So here it is;
Find out which levels can be completed... in reverse!
(Same challenge in other games: DKC2, DKC3)
That's right, play through the level, taking out as many or as few baddies as you like (some may be useful to leave around as stepping stones, perhaps...), stop at the exit point, and then try to make your way back to the beginning. I'm sure that this will be very little challenge in some levels, and completely impossible in others. I'm hoping there are some levels which can be completed in reverse, but which require clever techniques, good timing, quick maneuvers... Or even extreme measures (including losing a Kong, or glitching the game). Using shortcuts/warps is fine, too. I'll have to have 'categories' for for such techniques as using animal buddies glitched in from other levels, though.

We can note extra details like 'can only be done with Diddy' or 'can only be done by re-entering at the midway point' etc... Oh and courtesy of two astonishing tricks (known as 'Token Warping' and 'Jumprolls') brought to my attention by Tompa and Arne, there are levels which can technically be reverse-navigated, but in a way which is somewhat outside of the scope of this challenge. For example, 'Token Warping' requires the player to enter the level with 2 of a certain Animal Token, collect a third in that level, play the animal bonus round (which takes a while!), be returned to the level at a previously visited point, and return to the start of the level. As you can see- not so much of a fun challenge as it is a cumbersome technicality. Still, an interesting concept to take note of.
Completion technique key:
Impossible (thus far)
Standard play
Sacrifice a Kong
Minor Glitching
Extreme Glitching
* = Possible via token warping
Current checklist:
Kongo Jungle (3/5)
Jungle Hijinxs
Ropey Rampage
Reptile Rumble
Coral Capers
Barrel Cannon Canyon*
Monkey Mines (5/5)
Winky's Walkway
Mine Cart Carnage ** using repeated 'air roll/jump' trick ** must re-enter at continue point ** level uncompletable at end **
Bouncy Bonanza
Stop & Go Station
Millstone Mayhem
Vine Valley (4/6)
Vulture Culture
Tree Top Town*
Forest Frenzy ** using 'endless rope' trick **
Temple Tempest
Orang-utan Gang
Clam City
Gorilla Glacier (3/^)
Snow Barrel Blast
Slipslide Ride
Ice Age Alley
Croctopus Chase ** using 'split-up' trick **
Torchlight Trouble*
Rope Bridge Rumble
Kremkroc Industries Inc. (3/6)
Oil Drum Alley
Trick Track Trek* ** using 'jumproll' trick, maybe **
Elevator Antics
Poison Pond ? (untested)
Mine Cart Madness ** using repeated 'air roll/jump' trick ** must re-enter at continue point (?) **
Blackout Basement
Chimp Caverns (4/5)
Tanked Up Trouble ** using 'jumproll' trick **
Manic Mincers
Misty Mine
Loopy Lights
Platform Perils*