Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

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Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby KingDavid » July 15th, 2013, 3:53 am

:dixiehappy: Hey guys! I'm back with DKC2 parodies! spoofs on the classic game made with rare made love ♥
check em out and drop me a line if you liked it! :swanky:

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby KingDavid » July 19th, 2013, 4:25 am

hate to bump but seriously, what did yall think? :diddyrock:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby Simion32 » July 19th, 2013, 6:14 am

That was great. :lol:

A bit of raunchy humor, perhaps, but it's all in good taste. Exactly the attitude I would expect from Rare. :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby Qyzbud » July 19th, 2013, 2:53 pm

Nice work again, KingDavid!

Definitely not for the squeamish, and a lot of it was hard for me to watch because I love the Kongs... but I did enjoy the humour and the above-average animation quality. :thumbs:

Thanks for sharing, and for bumping so I didn't miss it! :D

By the way, I embedded the video rather than it just being a link in your first post — hopefully it'll get more exposure that way. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby Phyreburnz » July 20th, 2013, 9:54 am

:lol: Laughed my ass off! I loved it! Great job! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future :kiddycool:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 2 Parodies!

Postby Super Luigi! » July 21st, 2013, 9:39 am

I was going to reply earlier, KingDavid, but my it was getting late. Sorry about that. Anyway, I really did like the entire video. Kaboom running onscreen and exploding seemed really funny to me, and your hand-drawn scenes were amazing. That one joke about Diddy being a pervert doesn't make sense to me though, since everybody everywhere can see that Dixie, along with many other Kongs, doesn't wear pants. The time paradox part, although it was a little confusing, was absolute genius. Having Rattle Battle's music playing while seeing everything on Crocodile Isle go downhill was one of the best endings that I've ever seen. Again, I don't see how one Kobble among the Klomps made a time paradox. From what I understand, that would be just like having your Hawaiian cousin mix in with your Swedish brothers. But anyhow, you've made a brilliant and stunning video KingDavid, and you should be proud. I shall eagerly await your next masterpiece.
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