E3 is here!

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E3 is here!

Postby Jomingo » June 2nd, 2009, 6:48 am

Yes, E3 is here. I'm in a bit of a rush, but some things of interest I've seen so far is Microsoft's new Project Natal motion camera, which looks amazing, and Sony's PSP Go!

No time to explain, google it.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby PotoGamer » June 2nd, 2009, 7:08 am

Wow, they dropped the UMDs, 16 GIGs, very different design, and it's all downloadable content? Wow, this is MORE than a simple change! :shock:

Nintendo is probably going to announce more games compatible with the WiiMotionPlus and some new Mario and Zelda game coming out. I hope there are some new Wii or DSi features. Too bad the Wii will probably lose its uniqueness with Project Natal, so Nintendo better give us something good, or I might as well buy another console. :(
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Sockpuppet » June 2nd, 2009, 5:24 pm

Meh, I'm not really expecting anything I'd care about. But if a new non-party/sport Mario game is announced, then I'll be happy. The new Zelda has already been announced and I don't like the look of it. And of course there's almost no chance of a new DK game.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Gnawzooka » June 2nd, 2009, 7:53 pm

Personally I reckon it'd be great for a new Kirby or Star Fox game to come out on the wii. :)
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby nackhe » June 2nd, 2009, 8:56 pm

Here's hoping Nintendo doesn't totally screw it up this year by hiring some professional drummer to come and spazz out on that Wii Music thingy. :roll:

Probably no DK related stuff, but oh well.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Rodent » June 2nd, 2009, 10:55 pm

I'm hoping for Starfox and Zelda this year. If Zelda is announced, I might have to stay home tomorrow from school to dance.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 3rd, 2009, 3:46 am


Ahem. Nintendo wins E3.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tompa » June 3rd, 2009, 4:04 am

Meeeeeeeeeeeeh. No Metroid 2D. No Super Mario Bros 4. No Donkey Kong Country 4.
crap happens.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 3rd, 2009, 4:37 am

. . . Uh, are you kidding? Nintendo had a phenomenal press conference. Observe:

1. New Mario vs. Donkey Kong (not that exciting, but I'm still getting it.)
2. New Golden Sun
3. Mario and Luigi 3
4. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, with 4-player co-op!
5. Galaxy 2 . . . 'Nuff said.
6. A new Metroid that looks closer to the original titles than any of the Prime games.
7. A bunch of third-party titles that look pretty interesting.

Granted, there's nothing much in the way of Donkey Kong, but there is little to no justification in complaining about this year's E3. Nintendo really did have the best show, I think, although Project Natal completely failed to excite me. Probably because my 360 has been Red Ring'd. :|
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2009, 4:58 am

Other than Donkey Kong.... indeed Tiptup is right.

Super Mario Galaxy 2!! :o :D :ugeek:

...the first 3D Mario sequel. Wow. Just wow. Metroid is looking great too.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby PotoGamer » June 3rd, 2009, 5:16 am


I would've liked a NEW name but it's okay...IT HAS YOSHI IN IT OMG!!!!!!111

I think Moving Notepad (or whatever the new name is) was overlooked...seriously, didn't anyone see the creepy DK animation? Plus, it's free.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tompa » June 3rd, 2009, 5:43 am

Tiptup: I didn't mean that it was bad. I just want Nintendo to do what Capcom did with Mega Man 9 =P.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Jomingo » June 3rd, 2009, 5:52 am

Are you guys serious!?!? You call that the BEST??!?!?

Did you guys ever stop to think WHY they are making a new Mario Galaxy? They haven't needed more than one Mario platformer until now, because before now Nintendo was a multi-franchise company, but they've finally made it official, Nintendo=Mario. That's the only thing they think the fans care about, and that's all they are going to give us. Yeah, Metroid. But Metroid Prime Trilogy will be enough for me on the Metroid side of things for quite some time now. What about Kirby? What about Starfox? What about DONKEY KONG? They obviously have run out of ideas, and thus we will continue to see an escalation in Mario platformers, and thus an overall decrease in their quality. And Mario Galaxy was supposed to be the quintessential Mario platformer of this generation. It didn't even last two years!

Forgive me if I'm less then excited, but you guys seem so let down from last year that you were ready to hump their leg at any bone they threw at you!

Nintendo most certainly did not win E3. Who did? Well, I don't know, that's debatable. Microsoft surely succeeded in completely trumping Nintendo at their own Motion Sensing game, and when they did Nintendo threw the word Mario around a couple times and made every fan boy on the internet praise them as god. Whether Microsoft or Nintendo (or Sony) won E3 is up for grabs, but I can tell you that Nintendo has certainly won at creating a mediocre system, and an environment so deprived of good games that all their fans are ready to jump in the air at the mear mention of Mario's name.

Screw Nintendo.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2009, 6:26 am

I do suppose they aren't going to come out with anything else better than that... I didn't expect any Donkey Kong game anyway.

It is not the absolute best, but at least I have something to look forward to. And yeah, you're right, Jomingo. They ARE running out of ideas. They finally got to the point of having the Party/Sport crap get old, so the only option left is to make more 3D/2D Mario games.

Unless they were smart enough to actually make DKC4. They could be holding a DK game hostage until desperate measures must be made, but I highly doubt that.

However, I expect them to try and drag out the Wii's lifetime. They're gonna milk this thing for all the $$$ they can possibly conceive of.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Jomingo » June 3rd, 2009, 6:36 am

Well, logic would tell me that as technology improves, the amount of huge breakthroughs will decrease, and the lifetime of game consoles will become longer, but seeing as Nintendo doesn't want to keep up with technology, I expect the Wii to crash and burn.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 3rd, 2009, 7:26 am

Kay, I didn't really read what any of you guys said, but look at my shiny new blog! True epicness. 8-)

And PotoGamer, what's this Moving Notepad you're talking about . . . ? Donkey Kong + free = win.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby DK4Ever » June 3rd, 2009, 1:27 pm


Well, at least this year I have SOME things I'm somewhat excited about..

Golden Sun DS looks good already, and New Super Mario Bros. looks pretty amazing, as well as Galaxy.

But huzzah my friends, Nintendo has succeeded in raping our hopes and dreams yet again. Shall we march on with our TNT barrels and destroy them?

But really, Spirit Tracks looks like it'll be about as good as PH was...and Professor Layton can bite me, and Team Ninja is working with Nintendo now? :shock:

Apart from the 3 or 4 games (I already knew about Mystery Dungeon) it all looks like crap..again. I am heartbroken..again.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby PotoGamer » June 4th, 2009, 1:58 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:And PotoGamer, what's this Moving Notepad you're talking about . . . ? Donkey Kong + free = win.

Moving Notepad (now Flipnote Studio) is a DSiWare game that'll be released in Summer, even though it's been available for almost 6 months in Japan already. It's like GIMP, without some advanced features. It has layering, different brushes and colors, and you can do animations with sound and use the camera too. For free.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Rodent » June 4th, 2009, 2:16 pm

I think that Nintendo's showcase at E3 was pretty good. Metroid Other M looks amazing, and New Mario Bros Wii looked pretty fun too. I never played Galaxy, so I wasn't that pumped when I heard about Galaxy 2. A new Golden Sun is pretty cool... umm, yeah, I didn't remember much else about it but those titles aren't bad. I think Nintendo will showcase a new Pikmin and possibly (hopefully) Zelda at the Tokyo Gameshow. That's where they dropped most of their game announcements last year. I think that everyone who is knit-picking at this years E3 just expects too much from Nintrndo. Mind you, I didn't read about the other conferences but I didn't see much on IGN besides Metal Gear Solid and God Of War. Halo doesn't excite me what so ever. Left 4 Dead 2 is kinda cool, Natal looks kinda cool but I can see it being really expensive and only having 4 or 5 good games before it's canned... I hope it goes well though.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Tompa » June 4th, 2009, 9:13 pm

One thing I REALLY HATE about NSMBWii is the fact that the game is paused when someone takes damage or taking a powerup.

What will probably happen is that you are running against the hole, ready to jump, but then someone gets hurt just when you are about to jump, so that the input isn't registered, and you'll run down and die.

I hate Nintendo sometimes.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Cyclone » June 5th, 2009, 12:58 am

I think I saw that happen in one of the ign vids, I was wondering why the player fell into the pit... sigh... Yea that's nintendo for you.
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Re: E3 is here!

Postby Rodent » June 8th, 2009, 11:14 am

Yeah, I saw that too. Maybe it gives people time to regroup, but it seems kinda stupid to me.
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