DKC Fan Game New Ideas

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DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 3rd, 2015, 10:23 am

Hey, ya'll! I made this page specifically for new elements and such for a fangame that we wouldn't be able to do with DKCRE or DKCLB, maybe things like, new animal buddies, new level gimmicks, new bosses, that you would like to see in a future fan-game. No idea is a bad idea.
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 3rd, 2015, 10:31 am

Okay, here's an example. I would like to see a level where you play as Squawks and make your way through a bunch of enimies. The big gimmick here is that there are pipes that spray purple and green liquid. The purple turns you into that one bird from DKC 3, and the green stuff turns you back. Once you defeat enough enemies, you have beaten the level.
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 4th, 2015, 4:39 pm

Nice topic idea, I don't believe we had a custom bosses topic yet.

Have a look at DELTA; when I eventually get all that done it will indeed be capable of much more than was originally envisioned. It is what came from me trying to create DKCLB, and is now the project that will make DKCLB work (DKCLB is an extraction toolkit now, and it will run/work within DELTA Suite).

Custom bosses will entirely be possible, since DELTA is going to be a generic game engine capable of far more than just DKC. ;)

Try the latest DELTA demo here if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 5th, 2015, 9:44 am

It sounds really cool, thanks man! Does it require the DKC game file? I love DKCRE, but I just am so lost trying to find the ROM image. Also, thanks for your support. I'm a real newbie, and it's nice to know that people like you are out there.
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 6th, 2015, 4:54 pm

DELTA as of present is not developed enough to need a full extraction (and the ROM as extraction input for the DKCLB Toolkit to turn into DELTA files). For that demo I felt it justified to include Winky's Walkway itself as test data.

You can get a rough feel for the engine early on in the development process, though. Mimics DKC physics math down to each and every bit!

DKCLB Toolkit won't be done for quite some time as it relies on the entire DELTA Suite having been made/done in the first place :P
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » December 7th, 2015, 2:31 am

This is something I've been thinking for a really long time but have been afraid to ask...

Is there some kind of instruction manual for delta or anything? Because I really don't understand what it's supposed to do or anything at all and I feel like an idiot because I downloaded it and just have absolutely no clue about it. I just kind of stare at a screen with a stupid and confused look on my face when I open delta...
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Velocity9x7 » December 8th, 2015, 11:25 am

Your idea sounds interesting. I have a question, who will the playable Kongs be in this fan game?
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby VideoViking » December 8th, 2015, 1:42 pm

DELTA is at its demo stages right now. All it demonstrates is keyboard controls and pixel collision. In past versions, the program detected your graphics card, and even allowed the user to test and control two input devices at once! For example, having two mice (for multi-person shooting games a la T2: The Arcade Game).

Another version of DELTA tested for audio fades and transitions, using an instrumental piece from Banjo-Kazooie.

(Man, it's been a long time...)
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Simion32 » December 8th, 2015, 3:53 pm

In the present demo all you can really do is configure the controls (Config > Input) and test moving the dot onscreen (representing DK) to try out the DKC physics replica.

The audio version spoken of is a non-released rendition from unfinished code. That was me (discussed with VideoViking pivately long ago) attempting to get simultaneous music track crossfade to work. In the meantime I've found out a better way of doing things and it's been put on the "major items todo list" more or less (@Vv: the new method will be **automatically exactly aligned** instead of the weird sync-system I was trying to throw together).

There's going to be a huge performance jump once the new graphics engine sees the light of day, and it should knock away any remaining speed problems that DELTA or DKCRE have.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Fan Game New Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 12th, 2015, 2:30 pm

Whoa, wait!! While that does sound really cool, save it for another page! I don't mind new gimmicks and such for the Delta Project, though. I know, I'm so nice.
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