DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

As there will be at least 33 of these created before too long, it's probably a good idea to have a board dedicated to the Level Info pages of DKC Atlas. Post your ideas in here!

DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 6th, 2008, 11:17 am

This is the same as the other two threads, except this is for DKC3.

Qyzbud wrote:At the end of each Level Info page on the Atlas, I'm providing a set of three challenges for gamers who want to test their DKC skills. If you think of any challenges that would be good to add to that section for any level, please share them here.

Challenges must be achievable, and easily 'measureable'. (ie. you must be able judge whether you have completed or not completed the challenge)

It's best to submit challenges for levels that don't already have a full set of challenges listed, but if your challenge is particularly worthy, I may even put it there in place of my own challenge!

I will probably post some challenges later on.
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 7th, 2008, 8:04 am

Here is my current list, which will expand:
1. Belcha's Barn Challenge #?: Defeat Belcha with only two beetles. Hint: I don't really know how do help you here, just throw quickly and carefully. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

2. Squeals on Wheels Challenge #?: Complete the level using as few specific, individual kegs as possible, try 5 kegs for the hardest challenge, (picking up another keg from the same station counts as another keg). Hint: Look at the map and try to find some strategies, and feel free to put the keg down and get rid of "hazards" in your way, just make sure you pick up the same exact keg. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

3. Squirt's Showdown Challenge #?: Defeat Squirt using only one of the six "platforms". Hint: Run and jump at the right time against Squirt's "water stream". (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

4. Lemguin Lunge Challenge #?: Go all the way to the star barrel without defeating a single Lemguin. Hint: Be creative!(Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby The Guy » November 7th, 2008, 8:48 am

By coincidence, I did that the first time I came up to him.

Challenge: Kreeping Klasps Challenge #?: Finish the level WITHOUT using the ropes.

Hints: None. You'll know how to make it...

Not tested, but I know it's possible if you can beat Stop & Go Station without using the Stop/Go Barrels... (Resource: The above poster.)
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby Kiddy14 » November 7th, 2008, 11:33 am

It's possible, but extremely challenging. The Dixiecopter may be treated as a hint though.

Lightning Look-out:
Beat the level without pressing the Y button once.
HINT: Try starting the level with both kongs.
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 9th, 2008, 7:52 am

Okay, I have a new challenge, but here's the thing: If you find it a little confusing to understand, PM me or post here letting me know so I can do something about that.

2. Squeals on Wheels Challenge #?: Complete the level using as few, specific, individual kegs as possible, try 5 kegs for the hardest challenge, (picking up another keg from the same station counts as another keg). Hint: Look at the map and try to find some strategies, and feel free to put the keg down and get rid of "hazards" in your way, just make sure you pick up the same exact keg.(Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT: Here's another challenge.

3. Squirt's Showdown Challenge #?: Defeat Squirt using only one of the six "platforms". Hint: Run and jump at the right time against Squirt's "water stream".

4. Lemguin Lunge Challenge #?: Go all the way to the star barrel without defeating a single Lemguin. Hint: Be Creative!(Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby The Guy » November 16th, 2008, 9:02 am

Kiddy14 wrote:It's possible, but extremely challenging. The Dixiecopter may be treated as a hint though.

I finished my own challenge anyway. Don't forget Kiddy's water bounce.

EDIT New Challenge! And I tested it. It was hard...

Floodlit Fish Challenge ?#: Defeat all Lurchins found after the Star Barrel.

Hint: Time yourself well...

And can you BELIEVE that wasn't a challenge about doing the level only when it's dark? Maybe there should be a challenge about keeping the level lit the whole time... Excluding the start and the end.

EDIT 2: I have a handful of challenges.


*Tracker Barrel Trek challenge ?#: Finish the Ellie fraction of the level without her. Hint: You'll need both Kongs...
*Creepy Caverns Challenge ?#: Go through the level without jumping on a Knocka. Hint: After the No Animal sign, lead the Knockas to a lower area.
*Koindozer Klamber challenge ?#: In an area that has a Koindozer gaurding it, you can only jump on it's sheild. This only excludes the first one as well as the ones at the end. Hint: Use Dixie.
*Riverside Race challenge ?#: Finish the level in 12 seconds and under. Hint: Jump high above the first body of water...

Not tested:

*Stampede Sprint challenge ?#: Defeat all Krimps.
*Bazzas Blockade challenge ?#: Defeat all Kocos.

And, well, we'll won't need this challenge, but I'm posting it anyway...

*Dingy Drain-pipe Challenge: Finish the level without defeating any Bristles.
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby The tio » May 28th, 2009, 1:12 pm

Got 2 challenges:

Springin' spiders challenge #?.- Clear the level using 7 spiders maximum. Hint:both kongs are needed

Bobbing barrel brawl challenge #?.-Take the warp barrel, then get back to the beggining of the stage.Hint:you need to lose a kong.

Both were fully tested.
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby The Guy » July 31st, 2009, 7:14 am

Squeals on Wheels Challenge #?: Grab the last Steel Keg and carry it back to the beggining of the level without using the trapdoors.

Hint: You may need to switch kongs depending on the Buzzes' movement. You'd also have to clear the level of enemies first.
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Re: DKC3 Challenges! (for level info pages)

Postby The Guy » December 25th, 2009, 1:55 pm

I got two more challenges:

Lakeside Limbo Challenge #?: Collect no more than five bananas. Other items don't count.


Use the team throw at the beginning.

Fireball Frenzy Challenge #?: Go back to the start of the level as Squitter.
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