Favorite rising threat level.

Discussion of the DKC series as a whole.
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What was your favorite one?

Slime Climb
No votes
Castle Crush
Kong Fused Cliffs
Toxic Tower
Ripsaw Rage
No votes
Red Red Rising
No votes
Clifftop Climb
No votes
Total votes : 9

Favorite rising threat level.

Postby The Banana Bird » January 16th, 2012, 2:02 pm

So, what one did you enjoy playing through the most? Here is what I think, you might find it suprising......
Toxic_tower.png (41.96 KiB) Viewed 16374 times
I think Toxic Tower was an awesome challenge to have. It is not as hard as everyone thinks. The conccept was creative to make, and it put the animal buddies to great use. I bet I am the only one who is going to say Toxic Tower. Oh well, VOTE AWAY!]
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby Super Luigi! » January 16th, 2012, 3:50 pm

You lost the bet, now pay. I liked Toxic Tower, although I don't know what Red Red Rising is. Anyway, I like it for the reasons you mentioned, like the animal buddies being put to a good, smooth use. The level kind of prepares you for Animal Antics too, if you can make it!
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby Phyreburnz » January 16th, 2012, 4:42 pm

Not that I would have voted for it, but shouldn't Rocket Rush be in there?
I voted for Castle Crush. It was the first castle level, and I loved the concept. The rising floor seemed more plausible than rising acid (it seemed a bit too Batman... don't get me wrong, I LOVE Batman).
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby The Banana Bird » January 17th, 2012, 1:27 am

Phryeburnz: I don't belive that "Rokcet Rush" had anything rising up and trying to kill you. You have to get to the bottom anyways so that shows it. What I mean by rising threat is that there is some sort of substance or obstacle (Floor, Acid, etc.) trying to stop you. Nice choice, your not alone on your opinion of "Blackout Basement" I saw "Tanked Up Trouble" when I was 6 and said "Watch it be another blackout level." I still remember that. Anyways. now if Rocket Rush were to have you flying away from tons of buzzes and a giant buzz at the end, that would be a level were you are flying away from some sort of threat (and a really cool level idea :P).

SuperLuigi: Red Red Risng was a level from DKCR that had you escaping from a volcano that is about to erupt and you must escape from rising lava. As for the money *throws five invisible dollars through computer*
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby Phyreburnz » January 17th, 2012, 5:47 am

Well, the reason I'd consider Rocket Rush a rising threat, is because the rocket only goes up in the second half. You have to watch out or get crushed, just like Castle Crush. But, hey, it's your poll! You can add it or leave it out if you want :)
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby The Banana Bird » January 17th, 2012, 6:33 am

I am going to keep it the way it is so all the votes don't go away and we will all have to vote again (like the Favorite DKC Boss of all time thread :()
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby Cody » January 19th, 2012, 4:33 pm

I'm going to go with Kong-Fused Cliffs.

I'm a DKC3 kinda guy, first and foremost, so the idea of a burning rope in the clifftops appeals to me like no other... plus Rockface Rumble is one of the best source tunes in the whole entire trilogy regardless of whether you're playing SNES or GBA :)
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby The Banana Bird » January 20th, 2012, 10:29 am

Cody, I am a DKC3 fan also and that would definetly be my second pick. I just think that it is second because of a couple personal reasons. I own the GBA game so the soundtrack of Rockface Rumble is not nearly as good as the SNES version. I also found that it got boring at one part, but thats just me. I see why anyone would pick it still.
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Re: Favorite rising threat level.

Postby DKCFan188 » February 8th, 2012, 12:49 pm

I like castle crush from DKC2 and ripsaw rage from DKC3, I also like Slime Climb.
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