DKC-related website backups

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DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » July 31st, 2013, 12:13 am

Original text (for archival purposes):
I have created a backup for the currently existing microsites of Donkey Kong Country GBA series, but only the ones from Europe. The American ones were shut down in, like 2008 or something. The Japanese ones and the Spanish DKC GBA exists, although the characters were not supported for the zip archive. The Donkey Kong Country GBA one is identical to the defunct American DKC GBA minisite, but the DKC2 GBA mini-site is different. The images from the defunct DKC3 GBA site were rescued by Tiptup Jr. in 2006: P.S. There are also foreign language sites included for those who don't speak English.

The Web Archive has archived the defunct DKC GBA main sites, but only the HTML and front pages *_*, so that's no use. There's yet to be a good archive of the DKC2 GBA site...

To access the SWF files, open them in a tab on your web browser (you do need flash first). If it doesn't work at first, right-click and click Forward until it does. I've tried it and that technique does work for me.

This is a collection of all of DK-related sites. Feel free to do what you like with these sites I've scraped. No credit needed. Here is a mirror of the archives offered on this topic:

1. Official DK Site Backups - The Donkey Kong Country trilogy pages ( - The DKL trilogy and DKC GBC ( - Diddy Kong Racing (English & Spanish) - Diddy Kong Racing N64 & Donkey Kong 64 ( - Donkey Kong 64 (U.S.) - Donkey Kong 64 (Europe, German/English) - Donkey Kong 64 (Swedish) - Donkey Kong Country GBC (U.S.) -Donkey Kong Country GBA (Europe) - Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA (Europe) - Remnants of DKC2 GBA (North America) - DK: King of Swing (North America) - Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 site & remnants of MVDK GBA site (North America) - Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 (Australia) - Diddy Kong Racing DS (Europe) -- UPDATED 03/15/14! - Diddy Kong Racing DS (Australia) - DK Jungle Climber (North America)

2. Non DK Site Backups - Luigi's Mansion (Europe)

3. DK Fansite Backups

Entire series - Curling Freak (Geocities; part of DKboy's site) - Dixie's Den (Angelfire) - DK Megasite ( - Donkeyboy/DKboy (Tripod) - (still online) - DKC Arekore (symphonic-net) - Donkey Kong Database (Classic Gaming) - Donkey Kong Fans (Piczo) - Donkey Kong Jungle (Geocities) - Donkey Kong Racing (not related to the eponymous title, despite the title) - Donkey Kong World (OFNstudios) - GameHiker—DK-related renders - Planet DK (late 90s site)

Donkey Kong Country series - Macshack DKC section (dates back to August 1995) - CMT97 DKC2 section (Tripod) - DKC2 Homepage (AOL Hometown) - DK Island Spa (AOL Hometown) -

Diddy Kong Racing - DKR World (Angelfire) - XCSki (Laura) - Usinternet (Jes) - DKR School (
Slightly related: Donkey Kong Racing Speedway (GBA Galaxy): (Full site:

Donkey Kong 64 - DK64 site from -- only good for the images - Dr. Doak (Donkey Kong 64 section) - Donkey Kong 64 Square

DKC TV Show - Qyzbud Tripod ( - Kongo Valley (Qyzbud's other old site;

Rareware (with DK content) - (only DK material) - Rarewhere (Geocities) Rare Lair (Angelfire) - The Censored DK Site with the ROM Links Removed

4. DK-related files - DK64 Wallpaper ( - AIM icons for DKC3 GBA - DKC3 GBA artwork images - DKC3 GBA trailer (from - DK Vine Forums avatars & smilies - DKRDS and Jungle Climber - DK64 German site profile images - Old DKR videos and pictures from in 1997. - While not actually a file, it's an individual web page containing hints and cheats for DKC3 SNES

4.1. DK Press Kit Assets - E3 2006 Artwork CD - Screenshots & artwork from 06/2006 - E3 2004 Press Kit - DK material from Press Kits with barely any of it
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Qyzbud » July 31st, 2013, 12:51 am

This is a good idea, and one I wish I'd thought of all those years ago!

It's a shame isn't more helpful... :|
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby VideoViking » July 31st, 2013, 3:36 am

Who was the original creator for the websites you need? You might need to contact them directly for the archives. Sometimes, they retain the information.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Gaz » July 31st, 2013, 8:10 am

VideoViking wrote:Who was the original creator for the websites you need? You might need to contact them directly for the archives. Sometimes, they retain the information. (Nintendo) is the site that hosted the three sites. One or me could try to e-mail them, but I doubt I'll get a reply, if any. I think (Rare) may also have it. Here are the archives (only front pages) for the original three sites of DKC GBA: (Donkey Kong Country GBA - Archived by me in first post, except the site has minor changes) (Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA - Not archived at all, except for 1024x768px wallpapers on the web.) (Donkey Kong Country 3 GBA - Movie seems to be broken currently, only images were archived by Tiptup Jr., not the SWF files.)

Our best hope for this is to email Nintendo's official site for the contents of the site. I'll try to archive the Spanish DKC GBA site when I shall change the accented a that prevents it from being archived. I'll also do the Donkey Kong Country GBA sites of Japan.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Gaz » August 7th, 2013, 9:24 am

Update: I've emailed Nintendo of America to see if they have the contents of the original Donkey Kong Country sites. Unfortunately, they do not have the contents.

Original email:


Thank you for taking the time to write to us and for your patience as our response has been delayed.

While I can certainly understand your interest, unfortunately due to the age of the Game Boy Advance, we do not have any information about the original websites for Donkey Kong Country series features on this system. I want you to know how much we appreciate your interest, though. I also want to assure you that your comments will be added to our records and made available for other departments at the company to use as they see fit [sic].


Naomi Martinez
Nintendo of America Inc.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Simion32 » August 7th, 2013, 9:39 am

It's probably down to finding someone out there who has a copy of the site(s), then. :x
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Gaz » August 12th, 2013, 2:00 am

Okay, so I have archived the Diddy Kong Racing microsite from Europe (and the old DKR64 one from 1998-2002). I'll add the foreign language ones here possibly later, for foreigners).

Ignore the filename (More DKC Microsites). It's just in relation to the topic:

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Microsites Backup

Postby Gaz » September 27th, 2013, 10:45 am

I got the backup for the SWF contents of Donkey Kong Country (GBC) at a site I searched for on Google! I'm so excited :D. The others I got from Web Archive (the HTML stuff).

The Kremling Krush game, the screensavers, and the video files all do not work, unfortunately... However, the PDF file link may be broken, but there is a scan of the official DKC Player's Guide online. Here's a link to the contents: Here's the link to the screensaver for the Macintosh computer (PC screensaver doesn't work on the Web Archive, only the Macintosh one):

I found it by searching for Donkey Kong Country on Google with a filter that only searches for the SWF files. I hope you guys enjoy this unexpected find! Not even the Web Archive has the flash contents of the site :). Oh, and if you'd like the link, here it is:

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » November 1st, 2013, 10:02 am

I've updated this forum topic to include any Donkey Kong-related collections (images, screengrabs, HTML files, etc.) here. It has to involve the Donkey Kong series (and the Diddy Kong Racing-related games), just not anything outside from that. I'll presumably be the one mostly adding my collections ;).

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » January 12th, 2014, 2:18 am

I forgot to add the home.swf file to the collection, but my main point is...: I FINALLY FOUND THE KREMLING KRUSH SWF FILE! I searched it through Craigbabcock, typed in kremling.swf (got the idea from Web Archive) and I just happened to find the minigame. Woo hoo! I even have home2.swf for you guys, which links directly to the Guide section of DKC GBC's official site. I might try reworking the entire site into a desktop site for you guys...

Without further ado, here's the link (I also added it in the first post):
Two all new flash files! :D
(487.75 KiB) Downloaded 7903 times

Edit: Before you start the first round with Klump, you will be given a description. The round's description/instructions, however, contains a comma splice (am I really that obsessed with DKC to find something like this?). Here is the image below:
Kremling Krush Typo.png
Should be rephrased "Klump. You must hit him"
Kremling Krush Typo.png (38.16 KiB) Viewed 227083 times

Edit 2: Here's DKC GBC's defunct official site, converted to a desktop site for your convenience. The htm files not in the "lowbandwidth" directory should be manually opened in a web browser to function. The Slick Flicks and Windows screensaver are the only items that are still missing. Here is the link, which is pocket-sized like the game since it is roughly four megabytes:

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby chfoo » February 14th, 2014, 5:28 am

I uploaded the files to here I'll get someone to move the item into an appropriate collection later.

In the future, there's no need to contact someone to upload files to The best way to get things done is to do it yourself! You can optionally tag the upload with the subject keyword "archiveteam" so it's easier to find.

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » February 24th, 2014, 5:55 am

I found three more items related to the DKC2 GBA defunct website. Two are adverts from the defunct site, while one is an image of the barrel blasting game based on that of DKC GBA's official defunct site:
(263.47 KiB) Downloaded 7072 times

And thanks for helping out, chfoo. :)

Where I found the stuff (saved both pages on

Apparently there are even more Nintendo-related stuff on the site itself. To be safe, I'm writing all these files on a blank 4.37 gigabyte DVD. :)

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » March 9th, 2014, 2:51 pm

I have located the DKC2 GBA buddy icons! They went missing for a long time, but I found them here: I renamed the files to what they probably were called while the official site was still operating. "dkc_icon1.gif" is definitely the first one's name (Source: Wayback Machine). Without further ado, here are the icons:
DKC2 GBA Buddy
(73.21 KiB) Downloaded 7829 times

Bonus: Here are three images I found on the site relevant to the defunct DKC GBA sites:


Image The yellow circle was added by the user.
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » March 16th, 2014, 3:18 am

I've updated the link of Diddy Kong Racing DS's official European site. I managed to locate all of the site's XML files by looking at the archived contents of DKRDS's Australian site via the Wayback Machine. Not only does this archive include the English site; it also includes the other languages (including in Belgium, which only appears to be available for later microsites of Nintendo of Europe). Here is the link to the updated archive:

I have also archived the official European Luigi's Mansion sites. It does not have the official Belgium sites, which were never online. Link:

EDIT: The European sites of Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA have been added too. Here's the link:

Oh, and this is indeed the second icon of the defunct DKC2 GBA site (refer to filename):

Super Luigi!
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » April 7th, 2014, 6:38 am

Oh my gosh! I found the pre-launch wallpapers for DKC3 GBA's defunct site! I'm so excited!!! I didn't even know the pre-launch site had wallpapers! :O

The wallpapers (spoiler, because of the size):


I just found them on some wallpaper site that wants your credentials (there's an easy way to get around it, though).

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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Qyzbud » April 8th, 2014, 9:53 pm

Nice re-discovery, Gaz! Haven't seen those in a while.

I'll add them to our gallery soon. :)
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » April 9th, 2014, 9:36 am

Alright, thanks, Qyz. Have you opened a topic for users to submit images to the gallery?
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Qyzbud » April 9th, 2014, 10:35 am

Not recently, although some older topics were started for that purpose.

I'm not a fan of duplicate topics, so I'll take a peek at those pre-existing posts on the weekend (when my internet quota is restored), and will work something out then.
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » April 25th, 2014, 2:47 pm

getURL((currentStage + .swf),(currentStage + .swf));
percentage = 0;
banana.ypos = 323;
var loaderClock = setInterval(movieLoader,1);
var bananaClock = setInterval(bananaDrop,1000);

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 1;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 2;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 3;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 4;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 5;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 6;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 7;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 8;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 9;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 10;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 11;

if(active == 1)
_root.currentStage = 12;

i = 1;

As you can infer from this part of the "actions" text file that can be extracted via SWFRIP, each "stage" of the DKC2 Official Defunct site had its unique flash file, indicated by number (1—12). They all were in the root directory. Their names would be like "1.swf", "2.swf", etc., all associated with a respective icon in chronological order from left to right.

Another part of the text file says that there was a file called "flashconfig.txt" that was linked to it, but it, unfortunately, wasn't saved. D:<
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Re: Post Donkey Kong-related collections here!

Postby Gaz » May 6th, 2014, 12:58 pm

Bump! I found an interesting Diddy Kong Racing URL: I've added an attachment of the site, archived. You will need 7-Zip (Link: to decompress the file. Link:
Laura's DKR Webpage.7z
(219.27 KiB) Downloaded 6712 times

And just because I love all of you, I've archived another old Diddy Kong Racing site:
Jes's DKR Site.7z
(844.56 KiB) Downloaded 8027 times

RANDOM FACT: Given to the site's personality and the author of the first site I mentioned, I think of Laura from The Simpsons's "New Kid on the Block" episode when I access the site.
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » May 14th, 2014, 10:08 am

Did you think that Donkey Kong 64 does not have its own Swedish site? Think again: :P

Site backup (downloadable):
Donkey Kong 64 (Swedish Site).7z
(172.15 KiB) Downloaded 6547 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » May 20th, 2014, 10:35 pm

Wow, how did I find's AIM icons—on what appears to be a Zelda fansite ( That's an unexpected place to find those AIM icons, let alone I didn't even know they had existed on that defunct DKC3 GBA site. :/

Here is the ZIP file containing the images:
(38.14 KiB) Downloaded 7261 times

EDIT: Here are the thirty E3 2005 image artworks that used to be on (but I retrieved them from GameKult):
(1.26 MiB) Downloaded 6323 times

EDIT 2: Straight from on the Wayback Machine, I give you DKC3 GBA's E3 2005 trailer!:
DKC3 GBA - E3 2005 Trailer.7z
(4.96 MiB) Downloaded 6194 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » May 26th, 2014, 8:23 am

Awesome! I found the DKC GBC PC screensaver! Now I just need to reorganize the DKC GBC collection on here, as the DKC GBC official site collection is practically complete now. By the way, I found it on a Rare fansite. It's intended for older computers (like Windows 98 or XP), though.
(370.63 KiB) Downloaded 6846 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » September 7th, 2014, 1:35 am

Bump! Some more DK-related site backups! :) I also am hosting this collection on

I found out that's mini-sites have unprotected directories. So of course I checked this out on Diddy Kong Racing's site. Through this I found hidden files! So here's a majority DKRDS site's contents via the directories (note some files are missing, as it's a directory crawl) Actually, I didn't archive this site as of yet!:

And I also crawled the North American and Australian sites of Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: - The North American site (with the remnants of MVDK GBA's site) - The Australian site
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » October 5th, 2014, 8:03 am

It's been about 29 days since I last updated this forum topic. I worked this morning and early afternoon on backing up DK64's defunct official website (look away, Qyzbud! :P). Its old URLs were both and

Here's the incomplete backup:
DK64 Official Site.7z
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 7065 times

Updated with more (especially for Simion32).
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » October 16th, 2014, 12:56 pm

Three DKC fansites (from the 90s) that are offline will be added to this collection now. See below:

MacShack DK.7z
A DKC fansite started in August 1995.
(85.67 KiB) Downloaded 6758 times

DKR School.7z
A good Diddy Kong Racing fansite that shut down in mid-2000.
(1.38 MiB) Downloaded 6398 times
- A good DKR fansite - Planet DK, an excellent defunct site

I located the missing image files, but not all of them apparently. Some rare renders are properly contained in the Planet DK backup.


Update: Now I've uploaded a site crawl of the only known Donkey Kong Racing fansite in existence, done especially for Simion32:
(1.39 MiB) Downloaded 6459 times

But if anyone (including Simion) wants the full GBA Galaxy site instead, download here: The former upload is just for the Donkey Kong Racing-related material.

And I also have a fairly poor DK64 fansite backup with barely any content. It does, however, have some good images (and yes, Qyzbud, I'll try to not upload too much on the Atlas):
DK64 Site
An 8m site with DK64 content. Lack of content, but has some good images.
(581.74 KiB) Downloaded 7189 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » October 20th, 2014, 5:02 am

I'm just going to spoil you awesome people once again with more abandoned DK sites from Angelfire, Geocities and Tripod. - Rareware fansite from Geocities (with DK material) - Rareware fansite from Angelfire (with DK material) - Donkeyboy, a good Tripod fansite
CMT97, the DKC2 section of the fansite. The site doesn't link very well, so it took me effort to track everything down...
(1.19 MiB) Downloaded 6726 times
Dixie's Den (Angelfire)
(1.45 MiB) Downloaded 6671 times
A DK64 guide (defunct Geocities site)
(3.05 MiB) Downloaded 7005 times

BONUS: A defunct site that I luckily happened to crawl before it shut down. It focuses on old computers:

If any of the links are ever broken, let me know so I can fix them. :) And I'm going to probably work on re-organizing the first post.

Edit: Here are some of's contents (an alternate url to
Another url to Donkeyboy's site.
(2.42 MiB) Downloaded 6501 times

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » October 22nd, 2014, 10:07 am

Hi. This might be a short update, but this time is a DK Country 2 site from the defunct AOL Hometown web host, which shut down on Halloween 2008. Unfortunately, it was a permanent "Happy Halloween" from AOL. :twisted:

Here it is. Last updated in late 2006:
The DKC2 fansite from AOL Hometown.
(832.85 KiB) Downloaded 7949 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » November 19th, 2014, 12:31 pm

Hi, this time I'm sharing DK-related material from the press kits I have stowed away on my computer. Someone shared most of these with me. :) It's not entirely website-related, but some comes from the password-protected Nintendo press site (

Here is what I have to share: - DKRDS and Jungle Climber - Screenshots & artwork from 06/2006 - E3 2004 DK media - All of the other assets from press kits with barely any DK material (NOTE: The DK2001 directory was from a Japanese press kit, so I renamed the files).
DK-related icons from the press site.
(25.01 KiB) Downloaded 7932 times
E3 2001 screenshots from Rareware GBA titles.
(465.26 KiB) Downloaded 6979 times

Enjoy, everyone! :D

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » November 20th, 2014, 2:05 pm

Today, we have a backup of the original Diddy Kong Racing 64 site (urls, now broken— & Just a heads-up: some of the images were not saved properly on the Wayback Machine or were missing. Some just happened to be glitched all along. The site also had a Spanish section for Spaniards and Mexicans, but unfortunately for them, all of Future Fun Land's course description links were not saved in time... Even when the site was still up, T.T.'s record pages would not be on... :kiddysad:

Here is the backup for everyone to enjoy:
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » November 21st, 2014, 4:58 am

Today's update isn't that big of one. It's just a Donkey Kong 64 wallpaper from Nintendo's defunct Mexican site:
(589.97 KiB) Downloaded 6794 times

Since this was a very small update, I might make a bigger and better update later today. Stay tuned! :)
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » December 10th, 2014, 11:58 am

Slight bump. I found a thread on DK Vine that covers the official DKC2 GBA site: They say that the Preview site only had a poll, and bad ones too.. Image below (this image is very low quality, but it's the best I could find; not even the Wayback Machine helped):

e9faix.jpg (16.5 KiB) Viewed 225149 times

Slush, the DK Vine webmaster, mentioned that there were these bad polls on the pre-release site. It's no joke when he said that the person who made it should be fired:

Code: Select all
3. Which of the following female super heroes would be the most likely to engage in and win a barrel-tossing contest with Donkey Kong?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Wonder Woman
Xena the Warrior Princess
X-Men's Rogue
A Charlie's Angels character

4. If you could set Donkey Kong up on a blind date, which of the following super models would suit him best?
Miss Piggy
Betty Rubble
Velma from Scooby Doo
Judy Jetson
Daisy Duck

7. What Donkey Kong franchise character would be most likely to be on a reality TV series?
Tiny Kong
Donkey Kong
Funky Kong
Kaptain K. Rool

Seth Lincoln ( might be responsible for the poll. He put his work in the site after all.

Other users' comments:
1. Another user thought that the flash games were bad, but liked the site itself.
2. Another user only liked the "Save the Zingers" page. Okay...? He/she mentions that K. Rool is on the webpage, likely the spokesperson for the Zingers' endangerment. Based on the Zinger icon in the navbar (circled red in below image), I'm almost certain that the icon takes you to that segment. Image:
2s12o9j.png (22.41 KiB) Viewed 225235 times

3. DK says in the first segment, ""To whom this may concern: This is kind of embarrassing, but I've been Kongnapped." K. Rool gives users in his K.Rool's Be-a-Boss-Institute, mentioned in Nintendo Power, this advice to be a villain: "Always throw three fireballs before showing your weak spot. Play dead a couple of times before revealing your best attack. Repetition, repetition, repetition.". What's weird is that K. Rool doesn't throw fireballs, yet he encourages others to do it... I cannot make out what icon represents the Be-a-Boss-Institute segment, but the closest I can think of is the boxing ring (DK64 deja vu). This is the appropriate area, and it doesn't look at all what K.Rool's institute would be, so I'm pretty unsure which segment it is. The only other one I can think of is the ring icon since villains like to steal gold & jewelry. :krool:

Image of 2nd segment:


Edit: I found another thread with more info on DKC2 GBA's official defunct site:

So apparently there's a Kong Kollege segment and an Expresso Racing segment. The former is likely represented by the chalkboard icon in the above image while the latter by a chequered flag. Apparently you receive Banana Coins from completing a segment. These can be used to purchase goodies like AIM icons and wallpapers. There's also a Swanky's quiz segment giving questions about the ACTUAL site. Nintendo Power says so. I can't find an icon above that likely represents it. There's also a barrel blasting mini-game (as seen on, Seth Lincoln's portfolio site).

Another user mentions a Funky's Flights segment. Are most of the segments based on the supporting character locations in-game? :huh:

That's all folks! This might just be the Atlas's most random post...

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » December 12th, 2014, 5:47 am

Today folks, we have a collection of the DK Vine Forums sprites & avatars:
DK Vine
(3.91 MiB) Downloaded 7234 times

I really appreciate their neon avatar project, so I figured that I would archive their hard done efforts on making those avatars.
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » December 14th, 2014, 8:31 am

Today's one is a good one. I'm giving you guys both a defunct Geocities site with plentiful content & a lesser known AOL Homepage site with not as much content. :D

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jungle (
(2.75 MiB) Downloaded 7012 times

DK Island
DK Island Spa (AOL)
(402.85 KiB) Downloaded 6888 times

I also have some good/maybe bad news: I'm sort of running out of Donkey Kong websites to backup and preserve for all of you guys.

As I may have mentioned, I found a site with good Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie and Twelve Tales material. Unfortunately it linked to a couple of NES ROMs. I had to edit the site to remove mention of the site host, the site owner, changed the site name, and removed the owner's email address. :kiddysad:

Here is the site:
Censored DK Site
(2.46 MiB) Downloaded 8077 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 1st, 2015, 3:35 pm

Today's site archive is a collection of DK-related renders from GameHiker. Enjoy! (also updated on the mirror):

Happy New Year's, guys!

Edit: I found a folder with DK goodies from a CD-ROM on the Internet Archive (Link: Here is the appropriate folder:
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 12th, 2015, 9:45 am

Hi everyone (especially Simion32), I said that I'm running out of sites to back up, right? Well, I just happened to back up the German DK 64 site for everyone to enjoy! This is to be expected but the whole site isn't archived. :(

But the best parts are (including the screensaver & wallpapers). Download here:

And just recently the DK Vine had a forum topic ( on the detailed, interesting profiles of the Kongs on the site, very similar to a topic Tiptup Jr. wrote on New Year's Eve 2011 ( I love how Simion said in the topic that he wishes for Nintendo to keep up their old sites. Well said, Simion. Well said. Your wish came true partially because of this site I've uploaded. :banana:

And I've also archived the DK Vine topic's screenshots for the heck of it. See the attachment. ;)
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 16th, 2015, 1:01 am

Today's a big update! I'm providing some official Nintendo of Japan mini-pages & fansites.

First is DK Megasite (; it was moved from host to host and is currently settled on (where it is significantly different than before; the gamebub version is practically identical to the vgfort one). Speaking of which, here's a backup of DK Megasite gamebub:

Next are two separate Diddy Kong Racing fansites both called DKR World, each in this ZIP file:
(2.13 MiB) Downloaded 7175 times

And some of the Nintendo of Japan mini-sites:
The Super Donkey Kong SNES trilogy
(655.9 KiB) Downloaded 7323 times
The DKL trilogy & DKC GBC
(818.54 KiB) Downloaded 6330 times
Diddy Kong Racing 64 & DK 64
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 7386 times

I might update again later today. Meanwhile, enjoy!
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 17th, 2015, 11:54 am

Alright, today's update is cool. I found a DK site not often linked to and every Diddy Kong Racing video on the 1997 was luckily preserved on the Internet Archive. Their resolution is at 160x120px (tiny!) because computers in the day were slow. How's about I share them (and some offical DKR images from the site, hm? :D):

And I also found a defunct DK fansite a while back called Donkey Kong World. Almost all of the image downloads are missing because I couldn't track their missing images (the filenames):
Donkey Kong World (OfnStudios).zip
(1.32 MiB) Downloaded 6349 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 19th, 2015, 4:33 am

Remember Symphonic-net (dubbed DKC Arekore by Qyzbud), a Japanese site with all of those DKC-related screenshots? Qyzbud even liked it. I never did a proper Wget crawl of the site, so that's just what I did now. There are hundreds and hundreds of DK-related animations, screenshots, backgrounds and even icons. See if you can find anything interesting in between these files. There are numerous backgrounds which the Atlas can use as a resource. :) This crawl also included an idea for a fangame called "Super Donkey Kong 4", which is pretty much another take on a Donkey Kong Country 4.

Download here, and enjoy!:

Edit: here are two of Qyzbud's old sites. They are luckily still online:
(4.9 MiB) Downloaded 6376 times
- Tripod site (

And here's Kongo Valley, from 50webs (

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 19th, 2015, 9:29 am

Sorry for double posting in one day, but there are like three DK sites I'm going to post here.

The first one is DK64 Square, just a basic Geocities site:
(332.96 KiB) Downloaded 6612 times

Secondly, we have an individual DKC3 Hints & Tips page from a Nintendo fansite:
DKC3 Hints &
(174.16 KiB) Downloaded 7387 times

Third is DKDb, which used to be hosted on Classicgaming. Quite a good number of images are missing. :(:

And finally is a very terrible DK fansite named "Donkey Kong Racing". I actually figured out that doesn't mention the cancelled GameCube game "Donkey Kong Racing" at all to begin with!:
Donkey Kong Racing (Fansite).zip
(58.53 KiB) Downloaded 6405 times

Yeah, mostly just small sites. Sorry guys. At least one big site's been posted for you lot. :)
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 20th, 2015, 8:47 am

A small update. I happened to forget to archive DK: Jungle Climber's official site! Download here. There are some flash games on the site. :) :
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 23rd, 2015, 9:12 am

OH MY GOODNESS! I JUST FOUND A FLASH GAME FROM DKC3 GBA'S OFFICIAL DEFUNCT SITE! It was mirrored on the Nintendo Arcade segment of Nintendo's old site ( ... com/arcade). The Jiggies are coming back together, reminding me of the segments of the DKC2 GBA and DKC3 GBA flash site contents.

I've put it in a ZIP file for anybody to download, plus the awesome DK: King of Swing - Hurling for Distance official DK: KoS site mini-game.:
(266.84 KiB) Downloaded 7203 times

Credits: A Saf for the DK Vine topic which made me find the Barrel Blastaplooza mini-game ( ... opic=10264). (I already knew about the DK King of Swing mini-game, so...) And Simion32 for being a daily downloader/supporter of this project. :D

Enjoy, guys!
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 24th, 2015, 11:31 am

Today I updated the offline site of Donkey Kong Country GBC to have its folder/directory names be the same as its online ones and so that the HTML pages link to each other. Plus, the images are put all in to one directory. Download below:
(3.81 MiB) Downloaded 8189 times

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » January 26th, 2015, 3:22 pm

Just like the official site of Donkey Kong Country GBC, I rebuilt the official DK King of Swing site. A few wallpapers and buddy icons are unfortunately missing. Download link:
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » February 27th, 2015, 12:50 pm

Aye carumba! It's been a month since I last updated this thread.

Today's site is a defunct one called "Donkey Kong Fans". I luckily saved most of its pages on to the Wayback Machine (if I didn't, the site would have probably been wiped from existence). I had to edit the web pages to remove the ads, as they take up more space than the actual web page itself, and edit the image links to link to other ones on the computer. I purposefully excluded the downloads page (with nothing too interesting & downloads are broken) and theater page because they contain links to torrent and iso sites (and censored episode download links on the DKC TV Show page). Donkey Kong Fans is offline so it doesn't really matter. I also changed the link names because their url links had question marks in them (and you cannot have question marks in Windows file names). The main page does not link to the other HTML files, so you'll have to individually open the one you want to look at. Download the site here:

On a side note, I collected 5 old fan-made Donkey Kong computer games and uploaded them to the Internet Archive for whoever wants to download them (some don't work on modern computers):

The Quest to Save Funky was only available from the Wayback Machine on this site (I should soon archive this site): It happens to be another part (and original host) for DKBoy's Tripod site!

Enjoy, guys! (and I promise there's no ROMs on Donkey Kong Fans) :)
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » February 28th, 2015, 10:46 am

Hi, everyone, remember when I said that yesterday I should archive the Geocities part of Donkeyboy's Tripod site? Well, I just happened to do so. Most unfortunately, a lot of the site is missing (especially the DK64 screensaver). :(

Download here:
Curling Freak (Geocities).zip
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » March 6th, 2015, 12:31 pm

Today, I went on the Internet Archive and got a few downloads from So then I decided to download the web pages from it. This download includes the buddy icons, a banner, a "DK is Missing" wallpaper (which you saw before, but this time it is in every size), and a terms of agreement web page. :)

Download here (fewer than 700 KB!):
(626.53 KiB) Downloaded 6326 times
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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » May 5th, 2015, 10:06 am

Hi, it's been two months since the last update. I've just figured out new and easier techniques to download a site's files from the Wayback Machine and on to your computer for offline browsing.

Last hour, I was working on downloading the official Diddy Kong Racing N64 site again, but this time with the HTML pages' official timestamps and HTML headers. The way I did it is I appended "id_" after the timestamp identifier in the Wayback Machine's urls (e.g. This means I can view the URLs just as they were when they were still online, without the Wayback Machine code & header.

It is conveniently a lot easier to archive sites from it this way; I no longer have to manually edit every HTML file in Notepad++ or KompoZer to link the relative links to the other relative HTML pages on my computer).

So here's what I did: I used a combination of Wget and the Firefox apps DownThemAll! and Copy all Links. Also, after I downloaded the files, I would put them in their appropriate folders that they were on their official sites (which you guys probably already know).

All you need to do to download from Wget is to make sure its file wget.exe is in the same directory as the command prompt is in (unless you use Linux), and type "wget URLGOESHERE" in the Command Prompt. That's how you download a single link from Wget; to download numerous links on a text file, each on a separate line, type "wget -i textfilename.txt". If you download a URL from a web broswer, it will not convert the relative links for offline browsing. It does with Mozilla Archive Format, however, but the timestamps will not be preserved.

You can use DownThemAll! to download every link and embedded file from the current tab you are on. The timestamps will be preserved.

Finally, for the app Copy All Links, I could use it to copy all of the links from the current tab or every single tab. I mostly opened a few webpages from the site and copied each link from every tab. I then pasted all of the links into a text file for Wget to download.

An important thing to remember is that some of the files are missing. I did not seek out for the missing files like usually because their timestamps are not identical when on other sources. This means that it would not have the official timestamps from the site. I only want to include files from the site just exactly as they were online (excluding the converted links for offline browsing).

Without further ado, here's the new and improved backup of Diddy Kong Racing 64's official site, this time JUST exactly as it was when it was still up on the web. You could even say I crawled it with Wget in the late 90s! I hope you enjoy it: :)

Official Diddy Kong Racing
(2.07 MiB) Downloaded 6294 times

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Re: DKC-related website backups

Postby Gaz » May 29th, 2015, 12:21 pm

Hi everyone, today's archive is the Donkey Kong-related material from Rareware's old defunct site (, from July 1998! The best thing about this capture is that everything, images, HTML files, you name it, are all on the site! I especially did this all for you guys. :)

See, back in the day the Wayback Machine would have a habit of not collecting/archiving every part of a site because they'd archive crawldata from search engines and Alexa. This time, however, they did archive the entire Rareware site as of mid-1998. It's a miracle. Honestly, it's a miracle. :mrgreen:

This collection includes the profiles on the DKC SNES trilogy & Diddy Kong Racing. It also includes the galleries for all of the games. This site, ladies and gentlemen, contains some of the earliest DKC-related and DKR images to be on the web. Back in the day (and still somewhat today), they all spread like wildfire. Now you have the original source from where the images came from, including the well-known gallery images. :)

Now, importantly, I did not archive the pages relatively related to DKC/DKR. These are the pages that are entirely related to the DKC trilogy & DKR. DKC1/2/3/DKR images on a page irrelevant to the DK series are not included.

Lastly, I preserved the timestamps, just like with the redownload of the DKR64 official site. I used the same method (mentioned in my previous post) to download all of these images.

Now enjoy (some of) Rareware's former site in its entire glory, with all images and the timestamps intact. Download here:
(3.97 MiB) Downloaded 6747 times

So now, does anybody want an entire crawl of from 1998? Simion32? :)
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