Dreaming about DKC

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Dreaming about DKC

Postby Goe » June 6th, 2008, 1:24 am


I am going to tell you something strange about me, and only for curiosity, I'll ask you if some of you have the same experience.

Well, i bought DKC when i was 6 and since then, dreaming about I'm playing DKC is something usual in my life. Some dreams are realistic, and the game are like in real life, and some of them aren't as realistic, and the game is modified. I'll tell you some of my dreams :

-when i was 8 I dreamed about i defeated K rool in DKC1, and then, dixie appears in the ending scene, mounting a Rattly.
-when i was 9, i defeated K rool in DKC2, and i thought "once i have rescued DK, he may be a playable character"...but it was late and i went to bed. that night, i dreamed about i turned on my SNES, i selected my saved, and DK appeared in the map(as a playable character) of the last world, in Kong Kollege. The map in my dream was exacltly like the real map.
-when i was 12-13-14, dreaming about plying DKC/DKC2 was something usual...in some of my dreams DK was a playable character in DKC2 doing special tricks.
-when i was 18, after a long time without playing DKC, i dreamed about playing DKC2, in an ice stage, like Clapper's cavern or something like that.
-when i was 19, I dreamed about playing DKC in Forest Frenzy...i remember the sage in my dream...¡WAS EXACTLY LIKE THE REAL STAGE, BONUS LEVELS INCLUDE!....i woke up and i felt a great nostalgia, so i decided to download DKC and playing it...when i completed DKC, i did the smae with DKC2...(I think if that night i were dream with another thing, now i wouldn't be posting here)

Ah...nowadays i still dreaming about DKC, but now i usually dream with glitches and hacks...but strangly, i sometimes dream about DKC3, even i haven't played it for ages.

Well, i think is strage, all my life i have dreamed with DKC, even not being my favourite game, but i'm sure my most frequently dreams are about DKC. Now a question for us:

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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 6th, 2008, 5:35 am

I have never dreamt of DKC, but being a lucid dreamer, I would very much want to do so.
I've heard that if you write a script of a dream you want to see and read it until you fall asleep, you will see it. There have also been several variations of this such as setting an alarm up so you wake up at 3 AM all drowsy and sleepy and THEN read it, but I've never tried any of these techniques.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » June 6th, 2008, 6:09 am

Well, I've only dreamt about DKC one time. You see, I got a GBA version of DKC3 months ago, and noticed it was laggy. I took a photo of my cartridge and showed it to Blaziken257, he told me it was a bootleg so I was kinda dissapointed.

2 months later, I was in vacation with some relatives and my parents called me to tell me they had gotten a DKC2 and a DKC3 for the SNES. I was excited, but just that night I dreamt I had some kind of hacked DKC3.

You'll see, I started it up and it had some weird file selection screen, and it had Diddy. I remember it was already started, it had 1 level finished, a Wrinly Kong Save, and another level. I don't remember the name of the first level but the second level was named as "De-Gangplank Galley", and it was some kind of edited Tidal Trouble.

That's it of it, the next thing is that I went with my parents to change the games and we started chasing him in a car. Yeah, I tend to change my dreams a lot =P
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Goe » June 6th, 2008, 6:41 am

er...is "dreamed" a correct word? I see all of you use "dreamt"...when i started the topic, i have a doubt about is "dreamed" or "dream"...and i type "soñado"(the spanish word) in a translator and it told me "dreamed"...is it a good translator?

Sorry if i had a grammar mistake :oops:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » June 6th, 2008, 6:50 am

I'm learning english, and I have a past irregular verbs list.

According to it, both "dreamed" and "dreamt" are correct =)
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Simion32 » June 6th, 2008, 8:14 am

I have probably dreamt about DKC a handful of times, but I can't remember most of them, as they happened when I was younger.

When I was around 11 years old, I had some very odd dream, where I was walking around rusty scaffolding in the crater of an active volcano, lava about 12 feet below me. Dixie and Diddy were also there doing who knows what (can't remember) and it seemed real, it was as if I was in the world of DKC2, except it was 3-Dimensional.

That's the only DKC dream I can actually remember, though. The mind is an amazing thing, especially when you can "walk" around a completely imaginary world that doesn't even exist! :P
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kowbrainz » June 9th, 2008, 1:43 am

Lol, this is a quite common topic I've seen at a Banjo-Kazooie board I go to as well; people who are able to have these dreams about games every now and then; for some it's just about every month. I admit that sometimes I've had a dream which has been twisted in some way or form to contain elements from a certain game; usually because that's what I was doing before I went to bed or something like that, but I don't usually have DKC dreams. My dreams are just messed up; even if I have a nightmare it's scary for reasons unknown - I'll wake up in a sweat, recall what I was dreaming of and it won't make any sense at all, lol.

@Sam: I'd like to have a lucid dream one day... I think there have been a few occasions where I've had weird experiences and been able to feel stuff happen to me physically while I'm dreaming like pain etc, but I've never been able to get a grasp on the random thoughts I have while dreaming and actually take my dream where I want it to go or anything like that.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby DKCplayer » June 10th, 2008, 4:38 pm

(If you don't like randomness, turn away now!)
In a dream, I only remember Kiddy and some other guy in a Bug Finding contest and Kiddy and the other guy came 3rd/2nd place when Kiddy chewed open a tyre and found a lot of bugs. :shock:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 12th, 2008, 6:20 am

I have dreams that I'm playing video games all the time... and not just Donkey Kong Country. When I first got Banjo-Pilot I had a dream that Gruntilda was revealed as a playble character on the Smash Bros. DOJO! You know, for Brawl. It was creepy.

I also have dreams of playing games that haven't even come out yet. The night Barrel Blast was announced, I had a dream that I was actually playing it. Beta character select screen, animal buddies, menus, everything. Lately I've been dreaming of a massive 3-D crossover between Banjo and Donkey Kong... In one of the more disturbing ones, Diddy Kong and Humba Wumba got freaky in the ol' wigwam. This was when I was obsessed with the new redesigned Humba (I still am, but to a much lesser extent.)

The only DKC dream I've had involved all twelve Kongs doing a massive team-up throw to reach Rambi in a DKC3 cave level. I have no idea why.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » June 12th, 2008, 6:35 am

Tiptup Jr. wrote:The only DKC dream I've had involved all twelve Kongs doing a massive team-up throw to reach Rambi in a DKC3 cave level. I have no idea why.

I have no idea as to why that made me laugh so much! :lol: I can imagine all of the Kongs like a monkey-stair. Couldn't Rambi just jump down? XD
Altough, Rambi in DKC3 would be cool! :D
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » June 15th, 2008, 1:16 pm

I seem to remember another DKC Dream I had, it being my first one.

I was trying to find my old SNES with my DKC cartridge. And the last week I had seen some videos with graphical glitches in a Crash Bandicoot game thanks to some scratches in the disk. So, the night before I started looking for my SNES I dreamt I plugged it in and my DKC game was kinda screwed up. It should really weird graphics, almost as maniac DK and Diddy or really injured, and some weird sound effects and music. I finished crying in the dream ( :roll: ), and when I woke up I remembered those were sprites so the last thing that could happen was a color change or a sprite change, or a blank screen, so yeah...

I can say when I found it and plugged it in, it didn't work, and when I got it to work, DKC would end up throwing me a blank screen for about a month. Then it worked out normal =) Though, about the 20 times it threw me a blank screen, 2 of them actually erased my files, only one each time though.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Matt534Dog » July 5th, 2009, 6:49 am

I remember dreaming that Diddy and Dixie came to my house and took me to Crocodile Isle. :?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » July 7th, 2009, 8:42 am

Yup. I used to dream about the games when I was a kid. This stopped when I was about nine.

In one dream we were on a completely new world map; bigger then that of any DKC game to date (then again, whenever I dream about a specific place my mind tends to distort it beyond belief).

In another, I was watching Diddy and Dixie run across a ship fighting a bunch of rats... and it was sunny.

Once I dreamed that I was going across a dark reddish river rappid cave thing with DK, Diddy, Dixie, and Kiddy. I remember thinking in my head, 'Darn, I hate this level... there's no way to win." This particular dream happened multiple times and it always ended with us falling into a chasm and starting over. :shock:

(This one is more messed up then the last one) I was on a world map much like DKC 2... but the map was a level in itself. It was sooooo perilous... freakin klaptraps everywhere, and poisonous spikes and leeches. Then, if you weren't careful, you would get transported for no reason to an alternate dimension/ planet where you would meet VERY alternate versions of Diddy and Dixie. In full 3d. And they were aliens. Diddy had one big eye for a face. And Dixie had two big eyes. The actual scenery of this dream was pretty cool really, and I remember waking up feeling rather impressed with myself for being so creative :D

There was also an incident where I was so mad because I couldn't make it to King K.Rool's castle, that I created one in my head (It was cool). I dreamed that Cranky was making fun of me because I made it, but lost. He was a butt.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby PotoGamer » July 7th, 2009, 9:17 am

One night (after trying lots of glitches in DKC2), I dreamed that I was in a level similar to Lockjaw's Locker and when I threw Dixie in the air and she came back, Diddy had his regular sprite, but Dixie's sprite was upside down. :lol:

I also remember dreaming that I was interviewing the staff of DKC at my school, but I don't remember much about it. :P
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby FefeRawft » July 7th, 2009, 10:57 am

A couple months ago....

It was three in the morning, I was dreaming I was playing DKC2. I woke up. Turns out I was playing DKC2. Then I realized I never was alseep :D!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Lanky Kong » July 10th, 2009, 11:16 am

im dreaming about playing DKC2 in a Bramble Level, its diferent that level, its no Bramble Blast, Bramble Scramble or Screech´s Sprint, its a new Bramble Level, the name is unknown, and incluids a Mole Mini-Game, in the start of the level you enter in a Squawks Barrel, and flying trough the level, i dont know of this level is in a hidden world...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby KEVINKONG » August 15th, 2009, 4:40 am

I had 2 dreams,1:there was DKC4,Kiddy had to save the kongs...AND,a kremling helped him,named Krevin,i was him.2:In DKC2,you where in sthronghold showdown with Kiddy...and it sayed,YOU FOUND THE KONGS!,very strange,later it sounded like the song "RESCUE KONG",k.rool trapped he kongs later,and then the world expoded !Very strange,eh????
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby The Guy » August 15th, 2009, 12:06 pm

One night I had a strange (But short) dream about a world that appears to be a combination of Krazy Kremland and Razor Ridge. The first level was a swamp with a mostly decayed pirate ship there as well as some of the trees (Just faceless) in DKC2's forest levels. I think there was also a hive in the background...

However, it was in my subconscious for less than a minute.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Simion32 » August 16th, 2009, 5:33 pm

DKC tends to make up quite a bit of my dreams now that I've been involved in the development of the DKCLB. I have also been having increasingly vivid dreams in general, which has led to quite a bit of inspiration (and some research on the paranormal, believe it or not). Just last night I dreamt of a song that could have fit in a Banjo game, but completely forgot the tune before I awoke... drat!

The Lost Lava Level from DKC
One recent dream included my playing a lava level that started out as flat terrain (right at lava level, like the right end of the first platform in Hot-head Bop). At first I used Diddy and roll-jumped over the first lava pit, to a platform a bit higher-up, only to hit a Neek at the edge of the platform. I then lost a life by Dixie falling into the lava, and restarted with only Dixie.

One unusual thing I noticed was that a Zinger was carrying a Cannonball in-flight over the first lava pit. I hit it with a barrel (it dropped the cannonball, which I had Dixie grab), went to the left, killed another Zinger with the cannonball, and landed in an offscreen cannon which shot Dixie up to a bonus barrel which then (should have) sent me to a bonus level. At this point the level somehow ended and I was sent to the overworld.

For some reason (dream weirdness) I got the impression that this level was in a lost world in DKC and that it was amazing no one had found this after so many years. Given my advanced knowledge of DKC's data and inner workings, when I woke up I realized quickly that it was a dream. :roll:

The dark antarctic level, Chill Chamber
Of course by now several of you may know about my custom level idea, Chill Chamber, which originated from one of my DKC dreams. Since I don't feel like rewriting its description, I'll just copy the description from the Custom Level Ideas thread.
Chill Chamber is a blue-colored DKC cave shrouded in darkness. It is located near the bottom of a chasm in an antarctic world similar to Gorilla Glacier. Since most of the terrain was once ice and has since melted away, walkways have been built inside the cave to aid anyone who might pass through this area.

However, since this level is dark you must rely on the only thing providing visibility: the light fixtures that were installed along with the walkways. Unlike DKC's level Loopy Lights, the light here are always on, and do not switch off and on. However, light is rare in this level, so you must be careful wherever you tread. Adding to the difficulty of this level, is that the terrain has been glazed-over with a thin layer of ice due to the frigid environment. So you must deal with slippery terrain in near-complete darkness.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Cyclone » August 18th, 2009, 12:11 am

Simion the Chill Chamber level sounds great. Would fit DKC1 perfectly. Sounds like it has good atmosphere,chalenging and unique. Reminds me a bit of Winky's Walkway(atmosphere), Stop and Go station(Jumping in the dark), and Slipslide Ride.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 30th, 2010, 8:25 am

One of the weirdest dreams I've had was where my history teacher was absent and Cranky was subbing. I was like, "WTF???????!!!!!!!!" What's funny is the next day we DID have a sub and I was relieved to find it wasn't Cranky. :shock:

Also, I've been having odd dreams lately. See, I've been trying to think of ways to tie the beginning, middle, and end of my DKC story 'What A Feeling', which is partially based off of a song from the movie 'Flashdance' by the same name, so I've been having dreams about when DK was born and... you know what? I'm just gonna leave it at that and let your imaginations run wild. :P

It's weird. I've had some dreams that gave me story ideas. One was 'A Sky No Longer Blue' and I forgot the plot for that. There was another and it was a part of the same fic. I've also been having dreams based off of some of the stories I thought of while I was awake(such as my Smooth Criminal-based fic Hit By A Smooth Criminal).

I also had one where me and my friends and family were acting out the DKC games... :shock:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Goe » February 13th, 2011, 7:39 am

Hello again!!!

i haven't visited this forum for ages!!!

well...i still dreaming about i'm playing DKC even i haven't played it for ages...is really strange, isn't it? The last time i dreamt about i downloaded a hack with stages of the 3 games...in some stages Diddy and Kiddy were the main characters...and in some final stage you control them and the boss was DKC2 Kaptain K Rool...but the background was different than "K rool duel"
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » February 14th, 2011, 2:20 pm

I had a dream about DK 64. I couldn't figure out what to do after K. Rool escaped from the ship. I was trying desperately to think of what could possibly work to beat the game. In the dream I had, I figured out some way of following K. Rool. My brain worked it out perfectly... until it didn't work in the actual game. I thought of using Diddy's jetpac to go into K. Rool's control room, but it had the "you can't do that" noise... so my brain was wrong.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Simion32 » February 14th, 2011, 3:41 pm

The DKCLB must be going to my head... :roll:

Last night I dreamt that some guy hacked into a VPN and downloaded a file, which appeared to be DKCLB-related.

I then mention to him "what, the Donkey Kong Country Level Builder?" and he says "Yeah, I'm making it for you" (that made me go "wtf?").

I then see some program that has the NitroGUI interface with Carbon theme (like DKCRE) but it had Japanese text on it, and I state "yeah, the Japanese is a little messed up" referring to apparently what was my (not this guy's) work on the Japanese text engine being shown (which was borked and showing very long lines without any line breaks). I then think "hey wait a minute, that's an old version anyway, I hope the guy doesn't think it's all I've got!"

Then the guy hands me a little flash dongle with the files on it, and I plan to go home to look at it (along with the thought "Well I hope his program isn't disappointing!"). I realize immediately that I'm in a dream and as soon as I wake up, the flash drive will be gone and I'll never be able to look at its contents.

I then promptly woke up. :P
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Ribbedebie » February 25th, 2011, 4:54 am

A few days ago I had a dream that I was somehow visiting a beach with my parents, and I got a golden ticket from Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory. I also was a Kremling for some reason... what? So I went over to K. Rool and said I had something special. He said; "Oh, geefme, geefme, geefme!" ("gimme, gimme, gimme!" don't ask why he suddenly was speaking in Dutch) I showed the ticket and he went ape. However, I said he only wanted the crystal coconut, so I fled. Heh!

One of the first dreams I can clearly remember that I had more times, was coincidentally a DKC-related one. I was playing the game - it was just DK, the overworld was like the first DKC. One level however was in fully rendered 3D and it was DK standing over a cliff, under that cliff was a pitch-black abyss... and there was some monster there. It was creepy....
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 27th, 2011, 8:55 am

I had a weird one at school yesterday. Let's lay the scenario:

I'm sitting at my grandparents' house on my grandpa's computer (like right now) and I'm on deviantart. Suddenly, I hear my grandpa's voice asking me to show him something on it. It was something my mom had showed him when he first bought the computer (mind you---it took THREE HOURS to show him how it worked) only... he didn't say it in his NORMAL choice of words.

And THAT got me freaked out.

I turn around and me and my grandmother are staring at an aged monkey behind me. I screamed and woke up in math class. THAT got the teacher going, "Alex, did you take your medication this morning?" "...No."

I had another awkward dream last night. It was basically a parody of the movie 'Iron Will', with me being Kingsley, K. Rool being Thor, DK being Will, Wrinkly being Will's mom, Swanky as the guy that Will so generously saved(mainly because the guy Will saved was rich, I guess :D), Inka Dinka Doo (from the DKC TV show) being Ned(the Indian dude), and Cranky being the guy that gives the money to the winner of the race.

That gets me off topic... Go watch 'Iron Will'... I saw it in english class... It's based on a true story... It's cute! ^_^
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Markster » April 27th, 2011, 12:29 pm

Once back a few months ago when i was scared of the DKC3 error message, i had a dream, i dreamed that DKC3 it took me to this screen with dixie jumping on a animal crate on the thing that cranky stand on in the DKC1 intro, when she jumped on it it took her up the game went to black and boom, the error message, weird dream eh?, there was tons more to the dream but i don't remember the parts :(
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 29th, 2011, 11:49 am

haha lol that's hilarious. I had one the other night where the Kongs were characters from Bones, Criminal Minds, and House. It was weird and the entire time they were investigating the deaths of the REAL characters of those shows. O.O

I had another one last night. I had a huge-face chocolate bunny that I got on sunday and had finished three-fourths of it by monday morning(I'm a chocoholic). So my dream was about chocolate bunnies attacking everyone, especially ME, and of COURSE the DKC characters, mainly Cranky of course, were laughing at ME as well as apparently the only ones NOT getting attacked. Apparently THEY controlling the bunnies.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby FefeRawft » April 30th, 2011, 6:40 am

Markster wrote:Once back a few months ago when i was scared of the DKC3 error message, i had a dream, i dreamed that DKC3 it took me to this screen with dixie jumping on a animal crate on the thing that cranky stand on in the DKC1 intro, when she jumped on it it took her up the game went to black and boom, the error message, weird dream eh?, there was tons more to the dream but i don't remember the parts :(

I had to look up the error message, I didn't know you could get error messages like that in SNES games. I completely understand why this would scare someone if they weren't expecting it!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Ninni973 » April 30th, 2011, 6:50 am

One night I had a dream where there was two new levels for the original DKC.

New level 1:
One level was where Donkey Kong was inside a building, similar to a skyscaper. And you had to go through doors to get to the end.

New level 2:
Another level was where DK was in a glacier level where it took place at night and had spinning waterfalls. Pretty cool, huh?

When I woke up, I realized those levels were fake, and weren't in the actual game.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Cody » April 30th, 2011, 4:03 pm

I had a dream a while back that I stumbled upon a classroom and found an Xbox plugged up to the TV (which just happened to have a SNES emulator with DKC). Turns out it was a modified DKC ROM (I tried playing it thinking it was the original).

The first level was a jungle with a snow background that was basically Barrel Cannon Canyon fused with a brand new level. The last quarter of the level or so had barrel tires that went up and down next to each other (similar to certain bonuses) and there was a DKC2-style End of the Target at the end.

The second level looked, however, like it was based off of Lava Lagoon from DKC2 but instead was vertical and had no lava whatsoever. I remember flying up with Squawks and throwing a nut at a Croctopus that was floating in mid-air for some reason.

I woke up shortly after :D
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 10th, 2011, 9:13 am

LOL the other night I had a drea that me and Swanky were married. Since I am a fanfigrl of his (HE NEEDS SOME WHO'S WITH ME?!) I was totally freaking out and... well, let's just say Qyz will get mad at me for saying what I did to the poor guy. :)
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Markster » May 10th, 2011, 9:42 am

Chibisai Kong wrote:LOL the other night I had a drea that me and Swanky were married. Since I am a fanfigrl of his (HE NEEDS SOME WHO'S WITH ME?!) I was totally freaking out and... well, let's just say Qyz will get mad at me for saying what I did to the poor guy. :)

I have had a dream of marrying animated characters before, except the difference is the animated character was a female, because i am a guy.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 10th, 2011, 10:46 am

Haha, cool. I had one during math class today where Cranky was my algebra teacher. We had fun but it was kinda awkward having him teach my math class...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Markster » May 10th, 2011, 11:35 pm

I remember another dream i had about dkc, i dreamed of i was in a strange level where i play as funky kong on his surf board (the sprite from dkc2) through a level that looks a ton like lakeside limbo from dkc3, funky moved faster than sonic in that dream when you move him...

Next dream (or another part to my last dream, i dont remember) i dreamed of there was a spiny or that spiny like enemy from dkc3 in jungle hijinx, i dreamed it was a dkc1 beta version, but that is NOT what the dkc1 beta is like, there was beta sprites for one dkc2 enemy, which was the puftup, but i dont think that was ever made into an actual object...

I hope to remember more dreams about dkc soon.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby SimianSegue » May 13th, 2011, 10:41 pm

Once, I had a dream that I was Kiddy Kong(whom I have grown to respect 8-))and I was swimming underwater. But, I was swimming right in front of this submarine with K. Rool in it, and every once and a while, the sub would speed up and ram Kiddy, who would always die. This went on for some time, until I woke up. It might be the weirdest dream I've ever had.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Markster » July 1st, 2011, 3:45 am

Once i dreamed about this weird underground factory chapter, it was DKC3 and there was winky in the map screen!


Maybe i can make those dreams come to life when Simion32's DKCLB gets finished.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » December 4th, 2011, 9:10 am

I dream about DKC2 having GBC remakes many times, Dixie being in DKC, and being in a boss battle with Very Gnawty in person.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » January 11th, 2012, 1:49 pm

I actually don't have many DK dreams considering how much I think about the games, although I have had a few. Here's a basic summary.

Dream 1

Dixie's trademark hat has been stolen by Rico from Hannah Monatana, and Luigi and Diddy must get it back. After chasing Rico to a lunch room, Luigi confronts him, persuades Rico to give back the hat, and then delivers it Dixie, who hugs him and Diddy. Then, Cranky comes from nowhere and asks how many DK coins the trio found.

Dream 2

This was short. DK and some other Kongs had to free more Kongs, DK64 style. My cousin was Dixie Ninetails, but she's not supposed to be Kong nor Kat.

Dream 3

This happened last night. Basically, Simion32 was looking for me like a cop looks for a murder supect. Markster and I were trying to figure out why, while Qyzbud stared at us from above. Then Jomingo attacked and I woke up. Strange.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby The Banana Bird » January 12th, 2012, 8:37 am

Ummmm, that last one was really weird! I had one recently this week. I was dreaming about a level in a basement theme. It was dark and there was the DKC squawks. There were these strange looking ghosttypes of enemies in the level. After they reached a door, they were in a dark castle filled with brambles and all these kremlings. Weirddddd, I think I will make a idea for a custom level about this.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 2nd, 2012, 4:07 pm

Remember my DK dreams where Cranky would occasionally sub for whatever class I was sleeping in? Well I had one the other night about English class but instead of Cranky it was Wrinkly.

"Mama I had that dream again!"
"The one where me, you, and Katt were Transformers and we squashed the hell out of Douglas after he drank that ICEE that turned him into the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes(I'll explain later)?"
"I haven't had that one in YEARS! But no it was Cranky subbing for my teachers."
"Oh god who was he subbing this time?!"
"It was Wrinkly and it was Ms. Scott."

I find two things funny about that dream:
A.) Cranky was subbing for the teacher across from my world geography teacher(who, if you remember, was subbed by Cranky in a different dream).
B.) The only reason THAT'S funny is because Ms. Scott and Coach Elkins (the dude Cranky was subbing for in the dreams) are dating from what I understand. X3
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2012, 2:48 pm

Are those teachers both old, because then I can see why you might have dreams of Cranky and Wrinkly subbing.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 9th, 2012, 3:19 pm

That's the funny part---they're in their mid-twenties!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » February 24th, 2012, 9:16 am

I had a dream the other night that I was playing DKC3 and I found Tiny Kong sprites. When I was playing the game, I found a secret area in which you could play as Tiny. It looked more like baby Dixie, but it was supposed to be Tiny. I was freaking out in the dream. I was like, I gotta tell everybody at DKC Atlas! They won't believe what I've found!!!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » February 24th, 2012, 2:25 pm

Had it been in real life, then we'd need proof. But for a dream, it's believable!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 9th, 2012, 9:17 am

Had a dream the other night where me and Cranky, oddly were having a fight insuling each other's mom. Then I made the worst mistake ever. My last comeback was "Yo momma's so old when I told her to act her own age, she died."

I woke up thinking, "Why does my head hurt?"
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » March 11th, 2012, 3:03 am

I had the best dream EVER! I dreamt they added a scrapbook in the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3 and had extra hidden Rambis camoflauged to be concealed right in the area of Cape Codswallop. If those Rambis were to be found, you would get a Banana Bird. When I woke up, I went like :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: as I really wanted a Scrapbook in the game. It had the same background as the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 2 had however. It was still REAL cool :D.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » March 11th, 2012, 4:34 am

Yeah, a Scapbook for DKC3 would of been cool. I remember about 7 years ago, I had a dream that I was running to the country part of town at night near some railroad tracks, and I found the 37th DK Coin. Now, everytime I go to that part of town, I look for that huge coin!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » March 11th, 2012, 5:00 am

Super Luigi! wrote:Yeah, a Scapbook for DKC3 would of been cool. I remember about 7 years ago, I had a dream that I was running to the country part of town at night near some railroad tracks, and I found the 37th DK Coin. Now, everytime I go to that part of town, I look for that huge coin!

That is real crazy (No offense).
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