Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 26th, 2014, 11:46 am

For 3D modeling, I know Zaneebaslave uses ZBrush, and his Kersplash enemy and WIP Cheetah buddy are pretty darn awesome, so I'd say ZBrush is the way to go if you wanna go 3D.
For traditional spriting, I think GIMP is the best way to get things done, and it is free and Mac-friendly so there's that. With spriting, though, it comes down to personal preference, GIMP is just what I'd recommend. If you like GIMP that's great, but you did say you're a pretty good spriter so if you don't like GIMP you could probably use what you've used in the past.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Magna » November 26th, 2014, 11:49 am

I am pretty good but I'm pretty sure even the original creators of the games didn't manually sprite it. They used 3D models for their maps/levels/players/etc. I'll give these apps a try thanks. :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 26th, 2014, 12:12 pm


OMG, Cat, is really amazing! Master piece! O_o
I'm with idea of setting up a map using a little mix of DKC maps Snes but you went far beyond.
You proposes to do other maps?

We are working in the demo, but feel free to continue with the concepts and suggestions.

Magna, you are welcome!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Magna » November 26th, 2014, 12:19 pm

Could someone please perhaps PM me a tutorial or link me on how to render images in the above style. ^
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 26th, 2014, 12:26 pm

Here, Leo, use this one; it's got a few tweaks I wanted to make, mostly to bring the map a bit closer to SNES colors and make the Necky Sphinx look a bit nicer. I could totally try to work on the other maps some time, but for now I'm fixated on making that boss ;)

Magna, I'll let ye in on a wee secret...that is a heavily edited screenshot from a Sonic game (I want to say Secret Rings because of the desert environment but it might be another one) to add an oasis, the Necky Sphinx, the pyramids, and the dunes.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Magna » November 26th, 2014, 12:58 pm

Sorry for being off topic, but how do you install "Precision" to GIMP.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 26th, 2014, 1:33 pm

Precision? What would that be? Is that a plugin for GIMP, or brush set, font, or something else? I'm not familiar with it :oops:

Oh! Here's that boss I was talking about, King Netankhamun, or just Net. I used Phyre's sprites for it (hope you don't mind :P ), and while there are a few uglier areas --one that comes to mind being the turning sprites-- it should do nicely.

Here's the arena for it, by the way, if you don't already have it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Magna » November 26th, 2014, 1:58 pm

CatLoverMolly wrote:Precision? What would that be? Is that a plugin for GIMP, or brush set, font, or something else? I'm not familiar with it :oops:

Yes I believe so:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 26th, 2014, 2:04 pm

Hey Cat, where did that headdress sprite come from?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 26th, 2014, 2:12 pm

I clipped it off Google after searching 'egyptian headdress', then 'egyptian headdress side view'; I can't remember exactly what site it came from though.
Also, I forgot to mention; the reason the death sprites lack a headdress is because I thought it'd be cool if the two pieces on the right above the nut and dizzy stars went flying off upon death, and bounced around a bit, kind of like Kleever in DKC2.

Hnng, I've never heard of that before, Magna. I'd help ya if I could, but I wouldn't know where to start or what to do.

Edit: Nevermind, I found it. ... utmask.jpg
I wouldn't be able to guess on where I snagged the other two views used for turning, though; there are lots of images out there with that angle.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 27th, 2014, 4:17 am

This "neck Egyptian" is fantastic! This map "Necklahari" will be epic, his work is remarkable! The desert stage made by Phyre fits like a glove for this map. The Stamper brothers would be proud of you guys ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 27th, 2014, 4:21 am

I think a better name would be King Nut, a wordplay on King Tut. It sounds more Egyptian :)

I think I will do some digging and see if I can find a better solution for the turning. I might end up making a headdress myself and just take pictures of it. That way, it will be easier than finding a bunch of angles of one online.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 27th, 2014, 4:33 am

Killer Instict uses graphics in the style of DKC, maybe you guys can take something:

Another game that uses a graphic style very similar to DKC is Abe's Odyssey, may give to create tilesets using the graphics of this game:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 27th, 2014, 4:56 am

Wow, Killer Instinct's Chicago Alley and Orchid's Stage could be really super good for a grungy Urban stage, maybe that Luminous Light Labor stage I mentioned on the DKC4 Blog.

Oh, here's a World 3, Mount Kongerest.

And some foreground elements that could be moving around (the cloud ones should move around near the clouds in the image, and the blimp could fly around wherever you like) are right here.

I'm having quite a bit of fun with these; expect World 4, Vine Village, soon.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 27th, 2014, 7:37 am

These look great, Cat! How have you been doing these? Just looking up images and photoshopping them together?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 27th, 2014, 8:07 am

Yep :P It's easy, workable and looks pretty good.
Here's that Monkopia map Christopher and Allan on the DKC4 blog wanted to throw together.

And, Necklahari with Candy, Cranky and Funky added. Although, if you wanted to go DKC2 style and have Candy, Cranky, Funky and possibly Swanky, and put them in random areas that'd probably work. After all, Kong Kollege was arbitrarily on a half-sunken ship in Krem Quay, and while the map bore no Kollege, Wrinkly's icon was still there.

If you want me to add the three to Kongerest and the maps beyond, let me know, Leo.
I'm not too thrilled with this one but it's there. Next up is Vine Valley (I promise this time :P)

EDIT!!!: Done!
I feel really great about this one. I got it really close to the sketch by Christopher.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 28th, 2014, 2:39 am

Your work is amazing!
If you can add more trees in Kongerest (down there in the valley, like a forest) I think looks best. You can send me the PSD files of maps? I probably need to go make small adjustments to position the levels entrances, Candy save point, Cranky Kong, etc.
Thanks! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 28th, 2014, 2:48 am

I can add more trees for sure, but unfortunately I don't have the .psd files, it never occured to me to make them :( I'll be sure to start creating them for any future maps I make. Sorry :dixiecry:

Buuutttt, good news is that I can very easily reposition Candy, Funky and Cranky, because those areas are small and easy to edit out, and I do have a separate sheet with their sprites. I'll see if I can get on my laptop here in a little while and upload that.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 28th, 2014, 2:59 am

You can post the map and Candy, Funky and Cranky apart? For I have freedom in positioning them.
Here is the Oddworld Abes Oddysee maps, maybe you guys can use (the graphic style is very similar to SNES DKC series). I even wanted to try edit it but I'm out of time, we are working on production of the demo. ... besOddysee
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 28th, 2014, 3:00 am

I sure can! I was able to get on my beloved laptop, so here you go.

So, if you were to take this Necklahari here in which those three haven't been placed (or the Kongerest or Vine Village) then you could place those easily.

EDIT: Speaking of Kongerest, here's one with more trees.

I can tell this is gonna be my favorite world; I love ice worlds like Gorilla Glacier, Phendrana Drifts, Frosted Glacier or Snowpeak Ruins.

EDIT 2: And here's a mockup of Net's boss battle by Christopher;

Hopefully that's the last edit for a while :shock:

EDIT 3: Nope, guess not.

Finished the Kremean map.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 28th, 2014, 7:37 pm

Thank you Cat, your cooperation is much appreciated!! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby spaceman2028 » November 29th, 2014, 5:41 am

Kremean...that must be the final world...where all the kremlings go...looks like N.Sanity Island with two of dracula's castle on one side of the island...

Glad to know all of the worlds in this fan game are finally coming together!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 29th, 2014, 11:54 am

Steampunk cities actually; nice guess, though. I can see the resemblance!

Walking.gif (17.95 KiB) Viewed 208030 times

Stand.gif (77.83 KiB) Viewed 208026 times

I'm trying something new with spriting Sassy; right now it's a bit difficult getting the lighting right (I'm trying to get some highlights in there), but I think the fluidity of the model and the proportions are about right. I left out her bandana, braids and tail; those move a bit too freely for my animation method to handle.
All in all, the method I'm using is really super easy to work with and I should be able to blow right through all of her animations; when I rigged the model, I made sure it matched Diddy's bone structure in Brawl. I can use all of his Brawl animations, so all I have to do is GIF-ify them.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 29th, 2014, 2:38 pm

What is your animation method you're using? You can pm me if it is extensive. I wonder if I could use it to finish that cheetah...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 29th, 2014, 3:39 pm

Naw, it's not extensive. I use BrawlBox, a surprisingly good program for editing of .mdl0, .dae and .pmd files. It's supposed to be used for viewing and editing of models from SSBB, but if you have another model with a rigged skeleton matching an existing chatacter and can get it in the correct format to work, you can. You can also view animation data and textures, so all I did was import a Dixie model over Diddy and gave her a Sassy makeover, then pull his motion data in and go from there. This little gem of a program can even export animations to a .gif file, or make new animations by playing with bone positions. Problem is, with things like tails or hair, or even skirts, things often clip through them in animations. Legs could go kicking right through Zelda's dress.

For the cheetah, I'd recommend editing one of the four-legged Pokemon from Brawl like Suicune or Entei. You'll need something like Blender or 3DS Max if you want to do anything beyond simple vertex, texture or bone editing; unfortunately, you can only move or delete vertices in BrawlBox, not create.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 29th, 2014, 9:09 pm

During the months that I was "away" project I see that missed a lot of stuff...
I had not noticed Sassi Kong in detail (I had to go back a few posts to understand). You always surprise Oo

We had a view to perhaps introduce a new character and should be a kong female (since we have 3 males and one female).
Sassi seems to fit well, the animation is very fluid and the design is beautiful! Would you can make all necessary actions?

I am saturated with so much information and absorb all (catalog, evaluate, separating, etc.) is taking a while. In addition we are working very hard in the demo, so not worry if we are not very active here in the forum.

After launching this new demo, we will be the will to discuss more about these new customized concepts.
I have an idea for a multiplayer mode with online dispute ranking that, if it works out to be implemented, it will be something very interesting. But it is only an idea (this will not be made for this demo).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 30th, 2014, 3:02 am

I would absolutely adore to do all of Sassy's animations :dixiehappy: It's really a lot of fun (for me, anyway) to work with her in BrawlBox. It's a great program as long as you have the model and the motion data, and it only takes about 10-15 minutes for me to do a full animation.
Run.gif (14.28 KiB) Viewed 207965 times

Turn.gif (6.26 KiB) Viewed 207965 times

Jump.gif (57.83 KiB) Viewed 207965 times

Heck, if you wanted me to, I could probably rig Funky, Candy and Cranky so we could use new sprites for those three, since in each game in the trilogy they've had a new look. I don't think a model for Swanky exists, but I could try to find one.

EDIT: Here's one of the many other animations I did since my last post. I've got a ton done; attacking, crouching, crawling, swimming, swim turning, rolling, grabbing a barrel, throwing it, walking with it; and I'm working on cliff animations now.
Attack.gif (23.89 KiB) Viewed 207947 times

I just love this attack so much for some reason. It's like Ken's Shoryuken mixed with Zangief's spinning lariat and I think it's a lot better than my initial idea of a handspring. What do you guys think Sassy's power should be? Donkey has his uppercut and the hand slap, Diddy has speed (And wasn't there at some point a skill that let him ride on a rolling Kong being planned? I think he should keep that), Dixie has her glide, Kiddy has his water skip...I was thinking of giving Sassy a midair attack and an underwater attack. Want that Booty Bird's treasure but don't have anything to throw? Attack it!
But I want to know what you guys think!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 30th, 2014, 11:38 am

This is awesome! You're doing animation on par with the original DKC, further fluid! I am very impressed! :o
I have some questions:
Where did you get the 3D model for her?
The animations are made manually by you or are loaded into the model? (I not yet know the BrawlBox functions did not have time to try it and see how it works)
Her hair is very short ... it would be possible to put a small ponytail?
You can (after the animations are all ready) render each frame in PNG?
The animations are more than perfect, I look and do not believe what I see. :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 30th, 2014, 11:50 am

Phyreburnz wrote:What is your animation method you're using? You can pm me if it is extensive. I wonder if I could use it to finish that cheetah...

Will you be able to do this Phyre? I'm sure if you also start using BrawlBox you will do amazing things with it! :D :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 30th, 2014, 12:16 pm

The 3D model was edited from Dixie's model from...I think Barrel Blast? I'm not sure. Either way, it was edited from a model of Dixie.
A few animations I did myself, but most of them are loaded into the model from Diddy's animations from SSBB.
I would have kept her hair (I do have a version of her model with her hair in two braids, as well as her old bandana and tail) however the problem with BrawlBox is that her hair clips right through her body in pretty much 90% of animations, her bandana looks horrible in general and her tail goes insane when I try to use BB to animate it. I'll have to add the braids manually, but that's not a problem.
I have .PNG strips of every single one of her animations done thus far, each animation in separate frames in its own .PNG, however I'm only done with her main animations (like hurt, run, that kind of thing). I'm working on her rope animations right now, then comes team-up, then animal buddy, then mine/skull cart and toboggan and any other miscellaneous animations. If you want what I have, I can put them in a zip and post them.

For anyone who wants to use BrawlBox, here's all of Brawl's files, legally free to use. ... BjOXFYMU0#
You'll find characters under 'fighter', and assist trophies/Pokemon under 'item'. Be careful, they use Japanese naming schemes.
To load animations into a model, you've got to right click and preview the .MDL0 under ModelData[0] and 3DModels(NW4R). For Diddy, the model will be called FitDiddy00. You can zoom out with your - and + keys, move the view by right clicking and dragging, and rotate around the model by holding ctrl with your right click and drag. If you click on the little rectangles bordering the model window, it'll pull out the animation panes. To load animation data, on the top pane click 'File', then 'Animations', then open up Fit(Name)MotionEtc. For Diddy, the file you need will be called FitDiddyMotionEtc.pac. Load that up, then click on any animation in the left pane and the model will go into the first frame. In the bottom pane, the only button I ever use is the 'Play' button to check the animation before I get the camera where I want it and save. To save an animation as a .GIF, choose the animation and click on 'Options' in the top pane, then 'Take Screenshot', and lastly 'To Animated GIF'. It'll go into a folder called 'Screen Captures' wherever your BrawlBox is located.
Now what I do, I set the background to green before I take a .GIF (View>Viewer>Background>Set Color), load the .GIF in Game Maker and remove the background color (green). I set the BG to green because Sassy has nothing on her that is green, so when I erase everything green, I get Sassy and nothing else. Then I scale the entire .GIF and use Game Maker to save it as a .PNG strip.

My DKC-ish light settings are as follows under Environment Settings.
Radius: 100
Azimuth: 100
Elevation: 40
Ambient: 170 - 170 - 170
Diffuse: 255 - 255 - 255
Specular: 0 - 0 - 0
Emission: 0 - 0 - 0

Beware; BrawlBox doesn't always like every model you'll try to import into it. If you need a character imported to be used, let me know and I can probably rig it. Rigging is a whole other process and I seriously do not want to go into detail on that.

EDIT: I went ahead and tried an animation with her braids and bandana (I straight up deleted the tail, it moved way too weirdly. Besides, only Diddy has a tail and it can stay that way) and it looks ok, but since the braids are attached to her head and I can't change that, they move when her head moves. So, if her head goes up in relation to the rest of her body (like in her walk animation or her rope climb) they'll go through her body.
Attack.gif (28.56 KiB) Viewed 207881 times

If you want me to, I could try more animations with longer hair, but I've got so much done with her short hair, and I kind of like her that way, haha. After all, plenty of girls cut their hair short :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » December 1st, 2014, 1:27 pm

Now I ordinarily don't like to double post, but today is a major exception. I have finished every single one of Sassy's vital animations. In fact, the following is all that remains to be done, and if you take everything into consideration, this isn't much at all.
Mine Cart
Skull Coaster
Riding Animal Buddy
Rambi Bucking
Animal Buddy Turn
Enguarde Turn
Riding Squawks
Squawks Turn
Riding Rattly
Rattly Jump
Ride Steel Keg
Swinging Vine
Stuck on Honey
Windy Well Floating
Struck by Lightning

Normal Face
Hurt Face
Win Face

I admit I cheated a bit on some animations; for horizontal rope idle I simply rotated vertical idle so she clings to the rope. I felt it makes sense; I'm surprised at least Dixie or Kiddy didn't do so. For team-up, I have her using only three animations for all of her switches; a jumping high-five, her attack and her roll. That's all she really needs. Her high five could work for Diddy and DK, and her roll and attack could work for Dixie and Kiddy. And I really got lazy on carrying for team-ups; I'd just have her carry the Kongs like she would a barrel :P
And which of the above animations do you actually need? Are there any levels with lightning, honey, swinging vines or windy well? I hate to admit it, but I'm running out of motivation :( I know mine cart, steel keg and animal buddies are needed, but those are easily edited and I can do those when I have free time again, next weekend.

And if any animations are too fluid compared to the other Kongs, feel free to cut out frames. If any are too large (I know I didn't resize some of them very well) then you can shrink them. Fortunately, all of Sassy's sprites share a single palette.

Without further ado, here is the .zip with every single sprite done!
(510.8 KiB) Downloaded 2857 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 2nd, 2014, 5:16 am

His work was amazing, I never imagined that could make it a new playable character with such quality graphics (like a DKC Snes) and animation so fluid! Thank you so much! :D :thumbs:

Is it possible you export the animations frame by frame, each frame in a separate PNG file?
So you put all the frames of "bonuswin", for example, in a folder. The frames of "attack" in another, and so to all other animations.

Edit, separate frame by frame of the frames and then import into MMF2 will give a job that will last for weeks! To import the MMF2 have to be frame by frame, separate each frame in a png file and named sequentially (numerically if possible, it makes it much easier for me).

Some frames are with each animation frame in different positions in the vertical position "jumpoffhook_strip15.png" for example, this is not necessary since the game physics will do this. Each animation frame must have the same position.

Simion32, help me please, explain to her how the import system of frames into the MMF2 works (I will not be able to explain this in English to she understands).
The background color to be green for all frames (it's the color of transparency).

Note: I have not had time to try BrawlBox and see how it works.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » December 2nd, 2014, 8:39 am

Why of course leo_core.... *offers game construction knowledge* B/

Sprites in a game are all with the sprites placed on a center point, and the movements happen in-place compared to this point. So moves that require whole-body vertical or horizontal movements are done through game physics, not by animation (applies to jumping and etc. type stuff).

In MMF2, you have to import each of these in individual PNG images - so, you want the character's center point to be at the same place in *ALL* animations. The easiest way to do that is to have each image be a square of even width and height, then use the center of the PNG as the sprite's center point. For MMF2, you must have the same bitmap dimensions for every image in an animation, I think. Finally, MMF2's background color for transparency is "magic green" or in hex, that's color 0xFF00FF00. Although I seem to remember translucent PNG files working properly, you may need to use that instead.

The reason for this is that the hitbox of (for example) Sassy Kong will be moving with her center point as the player controls her movements.

The sprite is ultimately just an animated graphic attached to an X,Y coordinate on the screen. By changing the X,Y coordinates every frame, you are creating "physics".

For those who want sprites/animations formatted for DELTA, I will be allowing arbitrary image sizes, PNG only, with a user-defined center point.
It is best to keep such images in the square format mentioned above until I can provide a conversion utility to convert them into DELTA files.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 2nd, 2014, 1:01 pm

Hey Cat, I just wanted to let you know that I think I solved the headdress problem. I won't post any animations or sprites yet, but I think I got it :)

Instead of just searching for a headdress and hoping I'd find multiple pictures of the same one, I figured finding the King Tut monument thing in different angles would be easier since it's famous. I did find other angles and I'll let you know when I finish.

*EDIT*CatLoverMolly, I finished the animations. What do you think?

spitting-pharaoh-necky-head.gif (11.89 KiB) Viewed 207711 times

pharaoh-necky-turning.gif (30.6 KiB) Viewed 207711 times

Also, should I add the beard thing? Beard or no beard?

pharaoh necky beard test.png
pharaoh necky beard test.png (5.91 KiB) Viewed 207710 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 3rd, 2014, 6:35 am

Thanks Simion!! His explanation was brilliant! WOW! Phyre, this Neck is getting perfect!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 3rd, 2014, 3:07 pm

I'll make one sheet with both the bearded and beardless King Nut.

king-nut-with-beard.gif (12.38 KiB) Viewed 207604 times

Also, question (and I'm personally leaning toward no, I think): should Queen Neckytiti have Master Necky Snr's colours? This is just a test. I'm going to make a better headdress for the queen. It's too dull and I think I'm going to add some more colours.

queen neckytiti test.png
queen neckytiti test.png (9.31 KiB) Viewed 207604 times

I figured that since DKC has had bosses that you fight twice, that this would be a good way to continue. I think that you should fight King Nut first, and then fight his step-mother, Queen Neckytiti.

Your input is greatly appreciated! :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 4th, 2014, 8:17 am

Neck with the beard was very stylish, great idea Tonberry! The idea of making the queen was brilliant, and the "Neckytiti" name was epic! :clap:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » December 4th, 2014, 8:57 am

phyre wrote:Queen Neckytiti

Maybe Queen Neckratiti which makes the name flow better?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 4th, 2014, 10:17 am

I'll consider the name change. I'm not 100% sure which I like better.

So what do you guys think about the colours for her, anyway? Should I use those colours?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » December 4th, 2014, 10:59 am

I say go with whichever you prefer for the colours. After all, with MMF2, palettes can be changed around quite easily, as Leo stated back with the Squawks discussion. And you certainly showed me up with that King Nut edit :P But that's a good thing; yours looks fantastic!

Myself, I'm working on splitting all the frames up right now. I should be done by the end of the week (in fact, I'll probably finish it Friday or Saturday since I have the most free time on those days)

By the way, what happened to DKC Tiny's Safari/Gale Gare Land?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 5th, 2014, 5:18 am

DKC Tiny's Safari/Gale Gare Land was canceled, you can not carry out the two projects and decided to dedicate myself exclusively to DKC4. Phyre, I liked the colors.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 5th, 2014, 1:50 pm

I have a sprite rip that I just did that you might want to add to the graveyard level I made.

In Gex, there is a zombie gecko enemy, so maybe he could be used for DKC? They are probably similar enough styles. I was thinking about having a bunch of them in the pits of the graveyard.

gex zombie.png
gex zombie.png (21.87 KiB) Viewed 207440 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » December 6th, 2014, 1:12 am

With some editing it could work. Are there any other "zombie" enemies in the series we can take inspiration from?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ZillyZango » December 6th, 2014, 4:51 pm

My gosh. You guys are so good at doing all of that work. I really do wish to help but I can't do spritework that well... :/

I've been so busy with life and wanted to get back to you guys. :( Hopefully I can be of use to you guys someway.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 6th, 2014, 10:03 pm

ZillyZango wrote:...wanted to get back to you guys

"wanted to get back"? :scratch: , who are you? Anyway, all help is welcome! :D

Phyre, I have some Kremlings zombies for Kremetery (this level I'll put in the demo we're doing) made by Matheus King. your idea with the zombie gecko is great! If colorize it a little "gray" color is better?

Hey Cat, progress with the Sassy sprites? This should be giving a lot of work, but it will be worth it! :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » December 7th, 2014, 7:26 am

Phew, I finally split them all up :)
(1.78 MiB) Downloaded 2560 times

If I need to resize anything, I can still do a batch resize in Photoshop, so don't be afraid to ask me. Other than that, that should work :dixiehappy:

You guys should tell me what you think her ability should be.
Donkey: Hand Slap and Uppercut
Diddy: Speed (and possibly Roll on Kongs if that ability you guys showed a video of a while back is still in, which I think it should be ;) )
Dixie: Helicopter Hair
Kiddy: Water Roll
Sassy: ?
So what do you users of DKC Atlas think should replace that question mark up there?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ZillyZango » December 7th, 2014, 10:49 am

leo_core wrote:
ZillyZango wrote:...wanted to get back to you guys

"wanted to get back"? :scratch: , who are you?

Life has been keeping me from this forum. :/

And thanks! :nicework:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 7th, 2014, 11:54 am

Cat, does Sassy have a tail? I always thought a good special ability would be for a Kong to be able to use their tail to grab a barrel and therefore be able to transport it across ropes.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ZillyZango » December 7th, 2014, 12:22 pm

I had an idea for a Green Swoopy Salvo as an animal buddy, or at least a minor character. I don't know what role he'd play, but he could sit in a house, I guess?


His name is Sal. Perhaps he can open secret levels? :scratch:

I added the splotches on its underbelly myself. And before you ask, I canNOT do custom sprites. I have to at least have something to help me. >_< I tried my absolute best.
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