
Talk about Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64.


Postby FefeRawft » August 22nd, 2010, 8:00 pm

I heard a while ago that there was a 3DS DK game. I also heard that it was a DK64 remake. I'm on my DSi right now (and typing is a pain in the ass) because my computer isn't working right now, so it would be really hard for me to research this. So, I came to the DK community, and I'm asking, are these rumors true?!

DK64 was, and always will be, one of my favorite games.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 23rd, 2010, 12:51 am

As of right now, the rumors are technically not true: but it`s not completely unlikely. Rumors of DK64 DS have existed for awhile, and in one video with Reggie at E3, a DK barrel and banana peels (possibly a Mario Kart reference, but hey) popped out of a 3DS. So only time will tell.

And if Rare`s not making it, I`m sure someone else would.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Jomingo » August 23rd, 2010, 1:59 am

There has been "rumors" of a DK64DS for a long time, but they haven't ever had any substantiation, they're all likely just speculation of something that could happen, but not something that's actually been in development.

As for the 3DS, we are very likely to get a DK game, with the video being a major hint, but I highly doubt it's DK64. The only thing that fuels this rumor is the fact that Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64 are both being remade, so people assume that the N64 era is what they're going to be remaking, but that's not necessarily true. There are NES and SNES games being remade all over the place too. So it could be a remake of one of the most universally panned N64 games, or it could be a remake of the universally loved original DKC. Or (and most likely) it's a brand new game.

No matter what it is, it's not being made by Rare. They've moved their entire handheld team to work on Kinect, and aren't making portable games anymore. So it could be Retro or Paon, or possibly some other random company.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 23rd, 2010, 2:12 am

Eh, keep in mind that DK64 received universally good reviews when it was released, and did extremely well in sales. Plus, a 3D game would seem to better demonstrate the 3DS`s capabilities than a sidescroller (though I could be wrong).

And when you look at the sheer number of 64 remakes for the DS... it makes you think. But I would vastly prefer an original 3D game by Paon.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Jomingo » August 23rd, 2010, 2:18 am

Sheer number, as in two? While their are at least a dozen 2D sidescrollers? I don't know, games like Starfox 64 are perfect for 3D. DK64 doesn't really seem to benefit from it. I could be wrong. DKC would work well I think. There are multiple layers of background, midground, and foreground. It wouldn't be that big of an enhancement (like Starfox 64 was), but it would be a neat effect. I'd much rather somebody make something new with 3D in mind though. I wouldn't mind Paon doing it, but I'd really hope that they do something other than a pegswinger. I liked both of the peg-swingers, but I want a real DKC to be in 3D.

Also, although DK64 was loved for like a year, it wore off and since then has left a nasty aftertaste in most people's mouths when they think about DK64. Years later it's been blown out of proportion as an incredibly horrible game, unjustly, but that's how it's remembered nonetheless.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby DK4Ever » August 23rd, 2010, 3:38 am

Well, in the Let's Play community at least, it's remembered very fondly, so it's not all bad for DK64. I think a 3DS remake is very likely actually, I mean, I think it has as much potential as a 3D game as Ocarina of Time, and inevitably Majora's Mask.

I'm thinking this is probably something they have in the works, or at least in their head. I'm looking forward to it. (And we still have yet to see DK64 on the virtual console, which is unfortunate. I really don't think not having an expansion pack has anything to do with it..)
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 23rd, 2010, 4:23 am

Jomingo wrote:Sheer number, as in two?

I was referring to Super Mario 64 DS and Diddy Kong Racing mainly, plus how they're remaking Paper Mario... The DS just has 64-esque games, I meant.

DK64's absence from the VC is strange, but doesn't necessarily mean it's coming to the DS. Nintendo needs to get working on updating their Digital Rights Management and make it so you can move VC games from one Wii to another, like you can on the other *good* systems. This is a big reason why VC sales are down, and why they haven't been releasing many high-profile titles.
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Re: DKC643DS??

Postby Jomingo » August 23rd, 2010, 9:43 am

I'm in a hurry, but I have a lot to say. I guess I'll compromise.

-A DKC remake is just as likely as a DK64 one, if not more.
-Paper Mario is not being remade, they're making a new one.
-DK64 isn't on virtual console because all of Rare's N64 titles are in a legal grey area. Also, Rare owns Jetpack, and it's in DK64. A remake could remove this, VC can't.
-The VC probably hasn't been hurt by the lack of a transfer feature, at least not significantly. They will have to implement a feature to transfer them over to the next generation Nintendo console when it arises, but they likely will never implement wii to wii transfers.
-The VC is dead (at least in America) because NoA has almost no control over it, and NoJ doesn't care about it anymore. They let it die by choice.
-Lastly, Ocarina of Time is only being remade because of how revered it is as one of the best games ever, not because it has potential to be a great 3D title. It does, but that's not why they're doing it. DK64 doesn't have the same luxury. It could happen, but I don't think it will.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 7th, 2010, 5:22 am

Bumping this because I'm pissed.

- First of all, Donkey Kong 64 is not in a legal gray area. It's a Donkey Kong game and as such Rare has no legal connection to it, with the possible exception of Jetpac- it's very likely that this would be removed and probably replaced with Donkey Kong Jr./3 in a possible re-release.

- Whether you like DK64 or not, I don't care, but you can't deny that it was a pretty massive title when it came out, and everyone and their grandmother played it. It has cultural significance within the gaming world. I can't see Nintendo not re-releasing it in some form, be it on the VC or 3DS. Plus it sold like a biotch.

- In my opinion it would make a lot more sense for DK64 to come out on the 3DS than a Donkey Kong Land. Logic dictates a 3D game would better show off the capabilities of a 3D machine than 2D.

- And technically... it's not likely, but remotely possible, that Rare may be commissioned for DK64 3DS, assuming Microsoft stays away from the portable market, Rare and the Big N work things out, and Rare reopens their DS division. It's unlikely as hell, I know, but it would be considered a port, and we all know post-buyout Rare is none too shy about those. Just saying.

Let the debate commence.

*small edit*- Why is there a "C" in this toic's title? Someone take it out please.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Blaziken257 » October 8th, 2010, 12:47 am

Yeah... As much as I liked DK64, I don't really want it on the 3DS. Mainly because Rare is nowhere near as good as it used to be -- if they made one, they would just butcher it like they heavily butchered the DKC games on GBA -- they'll downgrade the graphics, add more glitches (which won't be a good thing since DK64 already has loads of them), add more features that nobody needs (the scrapbook was a dumb idea in my opinion, and DK64 already has a lot of mini-games -- we don't need more ones like the Gyrocopter one in DKC2), and completely replace the music.

If they ever were to remake it though (hypothetically speaking), Jetpac wouldn't be an issue, they could just remove it or replace it with something else. From what I understand, when Rare made Diddy Kong Racing DS, they removed Banjo and Conker, so there.

If anybody were to make it, it would probably be Retro, even though I don't think that they've made any handheld games yet, so the chances of that are pretty slim, unfortunately. But they would be more capable of doing it than today's Rare would ever hope to.

Although, I'm not sure why Jomingo is saying that DK64 was "universally panned" -- I remember it having a lot of praise, I remember loving the game when I first got it (due in small part to it being my first ever N64 game, as well as the exploration, the graphics, the many things to do, among other things), and I still know people who like it to this day (not to mention, if nobody liked it, why else would a lot of people on the Internet be praying for a remake?!). Granted, it isn't perfect (collecting bananas gets a bit boring after a while, there are lots of glitches, and the graphics look a bit worse than Banjo-Tooie even though that game doesn't use the expansion pak), but it is by no means bad. Sigh...

(Yes, it's true that Zelda and Starfox were popular when they first came out, although I have to say Zelda is horribly overrated -- I played it once and got bored of it very quickly. The only reason why it's so successful is because of the immense hype that it got. Starfox is good but far from my favorite game, mainly because it has so few games in the series and it's rather short. I also remember it having a lot of hype. If DK64 had as much hype more people would remember it.)
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby DK4Ever » October 8th, 2010, 12:51 am

Hey now, let's be careful what we say about Zelda. That's my childhood (and current adult life) you're talkin' about.

I think they could easily remove Jetpac and put DKJR or something in for even a VC release. If there's enough demand for it, they'll do it.

Then again, they can't put Earthbound on the VC despite the demand, but that's for different reasons entirely.

We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » October 10th, 2010, 1:43 pm

The comment about DK64 being in a legal gray area was in reference to it's lack of release on the VC. It has Jetpack in it, Microsoft owns Jetpack, and Nintendo doesn't edit any of the content that they put on VC. Therefore, it's never going on VC. There's not a giant amount of demand for it either. Sure, there are people who want it, but not a ton. Also, Nintendo has actively allowed the VC to die, and they are done with all major support for it as far as I've seen. NoA has no say whatsoever in what goes up on the VC in America, and Nintendo of Japan doesn't give a crap about what gets released outside of Japan. So nobody is supporting the VC.

I'm not saying this discounts it from being remade. Obviously, a remake could happen and remove Jetpack. I was only explaining why it wasn't on VC.

Also, Ocarina of Time had well over 200 people working on it for years. For comparison, 12 people made Banjo Kazooie. That's not a slight on the quality of the game, surely it's highly praised for a reason. Just a little piece of info that should put some perspective on things.

Anyway, DK64 did sell very well, and was almost universally praised for a year or two. It's fame faded extremely fast and the wider gaming "media" quickly turned on it and frequently pan it as being one of Rare's worst games. This isn't necessarily true by a long shot, but at least at this point in time the majority of people don't remember it well. DKC has outgrown the hate it got for awhile, but it's still pretty "popular" for people to bash DK64. I don't think that, especially now while Nintendo is so heavily pushing DK's original DKC gameplay, that they would release the radically different DK64 on the 3DS. People are expecting DKC Sidescrolling gameplay, and that's what is popular right now. DK64 may yet have it's time, but right now it's cool to like DKC and that's what they are gonna push.

Also, Retro will not make whatever it is that comes out on the 3DS. Retro has been completely focused on DKCR and afterwards I'm assuming they will spend a couple years making it's sequel. They aren't really big enough or experienced enough to have a handheld game being made simultaneously. Also, the odds of Rare doing it are so infinitesimally small that it should probably go out of your minds right now before you get your hopes up. Rare's DK days are over, and even if they decide to start making handheld games again I don't think they'll revisit DK64. That's not to say that somebody else won't, after all there are a lot of other companies that could do it. I just don't see it happening, at least for a while because for now it doesn't look like the popular thing to do.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 11th, 2010, 1:32 am

Jomingo wrote:It has Jetpack in it, Microsoft owns Jetpack, and Nintendo doesn't edit any of the content that they put on VC. Therefore, it's never going on VC.

Wrong. Go look at the VC versions of Wave Racer and Kid Icarus, to name a few- both changed from their original versions. And Wave Racer was edited for legal reasons.

And as for DK64 "not being popular", yeah, maybe it's not the most famous game in the world. But look what Donkey Kong game was released alongside Jungle Climber back in the day- Barrel Blast, a racer. Nintendo doesn't care if people are fans of a certain gameplay style, they just want to whore out their characters as much as possible to spread awareness, so to speak, and a DK64 port/remake seems like a pretty logical step. Plus, many franchises that aren't considered "popular" get thrust in the limelight sometimes. Mainly Kid Icarus, who went from no one knowing what it was to it being a household name after Brawl came out. And now Pit's headlining the 3DS library, so there you go.

In short: people are expecting a DK sidescroller because they've been told they're going to get one, and they are. But that doesn't mean other Donkey Kong games of a different style can't be made.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » October 11th, 2010, 12:31 pm

Look, they won't even edit the Earthbound soundtrack to let it be released, and it's got a much more vocal demand for it. As Sean just said at the DKU, if they were to remove the Jetpack game, they'd have to go back through 12 year old code and put in a new arcade game and still make the whole thing work. It's actually not easy at all. That's a crap ton of work right there for Nintendo to do for a game that not a lot of people are asking for to put on a service that they stopped caring about a long time ago. It's never going to happen.

Also, the Barrel Blast comparison thing doesn't relate at all, mostly because yes, that is a racer. That makes it an exception to the point you're trying to make. Racer's entire purpose is to advertise the franchise it represents, it doesn't have to be the same gameplay style because the whole point of a mascot racer is to advertise the characters. Also, Nintendo didn't release DKBB to promote JC or vice versa, they just happened to come out around the same time.

I'm not going to rule out a DK64 remake (though I am ruling out a VC release), I just don't think it's as likely as you do, and I don't think it would be the best decision they could make. Sure, it would do the purpose of spreading franchise awareness, and would probably sell well. But a DKC remake would do that better and would be easier. And the best thing that could happen would be a completely original game, because that could be built from the ground up with 3D in mind.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 11th, 2010, 1:04 pm

Jomingo, first of all let's just establish the fact that we both know nothing about video game coding. It would be easy as f--- to just plug in the DK Jr. VC release or something. Nintendo has done much harder things before, this whole argument with Jetpac is retarded as f---. It has nothing to do with DK64's absence on the Virtual Console AT. ALL. Plus Nintendo hasn't phased out the Virtual Console: last time I checked, the effing 3DS is gonna effing have one with Super Mario Land and crap, so there. I'm just saying that someday, somewhere, we will see Donkey Kong 64 released again- in what format is an entirely different debate altogether. A Virtual Console release is less likely than the other options, I suppose you're right, but you can't completely rule it out. Keep in mind a new Donkey Kong Country is coming out soon, something 99% of all humanity thought would never, ever happen.

Plus a heck of a lot more people care about Donkey Kong than Earthbound. That comparison is barely legitimate.

EDIT: And then there's this that Mark posted earlier, which confirms there are no legal reasons blocking DK64's release:
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » October 12th, 2010, 10:35 am

I hate to disagree with you, but I have to. A lot.

-Are you kidding me? Jetpack is completely the reason DK64 isn't on VC. It is absolutely 100% the reason it's not on VC. Sure, by your link Rare seems to not care at all whether it's released or not, but the fact is Nintendo is not going to release it with Jetpack in tact. PERIOD. Also, seeing as you just admitted to knowing nothing about video game coding, I'm going to assume you have absolutely no grasp for how hard it would actually be because it's not "easy as f---". It's certainly not impossible by any stretch of the imagination, and Nintendo easily has the resources to do it in a minimal amount of time, but it still would take some effort.
-Other than the handheld services that the 3DS has promised, the virtual console has died hardcore. They let it die, they openly acknowledge that there is no major support for it anymore. Nintendo doesn't give a crap enough about it to try and rework DK64 into it.
-99% of humanity probably doesn't give a crap about Donkey Kong Country. Honestly, do you know how many people are in the world? Also, I predicted a new DKC a year ago, and I said that it was guaranteed to happen. In fact... I've been convinced it was an inevitability for a long time.
-There is a much, much, MUCH greater community of people asking for Earthbound on VC than DK64. Yeah, it's true that more people care about DK than EB, but that's not the case for DK64 on VC. Or rather, I should say that the community for Earthbound has been a crap ton more vocal about wanting it on VC than anybody asking for DK64. Honestly, this isn't even in question. A ton more people are vocally rallying for EB than DK64.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 12th, 2010, 11:58 am

Jomingo wrote:It's certainly not impossible by any stretch of the imagination, and Nintendo easily has the resources to do it in a minimal amount of time, but it still would take some effort.

Okay then... why can't they just put in some effort? It's effing Nintendo. I'm pretty sure they've put effort into things before, this would be nothing new to them. Now let's forget about Jetpac, as it is largely an insignificant part of the overall game.

99% of humanity probably doesn't give a crap about Donkey Kong Country. Honestly, do you know how many people are in the world?

You know what I meant. It's called exaggerating for emphasis. Yes, you had predicted a new DKC, and I kinda felt something was coming too. But for more than a decade the idea of "Donkey Kong Country 4" was pretty much a dead joke in a body bag in the basement of the gaming community's mother. In other words, pretty out there.

*stuff about Earthbound*

Alright. Yes. There are more people asking for Earthbound on VC, but I'm saying in the grand scheme of things (not just gaming world-wise, but mass consumer society) Donkey Kong is exponentially more recognizable than Earthbound. He develops a certain brand loyalty in people that there is a huge fanbase for Donkey Kong 64, regardless of the perceived quality of the actual game. Heck, one guy literally walked past me in computer class the other day, saw the Donkey Kong logo on the screen, and proceeded to tell me that Donkey Kong 64 was his fondest childhood memory. Now keep in mind that Donkey Kong 64 sold 5.27 million copies and the Donkey Kong franchise as a whole has managed to sell about 48.4 million. Compare that to the Mother franchise's sales of less than 1 million total games and ridiculously small American fanbase.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » October 12th, 2010, 12:25 pm

Right, I agree with you that Earthbound is a very niche community (between that and Fire Emblem I always get pissed at how much representation they get in SSB), my only point was that it's a more demanded VC title.

And my whole point about the effort thing was that Nintendo sees no reason to put that effort in because they haven't (and probably won't) supported the VC for a while. Why should the put extra effort into a title that not a lot of people are asking for on a service they have pretty much given up on (for now)?

Anyway, although I'm fairly certain a VC release is out of the question, we can both agree that the game did sell well and will probably see the light of day again someday. We'll have to wait and see if that comes about on the 3DS or not.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Kiddy14 » October 13th, 2010, 6:24 am

I had heard a long time ago that DK64 wasn't being released in the VC because of incompatibility with the Expansion Pak, but Majora's Mask needs it too and it's released in the VC.

I don't see lost coding as the problem. I'm pretty sure Nintendo has all documentation files and used them recently for developing the VC; even 4J Studios could port a N64 game into a completely different platform and edit its core.
Removing Jetpac would be as easy as forcing Cranky to give you the Rareware coin just as you talk to him.

In any case, I agree a VC release is out of their plans now =[ Hopefully, they will think about the 3DS if DKCR ends up being successful.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Master clyde super » December 29th, 2010, 4:01 pm

Sorry for bump.

How do you know they weren't going to have a VC DK64 game, but lost it or something?
And, also, Cranky could just totally skip the game and just give you it.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 6th, 2011, 4:12 am

If this comes out I am gonna jizz so hard. E3, HERE WE GO.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » May 6th, 2011, 11:17 am

There are rumors of Rare and Nintendo considering possibilities of working together on 3DS, and the idea of Banjo Kazooie 3DS and Starfox Adventures 3DS came up. There's no plans right now, but if they've talked about 3DS development, than that's the most likely way of DK64 making it's way to the console. Personally, I'd rather see BK or SFA, but that's just because I didn't get to experience BK XBLA and because well... I just love SFA so much. It's how DK64 should've felt.
But anyway, the possibility looks just a little bit better now that this rumor is out there. I still don't think that Rare would like to remake DK64 considering that it's one of their most low rated games (even though it sold well, it got a bad rep after awhile), and Rare might not want to remake a game that a lot of people don't remember fondly. Banjo is maybe overdone a bit, but at least it's a safe choice that they know everybody will love. Not saying I wouldn't want a DK64 3DS, but I don't think Rare would want to make it.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 7th, 2011, 1:03 am

Well, I slightly disagree with you on that one- maybe in the Donkey Kong and hardcore gaming community, DK64 isn't remembered fondly, but a LOT of people I know online and in real life hold it in very high regards. I think the reason for this is something I've never seen brought up: DK64 is the ONLY 3D Donkey Kong game. So even if it is slightly lacking, it still has its place in history and a lot of people liked it (especially when it was released, where it received near universal acclaim from gaming websites and publications).

Yeah, the Banjo-Kazooie ports are beast. Can't believe Tooie doesn't have online multiplayer though. And personally I've never played Starfox Adventures, as noobish as that sounds. But if Rare were to make a Banjo-Kazooie game on 3DS, I doubt it would be another port.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Jomingo » May 7th, 2011, 1:47 pm

I wouldn't be surprised to see them port it again, in fact I'd be surprised to see BK on there at all outside of a port.

And the thing about DK64 being the only 3D DK game it one of the reasons it's disappointing to me. It certainly has it's merits (hell, the beginning of the game is nearly orgasmic just seeing DK in 3D in his treehouse and everything and the opening animation with Squawks and Clappers and all), but the game just doesn't look, feel, or play how I'd like a 3D Donkey Kong game to be. That's more of a personal complaint, but I think there are others who agree with me. Starfox Adventures (though the gameplay isn't at all Donkey Kong like) is actually much closer to how I'd like a 3D DK to be. The music was done by David Wise rather than Grant Kirkhope (which is why David didn't work on DK64, and also why DK64 sounds so much like Banjo-Kazooie), and the game's environments just look so incredible and polished. The jungles and waterfalls look so much better (mostly due to the graphical power of the gamecube, but even in it's N64 stages it looked better than DK64), and they just look exactly like DK Island should look if it were 3D. Plus, the enemies in the game are anthropomorphic reptiles who have their own "force power" very reminiscent of the Kremlings. The Jungle, Waterfall, Lava, Ruins, and Ice environments all feel exactly like DK should be in 3D, and the entire game is like one cohesive world (except for the levels you fly to...), whereas DK64 treated each world like a separate location entirely that you warped to. Plus, Fox occasionally rode animal buddies (in the forms of various dinosaurs).

Just to clarify, I'm not posting this to complain about DK64, I'm posting it to praise Star Fox Adventures. Which, if you get a chance, is definitely a game you'd love to play.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 9th, 2011, 1:12 pm

That'd be BEAST.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby CaptainEddie » May 16th, 2011, 6:42 am

I honestly have to say I doubt seeing DK64 on 3DS.

I agree with Jomingo when I say that I hope for a new DK built from the ground up.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby SimianSegue » May 22nd, 2011, 2:31 pm

I agree with Jomingo and CaptainEddie. A brand-new DK would be the BOMB!
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Katzii » May 22nd, 2011, 5:42 pm

I'm going to agree with the majority and say that I would much rather a new DK than DK64 go to the 3DS. Don't get me wrong, I would love to play DK64, but only if they did something to not make it seem such a trawl to get through levels. Every time I tried to play it, I just found it too tedious.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby FefeRawft » June 15th, 2011, 10:23 am

If it's a new DK game, we should at least get DK64 on Virtual Console :?
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 19th, 2011, 2:21 am

I would be a happy girl. :D
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby CaptainEddie » June 28th, 2011, 5:42 pm

DK64 wasn't fantastic in my opinion. I'd rather not pay $40 to revisit it.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby SimianSegue » June 30th, 2011, 3:04 am

I got a copy of DK64 in the box with manual for $10.00. People really sell it for $40? I mean, I like it, but I would rather get one of the DKC games!
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 30th, 2011, 3:17 am

I think he means that if they do have it then it'd cost $40.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Kimi Kong » November 10th, 2011, 3:40 am

If they made it, i would do everything in my power to get a 3DS (if i dont have one that is) and buy this game, lock myself in my room and play it until i beat it about 200 times. So if it happens, dont expect to see me for about a month then. XD
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 5th, 2012, 4:08 am

Okay, okay, I know this topic has been discussed to death already, but I was just sitting here thinking... I cannot believe Donkey Kong 64 has not been re-released in ANY capacity. Not on the Virtual Console, not on the DS, nothing. It actually was a really great game and I can't think of any other Nintendo title that was this popular that hasn't been re-released in some newer format. I think a 3DS release certainly shouldn't be ruled out, or hell, maybe they'll even put it on Wii U, but I'm just mad they're not showing this game any love. A lot of people would do good to experience this game.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 3rd, 2012, 2:30 am

FefeRawft wrote:I heard a while ago that there was a 3DS DK game. I also heard that it was a DK64 remake. I'm on my DSi right now (and typing is a pain in the ass) because my computer isn't working right now, so it would be really hard for me to research this. So, I came to the DK community, and I'm asking, are these rumors true?!

DK64 was, and always will be, one of my favorite games.

It's almost impossible to use the internet on a DSi because it's so slow and you can't download a flash player.
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Re: DK643DS??

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 3rd, 2012, 2:33 am

By the way, it's not on Virtual Consle yet so I wouldn't get my hopes up, and Nintendo is focusing on Wii U now so I know if we get it, we'll have to wait a while...
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