Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.


Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 10:38 am

Screen shots from by Nintendo World Report (minus final boss in this edited version of the video)

World Stage Maps 1-3:

world 1 jungle.png
world 1 jungle
world 1 jungle.png (345.8 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

world 2 beach.png
World 2 Beach
world 2 beach.png (463.94 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

world 3 ruins.png
World 3 Ruins
world 3 ruins.png (364.23 KiB) Viewed 167623 times
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Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 10:41 am


world 4 cave.png
World 4 Caves
world 4 cave.png (428.16 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

world 5 forest.png
World 5 Forest
world 5 forest.png (480.48 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

world 6 cliff.png
World 6 Cliff
world 6 cliff.png (458 KiB) Viewed 167623 times
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Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 10:46 am

WORLD STAGE MAPS 7-8 + secret

world 7 factory.png
World 7 factory
world 7 factory.png (413.19 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

world 8 volcano.png
World 8 volcano
world 8 volcano.png (327.17 KiB) Viewed 167623 times

lost world golden temple.png
Lost world Golden Temple
lost world golden temple.png (326.2 KiB) Viewed 167623 times
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Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 10:55 am


island persp 1.png
island persp 1.png (308.48 KiB) Viewed 167622 times

island persp 2.png
island persp 2.png (331 KiB) Viewed 167622 times

island persp 3.png
island persp 3.png (333.18 KiB) Viewed 167622 times
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Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 11:07 am

And you guys might like these:

might like.png
fly up
might like.png (282.04 KiB) Viewed 167622 times

might like 2.png
game and watch in background. Other things in foggy factory stage such as original DK scaffolding.
might like 2.png (155.23 KiB) Viewed 167622 times

might like 3.png
Aladdin-esque snes lava chase ride
might like 3.png (334.71 KiB) Viewed 167622 times
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Postby Scraps69 » November 13th, 2010, 11:35 am

FINAL PERSPECTIVE: (Use purple fog as point of reference in previous perspective pics)

Final Perspective.png
Final Perspective.png (307.59 KiB) Viewed 167602 times
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Postby Krow111 » November 13th, 2010, 11:52 am

Thanks for posting these pictures, and now we know that there's a Lost World :).
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Postby Kiddy14 » November 13th, 2010, 1:56 pm

Oh Gosh, I don't know whether to click the spoiler tags or not :|
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Postby Phyreburnz » November 14th, 2010, 2:49 am

I think it's pretty official that there are no Kremlings, AT ALL. And especially no K. Rool. That's kind of a downer :(
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Postby Krow111 » November 14th, 2010, 3:23 am

Haven't we discussed that the kremlings aren't in the game a million times already? :roll:
Anyways, the factory levels look awesome, and so do the volcano levels. :)
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Postby Phyreburnz » November 14th, 2010, 3:32 am

Yes we have, but some people weren't willing to admit that. They kept saying that it wasn't confirmed until the game came out. I just wanted to make sure that people wouldn't keep saying that we still didn't know.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 14th, 2010, 3:52 am

Mmkay, technically we don't, unless you're referring to something in those spoiler tags in which case further discussion should be placed in spoiler tags as well. I'm getting too tempted with this thread... I think I'm gonna have to stay away from the DKCR forum for about eight days. :P
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Postby dkckid23 » November 15th, 2010, 6:13 am

Anybody think that there will an end boss for the golden temple world?
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Postby Krow111 » November 15th, 2010, 6:16 am

Of course. There was a boss in the Lost World in DKC2 and DKC3, so why not in this one?
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Postby dkckid23 » November 15th, 2010, 6:30 am

Yeah i know, i just wondering if they were going to make it like world 9 in mario bros wii, with no end boss at all. Well i guess there was a secret world in mario world with no end boss.
King K. Rool might return after all.
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Postby Krow111 » November 15th, 2010, 7:00 am

That's because Mario games have a tradition of having a bonus world with no end boss. Why? I don't know :?. In my opinion, there should be a really hard boss or a return of the final boss, except much stronger with different attacks. And I'm not sure if you heard, but Retro Studios confirmed that there are no Kremlings in the game. At all. Which means no K. Rool. But no worries, I'm sure the secret boss won't disappoint ;).
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 15th, 2010, 7:30 am

They could've been outright lying to us. Apparently some people already know who the final boss is, so more power to 'em, but there is a chance we might be seeing K. Rool. Real or not (probably fake), let's not forget...

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Postby Krow111 » November 15th, 2010, 7:39 am

I never said I know who or what the final boss is, because I don't know either. I just said it will probably be cool judging from the rest of the game 8-).
EDIT: Thanks to a video on Gamespot, I know what Squawks does when you buy him. He helps you find puzzle pieces! :o
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Postby Phyreburnz » November 15th, 2010, 11:39 am

That "possible" K. Rool boss is a fake. Somebody made it in photoshop. There are a lot of very blurry areas (especially his wrist thing and his chest and shoulder). My money is on that being a fake.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 18th, 2010, 4:42 pm

So, teetering on the verge of suicide, I decided to try and spoil myself on this game as much as I could. Lemme just say...

Disappointed as f---. I dunno if he's the boss of the Golden Temple or what, but final boss right here. Like, holy God, please put me out of my misery.

*Levels look good and hard though, like my wang. Oh and Mr. Game & Watch ftw*
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Postby HavocReaper48 » November 19th, 2010, 6:55 am

The picture made me laugh in complete disbelief... ripping off Kirby bosses?!
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Postby Jomingo » November 19th, 2010, 7:46 am

They aren't ripping off Kirby Bosses. They are just falling into a popular boss cliche. Mario's done it, Wario has, Kirby, Super Smash Brothers has master hand, and I'm sure there are others. I still think there's another boss in the game afterwards, but if not I'll admit that's really disappointing. Won't hamper my enjoyment of the game(and certainly won't make me kill myself), but it is going to ruin the end of it for me.
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Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 19th, 2010, 7:56 am

Correction: they're not only ripping off Kirby, they're ripping off pretty much every game franchise in existence. That doesn't make it right, mind you. It's less of a cliche and more of an over-tired boss genre that was hardly interesting in the first place.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » November 19th, 2010, 8:15 am

I'm not going to spoil myself on the levels, but... the final boss... just.... wtf?! :(

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Krow111 » November 19th, 2010, 11:51 am

It looks like the boss of the Golden Temple. Since there is only one world boss we don't know yet, that being Volcano, and it certainly doesn't look very volcanoish, Golden Temple has to be the location for the boss. I mean we already know the bosses of 8 of the 9 total worlds:
Jungle: Mugly
Beach: Red, Yellow, and Blue pirate crabs
Ruins: A red bird that throws bombs
Cave: A train with several moles
Forest: An electric plant-like eel (don't know how else to describe it)
Cliff: Thugly
Factory: A chicken manning a giant robot
Volcano: Probably the tiki-like tower at the top (since it isn't there when you unlock the Golden Temple)
Golden Temple: This boss
It's not like this boss has made me lose faith in this game. Sure, I mean the final boss looks disappointing, but the other bosses I've seen look creative and fun to fight.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 20th, 2010, 1:25 pm

Haha, soo, DKCR has been getting near-perfect reviews from just about everyone, in case you guys haven't been noticing. Destructoid and GameXplain both gave it perfect scores, Nintendo Power gave it an 8.5 (which should have been higher) and IGN gave it a 9.0 (which probably could have been a 9.5, but hey.) Also, Destructoid made a really funny feature on the Kong family right here:

...It even gets the timeline down right for us "Cranky is DK's grandfather" people. Once again, it is a good time to be a Donkey Kong fan. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Krow111 » November 20th, 2010, 2:15 pm

I have a video to confirm that the boss that's in Tiptup Jr's picture is the Volcano boss, not the Golden Temple boss. The video shows the final boss, ending, credits, and a clip and message that says that the Golden Temple has been unlocked. The level is called Tiki Tong Terror.
Said video from Nintendo World Report can be found here:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Asaemon » November 21st, 2010, 4:01 pm

If there is a boss for GT, it'll be the Tiki leader again.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 22nd, 2010, 4:46 am

So uh... I'm surprised no one's really posted yet, but I still don't have this son of a b...*bleep* It's possible I might not even get it until tomorrow. Did you guys feel it in the air when you woke up, that a new Donkey Kong Country had been unleashed on the world? Because I did.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Kiddy14 » November 22nd, 2010, 6:09 am

Me wants it X( I'm going to annoy my parents to go get it today =P

We finally know how to get the Donkey Kong Arcade. You send in your receipt for buying DKCR, fill in with your information and answer some Trivia.
The questions are:
1. What is the extended final of DK64?
2. What's the highest percentage you can get in the original Super Nintendo version without doing any cheat?
3. How do you access* the last secret world of Krematoa in Donkey Kong Country 3 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble?
4. According to the story of the first Donkey Kong, how was Jumpman related to the primate?
5. Mention all of the Kong Family Members that have been able to be controlled in the whole Donkey Kong Country saga.
6. There's a trash can in Diddy's Kong Quest Hall of Fame, what accessories are near to it and whom do they belong?
7. Since which version of Donkey Kong Country have the characters being able to transform in different animals?
8. Which instruments did the protagonists of DK64 played?
9. Who is, in reality, Cranky Kong?
10. In what game did the Donkey Kong Rap first appeared?

I wouldn't really know what to answer for question 9.

*It should be accede, accesar doesn't exist in Spanish (blame English).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 22nd, 2010, 7:37 am

Pfft... I have to wait until CHRISTMAS. That's pretty much the rule in my household: If a new video game I want comes out in October-December, I have to wait until Christmas for it :cry: .

Oh well, this game will be worth it. I sure hope there is at least a cameo of King K. Rool, but at this point it seems unlikely.

The volcano boss is... interesting. Everyone thinks it's a fail, but it's kind of cool in my opinion. Sure it rips off of every other game franchise, but maybe DKC wants to be like them...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » November 22nd, 2010, 7:44 am


Here are some pictures to make you jealous:
In these pictures you can see everything I got: The game, the banana pouch, the player's guide, and Gamestop gave me a couple of really cool big boxes that they were just gonna throw out. I'll put more pics up later of the back of the box, because it's not like the back boxart, it's got a different description and other stuff. Nothing special, but different so I'll post it.


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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 22nd, 2010, 8:04 am


But yeah, wow, pretty nice haul. I didn't pre-order but honestly all I want is the game. My dad's been gone at the zoo for about five hours now and I thoroughly expect him to come with it, lest he become injured greatly.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Blaziken257 » November 22nd, 2010, 10:41 am

I got this game a couple of hours ago... and... it's great! I'm only on the second world, and it's already... hard. Tidal Terror is hard because there are giant waves that come crashing down on you, and you only have these tiny barriers (some of which get destroyed from the waves) to defend you. And if you get caught... instant death! There was one part at the end where you need to hand slap a switch to active a temporary barrier, but... a crab blocks it, and you have to get to it quickly! Yeah, that level makes Toxic Tower, Animal Antics, Swoopy Salvo, Sky High Caper, Oil Drum Slum, and maybe even Platform Perils look simple. And it's only in the second world! Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration (especially when I compared it to Platform Perils), but still. Well, I just got to the second boss, but couldn't figure it out, so I took a break and plan to get back to the game later.

The controls take a bit of time getting used to, but I like them. The roll-jump is still here, and I like how rolling speeds you up (and therefore lets you jump far), and I like how when you have Diddy, you can roll perpetually. It's a bit frustrating to use, though, as you have to move then shake the Wiimote. Still, it's cool. I also like the various challenges in the levels, like climbing on ceilings and dodging octopuses, and... minecarts (with the awesome music)! I can't wait to see the rest of the game! One thing though: Why is instant death so common in this game? I ran out of lives at one point!

Also, this game seemed to take a few subtle, minor things from DKL. First is the non-linear worlds, where there are sometimes forks in the road (although, this time, they aren't blocked by boulders that need to be destroyed by bombs). Second, I noticed that some long levels have multiple checkpoints, like Tidal Terror. DKL is the only other DK game that I know of that has that.

By the way, what the heck do the KONG letters do? They don't seem to give you an extra life (another similarity to DKL). And seeing that the game seems to automatically save after each level (am I right? I could be wrong), the KONG letters don't seem to do that either. So what do they do anyway?

Also... Jiggies! Each level seems to have Jiggies (OK, I doubt that they're called that) that you need to collect. But what do they do?

By the way, I didn't pre-order it. I never pre-order anything, just in case a game turns out to be horrible (although this isn't, but you never know in general, especially when in the past there were games that I initially wanted that turned out to get low reception). And I don't really need that extra stuff either.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » November 22nd, 2010, 1:13 pm

You can go to cranky's and buy a key that unlocks a secret level that you can see locked away on the map. After that, you have to collect all the KONG letters in every level of that world, including the secret one you just unlocked. Once you've done that ANOTHER secret level unlocks.

The puzzle pieces unlock Music/Artwork that is showcased on the main menu of the screen by going to Extras.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » November 22nd, 2010, 5:14 pm

Just played up until (not in) level 7, completing everything except the hidden levels. Still going to need to go back and gather numerous puzzle pieces and KONG letters.

I have to say the amount of epicness and action is way more than enough to satisfy my platformer cravings, and then some. Retro really did do a great job (NSMB Wii has nothing on this!). The environments are top-notch, too.

I noticed a lot of references to the Tikis and their music. Heck, each one looks like some instrument! I wonder where that's leading?

Also, they were right when they said water levels would have been too slow to include in the game. I can definitely see why they came to that conclusion.

The game is still massively lacking in the Mythos department, but they have the next game to make up for that one.

So far I'd give DKCR a 9.6/10 - Excellent!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Kiddy14 » November 23rd, 2010, 3:42 pm

Derpy Backpack, Hurr!
Also, I'm at that level which I don't know how it's called in English but it is Mordilocos Feroces in Spanish and stuff.
But I'm loving the game, there's a new puzzle every new level and that's driving me crazy!! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Stone » November 24th, 2010, 1:02 am

Can't wait to get my hands on this game!
It could easily be my game of the year 2010! :)

One question: Damn! Where can a european like me get such awesome DKCR merchandise? At least there is nothing like a limited edition listed on amazon's german site...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Markster » November 24th, 2010, 1:38 am

I can't wait to get Donkey Kong Country Returns, this is going to be my favorite cristmas present this year.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 24th, 2010, 10:46 am

Yahoo just posted a pictorial Donkey Kong feature, of course in honor of DKCR:

In other words I still don't have it and holy crap do I hate my life.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Phyreburnz » November 24th, 2010, 12:49 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Yahoo just posted a pictorial Donkey Kong feature, of course in honor of DKCR:

Dude, they totally skipped SNES!
What the crap is this f---?!
That makes me angry! It's called Donkey Kong COUNTRY Returns! And they skip out on the DK from Donkey Kong Country?! Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 24th, 2010, 1:02 pm

Wait... yeah, how the hell did they miss Donkey Kong Country? Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I just neglected to notice... :?

EDIT: Wait, you're completely wrong. DKC is on there. They also use a beta screenshot for Jungle Beat, which is strange.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Phyreburnz » November 24th, 2010, 1:08 pm

No dude, DKC isn't there. It goes from the original Donkey Kong straight to Donkey Kong 64. I'm talking about the one with all of the Donkey Kongs lined up in a row.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 24th, 2010, 1:22 pm

Ohhhh. Well, sorry... I think it's the rest of the thing that counts, though. In just a few minutes I'll be playing this, I'm so excited! I Facebook'd it so it's official and such (then I received a notification that Qyz commented back, but the comment doesn't show up, grrr glitchy site is glitchy.)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 24th, 2010, 6:30 pm

...Aaaand. It's amazing. Definitely worth uprooting my sanity. I've only just beat Mugly. But damn, Time Trials are a b...*bleep*! I just got past the one in Jungle Hijinxs after the fiftieth and I just said f--- THIS omigosh. But still a great game, it certainly deserves our praise.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » November 25th, 2010, 4:05 am

If I were you I'd hold off on time trials until the end.

By the way, I beat this last night and I must say it's easily the best game on the Wii, and probably the best game period in over a decade.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby donkey-kong » November 27th, 2010, 9:42 am

Hey I have a queston where's DK's head on Donkey Kong Island? I don't have this game yet. was it destroyed by the volcano erupting? Or is there not even a head anymore (Nintendo took it out)? Or is it formed at the end of the game making it dKc's prequel? Pls answer and thank you!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Soniccuz » November 29th, 2010, 3:06 pm

At the end of the sixth region, and have to agree with Jomingo definitely my favorite Wii title right now. The toughest platformer I've played in a long time. It's like New Super Mario Bros cooler little brother. I can still nit pick at it for things I picked on Jungle Climber for as a Donkey Kong game (I still don't get the logic of DK getting hurt only to have Diddy run off) but, those fall flat when weighted on it's own merits the game is this entertaining. In the end everything in the game is great and the only things I could fault it for amount to me wanting more; that's the sign of a good game.

Right now if I were to pick a favorite level it would either be Platform Panic (Easily the hardest level I've played yet but man was it satisfying)or Sunset Shore (I'm a sucker for the art design gimmick) I'll probably create a 'favorite level' topic when I've finished the game if someone doesn't beat me to it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Blaziken257 » November 29th, 2010, 6:13 pm

Well, after playing this a lot, I have to say that I'm glad that I bought this. I got to every level in the game, and I have to say that it's addicting and that I really enjoy it. I unfortunately haven't had much free time in the past week, but whatever free time I did have, I spent playing this game (well, most of it anyway). I knew that I wasn't going to care about the lack of animal friends. Except Enguarde, because I always thought that he was awesome.

And now for some spoilers...
Holy cow is this game hard. This makes DKC look very easy. There were plenty of times where I found myself saying "OMG this is so hard, I'd hate to see how it can possibly get harder"... but... wow, many levels cost me many lives. In the last world, I must have started out with around 80 or lives, and ended up with less than 30. Wow. In every DKC/DKL game, the last non-boss level is generally the hardest, and the one in this game (not counting hidden levels, more on that later) is no exception. How insane. It's fun as hell though.
More spoilers, regarding a boss!
The last boss! I don't understand why people complain about him. He was hard. He's like a mix between Rudy the Clown and Andross, since their attacks revolve around their hands. Except 20 times harder. First, there's no DK Barrel, so you only have two hits, barring randomly appearing hearts. You need insane reflexes (good thing my TV doesn't lag insanely since it's so old) to get past this guy. He'll crush you, slap you, karate chop you, and slam you. He doesn't take that many hits, but surviving his hits is really difficult. I did beat him though, so... yeah. Cool ending, although I didn't see David Wise in the credits surprisingly, since some of the music was from the original DKC.
And even more spoilers!
Hidden levels! Wow are they hard. Platform Panic was hard, if only because of NO DK BARRELS OR A CHECKPOINT (actually, none of these secret levels have any of the latter, although a few have DK Barrels). What is this, TUFST mode in an insanely hard level? It's long and you have to memorize patterns of these platforms that appear and disappear. But if you beat it, an orb is waiting for you!

Tumblin' Temple was easier, since although there were platforms sinking into the lava, it was shorter and there was a DK Barrel. It took me less tries to beat this one.

Shifty Smashers was even easier. They're these blocks that move back and forth, and you have to avoid getting squashed. I believe that there's a DK Barrel here too. If I remember correctly, this took me two tries to beat.

Jagged Jewels was a bit harder, but not as hard as Platform Panic, because this one has a DK Barrel too. Dodging spikes was annoying, especially around the platforms where these rings of spikes were circling around them.

Blast & Bounce is where it started to get really difficult. It's a maze of Blast Barrels, and they rotate and slide, like other barrel blasting mazes in other DK games. This one is the hardest though -- there are these sun things that get in your way, and there's a part where you have to bounce over them with tires. Then at the end, there is this long chain of Blast Barrels that all blast you UP, even though you have to go DOWN, with sun enemies that move back and forth too. You have to time it exact, shooting up, then arcing your way into the one below. It's HARD, and you have to see the level to really know what I'm talking about.

Perilous Passage is just insane. It's a level where the lava rises up, and you have to jump on these platforms once they fall down (don't get crushed by them)! While dodging enemies that resembles Sparkies from Super Mario World. Then there's one part where these are these flying electric enemies that chase you, and you can't kill them. While dodging rising lava in the process, having two trampolines and small platforms that sink quickly. Oh, and you won't get a DK Barrel in this level. Good luck.

Tracherous Track is a joke. It's way too easy compared to the rest. It took me two tries. There's this moving platform, in a similar style to Trick Track Trek, but the track is broken. There are these switches that connect the track so that the platform can keep moving. Easy, especially when you get a DK Barrel.

Five Monkey Trail... holy crap. It's HARD. I'd say it's about 10 times as hard as Platform Perils from the original DKC, and that was hard to begin with... this level is divided into 5 sections, and most of these are hard enough to have their own level. Anyway. First part: you have to collect 5 banana coins, with trampolines as your only platforms, and you have to dodge those floating sun things in the process. Probably the third easiest part.
Second part: There are four platforms, and they have those falling things that crush you, and you have to survive an onslaught of them. They have a pattern though, so if you memorize it then it's not too hard. This is the easiest part of the level.
Third part: Bounce up a series of Bullet Bull-like enemies to make it up the top. As long as you time it right, this shouldn't be too hard. I only messed this up once here. This is the second easiest part.
Fourth part: This is where is starts to get hard. You're on a round, revolving platform, with many walls blocking your path (leaving narrow passages), all the while dodging loads of spiky enemies. Make sure not to stray too far off the center either, or you'll slip and fall off. This is the second hardest part.
Fifth part: There are two platforms, with loads of spike balls launched at you from the background. All at roughly the same time too, so you have to be perfect in dodging these. Often you'll have to jump across the pit -- AT THE PERFECT TIMING -- between the two platforms to dodge them (since the spike balls never fire above the pit). Good luck here, this is the hardest part... and if you mess up, you have to start all over! And don't forget to grab all the Banana Coins in this level!
Too bad there are no DK Barrels or checkpoints. Insane.
More spoilers for the really final part...
So what happens if you get past everything? Well there's the Golden Temple. You'll see a cutscene where DK enters the temple, he sees loads of bananas, two golden DK statues, and a large gold banana, which, when DK touches, he warps to the last level in the game. It's hard. There are these floating fruit platforms suspended in the sky, mostly bananas, but also strawberries, blueberries, cherries (which EXPLODE after a few seconds when you touch them), and of course, there are falling oranges that hurt you. Then there are these enemies that throw spears at you, enemies that throw bombs at you (which are impassable until you throw the bombs back at them), and some other enemies that you have to bounce off of. The main reason why this level is so difficult is because it's LONG, with no checkpoint or DK Barrels (although there are a few hearts scattered throughout). If you get here, good luck. You'll need it. Oh, and the music is a remix of the various tunes in DK Jr. Cool. And what happens when you beat the level?

MIRROR MODE!!! Just like in most Mario Kart games (left and right are reversed), but also with a few other things -- Diddy is not available, you only have one heart, and no items can be used! It's just an extra mode, though, because even before I attempted this, I noticed that I got 101%!

Also, one more thing. Before getting this game, I have always felt that the hardest level in any DK game was Platform Perils (stupid gray Krushas), with Toxic Tower, Animal Antics, Sky High Caper, Oil Drum Slum, and Swoopy Salvo being close runner-ups. But after playing this, I have to say that the Golden Temple and Five Monkey Trial tie for the hardest DK level ever (they're about 10-20 times as hard), and there are plenty of other levels in this game (such as the ones that I mentioned) that are harder than Platform Perils too. Wow!
By the way, I like the time attack feature. It originated in DKL3, but here it's better -- you can do ANY level, and it's actually a CHALLENGE now! (Although Seabed Shanty was certainly a challenge with that hidden Blast Barrel that caused me to not get 103% until 6 years later...) I will try to get gold in every level! I only tried Jungle Hijinxs, though, and that alone was difficult... I have considered uploading videos of potential speedruns on YouTube, but it won't be easy, though, because I have no way to capture the footage short of using a camera (which always sucks to do, because the quality always comes out horrible), and nobody ever watches any of my YT videos anymore anyway.

Some other rants: First, I don't like the heavy letterboxing. I have an old standard screen TV (not widescreen -- I must be the only person in the world now who doesn't have one), so whenever I play it, there's a huge waste of screen space for me. Annoying. And the gameplay seems small and "zoomed out" overall. The same thing can be said about New Super Mario Bros. Wii as well. Second, is the Super Guide really necessary? I never used it in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and this game seems to bug you even more about it. It's insulting. Just let me beat the level myself! I'm not that bad at video games! I hate to see that this is the trend that video games are heading towards...

I have to say that this is one of my top 5 Wii games! It's that good!

Well... I said a lot... again... again. I will finish by saying that the backpack that Kiddy14 has is way cool.
Treasure Hunter
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Joined: 2008


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