Why I hate Majora's Mask

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Why I hate Majora's Mask

Postby Ninni973 » October 25th, 2011, 11:48 am

My fifth "Why I Hate" topic.

NOTE 1: This is NOT Flame Bait.
NOTE 2: I don't even have this game, thankfully.

Majora's Mask is the sequel to Ocarina of Time, and it's stupid. Here are all the flaws I know...

1. Link's hair looks stupid. That's the main reason I hate Majora's Mask. Link's hair was better in Ocarina of Time. :roll:

2. The transformation masks. 4 words: It. Spoofed. The. Mask. When you put on those masks, a deepened version of Young Link's scream when you fall down in Ocarina of Time plays, followed by thunder, which is enough to send a little kid's spine down. My opinions about the transformations:
2.1: Deku Link. I just don't know.
2.2: Goron Link. Rolling around Sonic style, it could be fun if I liked this game.
2.3: Zora Link. I don't know.
2.4: Fierce Deity Link. He's strong, it could be cool if I liked this game.

3. I found complaints about the 3-day timer. This could be frustrating if I was playing the game. I just wanna relax and NOT worry about the 3-day timer.

4. It has weird cutscenes. I can feel it because I saw those cutscenes on YouTube. It's the weirdest Zelda game of all time. Other games had weird scenes, such as diving into a cauldron, throwing a book, etc.

That's it for my fifth "Why I Hate" topic.

Why I hate Wii Fit coming soon!
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