Project DKC 1 Reloaded

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 26th, 2010, 8:40 am

kingizor wrote:Rom size is 4,194,816 bytes.

Is there an easy way to fix this?
1. Download the SNES9x Debugger at
2. Open the ROM file in this version of SNES9x
3. It should complain about the header and ask you to remove it. Click yes.

EDIT: I should really make a small, quick tool for doing this kind of stuff. :roll:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kingizor » July 26th, 2010, 8:52 am

That's fixed it, thanks!

edit: I'm getting an error with that program, I used snes-tool to remove the header...8-)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 26th, 2010, 9:58 am

Simion32 wrote:We should definitely have another one of these in the game (but make it flow more - a lot of the first part I had to use slowdowns to get through because of the insane timing).

Slow downs? Is there a program which can slow the game down while you play?

Hmmmm, well, the next patch (with a new level) I can make slight alterations to the barrels and the timing will be much more relaxed. For some reason I find the whole level easy but I have had alot of practice while testing the levels for bugs and gameplay value etc. If you happened to retain diddy, the level is generally easier in the first half.

The strategy for the mine cart (I'm thinking this was the hardest bit?)
bit is to 'tap and not hold' out of the mine cart as soon as you land each time you land.

I will include the solution to the debug issues in the FAQ. Though generally if you fall in ropey rampage, it means that you have the wrong version or something is wrong with the version of U 1.0 that you have. If I get something wrong can you please correct it Simion32?

Oh, and this is a fully patched version. I have a single level hack of tree top town available as well if you need it Simion.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 26th, 2010, 11:40 am

Scraps69 wrote:Slow downs? Is there a program which can slow the game down while you play?
Slowdown is in ZSNES as a main feature (i think). This is probably due to my use of a WIP-Only version of ZSNES that i downloaded years ago. Needless to say it's loaded with features not available in other versions.

Scraps69 wrote: If you happened to retain diddy, the level is generally easier in the first half.
'DOH... that's probably why I had such a tough time getting past the first set of barrels. I didn't even think to try using Diddy. :roll:

Scraps69 wrote:The strategy for the mine cart (I'm thinking this was the hardest bit?)
Naw, figured that one out easily heh.

For DKCRE v0060 should have been v0059a... oops! v0060 doesn't even exist yet!! :roll:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 26th, 2010, 3:52 pm


I did some tinkering and bug squashing today for both Tree Top Town and Vulture Culture and created v 0.191

Vulture Culture: Removed the guessing game of throwing the steel barrel and hoping to hit the zinger and not the mini necky at the beginning of the stage. Was a really stupid design choice in the first place.
Moved the half tyre to the left to make the roll/jump more easy to accomplish.
Removed the buried steel barrel and changed it into a steel barrel.

I removed all these elements to make this level more fluid and allows you to focus on the parts I want you to concentrate on...

Tree Top Town: First and second wave of ghost barrells have had their gap widened by 10 x units, (5 up and 5 down on top and bottom of opening lip).
Second expresso barrell has been placed down various X units.
Donkey Kong Buddy Barrell has been changed from fragile to solid as there were issues with the Kong Buddy not coming out (while playing as lone Diddy).

These two levels now flow alot better compared to before and they are easier as well so I think I saved you guys 50 extra lives heh:

Download here: [REMOVED]
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 27th, 2010, 10:55 am

Made a final fix as it seems like I actually didn't and can't really fix the Kong buddy bug in Tree Top Town at the mid save barrel . So, I've added a fragile DK barrel a little bit earlier in the level. This is my final fix before i start working on a new stage. ... v0.192.ips
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 27th, 2010, 4:21 pm

Heh, I know this might seem a bit lame and fan-fiction like but I'd been thinking of doing a story for DKC Reloaded for a while. Rareware always did a 2 page story on their manuals so I thought this might warrant one as well.

This might be ultimately lame and trashed but I'll just post it here and see what you guys think before I decide to paste it under SPOILER tags in the main post.

Donkey Kong Country Reloaded

A Peace Shattered

Donkey and Diddy Kong had been chillin in their hammocks by the beach in the past month. It was a well deserved vacation, it had been a busy and tough 11 years: they had rescued their banana hoard twice, destroyed the Kremling isle twice, been kidnapped and mind sucked by KAOS, as well as destroyed a mechanical Kremling island. Diddy and Donkey had both reached and were living off their stardom though there hadn’t been any serious work for quite some time. Their careers slid a bit after they sacked Conker as their manager who wanted Donkey, Diddy and Dixie to do a naked swim shoot calendar for NonKongSoft.

At the moment though, Donkey and Diddy were having a good lie down in the brazen setting noon sun.

Donkey accidently tipped over a banana-coconut-melon milkshake when he abruptly heard:


Something landed on the shady cool sand with a loud thud and sprayed sand. The noise abruptly woke Diddy and he rubbed his eyes as he woke up. DK looked over his red and white striped hammock and saw the yellow package. The beige coloured wrapping was dirty, and had tinges of smoke. A small crude rope had been tied around this particular package.

“Well, that’s not for me. My bananas come in a bigger size. Diddy, did you order something?” asked DK.

“Nope, but let’s find out who it’s for!” Diddy said.

Diddy scrambled over to the package as Donkey was getting out of out his hammock. Diddy scooped the package and peered at the package details.

“It’s for you and me DK! No return address... That’s odd.” Diddy said.

“Whose it from?” DK asked.

“It says ‘The Initiating Kong Industry’” Diddy replied.

“T.I.K.I. huh? Never heard of them” said DK as he stood beside Diddy.

DK grabbed the package as he sat down and mercilessly ripped the wrapping off and opened the small cardboard box. A faint humming and echo could be heard from within.DK and Diddy peered into the strangely pitch black insides of the box.

“DK, this is giving me the creeps. Maybe we should just chuck this away.”

“Don’t be silly Diddy. It’s probably just another gift from Conker begging to take him back.”

As DK inched his hand inside a box. Suddenly the bushes nearby began to tremble and shake. A thunderous noise could be heard as the wind picked up and blew spurts of sand towards Diddy and DK. The coconuts began to fall from the trees and landed heavily against the shifting sand. DK had withdrawn his hand from the package and he and Diddy were cautiously creeping towards the rattling bushes. They got closer and closer until...

“BOO!!” cried Funky as he leapt out of the bushes. Funky laughed in satisfaction as he saw DK and Diddy jump.

“DK brah! What up?” Funky said as he high fived Diddy.

“You know what’s up with this noise and wind Funky?” cried DK trying to be heard over the noise.

“Oh that’s just the propellers from my latest invention, I’ll just turn it off now.” Funky cried in return and flicked a switch from a wooden remote that was in his pocket.

As the noise died down, Funky asked, “So what up DK? I saw Squwak’s head your way with a little special something. Candy got you a gift eh?”

“Doubt it” rumbled DK “but let’s have a look.”

Diddy, Funky and DK returned to the sand swept cardboard box. A silver glow seemed to be emanating now and the ghostly humming and echo had increased in volume as if they had responded to the deafening noise earlier. DK reach inside towards the source of the glow... and could feel nothing. He reached further inside further to his elbows and could still feel nothing.

“It’s like a bottomless box DK! That’s rad!” Funky said as DK had put his whole arm into the box.

Finally, DK felt something small, light, wooden and pointy at the top and pulled it out of the box. When DK pulled it out, he, Diddy and Funky looked closely to see what it was. It was a polished, oak wooden figurine of sorts. It was roughly the length from DK’s hand to his elbow. It was carved with DK’s face on it. There was crudely painted yellow, green and brown below the miniature model of DK’s chin as well as white peaks above its head. The DK head had not been painted, though it had been smoothed down and showed some quality craftkongship. There was some foreign and unusual inscription written below the figurine’s nose along with a small crafted image of K. Rool's face. Dark brown beads as well as feathers coloured in reds, violet, and blues were attached to strings that clung onto this figurine.

It appeared to be a crudely painted wooden tribal looking model of DK island.

“Woah DK!” exclaimed Funky “that looks pretty cool. Though it sounds familiar.”

“Huh?” said DK and Diddy.

“Cranky was telling me all about these though I wasn't listening! I'll save you the hassle of getting beat over the head and ask him now. Just wait here and I’ll be back.” Funky said and raced off.

“Fair enough. It looks good eh Diddy?”

“It does!” Diddy then paused and said “Hey, why is the writing glowing?”

“What?” DK looked down and saw that his thumb had rubbed the inscriptions a little and now there was a faint silver glow coming from the neatly etched symbols. DK could now hear the distinct sound of tribal drums and chanting coming from within.

“So, what happens if I rub this...?” DK was saying as he began to rub the symbols beneath the nose of the figurine. Suddenly, all he and Diddy could see was pure white.


Funky had asked Cranky what the figurine and inscriptions meant. Cranky had laughed as he explained what it was and Funky's heart had sunk. Funky rushed back to where he had original found DK and Diddy. As he ran he cried “it’s a trap DK! It’s a trap!”

But by the time he came back. Donkey and Diddy were gone. There was a huge hole in the ground which was now lined by shattered glass. The wooden carving lay as if untouched at the bottom of the ditch.

Funky hunched his shoulders as he talked to the hole in the ground.

“Damn DK! That thing was cursed. It transports you to your initial adventure on this island against K. Rool but distorts and moulds the areas that you have visited into a real life nightmare... Only you and Diddy defeat K. Rool and his cronies again and get out of that thing now...

I’ll find out who did this.”

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Jomingo » July 28th, 2010, 3:27 am

Sorta cheesy, but well written. I'm a minimalist when it comes to stories like this so I would've gone with a DKL-esque plot, ie. Cranky claims that DKC was too easy, so he makes it harder and bets they can't beat it. Yours is much better, but the Tiki thing and the Conker references seem out of place. Also, when we find out more about the Tiki's it might seem even more out of place. But it's good, although the fact that it makes you relive your most dangerous moments makes it more likely that they'd replay DKC2, DKC3, parts of DK64, or parts from Jungle Climber (possibly the most dangerous of the entire series, it's hard). But for a challenge hack of an existing game it's a good story.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 28th, 2010, 3:32 am

Heheheh, actually sounds quite good! :)

EDIT: As for most dangerous, yeah those games would be.... except it's only DK and Diddy here, so it takes them back to a warped version of DKC.

Though we will have to eventually clean up all of the junk tiles/terrain in the hack. This can be done later, as has been discussed.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Jomingo » July 28th, 2010, 4:33 am

Well, DKJC is still the hardest DK and Diddy adventure, but it's not that important a detail.

EDIT: Also, it still seems odd not having Cranky play any role in the story, considering how he's been a significant character in almost every games backstory. Perhaps the Conker references could instead make some mention of Cranky, or perhaps instead of a book, Funky goes to ask Cranky about the tiki, or something to that effect. But it is still very good as it stands.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 28th, 2010, 10:58 am

All valid points.

I've changed the inscriptions to include a K. Rool face and Funky's explanation is that the Totem leads DK back to his initial encounter with K. Rool on this island.

I've kept the Conker reference as I feel that Rareware attributed to DK success.

If the Tiki reference seems out of place when we get more info, all I have to do is delete some dialogue. A magical totem figurine doesn't sound too out of place at the moment.

Hmmmm, interesting you call this a challenge hack Jomingo. I think it's more of a game which happens to be more challenging but I'm focusing more on the cool and fast elements of DKC. Though Vulture Culture contradicts that a tiny bit but it's generally all good though.

So, I'm posting the story into the main post now.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Jomingo » July 28th, 2010, 11:11 am

I've yet to play the game, but I just assumed it was a challenge hack because those are all the rage.

Anyway, I don't think the Conker thing is out of place because it's from Rareware, obviously being a DKU member as long as I have I know Conker lives in DK's world. It seems out of place because Conker is not DK and Diddy's manager, and that seems out of place for his character. Last I remember I thought he became a King, and even if he wasn't there's no reason to believe that Conker would become a manager, or that DK and Diddy would hire him instead of someone on DK island, like Swanky or something. Besides, Conker has never interacted with DK, and he only met Diddy in DKR. It seems unlikely that they would interact in this way.

I'm not against having other Rareware characters in the plot, it's just that this one in particular makes little sense overall.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 28th, 2010, 3:19 pm

Hey Scraps, if I can find the time I'd like to take a shot at (pun intended) Snow Barrel Blast. I want to contribute something else with this hack, seeing as I've only really done that B+Y banana thing so far (and version management). :)

EDIT: Also, editing the snow level's terrain will be very difficult.... except that I can tap into some of the code from the unreleased DELTA v0500 to get a physics map-out of all the tiles.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 28th, 2010, 6:36 pm

Hehe. Your argument is logical and makes sense Jomingo and I have every good reason to change it.

Though as I was trying to change it now, I just couldn't do it. 1. I could add that Conker became a King afterwards but spent all the Kingdom's money on booze and wanted to get back at manager to get $$$$ to fund his habits but it would also unnecessarily over-complicate the story. 2. I'm also a huge fan of Conker. So, there's a semi-logical and completely illogical/irrational reason for why I don't want to change it.

And Simion32, that would be fantastic! I was actually looking at the stage yesterday and kind of dreading doing it (in future) because it's very long (though both snow levels are very long) and has a complex system of auto-barrels in place that I'm scared to touch (and there's alot of objects to deal with and come up with ideas for). So you're fully welcome to it. I'll update the main post to say that you and Kong-Fu are working on seperate levels.

Heh, and you've done alot more then that Simion32! You played my levels and gave feedback and taught me and showed me the tools for japanese DKEdit! As well as integrated Kong-Fu's level. And lots of hex things :D. So, you've helped get it far!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Jomingo » July 29th, 2010, 4:51 am

Eh, if it were me I'd just swap out the words Conker for Swanky and leave it as is, or if you had to include Conker rewrite it to do without the manager and have some other way of mentioning Conker. But it's your game. Leave it as is if that's how you want it.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » July 31st, 2010, 5:29 am

Stop and Go Station is finally done! :mrgreen:
Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].ips
(25.13 KiB) Downloaded 1958 times

I still need Simion to delete some sprites in the bonus. Any levels that were done after I started Stop and Go will have to be added in. Also that part at the end is REALLY HARD, but not impossible. I've gotten through it, and as DK to boot! Your reward for surviving it will be the 3-Up Balloon. You don't have to do it to beat the level, it's a bonus.

Items to find:
1-Up Balloon
2-Up Balloon
3-Up Balloon
KONG letters
Rambi token
Expresso token
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 31st, 2010, 6:51 am

Now I can see why that level took you so long... :ugeek:

I didn't find the warp, either, but I didn't really look for it anyway.

:arrow: What bonus? Where is it?

[Outdated attachment Removed by Simion32]
Combined patch with all the latest updates.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 31st, 2010, 12:06 pm

Kong Fu! That was fantastic playing that level! Very engaging and you could see where the time went into making it! Though I didn't realise you could roll through rockrocs until the bit where you drop-roll, drop=roll, drop-roll (heh, though I'm surprised I made it as far as I did before hand). And that was pretty damn cool!!!! I didn't find the warp barrels but I can see where you put them in the DKEdit. And that last bit was damn hard! I didn't even get through.

All in all I really really like the creative way in which you've exploited the DKC bugs and the interesting way you've done placed roll jumps! By far your best stage yet! And very original! You really outdid yourself here.


This is the new v 0.22 with fixes on Simion32's patch:

Just some notes:

I made a fix to stop and go in Simion32's patch because there had been a conflict between the patches - there was a second wall where there wasn't supposed to be one (at the second down platform with the zinger and rockroc after the halfway barrel). Asides from that minor bug, the stop and go station that Kong Fu submitted fits exactly into the patch :D. There is another bug near the end of the level just before the 4 zingers and half a dozen rockrocs - if the player decides to walk back at least half a screen, there are good odds it will turn black and you will need to reset. Though I'm not worried as the player should be going forward anyway and this punishment is appropriate.

I also took the liberty to make an additional change to Vulture Culture.

(Kong Fu, if you find some other bugs in your stage in the next few days. Just edit the .ips I've posted here and post it here again and I'll update the main page with your version)


Anyhow, if you feel up to making videos of your level or the other levels then you're fully welcome to it. I was going to post a video of Tree Top Town as my first vid but your youtube page seems to have more subscriptions heh :D.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 1st, 2010, 12:07 pm

Aright, I was playing through the level through the latest v 0.22 and I just wanted to make some notes...

Every other level in my fix to Simion32's patch is working fine.

Stop and Go Station has one or two things I want to note that may be of interest in terms of gameplay or bugs to fix:

At the beginning with the first two rockrocs, they are designed to crouch and 'turn into a rock' at different times when activating the first stop barrel. From there you generally grab the DK barrel and nail the zinger as the top rockroc crouches. There can be times where the order is the opposite and it appear that the bottom rockroc begins to crouch while the top rockroc begins to stand. EDIT: The solution in this instance is to return to the entrance and effectively 'reset' the rockrocs to do what they are supposed to do.

There is a section where there are three levels of platforms, and two rockcrocs on each step. Further there is a blue klaptrap that comes down that step as you pass the first rockroc. And there is a purple klaptrap at the beginning of the third step. Is there a particular strategy not to lose a Kong in this part? I find I can only just barely get away using skill but generally I'll lose a Kong. I think prt of it is because the second rockroc appears at a different time.

Thirdly, after the drop-roll, drop-roll, drop-roll bit. And the bit just before the mid-save barrell. Is there a particuar strategy here? I hit the stop barrel and go to the right to the end of the platform to wait for the moving platform with the rockroc on it. It seems like I have to go back and forth (to the stop barrel and then to the edge of the platform) until the rockroc is in the perfect position to jump onto the moving platform and it may take 10 hits of the stop barrel. Is this what was intended?

Next is in regards to the two 'Down' platforms. What is the intention of these platforms? Sometimes you will land and it will bounce and activate the bottom Stop barrel and you will have to roll and jump. Other times, the platform will go down by itself. It's interesting that its function changes each time you start over. And both options are possible to pass however so it's not an issue.

Finally, the most alarming issue and I ask Simion32 to do something here please? There seems to be a sprite overload at the very final section (where it starts where there are 4 zingers, and a heap of rockrocs). Now the permanent black screen occurs either when you go back or when you go forward. If there is a way to debug this then can you please do this? Otherwise Kong-fu will need to make edits (as it is his level) to where the objects are so they don't overload the game.

Asides from that, with practice playing the level → it's possible to beat the entire level without needing to constantly save state - you'll lose a reasonable amount of lives learning what to do though and it's an appropriate climax before Candy (or is that after bouncy bonanza?).

The fixes should be labelled as 0.221, 0.222, 0.223, 0.224 etc. My bad for not labelling my fix to Simion32's patch.

EDIT: Remember to use a fresh, unpatched U v 1.0 ROM when applying the patch and editing. Don't want to apply previous patch info into the current patch.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 1st, 2010, 12:27 pm

I'll try taking a look at the level to see what's going on.

We might actually have an object conflict of some sort happening that then crashes the game once the conflict happens.

I am not sure what is actually going on here, though. I'll maybe figure that out once I take a look at it. First, though, I'll do a regular playthrough and try to provoke the game into blackscreening. This way I'll know precisely how to cause it to crash. I can then go from there.

EDIT: Usually "too many objects" will not cause the game to crash, so something unique is probably happening here.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Blake » August 1st, 2010, 12:33 pm

Hey fellas, I'm a newish member here but definitely going to give this a try as it looks fantastic. I'm a huge fan of the original DKC as well as the other two in the series, and although I haven't tried a specific speedrun using emulators to slow it down (I find that a bit boring) I've beaten all of the games many times over and over on the SNES that I own, which still works fine.

This looks fantastic what you have done here, so I'll give it a playthrough and then write some feedback about how it goes, but from what I have read it looks brilliant. Looking forward to giving this a shot. :)

EDIT: Turns out I'm having some problems. Everything looked to be working fine, until I got past the title screen where it says Donkey Kong Country Reloaded. From there, the screen just went black and although the music was playing no other screen ever loaded.

I tried with zSNES and SNES9x, both of them had the same problem. I'm on Windows 7, and all other games worked fine when I emulated them. Just seems to be this one, as I said before it goes to the screen with Cranky, then to the Donkey Kong Country Reloaded title page.. then from there it just fades into black, music keeps playing but no action. :(
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 1st, 2010, 1:10 pm

Hello Blake, be sure to read the FAQ at the first post in this thread. It can help with you problems.

In all likelihood, you have either the wrong version of DKC and/or the ROM has a header.


Update on the Stop & Go issue: I haven't gotten it to blackscreen yet, but I did notice there are at least 10 objects trying to be onscreen in that section (not all of them show because of sprite overload).

Also, KongFu: TOO MANY ARROW SIGNS. I wouldn't be surprised if those **** things are what's overloading the system. :roll:

Looking at some of my documents, though, the RAM data tables have enough room for up to 26 objects (#0 is presumably the "camera", #1 is usually the Playable Kong, and #2 is probably the following Kong).

EDIT: Maybe what Kong-Fu meant when he said he wanted me to delete sprites from the "bonus", he meant this very section with all the objects?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 1st, 2010, 1:54 pm

Most Definitely. Man, I took a look at this place in DkEdit and WTF this spot has

not 8, not 10, but 13 Objects within the same screen area. NOT GOOD!!!

5 of these things are arrow signs, and two of them were obscured by the other objects. :|

These junk objects are going to get deleted.

EDIT: I'm going to add my own little twist to the end of the level to get rid of the glitch (barrel cannons, doesn't affect game play) and also cleaning up the terrain a bit. ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 1st, 2010, 2:41 pm

Yeah, I don't know about the bonus. I THOUGHT I knew where a bonus barrel was but I was wrong. So I'm assuming that bit with the zingers and rocks is the bonus until Kong Fu says otherwise.

Ok, well, you can delete sprites? I usually record the previous co-ordinates and obj properties of the main objs and then disperse the rubbish ones and turn them into butterflies and re-assign the main ones to their proper position/properties.

I should really put a 'READ FAQ IF PROBLEMS' on the main post.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 1st, 2010, 3:15 pm

Yes, you CAN delete objects, but not in DKEdit apparently. But it turns out that with some clever design techniques, object deletion was not even necessary. ;)

I might have gotten carried away with fixing this - I'm just getting excited now about hacking levels, now that I've had something to get me back into the "groove" of things. :mrgreen:

This is the Fixed Layout. Screen shot courtesy of DKCRE v0059!
END_S&GS_FIX_SIMION32.png (35.11 KiB) Viewed 142577 times
[Outdated attachment Removed by Simion32]
DKC Reloaded with fixes to Stop & Go Station.
Also cleaned the terrain a bit. Deleted extra wall (again).
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 1st, 2010, 5:42 pm

Nice! :D I'll give it a play though I'm sure everything is fixed now :).

Heh, good to hear this is motivating you! :mrgreen:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » August 2nd, 2010, 5:37 am

Just 2 problems:

-The the letter game in the bonus still isn't appearing completely. Are you sure you deleted the sprites?
-The Zinger under the 3-Up Balloon was stationary and unavoidable because a player could cheat his way through by getting one Kong hit and using temporary invincibility to get through the rest. If the player tried to do that the Zinger would kill him, but if he did it legitimately the Zinger would simply take one Kong away.
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 2nd, 2010, 5:41 am

1. How do you get to the bonus level??? :?
2. What Level Digit is the bonus level?

3. I'll fix the zinger. I sorta thought it was there for the "prevent cheating" reason but I wasn't sure.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » August 2nd, 2010, 5:46 am

The level digit is 04
You get it at the beginning by following the rolling barrel when you throw it at the Zinger. It opens a hidden entrance.

EDIT: Scraps, I've gotten past all of the things you've mentioned. The entire level is beatable with one Kong. It's beatable with Diddy, but I'm not so sure about DK.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 2nd, 2010, 7:34 am

KongFu, the level ID was actually 0x4B.

There were two extra sprites there, I deleted them manually -- but to no avail. I guess you'll have to live with one of the Kremling heads missing.

-Put the stationary Zinger back where it was originally.
-Also cleaned up the bonus level's terrain (again, being sure not to mess up the game play).
-Also fixed a object ordering bug where the bonus room's door sprite was not always there.
-Cleaned up the main level's terrain even more. Shortcut exit area is now less suspicious looking.
20100801 - Donkey Kong Country Reloaded v0.223 [+Fix].ips
Updated patch with object deletions, bug fix and cleaned terrain.
(55.32 KiB) Downloaded 2255 times

Editing Tip: Don't place objects on the exact same X and Y coordinates, or the game might get confused about what to load first and pick an object arbitrarily. ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 2nd, 2010, 11:09 am

Yeah, DK can beat the level by himself without losing a life.

I'll give this version a shot and 'EDIT' this post if there are issues. - though clever barrel barrel design!

EDIT: I was thinking instead of a DK barrel at the end bonus bit, you could remove that DK barrel (and replace it with a butterfly or arrow sign) and the player would have to get there from the midway point and then they could attempt the bonus - either way if the player has one kong they will die anyway (unless they have skill and make it through) or if they had two kongs EDIT3:, the second challenge is in between barrel 1 and 2 (where the current 3 up is) where there is a left and right zinger (in place of the balloon) and a counter clockwise zinger. The 3up balloon will be in between Simion32's barrel 2 and 3 where the current arrow sign is. Just putting this idea out there for Kong Fu and you can easily reject it.

EDIT2: Included patch in main post as well as '3 cranky messages'. Opinions?

EDIT4: I found the warp and thought that was pretty neat! The bonus challenge was pretty cool as well and I wouldn't be too worried about the missing croc.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » August 3rd, 2010, 5:10 pm

Wow the hack just keeps getting better and better I'm so pumped. Do you Think I could work on Trick Track Trek and Blackout Basement Scraps69? I think I have some great ideas for those levels.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 4th, 2010, 12:25 am

Sure :)

(Sorry for one post, gotta rush)

EDIT: Hey Aperson - Blackout Basement and Trik Trak Trek are fine. Just remember to do single level hacks (original) as we there were minor hack inconsistencies when we patched Kong Fu's stop and go (though there wasn't any problems in the end!). As you're good with barrels you might be interested in Simion32's research in barrels which I will let him explain. Just be excited ;). EDIT: Refer to viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1011 - excellent resource!

I'll add your future contribution to the main post.


On a different note: of course this messes up our little version thing. I propose we just go up 0.01 each time a new level is released until I or someone completes the final non water level in World No. 3 and when there is an edited level in world number 4 (which Simion32 is doing). It will shoot to 0.30 then.

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 5th, 2010, 2:12 am

Approx 50% forest frenzy complete. I hope you don't mind if I stole one or two of your ideas aperson (DKC easy) and Kong Fu (Stop and Go) for one tiny bit - though it's been changed to my interpretation of course ;). This level is pretty frantic and you will constantly need to move though I plan to slow the tempo a fraction for the remainder of the stage.
Forest Frenzy.
Code for down shooting clam - E43F though very very buggy.
forest.jpg (49.02 KiB) Viewed 142479 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » August 5th, 2010, 6:27 am

Scraps69 wrote:Approx 50% forest frenzy complete. I hope you don't mind if I stole one or two of your ideas aperson (DKC easy) and Kong Fu (Stop and Go) for one tiny bit - though it's been changed to my interpretation of course ;). This level is pretty frantic and you will constantly need to move though I plan to slow the tempo a fraction for the remainder of the stage.

Of course not Scraps69, sharing is caring you know. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to use the clam code for something rather evil for one of my level hacks. :twisted:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 5th, 2010, 10:17 am

Heh yeah no problem - any aspect of my levels anyone is free to use which is what part of this hack is about = showing people what can be done with DK editing tools and motivate, inspire and broaden peoples imaginations to make arDKC levels. And it seems to have worked ;) .

Oh did I mention I found a new use for animal crates (with two different types applications)? Damn things are like the bread of level making.

Just remember that this code prevents you from using 2 downward shooting clams in a screen - the game will go black and you'd need to reset. Though that may be the case for upward shooting clams as well (I never tested that).


Do you guys think we need a legal disclaimer of sorts on the main post or is posting it as an .ips good enough?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » August 9th, 2010, 2:15 am

Scraps69 wrote:Heh yeah no problem - any aspect of my levels anyone is free to use which is what part of this hack is about = showing people what can be done with DK editing tools and motivate, inspire and broaden peoples imaginations to make arDKC levels. And it seems to have worked ;) .

Oh did I mention I found a new use for animal crates (with two different types applications)? Damn things are like the bread of level making.

Just remember that this code prevents you from using 2 downward shooting clams in a screen - the game will go black and you'd need to reset. Though that may be the case for upward shooting clams as well (I never tested that).


Do you guys think we need a legal disclaimer of sorts on the main post or is posting it as an .ips good enough?

I will make sure not to use any clam code twice just to make sure. I got about 40% of Trick Track Trek done today. I don't want to spoil too much but let's say I've added some gimmicks from other levels in DKC for this one.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » August 10th, 2010, 2:50 am

What level am I going to hack next?
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 10th, 2010, 10:25 am

Any level you want Kong Fu :mrgreen: . Simion32 has claimed snow barrel blast. aperson98 has claimed trick track trek and blackout basement and I'm halfway through Forest Frenzy.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Markster » August 10th, 2010, 12:20 pm

When i try to patch my Donkey Kong Country (U) v1.0 with this hack, it just messed up the ROM.

What did i do wrong :(
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » August 10th, 2010, 12:22 pm

Read the first post in this thread for troubleshooting!

If you still have problems, tell us what goes wrong and we'll try to figure it out.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 12th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Forest Frenzy = approx 80% complete.

This level is a bit chaotic in terms of ideas, play and unnatural colours. No major consistent theme in this stage except that maybe it's DKC but on acid. It'll be interesting to see how you guys react to it when it's released.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 13th, 2010, 12:06 am

Forest Frenzy is pretty much done now but finallising one or two things with Simion32. Here are two pretty interesting screenies.

Bug crash and colours of DK:

best bug ever.jpg
When you've screwed up something
best bug ever.jpg (68.25 KiB) Viewed 142392 times
colection of DK colours.jpg
Except for the 'white and teal DK' - if you go through the entire level as Donkey Kong and do not die, you will change into these colours.
colection of DK colours.jpg (36.11 KiB) Viewed 142392 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » August 13th, 2010, 7:40 am

Scraps69 wrote:Forest Frenzy is pretty much done now but finallising one or two things with Simion32. Here are two pretty interesting screenies.

Bug crash and colours of DK:

best bug ever.jpg

Woah, the first screen seems to show some really bad bugs. Is Simion32 helping you fix that by chance?
Anyway I just got both Blackout Basement and Trick Track Trek done with some spare time.

-Link for Trick Track Trek

(link removed) level in beta testing and being reworked on Scraps69's advice

-Link and screen for Blackout Basement

(link Removed)level in beta testing and being reworked on Scraps69's advice


If there is anything you would like to change Scraps69 to make the levels harder/more fun feel free to do so.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 13th, 2010, 10:20 am

Woah aperson! That's a very fast time to make 2 levels 0.o.

I've sent a critique via your PM on what needs to improve.


I'd say keep working on trik trak trek as it has alot of promise!!! We'll figure out what to do with blackout basement when trik trak trek has been refined. Don't rush the levels. If it takes a while then it's all good. Nintendo quality is rarely rushed.

Your DKC easy edition had very awesome flowy and fun bits. Use that as a model and then make it a little bit more challenging. Then you have DKC Reloaded ;).
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 13th, 2010, 3:48 pm

v 0.23 just released. Includes Forest Frenzy as well as bug fixes to bouncy bonanza and vulture culture.

Forest Frenzy and bug fixes bouncy bonanza and vulture culture.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 17th, 2010, 4:53 pm


Can someone help me out with videos? I'm trying to post this perfect run of Forest Frenzy on youtube to help promote the game a bit. I've already recorded the video itself on zsnes but need to dump it.

I recall something about MEncoder.exe and I've checked the zsnes website re dumping videos (and sound) but it leads to this Mplayer program which isn't exactly helping me. From what I understand my computer should already have MEncoder.exe and I should put it in the same directory as the zsnes.

I can't find it on my lappy - help?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kingizor » August 18th, 2010, 2:42 am

All you need to do is put MEncoder.exe in your zsnes folder.

I think it comes with the Mplayer program, but here's my copy. - Mediafire

I'm not sure whether you need the correct video codec(s) installed to use it.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » August 18th, 2010, 1:33 pm

Ok cool. The video goes into an AVI format which is fine though the sound of the video is T.V. static. In the Lame.exe DOS (or black screen while it's recording), it says "corrupt or unsupported WAVE format". Any ideas?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kingizor » August 18th, 2010, 11:33 pm

Yeah, don't compress the audio. You would need a special, impossible to find build of Lame that does it right.

Just don't select the "compress audio" option. You can always recompress it later with another program if you need to.
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