Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

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Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Qyzbud » July 31st, 2012, 5:02 pm

Hi guys, this is something I've wanted to implement on the forum for ages - user tagging.

What does it do?
Tagging a user's name in a post will highlight their name in the relevant colour of their user type, link to their forum profile, and best of all - notify them of being tagged in your post! This ought to be an ideal way to be sure of getting someone's attention when replying to something they've said, or simply mentioning them in a topic.

How do I do it?
To tag a user, type their name, select it, and click the 'tag' button in the formatting tool panel.

Show me an example!
When you click 'Submit', the tagged name should look something like; Qyzbud, Simion32 or Tompa. (Hope you guys don't mind being part of my demo!) :lol:

Can I adjust how I'm notified?
Sure; to choose how you're notified (PM/email), or disable the notifications, change the 'Tags notification method' setting at the bottom of this User Control Panel page.

Go on - give it a try, and let me know how it works! Just try not to annoy your fellow Atlasites too much. ;)
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Re: Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 31st, 2012, 5:18 pm

Awesome, a new feature!

It'll definitely prove useful to me if I ever need to get a hold of somebody :)
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Re: Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Simion32 » July 31st, 2012, 7:51 pm

I just disabled the tagging PMs.

There has to be a better way to do this than shoving a PM message box up my face every time somebody feels like going Simion32 in a post. Seriously. And it could also lead to inbox clutter. :roll:

But now that I'm complaining about it, I can't easily come up with any such better method. There's not really any other notification system in place on the forum except for the one that notifies you of board messages (which appears in red).

Perhaps a board message that brings you to a seperate list of the most recent tags, and a setting to enable/disable... each time you click to view the tags, they could be exempted from the list of tags that triggered a notification, until you get a new one (just like the PM notifier doesn't send you multiple emails for a topic until you view all replies, but I mean on a globalized basis).

Yeah, I'm extremely picky. ;)
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Re: Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Qyzbud » August 1st, 2012, 12:17 pm

That's fair enough - notifications aren't for everyone! Still, I reckon this will be a valuable tool for those who wish to use it. :)

If you're worried about inbox clutter, it's a fairly simple matter to create a PM folder called 'Notifications' or something like that, then set a rule (on that same screen) to this effect:

If Subject is You have been tagged in a topic | Place into folder: Notifications

Easy! :D

I just set this up for myself, and it should take care of the clutter issue. If you don't want forum PMs/pop-ups, but you'd still like to be notified about tags, you can always use the email option instead, as I mentioned in the first post.
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Re: Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Geno » August 16th, 2012, 6:42 am

I've discovered that tagging doesn't work when someone has a space in their name.
This therefore makes tagging certain people, impossible.
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Re: Forum feature added: User tagging in posts!

Postby Qyzbud » August 16th, 2012, 6:00 pm

You're quite right. I'll see if I can fix this issue. :geek:

Edit: It appears that spaces in usernames aren't the problem — apostrophes are. If/when I work out a good solution for this issue, I'll implement it and let you know.
Atlas Author
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