Legacy Downloads

Downloadable releases of DELTA can be found here.

Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 10:21 am

DELTA Game Engine v0.0.4.2d
[Note: There is no DELTA v0.0.5.0 - The NitroGUI upgrade makes up a whole subversion, and DELTA v0.0.4.9 was never released.]

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Be sure that you put the v1.0 DKC ROM in the application's folder before opening it, else you could get some strange results. This is a beta-demo, so it's not guaranteed that everything will work perfectly.

-The white text at topmost is the camera X/Y.
-The blue text is for X positioning of DK. From Left to right: Current Speed, Target Speed, Acceleration, X Position. The last two digits in each meter are 'decimals' with 256ths instead of 100ths.
-The red text is for Y positioning of DK. From Left to right: ---same as for X values---
-The yellow text is for friction level and gravity.

Z = Run Left, X = Walk Left, C = Jump Key, V = Walk Right, B = Run Right,
3 = Set ÷8 friction, 6 = Set ÷64 friction

So far, the engine accurately replicates:
-Movement to left/right on Normal (÷8 friction) or Ice (÷64 friction) type terrain.
-The friction setting is displayed in yellow above the white bar.
-The test box (Donkey Kong) can either run or walk.
-PERFECT Variable Jumping!!!
-Simulated (but accurate) Hitbox
Sage of Discovery
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 10:08 am

DELTA Game Engine v0.0.4.0

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Features and Controls:
-Application title now displays the version number.
-Changed the start-up screen's image.
-Tall Levels and the Animal Bonus Levels have been unlocked, although most of them are messed up or wrong in some way or another.
-The ESC key will now exit the program immediately.
-Any freezes that used to occur when closing have been reduced to a small delay.
-The engine will start automatically after you have extracted ROM data.
-Added a level timer, and also displays the number of frames lost.
-Added a menu option to switch-off the Coordinates/Name/Author box at the top of the screen.
-Added the option to have the engine run immediately after you open the program.
-Added a Controls dialog to the Help menu.
Sage of Discovery
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 10:06 am

DELTA Game Engine v0.0.3.0

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-DELTA can now extract the ROM data by itself instead of relying on the Resource Editor.
-Works with all normal "long" levels from Jungle Hijinxs to Gangplank Galleon.
-Tall levels have been omitted in this demo due to bugginess, and you cannot access bonus levels yet.
-Bananas load in correct positions, and animate correctly.
-Default priority for the application has been moved to "3 - High" so that it will not overpower Task Manager.
-Fixed the About box to include some more information.
-DELTA doesn't have to rely on dkcdh.exe anymore, rather it controls the music directly.
-The SPC tracks for loadable levels have been included in the download.

-Use the arrow keys to scroll around the level.
-Press Right Ctrl while uing the arrow keys to scroll at 4x speed.
-Press Right Alt while uing the arrow keys for 8x speed.
-Use Page Up/Down to change between levels.

You may find that the starting camera co-ordinates for some levels are a lot different than what it seems they should be... especially Temple Tempest.
Sage of Discovery
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:49 am

DELTA Game Engine v0.0.2.0
[Simultaneous Update - Comes With DKCRE v0.0.2.0]

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Features for the Resource Editor:
-Header detection. All ROMs verified to be "Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].smc" should work regardless of whether the ROM has a 512 bytes header.
-All previously mentioned Level Terrain extraction errors have been fixed (Coral Capers and Clam City were missing rows of tiles).
-Bouncy Bonanza has been corrected; it uses a RED Caves Pallet which Gaingurgolo did not document.
-Now extracts almost every level, including bonuses in every possible pallet, and some backgrounds and foregrounds too!
-Now runs under a Windows GUI, with a much nicer message display system. You get fancy progress percentage meters, as well.

Features for DELTA:
You must extract graphics from a ROM verified to be "Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].smc" before this engine will function properly.
-The engine is now state-based; you can switch between the startup screen and the main game.
-Ability to set application priority. This will help a lot if you have things running in the background. It's not guaranteed to always keep the engine from hiccuping, though. The default setting is Very High, you might want to lower this.
-The game window should no longer conflict with the windows theme you are using, thus eliminating the "graphic shift" effect.
-You can scroll around Oil Drum Alley using the arrow keys, with all backgrounds and foregrounds rendered at their correct positions. Hold down CTRL to speed up the scrolling.
NOTE: The menu item "Windows Classic Mode" in the View menu does nothing, it's a relic from attempting to fix the window sizing.
Sage of Discovery
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:44 am

DELTA Game Engine v0.0.1.0

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-Should be compatible with Vista. Don't use compatibility mode!
-You can test SPC music tracks and sound effects in this demo.
-Zoom control.
-Simple graphic with a timing/rendering test in the upper-left corner.

This was the first version of DELTA, programmed in Win32 API. Quite simply put, it is a no-brainer program compared to what DELTA is now.
Sage of Discovery
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:30 am

Game Maker Engine Demo #2
***WARNING, demo is very slow. High-end computer recommended.***

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Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 351
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:29 am

Game Maker Engine Demo #1
***WARNING, demo is very slow. High-end computer recommended.***

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Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 351
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:28 am

MMF2 History Pack for DKCΔ
***History Pack programs might be unstable, and do not contain instructions of any kind.***

[temporarily unavailable due to security concerns]
Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 351
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Legacy Downloads

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 9:23 am

CFH's ancient Game Maker Engine

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Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 351
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