I never thought I'd see the day where Qyzbud would appreciate something about the DKC GBA trilogy more than the original trilogy's.

Anyway, I'll give my input:
DKC GBCNot meaning to advertise/pollute the Atlas with site promotion, but I have a site devoted to the heavily frowned upon DKC GBC port:
* Crosshair Cranky & Funky's Fishing are fun mini-games. The former is like a whole new adventure.
* Candy's Challenges were nice.
* Autosave after finishing a level.
* Necky Nutmare is an excellent new level.
* The Sticker Pads for the Sticker Book (not to be confused with Scrapbook from the GBA re-release) are nice to collect.
** Further pushing it, the Game Boy Printer is a nice add-on, and they associated it with this game. You can even make banners to print from it.
* Winky's Walkway was extended for this re-release.
* Unlockables are in this game. They really catch my attention.
* Childhood nostalgia...
DKC GBAWhile I thought this game was a faithful and fun port to DKC SNES, I wish it weren't made because there is the heavily underrated DKC GBC port. Okay, well maybe not that. The thing that I don't like is that Rare put most of their effort in to this GBA port even though DKC was already ported to the GBC three years prior its release. Its sequels were not as of yet. List:
* Funky's Fishing was a really good mini-game. I like how they took it from DKC GBC.
* The Cast of Characters took place in Gangplank Galleon. I think it's a more appropriate area for it to take place at. The land enemies are logically displayed on the ship deck while the underwater foes in the surrounding waters. Not all on land. I didn't like how they removed Cranky's dialogue: "I played this game with one life & beat it under an hour."
* DK Attack, a time attack mode, is sure to get the players addicted.
* Very Gnawty's cameo in DK's Treehouse after Really Gnawty's defeat in Gorilla Glacier was an unexpected Easter egg. It's especially funny how it jumps out the treehouse, scared.
* You can contact Funky on the world map after visiting him at Funky's Flights.
* An opening sequence gives us a good idea of why DK and Diddy go on an adventure, especially if you don't have a game manual.
DKC2 GBA* The Scrapbook
* Has an awesome defunct site that may or may not be forever lost in history.
* While Diddy's Dash was a good idea, it wasn't very well developed. (see my other topic)
* I know people will probably disagree with me here, but Klubba having his own mini-game—Bag a Bug—makes it fun to visit him.
* Expresso's Racing was a decent mini-game.
* Like DKC GBA, the game has an opening sequence. It shows players how the adventure starts if they lack the game paraphernalia, like its manual.
** Speaking of which, the game has more cutscenes.
* Big, big childhood factor. Makes me look back with a big smile on my face.
DKC3 GBA* The Brothers Bears locations are redesigned so that they don't all look like cabins. They were rather changed based on what their purpose is.
* Pacifica was a nice new world for the game.

* The action-like music gives the GBA re-release a whole new atmosphere. I remember at one point getting sick of it, however.
* Funky's Rentals mini-game challenges were fun. I don't care what others think: they were good mini-game challenges.
That's all I have for now. I might update this post if I find more improvements. Thanks for making this topic, Valerius Dover.