Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

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Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 4th, 2014, 8:07 pm


This is DKQ3D Episode 1 with minor bugs fixed on Map screen . It has 6 main levels, 4 classic bonus levels and 2 bosses! Enjoy!
Arrow keys = Move
Spacebar = Jump
D key = Change into Diddy
X key = Change into Dixie
V key = Helicopter Spin
1 key = Zoom camera out
2 key = zoom camera in

The 6 main 3D levels are:

Seaside Siege (Remake of GBA DKC2 Beach intro scene and tutorial stage for the game)
Gangplank Galleon
Crocodile Cauldron
Kannon's Klaim
Mudhole Marsh
Hornet Hole

The 4 Blast From the Pst bonus stages are:
Jungle Hijinx
Pirate Panic
Hot Head Hop
Fiery Forest

The 2 bosses are:
King Zing

Note to player: Remember to visit Cranky after every level to see what kind of help he can provide the Kongs (or not provide) He is the life of the game! DOWNLOAD HERE ------->
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby CatLoverMolly » December 4th, 2014, 11:38 pm

15 worlds? Dang :shock:
But who cares :P This looks exciting and you've got a good start already.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby sonosublime » December 5th, 2014, 3:08 am

This sounds like a very cool and exciting project. I can't wait to see more of this.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 5th, 2014, 7:03 pm

Very early work here guys. Just testing the animations for Neek and Klomp as well as checking out my options for 3D importing in game maker. I like what I have so far.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Super Luigi! » December 6th, 2014, 6:39 am

Jeffrey_Bones, you have my support. I'm not sure what to tell you, except that I approve of your efforts and the ship should be a darker brown. Nevertheless, watching your early videos made me want to get a blanket.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 11th, 2014, 2:13 pm

Ar! there be PIRATES in these waters! have a look at the galleon so far arg mateys I want some fish and chips..... or maybe captain D's........ or maybe just some fish sticks......ARRRRR!
I figured I'd also let you guys take a VERY EARLY look at Mudhole Marsh. This is just basically very early level set up, animated sky and animated swamp waters. It will soon be filled with 3D trees, platforms, barrels, lilly pads and bulrushes! just setting the tone for things to come!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby CatLoverMolly » December 12th, 2014, 2:42 am

Everything so far looks pretty good, but you could most definitely benefit from a dynamic lighting engine.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » February 27th, 2015, 1:15 pm

In this video you can see the progress made so far in Mudhole Marsh. It is important to note that significant changes have been made to the game's core engine. All 3D model files presented in the levels are now loaded externally. Their textures are also loaded externally. This freed up a lot of memory to the game's main file. I also finally managed to use MP3 files externally which has freed up 70% of the games memory! I tried this before but was unsuccessful. Another remarkable thing that is worthy of mention (NOT PRESENTED IN THIS VIDEO) is that I have figured out how to import a 3D textured model and then have that model rotate via the direction that it's moving. This will be very useful in the lockjaw's locker stage where several 3D fish models will serve as baddies. The model I used to create this technique was a custom version of Chomps.
On a side note, the "3D" Zinger seen in this video does NOT use this technique. It is a 3D rendered animation displayed from eight directions similar to the Diddy Kong character and other baddies seen in the previous videos.

I would welcome any ideas such as focus points on this particular world, or additional things to add. Please do not point out the obvious, such as Diddy kong is not supposed to walk on water and things of that nature.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby the_kong_br » February 28th, 2015, 9:10 am

I always wanted to see DKC2 in 3d
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby sonosublime » March 15th, 2015, 6:21 pm

I have to ask, what are your plans for this game? Do you plan to have each world presented as 1 big 3D level? How would players complete the level? By finding and defeating the boss, like in DK64?
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » March 15th, 2015, 11:24 pm

it will be one 3D level with a goal target at the end. After 3-4 levels you will fight a boss. Think of how Crash Bandicoot and how it plays. Each level will be based on the differnt level "themes" presented in DKC2 such as jungle, lava, hive, spooky woods, bramble, ship, swamp, ice, castle ect.... it will NOT be huge open worlds to explore like Banjo Kazooie or Super Mario 64. hope that helps.

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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » June 22nd, 2015, 1:03 pm

Just a little update guys, YES I'm still working on this thing! (look for the animal buddy cameo in the background!) I think I'm actually pushing Game Maker to it's limits now! It's good stuff though, I'm liking my progress so far!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby sonosublime » June 23rd, 2015, 2:22 am

Looks like you're making some nice progress.

Also, what is that song you use in Mudhole Marsh? It's really nice
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » June 23rd, 2015, 7:48 am

it is the original "Mudhole Marsh" theme from the DKC2 OST music CD from 1995! It has aged well :)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Phyreburnz » June 28th, 2015, 12:07 pm

This is looking very nice! I would like to suggest, if at all possible, you might want to make the edges of the lava platforms red. It's a little bit hard to see where some of the edges are.

Can't wait to see what you do next! :)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » June 29th, 2015, 9:02 am

https://www.facebook.com/kongquest3d the official Facebook page is now up. I decided to do one as my Sonic Xtreme Fan game page gets a lot of views and likes I want to see how the reception of this project goes. :)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby spaceman2028 » June 29th, 2015, 10:21 am

The crododile cacophony remix sounds like it came straight out of Doom! :lol:

So you have a SONIC fangame as well? And it's about Sonic Xtreme? Interesting...
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » June 29th, 2015, 11:49 am

spaceman2028 wrote:The crododile cacophony remix sounds like it came straight out of Doom! :lol:

So you have a SONIC fangame as well? And it's about Sonic Xtreme? Interesting...

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sonic-Xt ... 300?ref=hl
and here
http://www.senntient.com/forums/viewtop ... d=1328&p=8
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Qyzbud » June 29th, 2015, 5:25 pm

sonosublime wrote:what is that song you use in Mudhole Marsh? It's really nice

Jeffrey_Bones wrote:it is the original "Mudhole Marsh" theme from the DKC2 OST music CD from 1995! It has aged well :)

That's actually Mechanical Swamp by Protricity — quite possibly my favourite OC ReMix. :)

The game's looking nice with the new themes, by the way. I agree with Phyre about the need to give the edges of platforms a bit of definition, though.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » June 30th, 2015, 2:44 pm

removed post due to being redundant
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » July 6th, 2015, 4:12 am

And this is the final animal buddy roster for Diddy's Kong Quest 3D! There will be other animal buddies that will pop up as cameos, however these are the guys that will directly help the Kongs!
Enguarde the Swordfish will be available to help the Kongs in their underwater capers!
Rattly the Rattlesnake will be bouncing proud!
Squitter the spider (Brawl model) will lay web platforms to new heights
SURPRISE SURPRISE It's Orco the Whale from Jungle Beat! He will help unlock hidden treasure with his great destructive mass!
You can't have a DKC game without Rambi! so a version of Rambi is already been implemented!
Squawks and his cousin Quawks will return for flip flappin fun!
Expresso the Ostrich from the original DKC will make his comeback in Diddy's Kong Quest 3D! (fully animated Brawl model)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby CountryFan » July 6th, 2015, 3:11 pm

Jeffrey_Bones wrote:Image
You can't have a DKC game without Rambi! so a version of Rambi is already been implemented!

DKC3 didn't have Rambi.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » July 11th, 2015, 12:13 pm

I began working on Bosses today! Krow and Kaptain K Rool are already underway!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby vege » July 11th, 2015, 2:21 pm

Your models are absolutely right, i love the Squitter model, nice! What software are you using to design/apply textures?
I would love to find more enemies on your stages, your project is interesting for me.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 3rd, 2015, 1:16 pm

Diddy's Kong Quest 3D Davy Bones Locker & animal buddies!
been very busy lately! here is Davy Bones Locker and a little bit of animal buddy action! Let me know what you think!!!!!!

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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby sonosublime » August 4th, 2015, 11:59 pm

I feel that the unmovable camera is stunting the level design. But I really like the underwater level so far. What is the music? Is that another OC Remix?
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 5th, 2015, 1:59 am

Encounter In The Abyss - remix of Lockjaw's Saga by David Wise
Vincent Rubinetti
It's the best Lockjaws's Saga remix I've heard so far :)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 7th, 2015, 10:24 am

6 Environments complete and many more to go!!!!!!
Gangplank Galleon
Davy Bones Locker
Crocodile Cauldren
Mudhole Marsh
Bramble Scramble
Rattle Battle
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Cyclone » August 9th, 2015, 3:49 am

Looking good. Keep it up!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 12th, 2015, 1:57 am

Squawks the Parrot by Cyclone in Diddy's Kong Quest 3D! Also Expresso the ostrich from Super Smash Bros Brawl! There are a lot of bugs to work out in both of them and please ignore the first 15 seconds of the video Fraps was glitching on me so I restarted and forgot to edit that part out. Squawks flying around in a 3D world reminds me of Banjo Kazooie for some reason. Enjoy! Thanks Cyclone!!!!!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Cyclone » August 12th, 2015, 3:17 am

Hey cool to see squawks in the game. Glad I could help!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 12th, 2015, 11:58 am

A very early build of Hornet Hole. This level will be more like a 3D maze in which you must escape, I will make all the textures similar so it will be easy to get lost. I do plan to add animated dripping honey and my 3D zingers
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Simion32 » August 13th, 2015, 4:38 am

You should really find a way to make those walls hexagons and align the floor, cieling, and walls to the hexagon grid.

It just looses that hive feel with all the square-ness.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Super Luigi! » August 18th, 2015, 10:36 am

I'm not very good with constructive criticism, Jeffrey_Bones, but I do like how your game is shaping up so far. Expresso has the best walk cycle in my opinion, while Dixie is a close second. I also like the idea of the hives being mazes. In short, keep up the good work!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby vege » August 21st, 2015, 3:06 pm

zingers with iA !! great :)
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Cyclone » September 3rd, 2015, 6:12 am

Jeffrey_Bones wrote:

I really like this. good work! :thumbs:
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » September 3rd, 2015, 8:37 am

I am issuing an official request for help to anybody who has experience with Game Maker. The deadline for this project is November 20 and I am stuck at about 70% complete. The design aspect has been very time consuming I need help with basic game functions such as inventory system, collision, barrel cannon physics, A MAP SYSTEM and a few other small details. Anybody who wants to help please inbox me and I will begin to collaborate with you. Thanks in advance
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby spaceman2028 » September 3rd, 2015, 12:31 pm

Encounter in the abyss sounds slightly like the music used in the FNAF 3 Trailer! =D

Great progress on Hornet Hole, especially with those beautiful new outro animations!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Fan Game)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » September 3rd, 2015, 12:44 pm

Well I have a beta for review. It was originally only supposed to be for Cyclone to view since he contributed his Squawks render to the project, however I feel I would like others to give it a test as I am actively seeking help with the project. ANYBODY with a good deal of Game Maker experience is welcome. Anyway the early demo has bugs and glitches but it is very playable. Feedback is needed so here is the early beta release of Diddy's Kong Quest 3D.
after you launch the game press F1 to get instructions
Enjoy folks. And please PM me if you want to contribute to the project meeting the November 20 deadline

Edit-----> I just noticed the game breaking glitch upon exiting Hornet Hole and entering Mudhole Marsh. You will not be able to access any areas after the first 3. Not sure what's causing this glitch but I will re-upload once I have corrected it.
You can still enjoy
Gangplank Callean
Crocodile Cauldron
Hornet Hole
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Playable BETA DEMO RELEASED)

Postby Cyclone » September 13th, 2015, 3:24 am

Common people play and comment this demo! I have yet to try it myself. I will soon!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (Playable BETA DEMO RELEASED)

Postby Cyclone » September 13th, 2015, 10:01 am

I was enjoying this until the game breaking glitch that has been mentioned above.

Great work. I liked the red zinger that follows you around. I will help out if I can.

guys/gals give this a chance despite the download size.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (BETA UPDATE RELEASED)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » September 14th, 2015, 11:37 pm

https://www.mediafire.com/?xeka8yewwu6csin <------- Updated .exe

Delete your old .exe file called "Diddys Kong Quest 3D Beta for Cyclone.exe" and replace with the new .exe file included in this .zip archive.
ALSO replace tittle.mp3 file with the one in your current MP3 folder
This update has a main map screen that you can access 7 areas plus the Monkey Museum. Funky Flights appears on the map however it is not accessible yet and clicking on it will only take you to Gangplank Galleon at this time.
You may need to exit the game by pressing ESC key to get out of some areas but you should be able to "test" all areas available in this demo.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (BETA UPDATE RELEASED)

Postby Cyclone » September 15th, 2015, 9:19 am

looking good. Just need more collision detection and enemies. How hard is it to do collisions? Is it something I can help with? I will help anyway I can. Just PM me.
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