. Because there is no designated death line, the programmers had to script one manually. Not only did they have to script the death line, they also had to script a camera lock to prevent the Kongs from falling down to the first floor, where players would most likely get stuck and be forced to reset. Combine that with the black hole designs I mentioned earlier, you get the very glitch you see above.

Technically speaking, the reason why this glitch occurs is because the designated death line in the fourth floor stopped at the walls that led you to Bonus Room 3. Landing on the wall itself was the same thing as touching pixel 1 of the 512 limit. You needed to drop beyond the first pixel for the death script to run. Simion and Mattrizzle will explain a bit more about this glitch.

On a related note, this is one of the final mysteries that's needed to be solved for DKCRE to really take off.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Simion32 » December 30th, 2015, 7:36 pm

The game works by calculating whether the camera can vertically follow the Kong; if not, then the game will cause death.

But there are not any specifically scripted lines, as far as I am aware. The game tests for DK falling some amount below the camera without landing on a surface. If he doesn't hit anything within a few frames (or within some distance) of being offscreen, the death is triggered.
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Re: DKC: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby VideoViking » December 31st, 2015, 9:06 am

Simion32 wrote:The game works by calculating whether the camera can vertically follow the Kong; if not, then the game will cause death.

But there are not any specifically scripted lines, as far as I am aware. The game tests for DK falling some amount below the camera without landing on a surface. If he doesn't hit anything within a few frames (or within some distance) of being offscreen, the death is triggered.

The reason I think there may be a death line, or an out-of-stage trigger, is because one of the bonus levels I tested using DKCRE did not have such a trigger. The bonus level in question might have been Reptile Rumble Bonus 1.
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