Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Qyzbud » October 22nd, 2008, 1:08 am

I'm pretty much Qyzbud wherever I go.

Project 64 (paid member, omg!)
Deviant Art
Whirlpool (aussie tech forum)
Rare Witch Project

I used Live Journal some years ago, for a little while, and I had a Facebook for a month or so too.

I've also created three sites with forums over the years; all of them DK-devoted, and gradually getting less crappy.

That list is astonishingly long, and it's definitely just a partial record. I should sit down before I hurt myself...
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Jomingo » October 22nd, 2008, 7:19 am

Kowbrainz wrote:(long post here)

That seems almost like more of a resume', Kowz!
Kowbrainz wrote:kowbrainz@dkvine.com - I was banned, lol. By one of those corrupt mods back in 2006 who apparently isnt a moderator anymore, I assume; but I can't say really. Either way, I made but a single post about something interesting I had found in Banjo-Kazooie when using a gameshark but nobody wanted to listen. Okay, fair enough - nobody wants to hear, so let my topic die, right? No - let's ban the member instead. Well, okie dokie... :? :|
Edit: Jomingo, you're pretty wrong. I didn't get a chance, and yet I have a "temp ban" which ends on, and I quote, Dec 29 2170.

Well, I didn't join until May '07, so it must have been different. In fact, I think I remember them talking about it used to be more strict or something....

Anyway, that does sound pretty ridiculous, I can't see any of the current staff members doing that(or else, Chad would say it was ridiculous and then un-ban the person).
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby PotoGamer » October 24th, 2008, 5:15 am

I am currently a member of:

-MSN Messenger
-YouTube (but my only video sucks...)

Wow, I think I have the shortest list... :?

EDIT: And eBay (That's where I buy some vintage games! [like Mario Paint...])
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Jomingo » October 24th, 2008, 6:48 am


I have two copies of Mario Paint, but no mouse to play it with.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby PotoGamer » October 24th, 2008, 6:55 am

Wow, that must feel like a computer without a good charging plug which you constantly have to arrange in some weird shape. (like me...) But hey, they sell them on eBay, some without even being opened! (Mine included the giant box and everything for $14, until my mom and my sister accidentally threw it out along with my DKC manuals)
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby The Angry Sun » October 24th, 2008, 3:19 pm

Oh God. This list could go on forever...

Nsider Known as SONIC17 always pretended to be The actual Angry Sun. (First forum ever. It's where I got my funny sense of humor and charms, Pity the place is gone and dead.)
I wonder if anyone else was there that I know here.

Toho Kingdom Forums as Godzilla 90's
Godzilla Forum. Big Fan. Still am. Banned there back in 2005 over a thing I'd prefer would be forgotten.

Ebirah's Island
Another lesser known Godzilla Forum. I got Admin for posting a bunch of Godzilla Movie Reviews... :shock:

IFCA Known as SONIC17
It's a forum about mainly anything. I got along great with people there but I hear it's up for deletion.

RaymanZone. Known as Gamer13.
You might have saw me. But I don't go anymore.

Pixeltendo. Known as Angry_Sun tSR's official forum. Yeah I wasn't liked very well in those few final months...

DKU TheAngrySun. You all know me here already.

Atari.com's Offical Forum Known as G 90'sTK. One of the few site I frequently visit. Very fun people there.

Oh, And Spiral Mountain. Lost me password. I was the guy with the Spinning Banjo in a Car avatar.

And that's the more well konwn places...

Oh. I almost forgot about my 1 post thing over at N-SIDER. Very serious. Very strict. Lucky I got out of there.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 27th, 2008, 7:05 am

Oh, hell no.

SuperSonic_Yoshi wrote:Maybe a bit off-topic, but:

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Your avatar, by the way, kicks ass.



It's stuff like this that makes me glad this place restricts avatar choices and prohibits signatures.


Jomingo wrote:I've tried to make Qyz be stricter on the Avatars, because they annoy me. Especially animated ones. Avatars like that make me want to punch a baby.

Way to stick up for the family there, pal. :P
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby BlueTronic » October 27th, 2008, 7:35 am

I beg to differ...
...animated avatars are awesome!
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Kiddy14 » October 27th, 2008, 12:39 pm

Animated avatars and signatures encourage creativity and imagination; creating better responsive minds in today's youth in the social and psychological aspects.
Just an opinion ;)

Where does this conversation comes from, Tiptup?
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby DKCplayer » October 27th, 2008, 3:42 pm

*Sigh* this all started when I put up my new avatar... :cry:
Also, this is getting a bit off-topic... better move it Here.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 28th, 2008, 7:30 am

Kiddy14 wrote:Where does this conversation comes from, Tiptup?

The "DKU Hate Around the Web!" topic from the DKU forums. Grrrrr.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Kiddy14 » October 28th, 2008, 10:18 am

DKCplayer wrote:*Sigh* this all started when I put up my new avatar... :cry:

Forget it. They use boring, not impressive neon avatars; we use self-made, cool and animated avatars. Yours is really cool by the way ;)
Chad wrote:I have half a mind to un-ban and then RE-ban them.

If I had a site, and had to choose admins, and you were part of the members, I would most certainly not choose you.
Jomingo wrote:DKC Atlas does NOT hate DKU.

Of course we don't! That'd be stupid, we're different communities with different rules, customs and topics. Everybody has different opinions, even within the sites.
Jim wrote:Our Donkey Kong fansite is better than their Donkey Kong fansite.

I think he's referring to "their Donkey Kong fansite" to the DKC Atlas, am I right? Well, even if it wasn't, you can't say there is a better DK fansite or not; both things talk about DKC or just the DK franchise, but may focus in different things. As I said the communities are different.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Gnawzooka » October 28th, 2008, 5:11 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:I beg to differ...
...animated avatars are awesome!

I agree. :D They're much more interesting.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby DKCplayer » October 29th, 2008, 3:53 pm

I just looked at the topic on DKU. I'm annoyed with SuperSonic_Yoshi. I NEVER gave that person permission to put my avatar on DKU for people to hate it. I hope he deletes his post.

I am offended by this. Things like that make me really peed off... I need a hug. :cry:

*Sigh* Thank you Kiddy14, Gnawzooka, Tiptup Jr and Kong-Fu for support. :)

Also, cool effects on that animated avatar Kong-Fu!
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby KremKrawl » May 23rd, 2009, 2:26 am

Well, I'm on these:

Bulbapedia and Bulbagarden Fourms
Super Mario Wiki
Seribii.net Fourms
The Fungi Fourms (The fourms of TMK)
Global Pokedex Plus and Global Trade Station Plus

That's about all.

EDIT: *Hugs DKCPlayer* XD
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 27th, 2009, 5:26 am

So, anyone else here on Facebook? I was chatting with some friends from school earlier when it dawned on me how awesome the site was. I need to add someone! NOW! :twisted:
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby SimianSegue » May 23rd, 2011, 10:14 am

Extreme bumping, but:
Siverfish(longboard forum) my name is BarebackApe
Edit: I have recently become part of two forums/sites.
Starmen.net: my name is Gieuge
Earthbound Central forum: my name is Flint.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 23rd, 2011, 2:34 pm

On http://www.figment.com I am Nagini Niwa.

On http://www.fanfiction.net I am Dimention D.

I'm on facebook too. ;) So Tiptup if you send me a link to your account I'll friend request you.

On http://www.Funtrivia.com I'm known as Mianna64

On http://www.halostickfigures.com I'm known as Kaiki Inuzuka

On http://www.gaiaonline.com I'm known as Kurochiwa-chan

On http://www.kongovalley.50webs.com I'm known as (on my mom's computer) Kurochiwachan

On http://www.deviantart.com I'm known as both Dklover101295 and Kurochiwa-chan

On http://www.PiratesOfTheCaribbeanOnline.com my account name is Ana Barbossa(I still hav no clue as what to name my pirate)

On http://www.photobucket.com my account name it SeroSylvinBell

On DKVine http://www.dkvine.com my account name is Catasandre

And I just joined http://www.tumlbr.com I'm His Lost Shadow
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Markster » May 23rd, 2011, 2:47 pm

Here is mine...

Youtube (MarksterTheDKCFan)
Yoyogames (CoolYoGames)

There are much more buts thats all i can remember right now, im also planning to join the SMW Central Forums.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Ribbedebie » May 25th, 2011, 2:37 am

Psh, for me it'd be better to post sites I DON'T go on! :P I swear, I'm almost everywhere...

DeviantART (Ribbedebie)
YouTube (Vianerd1)
FanFiction.net (Vianerd)
DKCAtlas... duh. :P
DKVine (Ribbedebie... and it's not that bad, honestly. They're quite nice. I'm scared to admit I like the DKC TV show there, though.)
Neopets (Supermlps...)
Pixar Planet (Badger)
Twilight Sucks forums (Vianerd)
MLParena (ribbedebie) (yeah, I like My Little Ponies, sue me)
The Valley (Ribbedebie, I'm a mod over there. It's based on the comic Bone)
The RWP (Vianerd... I kinda stopped going there since the site began ignoring Rare though and because a certain member's been trash-talking me)
LPScollectors.com (Ribbedebie... and again, I like Littlest Pet Shop, sue me)
Video Game Memorabilia Museum (Ribbedebie)
Pinataisland.info (Ribbedebie... I think)

Dutch forums I'm on;
Zootycoon.nl (Ribbedebie)
Ngamer.nl forum (Rododendron)

...Yeah, I have no life at all. Thanks for reminding me. xD Never been banned, anywhere, except for one short suspension on Neopets for saying DeviantART. They're strict, believe me.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 8th, 2011, 1:03 pm

Wait---they suspended you for saying DeaviantART?!
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Ribbedebie » June 28th, 2011, 11:50 pm

Yeah, not really suspension, but more a 'silencing', meaning I couldn't post on the forums for a while. It's a nice site but they're really strict, it's crazy. I kind of left it now however. But I come on sometimes, mostly for Kremling, my extremely rare and awesome Krawk... 8-)
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 29th, 2011, 12:34 pm

That's not right!

Try www.fanbbs.com. Someone on fanfiction invited me there and I like it. You can remain annonymous if you want. I'm guessing that those who are registered on there are blue and those who aren't are green. I'm Dimention D, of course. They also don't mind if you use the word deviantART there because one of the topics is where you tell us your dA name. :) You'd like it, Ribbedebie. It's good there.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby SexyRayman » February 1st, 2012, 3:55 pm

Rayman forums! (duh!)
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Markster » February 9th, 2012, 9:53 am

<Blanked, these sites I don't have an account on anymore.>
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Phyreburnz » March 4th, 2012, 9:54 am

Well, I'm not on photobucket... I'm working on uploading my sprite sheets on there to make it easier for everybody.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 4th, 2012, 11:30 am

The only other site I belong to is Brawlvault. Pretty lame huh? :lol: Oh, and I belong to Gmail if that counts.
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Re: Other sites you belong/forums you have accounts on

Postby Katastrophe Kong » August 4th, 2012, 11:37 am

Phyreburnz wrote:Well, I'm not on photobucket... I'm working on uploading my sprite sheets on there to make it easier for everybody.

How do you get Photobucket to work? Whenever I try uploading pictures to my page they always come out all "J-Pegy".

Anyways, here's a few of the other websites I occupy:

Box : Kay Tastrophe
L4Dmaps : K.Tastrophe
ImageShack: KingKTastrophe
E-eggs: K.Tastrophe
YouTube: KaptainKLamity
Deviantart (I don't have any art yet) : King K. Tastrophe
Steam : King K. Tastrophe
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