Super Luigi! wrote:[...]Please watch his video, return to this topic, and discuss[...]
Why not just embed the video here, so we don't have to hop back and forth?
Also, why is it relevant that the individual is 'male'
I might have to take a look now to see what's got EvangeliKong all up in arms...

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Now that I've watched it...
It does seem quite far fetched, but the research and observations are impressive and somewhat uncanny. DKC does throw a lot of themes together, and the relevance of them all is up for interpretation... but I personally doubt there's anything going on here apart from some odd coincidences. My hat's off to this guy for coming up with all of this and putting it together, though.
If you do subscribe to the theory presented in the video, it's interesting to note that Rare went from being a
very British company working with a primarily Japanese company... to working exclusively for a North American empire... it's like they became a cog in the machine they were subtly speaking out against...