I've been avoiding commenting on this because I know I will get flamed to hell and back (and my flame shield really took a beating in the DKCR aftermath), but with everyone from Lady Gaga to Woody the cowboy joining this "It gets better" thing, here goes.
I believe that human beings can control who they have sex with, and nobody is "born" with a certain sexual orientation. If someone is a pedophile and they have sex with a child, does that make it right? No, even if they claim they cannot control being attracted to children. Personally I do not agree with homosexuality. It is against my belief set. It has been scientifically proven that it is
very improbable that "orientation" is determined by DNA, or is even outside our control. Now, despite this- just because I find it wrong- that doesn't mean I am a bully, or a hateful person. I am a friend to many people who consider themselves homo/bisexual. I don't endorse that decision, but I also don't judge them for it. I acknowledge that we all must take our own journey and fight our own battles in life. Now, if the topic of sexuality comes up with one of these people, I'll tell them my opinion of it, and that I wish they would explore alternative lifestyles, but I will never be mean or bully someone because of it. And yes I have this opinion because of my belief in God, and the fact that God does not favor homosexuality. I am not arguing this aspect of my belief set with anyone, so thank you (in advance.)
However I am still a big fan of Lady Gaga. Some people think this is ironic, but it's my music and I've taken that spiritual journey and I'm aware of Her opinion on it. But a
core part of Lady Gaga's message- love and acceptance- is something everyone can learn from. Not acceptance of people's supposed sexualities, per se, but people in general.
As a side note: you're born with a certain skin color and gender, but the ACTION of sexual activity is something you choose to do. Born This Way is a good song and album but I don't believe in being born with a "sexual orientation." This doesn't mean I hate anyone. Alright, I'm done.