Progress Update:
"Phazon" with "Valkyrie", Program Being Completely Restructured InternallyAbout a month ago I put together a project file to encompass my old DKCRE code, and the program bugs out if I'm not running it within the debugger.
This is to gather details for a new and improved version of DKCRE that will include
DKC2 and DKC3 editing capabilities (again, thanks to Kingizor's compression library).
So what's all this about "Phazon" and "Valkyrie"? The age-old "Phazon" rendering engine is being reworked and updated, with what I call the Valkyrie extension. This new code will allow the interface to
arbitrarily resize images (with a maximum downscale of 32x but unlimited upscale) and text in the editor as well as gameplay modes when I copy this update over to DELTA. The Valkyrie code has the capability of
rendering images on subpixel offsets and will eventually be used to create smooth motion cameras in DELTA. Valkyrie does take a bit of CPU usage in its current un-optimized form, but there will be additional modes to turn off subpixel offsetting and lock resizes to exact scales, etc.
In addition to the new and improved rendering code, I will be completely restructuring the way NitroGUI works by rebuilding it from scratch so that it no longer uses ANY pointers except where absolutely required. The old DTML parser etc. is being thrown out and the interface will purely be made from C++, eliminating a whole host of bugs that both DKCRE and DELTA have suffered from in the past.
Also among the updates will be the capability of using TTF based fonts, hopefully with
full multi-language support (though this will increase the exe size quite a bit).
Oh, and I have a proof of concept basic graphics test for a Linux build of the program, but that might not go anywhere for a while since the rest of porting the program is very complex...
Another backburner'd concept possibly for a later version is to implement Perlin Hunter 3 for DKCRE, but that idea is also a-ways off.