Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

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Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Qyzbud » March 11th, 2008, 4:46 pm

From what I've observed over the years, it seems that most games are typically designed in such a way that prevents a player from getting stuck in a level. This seems like a good way to design a game really, doesn't it? But sometimes it is indeed possible to get completely, utterly and inescapably stuck. This doesn't seem like the kind of thing most gamers would want, but hey... we're not most gamers. ;)

To start this off, I'll show one from DKC and one from DKC2.

Get stuck in Snow Barrel Blast, DKC:

Enter the second bonus area (via the bonus barrel pictured in the first snapshot below), which is just a little past the midway point. Leave the bonus, and return to where you entered it from. The barrel is no longer there (this is common to DKC's bonus barrels, they disappear after use), and so there is no way to get back up!
Well okay, there is- but it's rather an extreme measure. (see below)

Getting stuck in Snow Barrel Blast
stuck-1-4-1-triptych.png (52.38 KiB) Viewed 19903 times

How to continue: If you have both Kongs (easy, courtesy of the nearby DK barrel), jump and hit the Zinger floating around nearby (pictured above, third snap). DK reaches higher, so use him. Now guide Diddy (or DK, if you did it the hard way) into the nearby barrel cannon, and voila! Of course, if you get hit, and fall back down after having broken the DK barrel... You are completely stuck!

Get stuck in Arctic Abyss, DKC2:

The changing water levels in some of DKC2's levels make gameplay very interesting... but they can also lead to unpleasant scenarios! It's possible for Enguarde to get himself stuck with a few quick thrusts in the reverse direction at the spot seen below. (again, just after midway)

Getting stuck in Arctic Abyss
stuck-2-6-1-triptych.png (48.68 KiB) Viewed 19904 times

You can still explore all of the areas you've been to previously in the level (you can even take on Kaboom as Enguarde, if you like!), but are unable to continue further ahead.

Alright guys, this is for DKC, DKC2 and DKC3 inescapable situations, or situations which require extreme measures (such as dying) to continue from. No, getting into an imminent-death situation and pausing the game doesn't count! I'll accept glitches which make the level unable to be completed, but not ones that just freeze the game completely. If you want to post DKL, DKC port or DK64 inescapable situations, that's okay here, too. Although if I see more than two or so for any one of these, we'll have to start a similar thread in the appropriate spot.

Got any other 'inescapable situations' worth sharing?
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Tompa » March 11th, 2008, 6:12 pm

I presume "Stuck because of gltiches" doesn't count? =P

I'll see if I can come up with some places.
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Qyzbud » March 11th, 2008, 6:25 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I'll accept glitches which make the level unable to be completed, but not ones that just freeze the game completely.

This means that yeah, glitches are okay.

The ones that don't require glitching are more what this thread is about, though.
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Tompa » March 11th, 2008, 8:42 pm

Oh, I missed that =P.

Slip Slide Ride

Jump up on the top of the rope and then jump some more until you get inside the wall.

There are loads of walls you can get into in this level, you might get out of of them though.
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Qyzbud » March 11th, 2008, 11:24 pm

Good example!

That's a glitch I have done... I call it 'Slip Slide Spelunking'! :D

I never could get back out, but it was fun to explore the off-limits areas.
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Kiddy14 » July 9th, 2008, 3:30 pm

I know of another way to get stuck in Artic Abyss!

Go through the Enguarde Barrel without transforming in him! In 1.0 this is done by using Diddy and swimming over it while pressing "B" really fast. In 1.1 just swim under it with Dixie.

Continue, and when the water level lowers, inmediatily return to the Enguarde Barrel. To get stuck, transform in him.
Go the left and voilà! =)

Sometimes the water somehow will have currents that push Enguarde to the left, for some unknown reason =S
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby pandahut101 » July 16th, 2008, 1:56 pm

Can anyone help me in the Squaks part in Animal Antics? Please. Also, is there a method for easy lives in DKC2?
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Jomingo » July 17th, 2008, 1:49 am

This is not the thread for that.
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Re: Getting stuck in a level: a 'How To' guide...

Postby Kiddy14 » July 17th, 2008, 6:07 am

Joe's right. This is not the thread for that panda... All you need in the Squawks part is skill. And your DKC2 easy lives question was already answered in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=384

getting stuck in Rocket Rush:
Go to the end of the level and manage to throw Kiddy in the last wall to the left, where Koin was (you need to defeat him). You will magically go through the platform.
Now go to where the last red buzzes where, and if you didn't kill any, you can get stuck by jumping to the last red buzz of the right, and turning left as fast as possible. Kiddy/Dixie will now start jumping without control, getting you stuck.
Altough you were already stuck, since there isn't any way to return to the level flag xD
Here's a video I recorded a while ago:
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