Using SDK2 DKC2 Editor

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Using SDK2 DKC2 Editor

Postby TAxxOUTBR3AKxx » May 21st, 2013, 5:27 am

I've been somewhat playing around with the editor and learning it's basic functions. It seems pretty easy to use and aside from that I've noticed a few things:

-You cannot add any objects. Rare left only enough room per level to hold the current items it holds.
-You MAY be able to add new levels, but would require expanding the rom and adding the pointer and size data of the room so SDK2 can "see" it.
-You can change most any item into anything else. This is nice.

So I have 2 very important questions, because there's no readme included.

1- How do the cameras work? I understand that it's probably defined through a pointer in hex that determines what the camera does and for how long. Is there any easy way to adjust these in a simple fashion?

2- This one is VERY important to me. How do I go about linking rooms together? There's so many Bonus barrels, warp barrels, Bonus exits, Bonus walks, and etc. I managed to link a warp barrel in Pirate Panic to the Topsail Trouble warp room, but when leaving the room it sends me to Pirate Panic onto the stacked barrels after Rambi. How does linking rooms work? I can't seem to figure it out?

It would help if someone has a documented readme or just a brief explanation on how a lot of these values work. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Also, to ask now, is it possible to link a room to a boss room in any way?
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Re: Using SDK2 DKC2 Editor

Postby Qyzbud » June 22nd, 2013, 6:43 pm

Hi TAxxOUTBR3AKxx (what the heck kind of name is that?!), welcome to DKC Atlas. :)

I don't have much (any, actually) experience with the SDK2 Editor yet, but if you're still interested, I could perhaps have a tinker with it, and see if I can offer any suggestions... just thought I'd check in with you to see if there's any point in my lending a hand, or if you've moved on anyway. ;)
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Re: Using SDK2 DKC2 Editor

Postby TAxxOUTBR3AKxx » June 23rd, 2013, 5:19 am

Qyzbud wrote:Hi TAxxOUTBR3AKxx (what the heck kind of name is that?!), welcome to DKC Atlas. :)

I don't have much (any, actually) experience with the SDK2 Editor yet, but if you're still interested, I could perhaps have a tinker with it, and see if I can offer any suggestions... just thought I'd check in with you to see if there's any point in my lending a hand, or if you've moved on anyway. ;)

That's fine! I'm part of multiple modding communities for other games as well such as Super Metroid, MegaMan X3, Rock Band 3, and Halo 4. I do modding within these games and was hoping to get something going with this game. My only thing I can't figure out is the barrel data determining what level (or bonus) it will go to, and where you will exit at.
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Re: Using SDK2 DKC2 Editor

Postby Retrodkc » July 15th, 2013, 7:33 am

TAxxOUTBR3AKxx wrote:I've been somewhat playing around with the editor and learning it's basic functions. It seems pretty easy to use and aside from that I've noticed a few things:

-You cannot add any objects. Rare left only enough room per level to hold the current items it holds.
-You MAY be able to add new levels, but would require expanding the rom and adding the pointer and size data of the room so SDK2 can "see" it.
-You can change most any item into anything else. This is nice.

So I have 2 very important questions, because there's no readme included.

1- How do the cameras work? I understand that it's probably defined through a pointer in hex that determines what the camera does and for how long. Is there any easy way to adjust these in a simple fashion?

2- This one is VERY important to me. How do I go about linking rooms together? There's so many Bonus barrels, warp barrels, Bonus exits, Bonus walks, and etc. I managed to link a warp barrel in Pirate Panic to the Topsail Trouble warp room, but when leaving the room it sends me to Pirate Panic onto the stacked barrels after Rambi. How does linking rooms work? I can't seem to figure it out?

It would help if someone has a documented readme or just a brief explanation on how a lot of these values work. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Also, to ask now, is it possible to link a room to a boss room in any way?

hhhmmm 1- the camera pointers depends of how are put 1 2 3 4, this options makes the behavior of cameras and conect beetween them, however, donkey kong country 2 has all camara programmed an asigned to a direction and you cannot put a camara with another if it isnt programmed for the game, you will make many bugs and the character cant move in it.

2- the warps or bonus have a coordinate system to ubicate barrel warps, also you need change in the option menu of sdk2 editor the 00XX parameters to warp anyplace and modify the x y to create a warp :thumbs:
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