You may be talking about Mike Richards. Who was fired from executive producer. Michael Davies replaced him. The clues have gotten substantially easier, far more pop culture content, and they’ve rigged it for Any Schneider. Very lenient answers, etcetera. Even the matchups in the Tournament of Champions were rigged. Also, the day that Matt Amodio, 38 day champ lost, was on his first day. Now, the executive producer influences the clues. And the clue writers have been trying to make the change for years. But Alex Trebek was keeping it high quality, and then after he died Mike Richards. I think, even if it is a scandal, you should keep a high quality executive producer if the game will go downhill like this afterwards. Now, I am a massive jeopardy fan, but I don’t watch it anymore. But a new tournament called the masters is coming up and I’m certain, even though the best players in jeopardy will participate, Amy Schneider will win. But her statistics and all of the math I’ve done over the years should not correlate with the performance she’s gotten. And like I said before, they don’t correct her answers if they are close enough. Or even not close at all. They accepted tailspin in stead of nosedive as referring to the stock market once. Usually there’s one of these cases an episode. Once again, I love jeopardy, and Alex was the best host of all time, and i am very good at the game show, but I have stopped watching except for major tournaments. And considering the clues have gotten easier, what has also changed? We have had more 10+ day champs in the last year, than in any other year. Indeed, usually it would take up to 3 years to get as many as we have this last year. Though I’m out of date. So maybe the end of determined year and beginning of year are a while ago.